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The medal system ****s healers...


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I've led healing the last 10 games and haven't gotten a single MVP vote..


Nice try, though.




I think republic players are too dumb to know MVP is there, and I rarely get a vote even though inconsistently top heal.


Also, the reward for an MVP vote is 1 commendation. Whoopty do

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I tend to agree with the OP. My wife is a healer and I am a Tank. With her healing me and others, I’m able to get a ton of Medals by protecting, killing and objectives, resulting in 70 Coms even when we lose, but she just gets 25 –30 even though she kept us alive! Something does not seem right with the healing medals.
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funny how the bads who cant multitask wanna call me retarded. as one poster stated already u dont have to have the killing blow to get credit for the kill....assists count as kills towards ur 10/25 medals. so u just have to tag someone once. seems pretty hard. at least one healer has already commented to how he racks up 9 medals per round fairly easily. But of course if it still seems to you that dps has it that much easier in warzones, you are free to make the decision to reroll dps.



sou sound awfully retarded .


You tend to forget or been complete cluless that a healing spec char dont have the tools to dps and is counterproductive to do so cause they only wasting energy.


Furthemore with the current dps trying to do much else than spamming heals and the occasional cc ( which in pugs its almost always breaks ) and your target dies simple as that.


Additionaly vs any competitive player you wont cast a lot regardless cause dps > heals and if you wont running away youll die fast as well.


so the only scenario for a healer to do dmg and get medals is


spec dps with minimal heals , be 50 vs random lowbie pug , freecasting .


In this scenario however a good dps will pull 350-400k dmg and get 10-14 medals and will have tons more fun ( since he plays dps by choice ) and gets the mvp votes as well in the end .

Edited by ursusarctus
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I tend to agree with the OP. My wife is a healer and I am a Tank. With her healing me and others, I’m able to get a ton of Medals by protecting, killing and objectives, resulting in 70 Coms even when we lose, but she just gets 25 –30 even though she kept us alive! Something does not seem right with the healing medals.


No need to make things up. I once joined a game in the last 30 seconds and got 33 commendations.


Realistically a healer should always get:

3.5k Heal

75k Healing

300k Healing

10 Kills (you do use force wave right?)

1k Defence(If Applicable)

5k Defence(If Applicable)


What you should get:

1 KB

25 kills

75k Damage


Like was said in the previous post. You are not a healer. You are a Sage speced in the Seer tree. You have DPS and Healing. A good "Healer" will heal when needed and DPS when needed. Do you know what one of the best abilities is for VoidStar? Weaken Mind! You dot them and they can't open the door. Try popping all cooldowns at the start of the fight and helping to nuke the first 1-2 people down then heal. Good/Smart players have no problem getting 6-9 medals per game. Adapt or Die.


My best healing has been a little over 500k in one WZ. On average I do about 100k damage and 300-400k healing. It's true that the better the enemy the less healing you will do but you will be surprised how much one interrupt and one spell can do vs a healing that just won't die.

Edited by WMDVenum
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No need to make things up. .


You can write, so I can only conclude that you choose to be a moron. Is it the Internet that makes people anti-social idiots? Why the hell would I lie about a fricking game? You're making an intellectually disingenuous argument that I can only conclude is designed to waive your epeen.

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When considering medals, remember not to add in "stages" of a medal. For example, capturing the ball is good. Another for capturing 3 times is not. This just causes people to create risks in the game or be selfish in order to get the medal instead of playing as a team and passing the ball to someone who has enough health and resolve to make it to the capture point.




The ball carrier has 25% health and has a good 10 second run ahead of him with 3 hostiles between him and the capture point. He wants that 3 capture medal so he ignores the friendly already on the point ready for the pass and dives right in to try to cap but dies.


With only a single medal for a single cap, there's no reason to NOT pass the ball to the other guy as capturing again does nothing for themselves.

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Granted, the whole bronze, silver, and gold would have to have a higher number in order to achieve them, but what would be some trophies you'd like to see? Keep in mind they should mostly revolve around objective play. Top Damage, Top Kills, and so on wouldn't be good as people would be too tempted to just play "deathmatch" to try to get those medals instead of doing the objectives.





Saviour - Saved 10 allies from dying (either by killing an opponent about to kill the ally or healing the ally when the opponent dies)

High Threat - Do 300k damage in a match

Priority Healing - Do X amount of healing at an objective or on the Huttball carrier

Do All Harm - Kill a player in a one on one fight after receiving a "heal for a total of X" medal

Bouncer - Prevent an enemy player from distrupting a friendly on an objective

Denied - Be the first to stop an enemy player from completing an objective during their current life

Star Player - Awarded to the player who had the highest objective points for each team


Capture and Hold

Slicer - Captured a hostile control point (netural doesn't count)

Our Land - Gain 5,000 defender points




Ordinance - For planting the bomb in attack/defend

Anti-Ordinance - For difusing the bomb in attack/defend



Goal - For winning a point on Huttball

Team Player - For passing the Hutball to a teammate who then captures it within the next 15 seconds

Base Clearing - For killing 10 enemy players within the enemy capture point on Huttball

Pass the Torch - With 25% or less health left, pass the Huttball to a friendly that has over 75% health

Tie-Breaker - Score a point that breaks a tie that leads directly to a win (awarded at end of match)

Ball Runner - Be holding the Huttball when the timer runs out in Huttball during a tie game for a win

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You can write, so I can only conclude that you choose to be a moron. Is it the Internet that makes people anti-social idiots? Why the hell would I lie about a fricking game? You're making an intellectually disingenuous argument that I can only conclude is designed to waive your epeen.


