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Force Wave/Overload Change in 1.4 - An appeal to reconsider


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As a tank shadow, i like the change because i will be able to use the bump more aggressively, i will be able to push people away from my mates without needing to be really close of them. (And the sceenshot of the Sage bumping the marauder make me think that the animation is much more cooler)
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You're right...




Overload and Force Wave have been redesigned. These abilities now knock back all targets within a 15-meter 120-degree cone in front of you. Furthermore, these abilities now knock back all potential targets instantly; they no longer wait for an animation note at the end of the ability animation.


Totally out weighs all of this...

- Force Speed now has a 20-second cooldown (down from 30) for all Consulars and Inquisitors.

- New Sorcerer/Sage ability, Unnatural Preservation/Force Mend: Heal yourself for a moderate amount. Only usable on yourself. Instant, costs no Force, 30-second cooldown. This ability is trainable at level 18.

- Dark Resilience/Valiance: Now additionally increases the healing dealt by Unnatural Preservation/Force Mend by 15% per point.

- Fadeout/Egress has been redesigned. Now causes Force Speed to remove all roots and snares and grant immunity to roots and snares for the duration.

- Polarity Shift/Mental Alacrity now additionally grants immunity to interrupts for the duration. Improved visual FX to demonstrate this effect.

- Backlash/Kinetic Collapse: The incapacitation effect caused by this skill no longer breaks on damage.


Nerf/Buff Index


1. Nerf


2. Buff







Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I guess what I am trying to get at is that my sorc is the least viable out of my level 50s.. I can do just as much stat wise as my other toons but his effectiveness is solely support and non game changing / 1 v 1 without room for a single miss step. They out of all the classes listed did not need another (ive lost count) nerf especially one that is multiplied by lag.


Just wait until the nerf bat hits everyone when they release the fully updated notes.


Maybe I didn't play enough MMOs to understand the Nerf mentality. Why would they not choose to buff classes? At this point I wish they just left my conqueror shelved occasionally played sorc alone.

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I see this as a huge nerf for several reasons.


1- with the horrid lag on the servers most of the time my knockback only saves me BECAUSE its 360 degrees. I think the guy is at my front and hes realy to my left or behind me.


2- Any instant heal is cool but when you have 2-3-4 people all wacking on you its not going to save you or even remotely help you. You need the knockback to get some room to run/get a big heal in/ or to pop ur shielding for a sencond or 2 of more life


3. Its hard enough being a sage healer by being pegged as soon as u make a hand movement. Why are you taking any aspect that remotely helps us out?

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Hopefully the people complaining about this change don't post in the "Skill vs gear" arguments. BioWare changes Force wave/overload which will buff "skilled" players and nerf keyboard mashers.


How is it possible that people even cry when buffs come out?

What do you guys want a 3 button rotation with everyone in the game having the same stats? So "skill" will decide who wins?


Dumb people are so blissfully unaware of how stupid they really are....

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Good we are healers now or scared running dpsers with low burst vs similarly geared other classes... Let me color code this Dont Nerf just buff classes they are killing this game thinking they have the market share to nerf like other lame MMOs with HUGE numbers Edited by Kegparty
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As a tank shadow, i like the change because i will be able to use the bump more aggressively, i will be able to push people away from my mates without needing to be really close of them. (And the sceenshot of the Sage bumping the marauder make me think that the animation is much more cooler)


I agree, the strength of the knockback looks comparable to Force Push(the Physics I guess), which is huge compared to the 4m nudge that couldn't even knock someone off from the middle of the voidstar bridge. Shadows and Assassins should rejoice.


If things really don't work well for Sages/Sorc maybe they can get a special passive at Advance Class decision that makes it an AoE. There are already a few of those that make alterations to base abilities for more than a few classes.


I want to see it in action though,

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Good we are healers now or scared running dpsers with low burst vs similarly geared other classes... Let me color code this F### Nerfs just buff classes they are killing this game thinking they have the market share to nerf like other lame MMOs with HUGE numbers


Did I miss something?


1.4 looks like a lot of buffs, not really any nerfs. Top tier classes stayed relatively the same and the lower tier classes got some love.


Did we read the same 1.4 notes?

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15m is pretty far reaching knockback. Throw a whole team off the huttball ledges from the other side of a fire pit.


Try it before you gripe.


I agree! If people cant see the benefits from this Overload nerf/boost how can they conceptualize how the other changes are going to help them? 15m KB plus more Force Speed, a small self heal and a slight change of tactics.

