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Stealing the thunder / players like to solo


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The only time I help others, is if they are obviously low on health and running for their very lives (usually nubs who pulled more than they could handle). I've never once gotten worse than a hearty thank you for doing so. I've even helped out the stray Pub here and there this way (because I am not a total ****** and repair bills in this game are overpriced).


That being said, I prefer not to interfere with someone else's battles unless asked to do so.


Sometimes though, when they do something obviously stupid, like attempt solo WB kills when they are under-leveled or under-geared....I just laugh at their corpse.

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The only time I help others, is if they are obviously low on health and running for their very lives (usually nubs who pulled more than they could handle). I've never once gotten worse than a hearty thank you for doing so. I've even helped out the stray Pub here and there this way (because I am not a total ****** and repair bills in this game are overpriced).


That being said, I prefer not to interfere with someone else's battles unless asked to do so.


Sometimes though, when they do something obviously stupid, like attempt solo WB kills when they are under-leveled or under-geared....I just laugh at their corpse.




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i do the same thing xD


was on Hutta the other day and saw two people trying to solo 2 different epics. one was a level 6 and did rather well on the first pack of mobs, and then later saw a level 7 or 8 trying to solo a pack of mobs in a different heroic mission but he was doing a horrible job lol

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1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for.


A . If a person is battling the Elite Boss and you see that their health is 75% gone, by all means help the player out, if you wish or throw some heals...


B . If you are a player that likes to help, then ask the player who is getting ready to fight the Elite Boss if he or she need help. This is the proper respect and you are not stealing the glory of the kill. Yes, I play imperial and Republic and knowing that I can solo a Elite Boss's is a great feeling.


2 . I have seen many time player just jump in and steal the thunder from other players , that like to Solo this game and see how the combat is... Not all Eite Boss's are alike in combat style they have differnt specials, that make it a challage. If you attack with same attack you will loose....you as a player have to change your attack and special attacks to confuse the AI's then you will win. The only way to beat a Elite Boss's is to watch and learn and loose a battle a time or two... to know how to win the battle.... The Art of War Sun Tzu



Be Respectful of other players and ask if they need help, But If you see player at 25% or less health, He or She is battling an Elite Boss then by all mean help him or her out, if you wish.....please do not steal there thunder/victory because I'm sure you will not like it if a player took yours.


So in other words, for one, if someone helps you out you dislike them for it? So I guess Ill stop going outa my way to help people at 10 percent health when a giant mob or a boss is killing them easily. I guess next time i cross your path and your being murdered by a pull ill ignore you and laugh. Just you though and those who complain, the rest ill go outta my way, cus they dont find random help nice, if you find some random help stealing thunder, which it isnt, then go play halo

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The issue is forcing your help on people who don't want or need it, not discouraging helpfulness in general. I can't count the amount of times people have interfered and jumped into my fights when I was barely even scratched, and even stealing half of the mobs in my encounter and delaying me from completing my "kill 20 xxxx" quests. If there are four linked mobs, and I attack them, then it is rude to come in and take half of them from me simply because I didn't spend extra time tabbing around to all four of them to make sure I get a hit in before some rude person jumps in and takes two of them out of a desire to "help" me when there are zillions of other mobs in the area. Why take mine?


If I need your help, I'll ask for it. If you see elite mob kill me, then send me a tell asking if I'd like help during the next attempt. I'd probably say yes, but at least you asked first rather than assuming for me what I wanted. There are plenty of ways to be helpful to other players without being rude or interfering in their enjoyment. Remember that not everyone in an MMO has the same playstyle as you do, and people play MMO's for different reasons that aren't all the same as your reasons. Why not respect these differences rather than getting defensive that some people might not want your help forced on them just because you personally don't see anything wrong with it?