My argument is based on my experience. My experience says that spending 30s-1m in a WZ and doing nothing nets 30+ commendations. You state your Wife played an entire WZ and got 20-30 commendations. Thus my experience says you are lying. I am not here to guess on why you would lie.

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No need to make things up. I once joined a game in the last 30 seconds and got 33 commendations.


Realistically a healer should always get:

3.5k Heal

75k Healing

300k Healing

10 Kills (you do use force wave right?)

1k Defence(If Applicable)

5k Defence(If Applicable)


What you should get:

1 KB

25 kills

75k Damage


Like was said in the previous post. You are not a healer. You are a Sage speced in the Seer tree. You have DPS and Healing. A good "Healer" will heal when needed and DPS when needed. Do you know what one of the best abilities is for VoidStar? Weaken Mind! You dot them and they can't open the door. Try popping all cooldowns at the start of the fight and helping to nuke the first 1-2 people down then heal. Good/Smart players have no problem getting 6-9 medals per game. Adapt or Die.


My best healing has been a little over 500k in one WZ. On average I do about 100k damage and 300-400k healing. It's true that the better the enemy the less healing you will do but you will be surprised how much one interrupt and one spell can do vs a healing that just won't die.




I play a heal specced sage, and I routinely will have top heals for the entire map, top killing blows for my team, and an assassin award here and there and countless defense medals.


I'm sorry, but standing around and healing when you have so many other abilities made available to you is silly, and sometimes is just delaying the inevitable.


Healer classes already have medals that are completely unavailable to other classes. To give even more medals for healers when they already have access to exclusive medals and medals that everyone else can get IS unfair. We all have the option to dps to get the medals, your choice not to take advantage is your problem alone.

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I wish they would add one more medal, maybe 150k healing, or a medal for healing someone from below 20% to full, but I usually find I have 5-7 medals per game without much effort. Now what really bugs me is MVP voting. 80k damage and 120k heals, with the highest objective score and I don't get one vote, the guy who melted faces for an hour gets the votes? I bet if they just changed the order of the columns the voting would change... damn sheep :)
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I play a heal specced sage, and I routinely will have top heals for the entire map, top killing blows for my team, and an assassin award here and there and countless defense medals.


I'm sorry, but standing around and healing when you have so many other abilities made available to you is silly, and sometimes is just delaying the inevitable.


Healer classes already have medals that are completely unavailable to other classes. To give even more medals for healers when they already have access to exclusive medals and medals that everyone else can get IS unfair. We all have the option to dps to get the medals, your choice not to take advantage is your problem alone.


lol, I can go balance sage and earn more medals.


I heal myself and bubble teammate to get all healing medals, then I get all damage medals, too. I used to be able to get 6-7 medals every game.


Now I am healing sage, I got 2-3 medals if I am focused on healing. If I am being selfish and do a bit damage to get medals, I can. But what's the point of me being a healing sage when I can be a balance sage to do more damage?


The question is why both healers and damage dealers are doing their jobs but healers get less medals unless you believe that a healer should be doing damage? In that scenario, I believe it would be more beneficial to go balance and spot healing since your team obviously doesn't need a dedicated healer.

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I wish they would add one more medal, maybe 150k healing, or a medal for healing someone from below 20% to full, but I usually find I have 5-7 medals per game without much effort. Now what really bugs me is MVP voting. 80k damage and 120k heals, with the highest objective score and I don't get one vote, the guy who melted faces for an hour gets the votes? I bet if they just changed the order of the columns the voting would change... damn sheep :)


I really liked what someone posted in another thread. Just like how tanks get to "Defend" a certain amount in one life, we should get medals for healing in one life, maybe 75k and 150k.

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lol, I can go balance sage and earn more medals.


I heal myself and bubble teammate to get all healing medals, then I get all damage medals, too. I used to be able to get 6-7 medals every game.


Now I am healing sage, I got 2-3 medals if I am focused on healing. If I am being selfish and do a bit damage to get medals, I can. But what's the point of me being a healing sage when I can be a balance sage to do more damage?


The question is why both healers and damage dealers are doing their jobs but healers get less medals unless you believe that a healer should be doing damage? In that scenario, I believe it would be more beneficial to go balance and spot healing since your team obviously doesn't need a dedicated healer.


You must not be very deep in the healing tree.


