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Griefing inside a WZ?


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I was talking about this with a couple of guild members the other day and was wondering what other people thought as well.


The other day during a hutt ball with one of my lower level alts, everyone was running around killing and such when I spotted a 49 operative off to the side. I ran over and we engaged in combat. After a close fight where I nearly died, I killed him. I guess this enraged said operative because for the remainder of the match he would only ever come out of stealth to kill me. He ignored all other enemies, ignored the ball carrier, ignored basically the whole world except for me. I'll try not to get into how ridiculous it is to be taken down to 50% health before you can even get off the floor to respond only to be stunned and flashbanged when you are finally able to fight back.


Is it just something that goes along with the territory? All fair game in PVP? What do you do in a situation like that? Do you sit there and take it? I did for the record btw. Nearly 20 deaths by the end of the match. No one else was even close. Do you leave the wz?


What made the situation uniquely frustrating was the fact that it was a stealth class that picks exactly when they want to engage. Half the time I would be trying to play the map or engaged with others and he runs up and in some cases where I was low on health would be dead in just the opener. Even in instances where it was 1v1, the fact that a surprise strike+backstab combo dropped me to half health every single time was absurd. It was basically a hopeless situation and seems wildly unbalanced.


I'm not sure that the solution to this would be, but for me I really think there should be more brackets in pvp. Maybe like the WoW setup. 10-19, 20-39, 40-49.


I'm sure some of you will say I'm just whining cause I got killed in pvp but this is the first time I've experienced something where I made someone so mad that they decided to camp me for the whole match and I had no way to retaliate. That is what made it the worst. What would you have done in my shoes?

Edited by Vellem
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I have to be honest with you, whenever I make someone so mad in a WZ that they target me explicitly for the rest of the match, I take it as a compliment. If the other player outclasses me in skill, level, or gear and is able to trash me the rest of the match I feel it is an even bigger compliment.


It's PvP, so it's my job to take members of the other team out of the match however I can. If he is focusing on me, he is not playing objectives, which I feel means success for me. If he is trashing me, it means he is not trashing everyone else.


Taking a lvl 49 completely out of play in a <50 PvP match is about the best thing you could possibly do for your team, so I say good job!

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But you didn't answer my question... What would you do if you were the lower level one who could not stealth that was getting camped by the higher level stealth class?


This is a difficult question to answer, since I don't think it has ever happened to me. But I will give it a try.


I probably huddle around friends and definitely mark them with a big fat bullseye that says "HEALER" even if they aren't. :D (Amazing sometimes the power of marking someone)


And if I got mad enough I would probably just leave the game and play later or perhaps log onto a higher level toon and turn the tables.


There gave it my best shot.


I have to be honest with you, whenever I make someone so mad in a WZ that they target me explicitly for the rest of the match, I take it as a compliment. If the other player outclasses me in skill, level, or gear and is able to trash me the rest of the match I feel it is an even bigger compliment.


It's PvP, so it's my job to take members of the other team out of the match however I can. If he is focusing on me, he is not playing objectives, which I feel means success for me. If he is trashing me, it means he is not trashing everyone else.


Taking a lvl 49 completely out of play in a <50 PvP match is about the best thing you could possibly do for your team, so I say good job!


That is a very positive attitude but I am willing to bet you would be in the minority, case in point being the OP.

Edited by Darth_Acherus
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Totally agree with eGraced, I have done that myself on my Assassin - find their scariest player, try to make him rage and follow me around the rest of the game. I'm level 18, if that 49 twinked to hell rage juggy wants to wait for me to unstealth, do nothing but run around looking for me, and still take 6 CDs and 20 seconds to kill me, I win. I have had a 49 Op do the same thing to my guardian, I threw her into the acid traps a couple times and *bam* she lay in wait for me the rest of the match, ignoring everyone and everything else. We won 6-0. I died a lot, but guess what, I was literally laughing so hard I was crying - at one point the Op followed me away from the ball carrier in her OWN end zone...plus the fact that, generally speaking, a tank-specced guardian is probably the last person that an Op should be trying to follow around and gank.


Also, I try and bait them out right at the end of the match, to make sure they get XP. It doesn't always work, but the tears are so sweet when it does.

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Pissing someone off so they forget all about the game is a win, if they are strong enough to tear you a new one makes it all the better as you have taken a stronger player out of the game and are essentially "body blocking" them.


Sometimes I will /lol at key players to get them to chase after me because that red mist is blinding, afterwards I will chat with them about it and we all have a laugh about it but its amazing how often it works.


Weaker player taking a stronger player completely out of the fight by making them hunt you = win

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Pissing someone off so they forget all about the game is a win, if they are strong enough to tear you a new one makes it all the better as you have taken a stronger player out of the game and are essentially "body blocking" them.


Sometimes I will /lol at key players to get them to chase after me because that red mist is blinding, afterwards I will chat with them about it and we all have a laugh about it but its amazing how often it works.


Weaker player taking a stronger player completely out of the fight by making them hunt you = win


See the thing is though, you are assuming they aren't also watching objectives/killing other players while they wait for you.


Sitting in the end zone stealthed does wonders for an easy goal. :D


But in the end, yes you will catch many people like that. Myself not being one of them.