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A player's class gets 3 buffs and 1 nerf...



Complains about nerf.


The mythical 31/31/31 specs again huh? Madness got a kiting tool nuked to shave 10 seconds off force speed. Not a good trade imo.



It won't be to hard to sidestep, turn camera, knock back, turn camera and run. Or for gods sake BACKPEDAL 2 steps, KB, turn and run. Better yet, if you have a teammate they can come in, knock them all off you. Crazy talk, I know.


I am concerned about being in leaping range but I need to try it first before I judge.


Leaps root. You'll eat 2 more globals doing it this way than the old way, which was to trigger the skill during the opponent's leap animation and strafe away while attacking.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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Buffed Healers - Much needed but I really dont know enough about the class.



Cone effect on overload with a 15 meter distance. So basically doubled the distance but now causing you to aim it in a server lag environment when a stealth is practically backstabbing you all the time and more so with the new stealth changes. Keep in mind the bounce is still the same distance it sends the characters (YOU ARE NOT slamming them across the map onto their backs like other classes)


Speed boost cooldown reduced since we are running away class (although i read assassins will further be able to reduce this to 5 sec....)


A self Heal : great thats our new DC (2k-3k)

Edited by Kegparty
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As I am running the ball into the end-zone, let me make sure I knock back the people in front of me properly :rolleyes:


I don't' keyboard turn or click, and already do the sprint, turn, knockback for best positional, but I see this as a very poorly designed change for the most vulnerable class in the game.

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Did I miss something?


1.4 looks like a lot of buffs, not really any nerfs. Top tier classes stayed relatively the same and the lower tier classes got some love.


Did we read the same 1.4 notes?


Overload is VITAL when fighting Marauders. Force Speed change is pointless in that metagame since it has a longer CD (even with this buff) than Force Charge does.


This change to Overload is actually a buff to Marauders.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Overload is VITAL when fighting Marauders. Force Speed change is pointless in that metagame since it has a longer CD (even with this buff) than Force Charge does.


This change to Overload is actually a buff to Marauders.


Force speed cooldown is reduced to 20s, force charge is currently 15s. They wont get to charge twice for every force speed anymore.

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Force speed cooldown is reduced to 20s, force charge is currently 15s. They wont get to charge twice for every force speed anymore.


Leaps root. Force Speeding away requires the sorc to eat between 1 additional 4m attack and three (depending on server latency and what the marauder has talented) before they can get away. Using a KB (or stun, which is, for defensive purposes against melee classes, unchanged) during the leap animation meant the most you would eat was leap and, possibly, a 10m skill, which, for annihilation, will be very weak. In other words, Force speed was sorcs' 3rd best method of leap defense, arguably fourth. Extra force speed doesn't offset these extra hits sorcs will be taking. And, as someone mentioned, the skill is now not particularly useful against operatives stealth attacking from behind.

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Overload is VITAL when fighting Marauders. Force Speed change is pointless in that metagame since it has a longer CD (even with this buff) than Force Charge does.


This change to Overload is actually a buff to Marauders.


I don't see it that way... especially with my hybrid spec. Basically I have a force push after 1.4 that pushes multiple targets. And roots them on my spec, not only that.... but my force sprint is potentially on a 10 second CD if spec'd into. (All of these fall into my hybrid spec BTW, not to mention the stun on bubble pop). And maybe for me it's easier than it is for some, having a marauder as my main. But annihilation is easy... as soon as they leap... I sprint and slow. I rarely need the KB. Carnage is a different story and much tougher to counter.... but I hardly see my knock back pushing them even further back, and having a shorter CD on sprint being any more of a disadvantage than was already there. I see more tools, not less. If timed properly I see this being an even greater advantage over marauders just for the sake of example that you used. Of course... there are a few good marauders that counter well... but the other 90% of em fall to my lightning spam pre 1. 4. Personally... I love the changes.


I don't see how you can see this as a nerf in any way? It now knocks them further back than before? It's a nerf because I have to aim? I don't get it...


If I have so many people on me that I can't knock them all off me within 120 degree cone... well I might as well save the CD cuz my squishy self is dropping anyways.


Counter leap with sprint, counter roots with overload and root them, slow and a bubble pop stun to top it off... ALL of which are on a shorter CD than a marauders ravage, leap and cloak. A properly used root on deadly throw is going to be one of a marauders few chances to get close to me... the way I see it anyways.