Some of the healing abilities are amazing for doing exactly what I do. This allows me to heal more effectively, therefore I am free to provide more support.


Balance is the shared tree for consulars, and if you notice, most of the shared trees are AMAZINGLY geared toward PVP. If you are a "dedicated" healer, then chances are you come from another mmo, therefore you know that there are PVP specs.


Take the consequence of your choice. Do you want to be a dedicated healer? Be one, but realize that healing is only a single aspect of the support roles that the classes in SWTOR offer. Some fights I find myself only healing, some fights i dont heal and I just provide sustained DPS on enemies which is usually enough to make them retreat.

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Whilst I do agree that there's a bit of a short straw for healers... I'm just happy to finally have a game with reward for tanks!! The bane of WaR was having healers sit out of party healing and getting monster renown ticks, then next came dps who could ofc, kill things, and finally tanks... who had no option of being solo unless they wanted to go loldps. No renown for guarding :(


The healers CAN achieve more medals than a DPS, but if the fight isn't so one sided their team doesn't need the healing, they won't, because they'll be too busy healing.

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You must suck then. Most of the medals are DPS related. I have two I can get from healing, the rest I have to do via sniping kills, etc. I do more healing than the highest damage most warzones yet get half their medals. Explain that one to me...




Well if you mean Medals and not MvPs. Most MVPs are given to Tanks and Healers (I always vote a tank since im a healer), which is the way it suppouse to be.


Anyway getting medals as a healer is a pain, most of the time I heal around 150k-250k but have 5 medals tops. If purely healing with 300K healing done I get around 3 medals tops if even that...


It needs to be boosted significantly or the system altered to reward you with capping, healing, tanking and scoring/passing the ball...


The objective point system is "terrible" too, especially in Huttball. I score 5x yet im near the bottom on OBJ. points...

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As a sneaky operative (at around level 20-24) I can *easily* get the following medals in a full game:


* 75k healing

* 2.5k single heal

* 10 kills

* 1 Killing Blow

'-- and possibly solo kill medal

* 1k (or 1.5) defender points


Rarely I can also get the next tier of defender points (in one life, or whatever it is) if I don't die at all (also rare... equally as rare, actually)


I do agree there should be more medals, specifically objective based ones.


I'm thinking:



Carrier Killer (Kill the ball carrier)

Touchdown (Score a point in Huttball)

Unstoppable (Score 3 points in Huttball)



Control Freak. (Take a turret, or kill "n" players near a turret control, OR kill a player who was attempting to take the turret?)



Saboteur (successfully blow open a door in Voidstar)

Bomb Disposal Unit (disarm a bomb!)

Raider (extend the bridge)



P.S. I think my medal names were clever.


Il, second, triple, quadrupedal.... this because its bang on what PvP right now needs, few things missing but that is a great suggestion.

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Here is what I go for on my assassin every game:


- Assassin medal

- 10 kills

- 75k damage

- 2500 damage in one blow.

- 25 kills

- 2k protection

- 5k protection

- 2.5k heal. (With a medpack)


If it's a good game, I can also get the 10k protection medal, and multiple defender medals. This is if its a close game with log skirmishes where I'm not instantly target by everyone on the opposing team.

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I do agree there should be more medals, specifically objective based ones.


I'm thinking:



Carrier Killer (Kill the ball carrier)

Touchdown (Score a point in Huttball)

Unstoppable (Score 3 points in Huttball)



Control Freak. (Take a turret, or kill "n" players near a turret control, OR kill a player who was attempting to take the turret?)



Saboteur (successfully blow open a door in Voidstar)

Bomb Disposal Unit (disarm a bomb!)

Raider (extend the bridge)



P.S. I think my medal names were clever.and supported!


Here is where its at ladies. And I'd add that perhaps objective based medals could be given to the player AND teammates nearby (ball caps in huttball for example, are often a team effort.) Or (back to the healer topic) healers could have a few objectives based medals like for healing X on the ball carrier or on teamates in the objective areas in alderan/voidstar.

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I wish they would add one more medal, maybe 150k healing, or a medal for healing someone from below 20% to full, but I usually find I have 5-7 medals per game without much effort. Now what really bugs me is MVP voting. 80k damage and 120k heals, with the highest objective score and I don't get one vote, the guy who melted faces for an hour gets the votes? I bet if they just changed the order of the columns the voting would change... damn sheep :)


I agree healers should get more MVP votes BUT...


I no longer base my MVP voting on "objective points" ... they are pointless. Case in point, in Alderan, Joe Shmo runs left right from the get go and just sits on that cap all game, pretty much doing nothing ... and receives 10K+ objective points. I appreciate good defense, but thats out of whack.


And in Void Star, you can tap all the doors, save doors from being tapped ... and get ZERO points. Again, what is the objective in Void Star if bomb planting/defense is not?


But yeah, if someone is a dedicated healer, they get my MVP vote in wins, regardless ... just due to the fact they get screwed medal wise.


Just say no to mvp voting in losses though :)

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