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To those that complain about warzone quitters


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Let me share a story of what just happened and you tell me how you would handle it.


So were in Voidstar


We start on defence

I go right, 7 go left

2 imps come to the right so I say

"im alone here on right vrs 2 imps"


no responce


I die and say


Right is undefended


At which point the 2 WARHERO RANKED (self appointed leaders) shout in caps



Well to one shadows credit he ignored them and came right and bothered the 2 imps enough that I could rejoin

but then there was 3 imps and both shadow and I about to fall


So I put out 3rd yell



no one answers or moves and they attach bomb as shadow and I get back

Door #1 lost


So we move to bridge, Shadow and I fall to numbers and respawn other side of bridge!

There is NO ONE at the right side, yet imps manage to unlock LEFT BRIDGE (Ill never understand how that happens every match)


So let me stop here for a sec.

Anyone thats PVPed Void star knows at this point they will send a token force down the left and its the right they will try and bomb.

Remember our self appointed leaders proudly displayed their warhero titles


So sure enough 3 imps come down left and 5 down right

Shadow and I fall to numbers on right obviously


I put out 4th call




and not one person moved over there


So I said "**** it" and quit


Now let me be clear, it my team at least trying Ill stay for a loss and do my best but this was beyond moronic. Far as im concerned only player worth his salt was the shadow that tried to help on right side.


So all you holier then tho posters recommending penalties for quiters.


I seriously want you to explain why I should have to finish this warzone?

I was trying my best and near as I could tell 3 of our team were trying to let imps win (only reason for such horrible play I can think of).


PS: Im not defending those that come on, go down by 1 and quit instantly. But I tried to get these idiots togather 4 different times.


Think im done with pre 9pm pvp on Rep side. Its just to fustrating and annoying as this example is the common place example sadly. Before 9pm pcf its just kiddie hour out there. Never understood why imps dont have this problem to same degree.

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To be honest, both sides of this debate have merit. On one hand I totally agree with you, OP. I've never left a WZ myself, just out of the fact I try to find stragglers and enjoy some 1v1. I don't hold it against you though. On the other hand people who rage quit after the second turret falls under enemy control are trolls, and generally bad PvPers despite their pride/enormous egos.


There are a couple players on my current fleet that constantly do this.


The worst of it is they will intentionally dodge as many times as necessary to get onto the winning team of a same-faction WZ. This should be a ban-able offense, if at all possible.

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To be honest, both sides of this debate have merit. On one hand I totally agree with you, OP. I've never left a WZ myself, just out of the fact I try to find stragglers and enjoy some 1v1. I don't hold it against you though. On the other hand people who rage quit after the second turret falls under enemy control are trolls, and generally bad PvPers despite their pride/enormous egos.


There are a couple players on my current fleet that constantly do this.


The worst of it is they will intentionally dodge as many times as necessary to get onto the winning team of a same-faction WZ. This should be a ban-able offense, if at all possible.


They're the ones who believe they are top PvPers, lol.

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It's pretty simple to me. No matter how badly you're getting your *** beat, if you have at least one medal and finish out the WZ, you get comms and XP/credits.


If you leave the WZ, you get nothing.


I literally have no idea why people leave warzones early other than having some serious sensitive ego problems. Even in a really bad match I can usually get 4-5 medals at least. Why would you spend the 2 - 5 - 10 minutes or whatever and then PURPOSEFULLY get zero reward out of it?

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The OP feels he/she has justified why they quit,right or wrong, that is their call. The match described is a terrible but not totally unusual match. IMHO, There does need to be some sort of mechanism to deal with serial quitters. It needs to be controlled by the game team not the players alone.


If you allow player run justice, you get the version each person justifies to themselves and I can guarantee you the innocent will be villified with the guilty.


PS, I would stay to get the shadow his medal.........%&* the rest of them.


Good luck.

Edited by Elkirin
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It's pretty simple to me. No matter how badly you're getting your *** beat, if you have at least one medal and finish out the WZ, you get comms and XP/credits.


If you leave the WZ, you get nothing.


I literally have no idea why people leave warzones early other than having some serious sensitive ego problems. Even in a really bad match I can usually get 4-5 medals at least. Why would you spend the 2 - 5 - 10 minutes or whatever and then PURPOSEFULLY get zero reward out of it?


