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If you couldn't inspect me would it break the game?


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I was bored and was thinking about various other games I have played and wondered if people could't inspect others would it hurt the game? I am playin another game right now and theres no mechanic to see other peoples gear and folks get on pretty well...
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"Sorry, you've only got 1698 (insert main stat). You must have 1700 to run this Operation with us"


To me it sounds more like:

"We'd like you have 1800, but we'll let you go and see if you're skilled enough to overcome the difference if you have 1700. Otherwise you'd just end up holding us back." They'd probably let you go with 1698. Maybe they'd stick to their word and limits with 1700.


And if the raid leader knows what they're doing, they'll look for more things like using high main stat/low secondary stat mods and such(which are bad btw). And seeing if the player has a lot of high endurance mods when they're not tanks. Player could have 1800 main stat but not much else, which would hurt the raid as a whole.


Why people are scared of being told their DPS is too low or their gear is too low doesn't make sense to me. It's a MMO. Grind it out like the rest of us did. Improve yourself. Don't QQ because you can't be carried or do the same DPS as the guy who's been 4/4 EC HM for a couple months and worked his way into BiS.

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I was bored and was thinking about various other games I have played and wondered if people could't inspect others would it hurt the game? I am playin another game right now and theres no mechanic to see other peoples gear and folks get on pretty well...


Ooh ooh! I'm playing that game too. It's pretty cool, huh? :rolleyes:

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It would be horrible. At least when I zone in to Lost Island HM, I can inspect the tank and DPS to see if they're worth playing with; they've never been worth playing with, actually. Considering that you can't complete Lost Island HM with Battlemaster gear...


Though I did get pretty ticked off at someone who told me you can't do it in full Columi (sans the mainhand). I mean... really? It drops the Columi mainhand and a Rakata chest, I'm pretty sure you're able to do it in Columi!

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I was bored and was thinking about various other games I have played and wondered if people could't inspect others would it hurt the game? I am playin another game right now and theres no mechanic to see other peoples gear and folks get on pretty well...


Depends on what you mean by hurt.


I wouldn't bother playing anymore. I've had enough instances in other MMO's where I end up with the unpleasant scenario of running content with friends that we've had no problem clearing before , but we were short a guy and had to get a PUG, and now all of a sudden we're losing.


The problem is *that guy*. No one yet has made a single coherent argument about why I have to sacrifice my time and fun because someone else can't be bothered to gear up properly.


When running SM, as long as you aren't in greens and have a sign on your face reading "derp", I'm pretty cool with it. People got to get their gear from somewhere. I'll help people with BH daily runs and the like.


But I categorically refuse to bother to even try to run HM with people who may be geared well or who may be wearing complete garbage, when the delta will make us weaker and probably wipe, costing huge amounts of costs for repair and wasting my time instead of letting me have fun.

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"Sorry, you've only got 1698 (insert main stat). You must have 1700 to run this Operation with us"


That does not hurt the game, it helps you detect people who wear keesters for hats. :p


Inspection is a sociable thing to do in games. Sociopaths will misuse social norms. Can't prevent it.


Besides, it lets other people who see your gear and like what they see inspect you to see what it is without spamming you in /whisper.

Edited by Andryah
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That does not hurt the game, it helps you detect people who wear keesters for hats. :p


Inspection is a sociable thing to do in games. Sociopaths will misuse social norms. Can't prevent it.


Besides, it lets other people who see your gear and like what they see inspect you to see what it is without spamming you in /whisper.


I think this is very true. I often inspect people when I see some gear I like and want to see what it is.


Although I always feel a little self conscious about it... like I should have asked permission first or something. ;)

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In a game like this, where gear is everything, you need a gear checker to see if the person your inviting even has the gear capable to do the content. I've seen far too often a fresh 50 trying to do HM EV/KP or someone in only columi/tionese think they'll breeze through EC HM.
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That does not hurt the game, it helps you detect people who wear keesters for hats. :p


Inspection is a sociable thing to do in games. Sociopaths will misuse social norms. Can't prevent it.


Besides, it lets other people who see your gear and like what they see inspect you to see what it is without spamming you in /whisper.


This is what I do 98% of the time. some people think of the greatest gear looks! I want to know how to look like that :D


on the note of gear checks....I will inspect a person if we run into a situation where were having a hard time, and someone is suspect. but that's about it.


I don't like the idea of ruining someone else's fun...but I'm not a fan of judging someone else purely by their gear. is the guy is in blues...and were still progressing through the run...fine by me. does he got a green? well, if he's doin his job, and i can tell he's a good player...who cares?


I probably wouldn't even need to look. if they're gears horribly put together, they're lack of ability will start to show in those little things. he breaks CC 3rd time in a row. he continues to engage mobs that everyone else is avoiding. he constantly is hitting the wrong mob. yeah...Im gonna inspect, but honestly, I already know the issue. inexperienced or megbad player. but then again, i already know the answer. no need to look at gear.


And if you look at gear and decide you have the right to pre-judge someone, your wrong. unless they're gear is THAT BAD. but that goes right back to my previous paragraph...you'll probably find out that they also are bad player. sometimes you won't know. I've had tanks in blues do amazing jobs. I've had a healer or DPS that i was amazed with roll need on a drop and apologize..."sry. I was still wearing a green in that slot". gear isn't everything. but if they're itemization sucks...