Only time I would forsake the objectives completely is in a game I knew for a fact there was no chance at winning.


I really, really hate losing under any circumstance.

Edited by Darth_Acherus
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But you didn't answer my question... What would you do if you were the lower level one who could not stealth that was getting camped by the higher level stealth class?


In a warzone you got your Bolster, i dont get your point.


I used to camp enemies spawn side for potential passes and leaps and killed squishy target for my own entertainment

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See the thing is though, you are assuming they aren't also watching objectives/killing other players while they wait for you.


Sitting in the end zone stealthed does wonders for an easy goal. :D


lol, if the "hunter" is sitting in the end zone waiting to jump one guy they will be dead more often than their pray as the rest of the team will inevitably run over them, if they are not respawning enough to make this happen then they are in the middle or pushing the other goal line. Regardless the stealthed player is wasted (more often than not)

Edited by Slurmez
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I find generally, people don't really care. I mosly play a Sentinel, and if I Force Leap + Awe to kill someone moving over a fire trap, I find that person usually doesn't try to target me for the rest of the match. But then again, you're talking about pre-50 warzones, and I usually play Sage heals in pre-50, so I'm constantly being chased by 5 Marauders and an Op. Not like I'm going to notice the difference ;)
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In a warzone you got your Bolster, i dont get your point.


I used to camp enemies spawn side for potential passes and leaps and killed squishy target for my own entertainment



The bolster doesn't do much. If it had been a level 20 op coming out of stealth I probably would have been able to kill him each time. A level 49 op doing the same thing was erasing 50% of my health before I could even get off the floor. There is a huge difference.


I wasn't mad. I stuck it out to the end (and had all the deaths to prove it) but it certainly wasn't an enjoyable experience. Like I said, it was mainly due to the fact the he would stay hidden until I would respawn. A non stealth class you can just go for as soon as you come back out. Even if they wipe the floor with you, you can try and get your shots in or even catch them off guard fighting someone else, or try to stun them in the fire or acid. In this case you couldn't do any of that. You waited till you were face down on the floor half dead before you could even try to respond.


Though the marking idea is clever. I'll remember that should I happen to run into a similar situation.

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I have to be honest with you, whenever I make someone so mad in a WZ that they target me explicitly for the rest of the match, I take it as a compliment. If the other player outclasses me in skill, level, or gear and is able to trash me the rest of the match I feel it is an even bigger compliment.


It's PvP, so it's my job to take members of the other team out of the match however I can. If he is focusing on me, he is not playing objectives, which I feel means success for me. If he is trashing me, it means he is not trashing everyone else.


Taking a lvl 49 completely out of play in a <50 PvP match is about the best thing you could possibly do for your team, so I say good job!


Yeah I'm with you. When you get a lot of people coming back after you for the rest of the match I count it as a victory. By me killing them one time I enraged them so much they transformed into a tunnel vision revenge beast.


That is how you can tell the elite players from the revenge hungry scrubs. The really good players are guarding or going after the objectives while the tunnel vision revenge beasts are out trying to rambo you to let you know they don't like it when you get the killing blow on them.


It is annoying but like this guy said just take it as a compliment and move on. In time someone else will pull aggro on this beast and it will target them relentlessly just as it did you.

Edited by OldRepublicRevan
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I was talking about this with a couple of guild members the other day and was wondering what other people thought as well.


The other day during a hutt ball with one of my lower level alts, everyone was running around killing and such when I spotted a 49 operative off to the side. I ran over and we engaged in combat. After a close fight where I nearly died, I killed him. I guess this enraged said operative because for the remainder of the match he would only ever come out of stealth to kill me. He ignored all other enemies, ignored the ball carrier, ignored basically the whole world except for me. I'll try not to get into how ridiculous it is to be taken down to 50% health before you can even get off the floor to respond only to be stunned and flashbanged when you are finally able to fight back.


Is it just something that goes along with the territory? All fair game in PVP? What do you do in a situation like that? Do you sit there and take it? I did for the record btw. Nearly 20 deaths by the end of the match. No one else was even close. Do you leave the wz?


What made the situation uniquely frustrating was the fact that it was a stealth class that picks exactly when they want to engage. Half the time I would be trying to play the map or engaged with others and he runs up and in some cases where I was low on health would be dead in just the opener. Even in instances where it was 1v1, the fact that a surprise strike+backstab combo dropped me to half health every single time was absurd. It was basically a hopeless situation and seems wildly unbalanced.


I'm not sure that the solution to this would be, but for me I really think there should be more brackets in pvp. Maybe like the WoW setup. 10-19, 20-39, 40-49.


I'm sure some of you will say I'm just whining cause I got killed in pvp but this is the first time I've experienced something where I made someone so mad that they decided to camp me for the whole match and I had no way to retaliate. That is what made it the worst. What would you have done in my shoes?


That is what we refer to as a 'butthurt operative'.

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I got a good laugh out of this thread. Roll a healer sometime and realize how ridiculous this thread is. I get 3-4 ppl PER MATCH that try to sit on me all game.