My biggest point is sorcs have more post 1.4, not less. So why should anyone rolling a sorc complain? I've been doing just fine pre 1.4. I never thought they were that bad.... and we just got better? I look forward to 1. 4 :D

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I don't see it that way... especially with my hybrid spec. Basically I have a force push after 1.4 that pushes multiple targets. And roots them on my spec, not only that.... but my force sprint is potentially on a 10 second CD if spec'd into. (All of these fall into my hybrid spec BTW, not to mention the stun on bubble pop). And maybe for me it's easier than it is for some, having a marauder as my main. But annihilation is easy... as soon as they leap... I sprint and slow. I rarely need the KB. Carnage is a different story and much tougher to counter.... but I hardly see my knock back pushing them even further back, and having a shorter CD on sprint being any more of a disadvantage than was already there. I see more tools, not less. If timed properly I see this being an even greater advantage over marauders just for the sake of example that you used. Of course... there are a few good marauders that counter well... but the other 90% of em fall to my lightning spam pre 1. 4. Personally... I love the changes.


Counter leap with sprint, counter roots with overload and root them, slow and a bubble pop stun to top it off... ALL of which are on a shorter CD than a marauders ravage, leap and cloak. A properly used root on deadly throw is going to be one of a marauders few chances to get close to me... the way I see it anyways.


Overload is used to counter Ravage, not roots. While it has a 20 sec CD, we can't use it off CD since Ravage is on a 30 sec or less (with talents) CD.


Stun is used to counter UR.


Also, if you are facing a Rage Mara (like me) then our sprint really means nothing since the Mara gets two 15 sec CD leaps.


I should also point out that I post from the perspective of a Corruption Sorc, not Madness

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I don't see it that way... especially with my hybrid spec. Basically I have a force push after 1.4 that pushes multiple targets. And roots them on my spec, not only that.... but my force sprint is potentially on a 10 second CD if spec'd into. (All of these fall into my hybrid spec BTW, not to mention the stun on bubble pop). And maybe for me it's easier than it is for some, having a marauder as my main. But annihilation is easy... as soon as they leap... I sprint and slow. I rarely need the KB. Carnage is a different story and much tougher to counter.... but I hardly see my knock back pushing them even further back, and having a shorter CD on sprint being any more of a disadvantage than was already there. I see more tools, not less. If timed properly I see this being an even greater advantage over marauders just for the sake of example that you used. Of course... there are a few good marauders that counter well... but the other 90% of em fall to my lightning spam pre 1. 4. Personally... I love the changes.


I don't see how you can see this as a nerf in any way? It now knocks them further back than before? It's a nerf because I have to aim? I don't get it...


Counter leap with sprint, counter roots with overload and root them, slow and a bubble pop stun to top it off... ALL of which are on a shorter CD than a marauders ravage, leap and cloak. A properly used root on deadly throw is going to be one of a marauders few chances to get close to me... the way I see it anyways.


My biggest point is sorcs have more post 1.4, not less. So why should anyone rolling a sorc complain? I've been doing just fine pre 1.4. I never thought they were that bad.... and we just got better? I look forward to 1. 4 :D


This is how I see it pretty much; as a substantial buff. Maybe not for huttball and for people who can't be bothered to aim their abilities but for the rest of us a 15M cone root is amazing.

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Overload is used to counter Ravage, not roots. While it has a 20 sec CD, we can't use it off CD since Ravage is on a 30 sec or less (with talents) CD.


Stun is used to counter UR.


Also, if you are facing a Rage Mara (like me) then our sprint really means nothing since the Mara gets two 15 sec CD leaps.


I sprint away from annihilation and rage marauders all the time. The only ravage I used the knock back for is the one I'm rooted by, carnage. Unless sprint is on CD and that's not going to be as common of a problem any more.


Again though... I don't get it. This is an improvement from before for sorcs. Marauders had all of this before.... sorcs now have more.


I honestly am just not understanding your point.


It almost like you're saying that sorcs are worse off than before and I don't understand how a move that now knocks back a target further, only it has to be aimed... is worse? The gain sounds better than the loss to me... and that's just in regards to one move.... that doesn't even count the other buffs we got.

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This is how I see it pretty much; as a substantial buff. Maybe not for huttball and for people who can't be bothered to aim their abilities but for the rest of us a 15M cone root is amazing.


Pretty much.... I feel like 90% of the time I'm aiming my knock back anyways. Shouldn't take long to adjust and all I see is improvement for sorcs.

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