Obviously you didn't read the OP.

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It's pretty simple to me. No matter how badly you're getting your *** beat, if you have at least one medal and finish out the WZ, you get comms and XP/credits.


If you leave the WZ, you get nothing.


I literally have no idea why people leave warzones early other than having some serious sensitive ego problems. Even in a really bad match I can usually get 4-5 medals at least. Why would you spend the 2 - 5 - 10 minutes or whatever and then PURPOSEFULLY get zero reward out of it?


thats simple and nothing to do with ego (though I suspect that was just a poorly attempted flame more then serious statement).


I personally have no issue winning or losing as long as I feel people are trying


Thats all I ask for personally, effort


But when im in a senario as I outlined above, I honestly dont feel people are trying to do anything other then farm medals and to hell with spending time with those bottom feeders!


Rather have no medals and be in a match I have fun in then stay in a match I absolutely hate just for medals!


Rewards are not as important to me as they seem to you.

Ill get my medals in time.


I completely dont understand spending 5-10 more minutes in a match where you having no fun at all.


If I had called right and 2 people responded (as they should of) and we still got steam rolled, Id shrug that off and keep going!


But when I called right 4 times and no one bothered to respond cause they busy farming their kill/damage medals at the cost of the game.


yeah I have better things to do with time!


Its funny though, I went 1-3 on rep side before I stopped

Switched to my imps where I have gone 5-0


I dont buy into the theory that imps are massively over powered over rep cause my BH (merc) is the same as my trooper (commando) (different animations and different looking gear, almost identical attacks), my inquiz is almost identical to my sage (again same abilities but different animations and looks), and I know Imp Agent and Scoundral are almost identical.


So why is the experience from one side to other so vastly different?


In the end it comes down to team work.

Win or lose, if im apart of a team Ill gladly battle to the final second

But if its 8 individuals with no concept of team work or supporting each other,

yeah Id rather sit in a que then deal with the fustration and aggrivation of no tactics FFA button mashing fest.


Thats just me though

Im there for the experience, not the rewards

Im secure in myself that I dont really require the rewards and medals to justify my play

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I agree with the OP i play PvP to enjoy myself, if my team is ruining it then i am leaving, period. Its ok to loose a Warzone but when the team is not trying to change that...cya. This game is built around 8v8 so i can't always carry the team. Honestly if i was in your position i would of left earlier . . .


- Your team was dumb

- You tried to make a serious difference

- They still didn't care or bother

= Quit, why bother anymore?

Edited by PowerReaper
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I agree with OP as well. I'll always try to work for the team and even if the team's poor then I'll just try to adjust my game to it, maybe try some solo-plays that have paid off in the past. However if it's gone to the point where it's just plain boring. I'm fine with winning or losing but not boring.
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It's pretty simple to me. No matter how badly you're getting your *** beat, if you have at least one medal and finish out the WZ, you get comms and XP/credits.


If you leave the WZ, you get nothing.


I literally have no idea why people leave warzones early other than having some serious sensitive ego problems. Even in a really bad match I can usually get 4-5 medals at least. Why would you spend the 2 - 5 - 10 minutes or whatever and then PURPOSEFULLY get zero reward out of it?


There are still people who do not care about the reward. I cannot care less.


I agree with OP in every single way and I feel the same.


I do know there are people who leave after the first score in Huttball, but usually they are the reason we are losing. They are those same people who did not want to come because they are used to be carried by other players. Therefor, I feel happy when they leave. With or without them - is the same thing. Waste of space.:cool:


I am not the best player but be sure I will leave if one of those is in my team.

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I'd ask that the OP keep in mind that a lot of warzone teams are pickup groups and need to figure out very quickly how each other play. I've played Voidstar matches where the first door falls immediately and then we make a brick wall at the second. A single door or node falling can just be due to miscommunication or someone not communicating or even paying attention. Typically the rest of the team picks up the slack and makes adjustments as necessary.


I don't care how much people whine I still think leaving a warzone is bad sportsmanship and there should be some kind of penalty. I would offer one small enhancement: in Alderaan the match is essentially over when one team has 2x the energy of the other and everyone knows its over. It is a real pita to sit and wait for the energy to deplete. Other than that getting rolled in a warzone doesn't take that much time.

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This is a typical quitter post.