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The issue is forcing your help on people who don't want or need it, not discouraging helpfulness in general. I can't count the amount of times people have interfered and jumped into my fights when I was barely even scratched, and even stealing half of the mobs in my encounter and delaying me from completing my "kill 20 xxxx" quests. If there are four linked mobs, and I attack them, then it is rude to come in and take half of them from me simply because I didn't spend extra time tabbing around to all four of them to make sure I get a hit in before some rude person jumps in and takes two of them out of a desire to "help" me when there are zillions of other mobs in the area. Why take mine?


If I need your help, I'll ask for it. If you see elite mob kill me, then send me a tell asking if I'd like help during the next attempt. I'd probably say yes, but at least you asked first rather than assuming for me what I wanted. There are plenty of ways to be helpful to other players without being rude or interfering in their enjoyment. Remember that not everyone in an MMO has the same playstyle as you do, and people play MMO's for different reasons that aren't all the same as your reasons. Why not respect these differences rather than getting defensive that some people might not want your help forced on them just because you personally don't see anything wrong with it?


We're talking specifically around people fighting single hard bosses, not groups of standard enemies.


In that situation the vast majority of players aren't going to respond to a tell or chat whilst in the middle of a fight. So it's a judgement call on whether people want your help or not, and the majority are happy for someone to jump in.


So you getting angry that someone has jumped in is your selfishness, not the person helping. And the only thing you lose out on is your ego, you don't lose out on loot, credits or xp.


And yes people have different playstyles, some want to play the game solo. Which brings me back to my previous point...

Edited by Hessen
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So it boils down to you being mad that some people like to play the game solo (or mostly solo), and by golly you're going to force your "help" onto these people whether they need it or not. How dare they want to enjoy the game in a different way than you do!


This reminds me of those arguments back in the days of UO when PKs would argue on the forums that they had the right to exploit and kill anyone they pleased wherever and whenever they pleased, and if the carebears didn't like these acts of being social in an MMO, they needed to go play a single-player game. How dare they want to chop wood in the forest in peace!

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So it boils down to you being mad that some people like to play the game solo (or mostly solo), and by golly you're going to force your "help" onto these people whether they need it or not. How dare they want to enjoy the game in a different way than you do!


This reminds me of those arguments back in the days of UO when PKs would argue on the forums that they had the right to exploit and kill anyone they pleased wherever and whenever they pleased, and if the carebears didn't like these acts of being social in an MMO, they needed to go play a single-player game. How dare they want to chop wood in the forest in peace!


Like I said, the majority of people are grateful for the help. So being in the minority means you need to change how you deal with it.


And I'm not mad at anything all, soloing is a perfectly valid way to play the game. But if you're getting upset because someone with good intentions is trying to help you, and the only thing that's affected by it is your personal ego? I think you need to not be so bothered by it.

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I don't like stealing da tunder, but to help motivate my fellow heroes, I position myself between them and teh kill, then slap on my dance emote to inspire them to new heights of pixel slaying elitzorism:p


Unless they scream in terror for help:D

Edited by Skiritai
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Like I said, the majority of people are grateful for the help. So being in the minority means you need to change how you deal with it.


You are assuming the majority are grateful, but unless you have documented proof, it's an invalid statement. Many people are polite and do not wish to cause a scene even if they are irritated about it on the inside. Even if the majority are actually grateful, the tyranny of the majority is not an excuse to infringe upon the rights of the minority. The minority has the same rights to enjoy the game as you do. You are still the one choosing to interfere with other players, regardless of good intent. Not the other way around. Please be respectful and not label people selfish for not always welcoming your interruptions to their immersion and fun, even if you mean well.


There is nothing wrong with asking if they want help, or at the very least, waiting until a person really is having actual trouble in a fight, rather than jumping in to help the very second after someone else starts an encounter. (When someone does *that*, I'll often just stop fighting and leave the area and come back for that quest another time. After all, if they want my mob that badly, they can have it.)


I'm not the OP and I'm not mad, but I do sympathize with the OP's plight. The OP enjoys taking on difficult fights and trying to overcome a difficult challenge on his/her own. It's fun for them and is not selfish. The OP wasn't infringing on anyone else by wanting to fight a mob on his/her own.