But poor itemization and lower level gear are two different things. had a guild player in an HM run the other day turn down a columi earpiece...and he was wearing a blue. sounds right up front like a bad choice...except he had a really nice blue on! he would have lost allot of surge and crit to get a few extra points in his main stat, and he would have gotten a wasted stat in their place.


now, someone who was doing a quick gear check and kicking people wouldn't notice that (cause that's a douche approach). but a smart guy would do a double check on the earpiece....go back a second time, see it and know that they guy knows his stats. so yeah...not a supporter of inspections for gear checks. besides, how do i know that the guy who's inspecting me knows what he's doing? most people think they do...only a few actually do.

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Why people are scared of being told their DPS is too low or their gear is too low doesn't make sense to me. It's a MMO. Grind it out like the rest of us did. Improve yourself. Don't QQ because you can't be carried or do the same DPS as the guy who's been 4/4 EC HM for a couple months and worked his way into BiS.


it is an MMO,

a small human society,

ppl like easy way,

for example, PUG dont like mdps,

even that dps done 4/4 hm ec and has higher hp than the MT,

they just dont want u.


we dont blame that players,

we blame BW, cause we pay them,

and BW dont let us to change AC for once,

for the god sake , what's wrong with u BW?


then EA got more unsubbers.

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The reason I posted this was that a new dynamic has been introduced to me in mmo gaming. Sure level plays into whether you can do damage but all the encounters scale in difficulty with how many people are involved. I was only level 12 or something and it took us all (like 30 of us) almost 5 minutes to kill a lvl 12 champion mob.

Now where was anyone concerned about gear or guilds or status or anything.


There isnt any HARD walls to over come other then level. Sure better gear make you do better but the game knows what you have and what level you are and adjusts accordingly so it really doesnt matter. Make for a more fun and stress free gameing experiance.


I wish raids like EC were open world non instanced and as many people as want to can join in and help to a certain limit then another instance would open. The raid would be just as doable with 8 as it would be with 50 or more.

If the system was tuned to look at the players and adjust on the fly Gear wouldnt matter. Player skill and coordination would be the deciding factors....


Sadly I dont think HERO could handle it.

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Not everyone inspects to be nasty.

When new guildmates hit 50 or someone asks for help gearing - this is an awesome way to help them. You can inspect and suggest which is the best item/ area to concentrate on. I spent a couple of hours once with a new lvl 50 with a small budget basically helping him buy the "best bang for buck" items. Huge improvement within a short period of time and with small expenditure - he was very grateful. Inspection helps.

The other thing is when people say they have problems - e.g. "I can't kill mobs - please help!" - you can often figure out what their issue is by quickly inspecting their gear. If their gear is up to par, then you can start asking them questions about their rotations, companion gear, etc.

Even at end game we inspect each other to figure out optimization, etc. Sometimes we inspect each other to ogle their amazing new belt, provide tips or to discuss which item or where we should concentrate our gearing efforts.

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The reason I posted this was that a new dynamic has been introduced to me in mmo gaming. Sure level plays into whether you can do damage but all the encounters scale in difficulty with how many people are involved. I was only level 12 or something and it took us all (like 30 of us) almost 5 minutes to kill a lvl 12 champion mob.

Now where was anyone concerned about gear or guilds or status or anything.


There isnt any HARD walls to over come other then level. Sure better gear make you do better but the game knows what you have and what level you are and adjusts accordingly so it really doesnt matter. Make for a more fun and stress free gameing experiance.


I wish raids like EC were open world non instanced and as many people as want to can join in and help to a certain limit then another instance would open. The raid would be just as doable with 8 as it would be with 50 or more.

If the system was tuned to look at the players and adjust on the fly Gear wouldnt matter. Player skill and coordination would be the deciding factors....


Sadly I dont think HERO could handle it.


Hmm I disagree...

I think what you're referring to are dynamic world events and heart quests. These are indeed open world and people in the area can participate as they wish - if your level is too high your level is scaled down to fit with the area - and you gain some small amount of XP e.g. 6 XP versus 20 odd for killing a mob at your own level.


However this is almost equivalent to open world killing of mobs in SWTOR. If I am taking on a mob somewhere on a planet people around me can join in and help. If they are too high level they don't get any XP as opposed to being scaled down and getting less XP. This is almost equivalent IMO.

Yes there is no gear scaling though so a much better geared player would easily kill a mob in SWTOR.


EC raiding, PVP groups are a whole different kettle of fish.

EC raiding is the equivalent of a dungeon in that game (if we're talking about the same game) - and let me assure you anyone in the area cannot participate as they want, people make groups for these and often specify what they need to make it a successful group. Same with sPVP.

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I don't have an issue with gear checks. You wouldn't take a lvl 40 on a PUG Op or HM FP, but somehow not taking someone in crap green gear is being elitist? Granted, some people go overboard, but you can probably safely /ignore those people and press on.


In WoW, ignoring the people who went overboard with the gear expectations for doing anything meant ignoring 98% of the raiding community. Yeah, that doesn't work. It's best to not have gear inspection for that reason alone.



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I personally doubt that not being able to inspect another toon would break anything. Though it is nice to see be able to inspect another character if what they're wearing looks cool. It also helps OPs leaders determine whether or not a character's squishiness could become a liability. Even the best players can't prevent flashpaper from going poof.
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I'm not a big fan of strict gear checks, but I do have some standards. For example, I was doing a groupfinder Maelstrom Prison run the other day, and the tank was wearing these blue Guardian gloves. They were pretty good, but he was a Vanguard. We ended up kicking him and finishing the run with my companion tanking (legacy presence FTW).
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