Dear quitter,


When you get stuck in a bad group you finish it. Why? Are you unaware that someone else will take your spot? Quitters are by definition selfish and don't care.


2ndly - Everyone has a subjective opinion of when a group is bad. If everyone quit when they thought the group was bad then PVP would have quitters every single match. The most important factor would not be gear, skill or strategy, it would be who has more quitters.


Lastly, don't use right and left in Voidstar, if you turn around right becomes left. Learn to use a map.


My guess is this guy quits most of his losing matches and posted this because he finally was in a group that he thinks justifies it. Is it possible that your team was outgeared and outskilled and they didnt come over because they were losing on the other side? Quitters dont care, they just see whats in front of them.


Quitters are all the same.

Edited by richardya
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I agree with the OP, I'd leave matches like that too.


It's kind of like, stumbling over the starting gate, if it was horce racing. I will fight to the bitter end in any match if the team is competent, I can't recall how many times that I've been in a match where we're struggling but come out on top, or where we spent the entire match winning then suddenly get swept up at the end.


I'm fine with those, but when the enemy team scores twice or even three times in Huttball in the span of a minute and a half to two minutes, that's just hard to swallow. Along with people not following plans leaving the team under-manned, people not using the abilities of their class to their fullest potential.


I remember playing a Huttball match with a Smuggler that could stealth, instead of sneaking behind the enemies and going to endzone to receive a pass, he tried to actually grab the ball and run with it. He died before I could get to him and help him. Note, that I had actually suggested to him before the match as a tip, that he could stealth to the endzone and receive a pass, but nope, tried to be a hero. (Note, I actually didn't leave that match until about one or two minutes left, cause my internet connection went out, lol.)

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This is a typical quitter post.


Dear quitter,


When you get stuck in a bad group you finish it. Why? Are you unaware that someone else will take your spot? Quitters are by definition selfish and don't care.


2ndly - Everyone has a subjective opinion of when a group is bad. If everyone quit when they thought the group was bad then PVP would have quitters every single match. The most important factor would not be gear, skill or strategy, it would be who has more quitters.


Lastly, don't use right and left in Voidstar, if you turn around right becomes left. Learn to use a map.


My guess is this guy quits most of his losing matches and posted this because he finally was in a group that he thinks justifies it. Is it possible that your team was outgeared and outskilled and they didnt come over because they were losing on the other side? Quitters dont care, they just see whats in front of them.


Quitters are all the same.


LOL, and you would be wrong

Like you are on every single point you tried to make!


But I suspect your use to that by now!


And no, Bad is not subjective!

I think everyone (but you, big surprise) understood exactly what the problem was with that group.


But hey, cast you remarks and insults and blah blah blah


I suspect you have allot of people quit on you and thats why your so upset here about it with your insults


PS: Im sorry if right/left confuses you.

Most of us understand which is right and which is left by, well play school if not earlier!

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In lots of games other than SWTOR one side can take a knee, fold a hand they can't win, concede, tap their king, whatever. If I'm in a losing wz and I know it's going to be, at best, frustrating to try to continue, I'd rather not stick around to get the comms/medals. I would rather get out of there so I can requeue into a game I can have fun with. I like comms, but getting comms is a distant 3rd in my reasons for q'ing. Note that for me, I will stay if most on my team are trying. But if we have a situation like one where there's 3+ on our one node in CW and there's only 1-3 of us actually attacking an enemy node (and we're not all attacking the same one but if we did the enemy would quicky have 5+ to defend with), I'm out of there.


But barking out orders, right or wrong, in a pug is going to get you mixed results at best. Don't make your fun dependent on them doing what you tell them to.

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The OP feels he/she has justified why they quit,right or wrong, that is their call. The match described is a terrible but not totally unusual match. IMHO, There does need to be some sort of mechanism to deal with serial quitters. It needs to be controlled by the game team not the players alone.


If you allow player run justice, you get the version each person justifies to themselves and I can guarantee you the innocent will be villified with the guilty.


PS, I would stay to get the shadow his medal.........%&* the rest of them.


Good luck.


I'll say it again until you fix the real problem "quitters who stay in warzone" you can do nothing about the ones who quit and leave. I'm sorry but quitters who leave are better for your team then the quitters who stay. I refuse to hide at a turret and farm defender medals. And going 3 vs 8 isn't fun. So yes I will quit any warzone where we are losing and have people start farming defender medals. I will also quit every warzone like original posters. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. But I gain nothing for staying. I don't need comms I'm fully geared and remodded for my liking. I have 3500 Ranked comms saved up for new weapon. I'm level 50 so don't need experience. The money you receive is a joke.