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Sounds to me like Hessen thinks he's the only one in the game that can kill anything and he's going to help all the rest of us poor helpless souls whether we like it or not.


Here's a question for Hessen... If your so hot on the "M" in MMO thing, what are you doing running around by yourself helping people in the first place, shouldn't you be showing off in a group somewhere?


Stop trying to force your play style on everyone else. It's a game people pay for, if they want to pay to play it by themselves they have the right. Stop being an attention ho.

Edited by bahdasz
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You're in a multiplayer environment, other people are going to interact with you and what you're doing. Someone interacting with your mob is like someone sending you a message - there is an implied level of interaction with other players that you have to either enjoy or put up with within the confines of the game's rules.


It's not against the rules for someone to think you're in trouble against an elite, and jump in to help you without sending you a tell first.


Quite frankly, deal with it.

Edited by Hessen
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You're in a multiplayer environment, other people are going to interact with you and what you're doing. Someone interacting with your mob is like someone sending you a message - there is an implied level of interaction with other players that you have to either enjoy or put up with within the confines of the game's rules.


It's not against the rules for someone to think you're in trouble against an elite, and jump in to help you without sending you a tell first.


Quite frankly, deal with it.


Exactly. As long as they're not stealing your kill, and hence your XP or loot, then they're not hindering your progress. I can't believe how precious some of the people in this thread sound.


This is a role playing game. Has it occurred to some of you that helping others in a fight is part of the role others might be playing? No-one's doing it to grief you or ruin your fun. You want a 100% solo experience, play a singleplayer game.

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Exactly. As long as they're not stealing your kill, and hence your XP or loot, then they're not hindering your progress. I can't believe how precious some of the people in this thread sound.


This is a role playing game. Has it occurred to some of you that helping others in a fight is part of the role others might be playing? No-one's doing it to grief you or ruin your fun. You want a 100% solo experience, play a singleplayer game.


Thank you! As i said, my Jedi Sage likes helping the padawans out. :) All part of my character. That and i do feel bad if i see someone getting in trouble. It would be hard for me to not get involved. Unless i was specifically asked to of course.

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We should be encouraging people to help each other out. Not discouraging it.


Stop wanting less M in MMO, there's already precious little.


oh so 'help' them even if they say go away, lol just because they are there doesn't mean they want your help, rather than play with people who dislike it, i would suggest you try to be friendly and abide their wishes, unless you have autism which might explain your POV.

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Like I said, the majority of people are grateful for the help. So being in the minority means you need to change how you deal with it.


And I'm not mad at anything all, soloing is a perfectly valid way to play the game. But if you're getting upset because someone with good intentions is trying to help you, and the only thing that's affected by it is your personal ego? I think you need to not be so bothered by it.

why should anyone have to conform because of your perceived majority lol, you should just leave them alone unless they ask for help.

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If I feel you're taking too long, and it's a quest objective, I'm going to speed it up. MMO. Game doesn't revolve around you.


we get it, you 'help' us because you are god and have some right, when people do that to me i hop onto my pub and kill you, or follow you all day and pull mobs onto you, its what i call fun.

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Do the people who want to solo unless implied otherwise feel the same about open world PvP?


If someone sees you fighting with 1 or multiple members of the opposing faction, should they assume you want to try and solo them and send you a whisper and wait for a response before joining in?


What about someone walking past and using their class buff on you, is that interfering with your immersion and shouldnt' be done unless prior agreement is given?


What about chucking someone a heal just as they are about to die?


What about sending someone a group invite? Surely even sending them a whisper is ruining the fact that they want to be playing the game alone and someone is making an assumption that they are happy to receive the whisper?

Edited by Hessen
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1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for.


I understand your ire, republic players suffer it seems from the uncontrolable need to be heroes. If only in their own mind. I can solo 150k champs on level with my tank, and I can't tell you how many jump in. One said "I should get part of the loot I saved your ..." Yeah right sparky I was fine, and didn't ask. Imperial side is way better. They don't seem to care which is 100% fine with me.

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