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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will day ever end, will the weather ever change?


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It's interesting, what people expect. I see posts telling players they're playing the wrong game, that this isn't a single player experience, it's a mmo, which makes it a different type of game to, say, uncharted, or tomb raider. Which I agree with. These games have levels you load onto, complete, then move on to the next.

So what makes an mmo? My view of an mmo is that it's a living, breathing galaxy/world that is persistent. We all live in this world. Not levels. For this reason, they should have day and night, dynamic weather. It's all about immersion.

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Tbh, I can't believe the game launched without these features. It's not going to make me unsub or anything, but it seems like MMO's these days are becoming less and less world-like.


If weather and day/night cycles are added, a group of people will complain that it isn't accurate and leave, and then more people will leave because they feel insecure about people leaving.



Edited by odericko
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I totally agree with you about how weather sets the mood, but random effects do not, but you're also wrong. I played WoW and LOTRO and many of my favorite quests were tied to specific weather or daytime effects. For example, one quest could only be done when it was dark and foggy, others could only be done during daylight hours, etc. I think Taris would be a great place for that - Rakghouls could be scarce during the day, but come out in swarms at night. As others have said, it's probably too late now, but it has been done in other games before, and quite well.


I agree completely - that's why random effects have no meaning for me. I feel that if these types of features are put in a game, they content should be added to make the dynamic nature of it worthwhile. However, as I have said before, I don't like games that actually do that because I then have to play according to the game's schedule and not my own schedule. A system like this has the potential to prevent players from ever completing certain content because said completion depends upon certain factors in the game that the player might not ever see because their time to play does not match with the cycle in the game. This is one of the reasons I was ultimately turned off by GW2 - on paper DEs may sound like a good idea, and may be enjoyed by many players, however, they are not very casual friendly from a time to play perspective.


It's interesting, what people expect. I see posts telling players they're playing the wrong game, that this isn't a single player experience, it's a mmo, which makes it a different type of game to, say, uncharted, or tomb raider. Which I agree with. These games have levels you load onto, complete, then move on to the next.

So what makes an mmo? My view of an mmo is that it's a living, breathing galaxy/world that is persistent. We all live in this world. Not levels. For this reason, they should have day and night, dynamic weather. It's all about immersion.


And the amount of immersion one feels while playing a game is a subjective thing. As I have said before, the one game I have played in recent history had cycles and I did not feel any more immersed because of it, but as point in fact, less so because it was a random factor that had no actual effect on the game world (as I mention above). On the other hand, I felt completely immersed in many other games I have played that had static zones/worlds because the setting of those zones/worlds fit the mood of the content I was playing at the time. I feel immersed and invested in my characters in SWTOR not because of dynamic features (or lack thereof), but because of the story BW has woven and the backdrop of the planets that they have painted.



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Simple question, any idea? Will the game always be as it is, and the weather, hour etc never change? Not being snarky, I just really wonder, if the devs ever adressed this, and what they said. It can't be hard, even lotro has day and night lol


"It can't be hard" - always love it when the programming illiterate chime in about how easy things must be in computer land. Sorry, but saying "it can't be hard" IS snarky.

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I agree completely - that's why random effects have no meaning for me. I feel that if these types of features are put in a game, they content should be added to make the dynamic nature of it worthwhile. However, as I have said before, I don't like games that actually do that because I then have to play according to the game's schedule and not my own schedule. A system like this has the potential to prevent players from ever completing certain content because said completion depends upon certain factors in the game that the player might not ever see because their time to play does not match with the cycle in the game.



Really a 60 min day/night cycle giving you at most a 30 min wait is unplayable?


I'm bemused as to how you think this is better than basically playing on what is a film set, a moment utterly unrealistically frozen in time, never changing, never doing ANYTHING. :confused:

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I never have seen where any games Day/night, Random weather added to " Living breathing world " mainly because random weather or day and night do nothing but add a slight bluing or darkening of the sky for night and particle effect for weather, Shops and merchants still never move never close up at what would be middle of the night, if its a 60 min game time day night cycle your character doesn't suffer from lack of sleep after you have been playing for 4 or 5 hours ( this would be 4 to 5 days game time ). if anything they could better spent just making a more random looking path for back ground NPCs to walk around and do things then the time to add day and night
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I never have seen where any games Day/night, Random weather added to " Living breathing world " mainly because random weather or day and night do nothing but add a slight bluing or darkening of the sky for night and particle effect for weather, Shops and merchants still never move never close up at what would be middle of the night, if its a 60 min game time day night cycle your character doesn't suffer from lack of sleep after you have been playing for 4 or 5 hours ( this would be 4 to 5 days game time ). if anything they could better spent just making a more random looking path for back ground NPCs to walk around and do things then the time to add day and night




Have you never played LOTRO?