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The op match described happens all the time and you get quitters all the time. Personally I don't mind one quitting it is when you get the cascade effect and you have a whole new team in seconds. Then you are like Dorthy in OZ looking around and saying I don't I am in Kansas anymore.


So it was going like crap and you left because it was to painful to stay. What about the shadow who you said helped you? Now he is all alone in a **** tastic group he can quit or he can tough it out and lose, both pretty bad decisions and not fun for him. I am not saying that you should of stayed hey you are not having fun then yeah leave. But I am saying to think of the other players you leaving just kicked him when he was down already.


I have had matches were two nodes were capped and 5 players just decided to stay at one node and farm. Then I make a post and rally the other two and we go and attack the least defended node for giggles. Are we gonna win? No but we are not going down like children either and if I had left it would of been that much worse for them. The point is that you can't quit and not hurt someone and I have yet to see anyone quit with dignity it is an inherently selfish decision. That being said sometimes you have to do what is right for you.

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I just feel a basic sense of responsibility to finish what I start. I also feel it's wrong to leave because then someone will come in and take your place in that bad situation through no fault of their own. It's just a game, but the things I do matter to me.


You have a condition known as being a respectable and non-selfish person.

Most people have some semblance of compassion for the person who will be forced to take his spot. The quitter has no such feeling. He is only concerned with himself. The OP gave one other player in his group credit for knowing how to play. Were there others?


The quitter doesnt care about them, he quits so he can get a game he wants. "I pay so I get what I want, it's not a job" is a common quitter term to justify screwing others over.


Oh, and people like me, who call quitters out on the forums, for quitting. Well, we have to be bad in their delusions otherwise they would have to listen to what we say and respond. Instead, they call respectable people "bads" or ragers etc etc

Meanwhile all we want is for quitting to stop when we go up 1-0 or down 1-0.

Edited by richardya
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Let me share a story of what just happened and you tell me how you would handle it.


So were in Voidstar


We start on defence

I go right, 7 go left

2 imps come to the right so I say

"im alone here on right vrs 2 imps"


no responce


I die and say


Right is undefended


At which point the 2 WARHERO RANKED (self appointed leaders) shout in caps



Well to one shadows credit he ignored them and came right and bothered the 2 imps enough that I could rejoin

but then there was 3 imps and both shadow and I about to fall


So I put out 3rd yell



no one answers or moves and they attach bomb as shadow and I get back

Door #1 lost


So we move to bridge, Shadow and I fall to numbers and respawn other side of bridge!

There is NO ONE at the right side, yet imps manage to unlock LEFT BRIDGE (Ill never understand how that happens every match)


So let me stop here for a sec.

Anyone thats PVPed Void star knows at this point they will send a token force down the left and its the right they will try and bomb.

Remember our self appointed leaders proudly displayed their warhero titles


So sure enough 3 imps come down left and 5 down right

Shadow and I fall to numbers on right obviously


I put out 4th call




and not one person moved over there


So I said "**** it" and quit


Now let me be clear, it my team at least trying Ill stay for a loss and do my best but this was beyond moronic. Far as im concerned only player worth his salt was the shadow that tried to help on right side.


So all you holier then tho posters recommending penalties for quiters.


I seriously want you to explain why I should have to finish this warzone?

I was trying my best and near as I could tell 3 of our team were trying to let imps win (only reason for such horrible play I can think of).


PS: Im not defending those that come on, go down by 1 and quit instantly. But I tried to get these idiots togather 4 different times.


Think im done with pre 9pm pvp on Rep side. Its just to fustrating and annoying as this example is the common place example sadly. Before 9pm pcf its just kiddie hour out there. Never understood why imps dont have this problem to same degree.


I don't blame you, but personally, in that situation, I'd probably kill or medal farm.


As to how the bridge got accessed, simple: stupid people (and you were with stupid people), when defending, will try to kill enemies on the side the defenders are strong on...outside the door that is now open. When they kill one, he respawns right next to the damned button...with nobody around because they're still fighting next to the set of doors that has already been bombed.

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