One game in huttball, this sentinel did 400k dmg, and I took 350k dmg. He was on me for about 13.5 mins of that game, because no pug peeled for me. Ofc at the end of the game he said I was terrible cuz all I did was run and heal (0 deaths on my part) so lol@him. He also boasted that he did his "job" by keeping me out of the game, which isn't true. Although I wasn't around teammates 100% of the time, I constantly ran by hotting ppl up in addition to CCing ppl chasing the bc.

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I know what you're talking about and it's happened to me quite a few times, sometimes with the opponent being a stealther and sometimes not. I know it's happened to a lot of other people as well, as sometimes someone will mention it in the ops chat "that so and so has a vendetta against me". What surprised me one time is when I was playing my scoundrel and someone on the other team wrote in general chat that "that scoundrel keeps coming after me". It surprised me because I had not been targeting him specifically at all! Just because he got killed by me several times he assumed I was after him. Though in your case, it is clear that said operative was coming after you specifically. As to how you should respond, well sometimes it becomes a fun thing, but I understand your frustration, sometimes it can be downright annoying. In that case I would just mark the nuisance and let my teammates take care of him. The other day I did something like that, and we happened to have three vanguards on our team, and they kept pulverizing the imp who wouldn't leave me alone. Turn the tables, and let 'em have it. Edited by Solarenergy
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It seems to be a common theme for a lot of operatives. The thing is, typically they are the good ones that can really hurt you; or maybe I just don't notice the bad ones.


At the same time, I went out of my way to hunt a sorcerer healing in Hutt Ball once as she was keeping up the carriers and we got down by a few scores early as everyone attacked the carriers with futility. I kept her out of play for quite a while until the other team finally came and got me chasing her around the pit.


Funny part was we got teamed up the next match and we made a hell of a team.

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I was talking about this with a couple of guild members the other day and was wondering what other people thought as well.


The other day during a hutt ball with one of my lower level alts, everyone was running around killing and such when I spotted a 49 operative off to the side. I ran over and we engaged in combat. After a close fight where I nearly died, I killed him. I guess this enraged said operative because for the remainder of the match he would only ever come out of stealth to kill me. He ignored all other enemies, ignored the ball carrier, ignored basically the whole world except for me. I'll try not to get into how ridiculous it is to be taken down to 50% health before you can even get off the floor to respond only to be stunned and flashbanged when you are finally able to fight back.


Is it just something that goes along with the territory? All fair game in PVP? What do you do in a situation like that? Do you sit there and take it? I did for the record btw. Nearly 20 deaths by the end of the match. No one else was even close. Do you leave the wz?


What made the situation uniquely frustrating was the fact that it was a stealth class that picks exactly when they want to engage. Half the time I would be trying to play the map or engaged with others and he runs up and in some cases where I was low on health would be dead in just the opener. Even in instances where it was 1v1, the fact that a surprise strike+backstab combo dropped me to half health every single time was absurd. It was basically a hopeless situation and seems wildly unbalanced.


I'm not sure that the solution to this would be, but for me I really think there should be more brackets in pvp. Maybe like the WoW setup. 10-19, 20-39, 40-49.


I'm sure some of you will say I'm just whining cause I got killed in pvp but this is the first time I've experienced something where I made someone so mad that they decided to camp me for the whole match and I had no way to retaliate. That is what made it the worst. What would you have done in my shoes?


I would have exploited the situation, especially since you said huttball. In huttball your objectives are to score, not to die less or kill the most. I've been focused like that before but with two operatives on me. The fact that I was able to aggro two of the most disruptive enemy players throughout the entire match won us the game. I would intentially position myself either far away from our ball carrier or healer, or close enough to a fire or acid pit where I could knock them into it, or a vanguard or shadow could pull one of them into it for me. Worked out great lol we won that game easily.


Having said all that, I do agree with the brackets idea. It does suck being under lvl 30 and being FF by 2 48-49 players. I'm all about fighting against the odds and all but sometimes it's pointless. Respawn, enter battle, die 5 seconds later, and repeat about 15 times. Where's the competition? Where's the fun in that? Anyway, I digress :)

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I call this making a new friend lol If you can take a lvl 49 out of a game by chasing you its a win for your team. They are contributing nothing to their team. It does get annoying at times, I had a lvl 49 Gunslinger go after my lvl 36 PT last night in CW, he would attack my turret and only my turret. I would hold him off as best I could, get some back up in and he would get killed while normally I would survive. We won the match and I kept him off the other two turrets since I irked him so much for some reason. I look at it as a compliment since you have pissed them off something fierce that they have taken it so personally that they focus on you and forget the team.
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Moral of the story is, do not piss off a stealth class with the potential to make your life hell.


I've done this to people who have made me angry in warzones and I bet they left a heck of a lot more angry when I was done with them. :D


Nothing like being killed every time you spawn.



Wow, aren't you a big man......

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There are certain Maruaders who get my ire, objective be damned! While I can't kill them (tank spec), I go out of my way to make their lives hell, and they take many globals to defeat me, instead of roflfacestomping just about every other class. My guardian will have a bounty on his head soon. Not sure if I would call it griefing though. It's PvP. Its what you sign up for when you que..
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