Back in 1999 in Everquest(1) night time was a genuine nightmare, you literally could not see if you didn't have elven infravision, or if you didn't have a light source with you (or messed seriously with your gamma setting).


Also a perfectly safe old stone circle would suddenly spring up with skeletons. :eek:


There you'd be happliy killing L1-2 wolves...... then night would fall and you'd suddenly be running screaming, blind, from L5 skeletons (mobs didn't stop chasing you till you zoned), knowing full well that if you died you'll likely never find your corpse (no maps) and would lose all your hard earned gear and gold (along with EXP from your death). :D

Edited by Goretzu
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  • 2 months later...



Lets post as many post we can on this thread about these improvements, so maybe voice of community will have some power to persuade BW to make these changes in feature...


Keep up the good work BW on TOR, it's really becoming amazing SW game!...


Best regards BW!...

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My reply is this: Why does it matter?


I don't CARE if there is a day/night cycle or weather effects or any of the thousand little things people constantly bring up that have absolutely ZERO effect on game play.


And if you are playing so bloody long that your "immersion" is broken because you've spent 24 hours playing the game without any change in the day....well, your problem is bigger than immersion.


How about asking "Will the Republic Alderaan Bonus Series bug ever get fixed" or "Will the disappearing schematics bug ever get fixed" or "Will the SSSP ever get off the ground"? Those actually matter.


Substance before fluff.

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My reply is this: Why does it matter?


I don't CARE if there is a day/night cycle or weather effects or any of the thousand little things people constantly bring up that have absolutely ZERO effect on game play.


And if you are playing so bloody long that your "immersion" is broken because you've spent 24 hours playing the game without any change in the day....well, your problem is bigger than immersion.


How about asking "Will the Republic Alderaan Bonus Series bug ever get fixed" or "Will the disappearing schematics bug ever get fixed" or "Will the SSSP ever get off the ground"? Those actually matter.


Substance before fluff.



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My reply is this: Why does it matter?


I don't CARE if there is a day/night cycle or weather effects or any of the thousand little things people constantly bring up that have absolutely ZERO effect on game play.


And if you are playing so bloody long that your "immersion" is broken because you've spent 24 hours playing the game without any change in the day....well, your problem is bigger than immersion.


How about asking "Will the Republic Alderaan Bonus Series bug ever get fixed" or "Will the disappearing schematics bug ever get fixed" or "Will the SSSP ever get off the ground"? Those actually matter.


Substance before fluff.


Nonsenses you saying, immersion plays biggest pert in the game, after all, bugs in TOR isn't so many, there is no mayor problem with gameplay!...

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I love it when people say "It can't be hard". You have any idea what goes into making it like that? Clearly not. Just because another game does it does not make it easy. It has to be planned that way from the start. Shadows are baked into the textures in this game, and while I haven't played lotro, I bet they are not baked in that game. This is a time consuming process and would require a huge effort to change.


exactly it took WoW 2 years just to add snow and rain to their game.

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Simple question, any idea? Will the game always be as it is, and the weather, hour etc never change? Not being snarky, I just really wonder, if the devs ever adressed this, and what they said. It can't be hard, even lotro has day and night lol


Simple question, why does it matter? What tangible impact does it have on game play? Not being snarky, I just really wonder.

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Simple question, why does it matter? What tangible impact does it have on game play? Not being snarky, I just really wonder.


Gameplay? Not a lot (unless it's as dark as EQ1 was in 1999), but neither do many things like colour crystals, races, DS looks or orange gear etc. etc..



Game experience? An infinate improvement. :csw_yoda:



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Probably never. Its been pointed out a 1000 times the planets are a certain cut of time. The engine, lighting, etc was never designed with dynamic weather. It would be a major overhaul to do so. Its not like they can go "POOF" and dynamic weather.


If you think dynamic weather will make or break this game...I'm not sure what to say. Its trivial in the bigger scheme. Yes, your request is trivial.


/kill it with fire, necro thread.

Edited by Arkerus
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