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Confirmation of a sad state of affairs...


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Instead of relying on server status, here's all we need to know:




And it really confirms what I've felt.... We had managed to remain pretty flat in population for some time, but we've really fallen off a cliff in recent days. At this point, we really have to see if f2p can be a difference maker.


On the positive side, other than WoW and GW2, playtime is still 2-3x better than any other MMO out there.

Edited by heechJunzi
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I have never used xfire myself. Not saying that the information is inaccurate or anything here.


How good of an indicator is this for a particular mmo? It would require that a good percentage of SWTOR players are

using xfire.


Interested in hearing more about something I know very little of.

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A good chunk of people are now simply "waiting for f2p".


At least half the people I know who play let their sub lapse this month but plan on coming back.


Also there hasn't been any new content since April. Most people have done everything they can do several times over.

Edited by chuixupu
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judging on the numbers on their graph it appears their sample is around 1% plus or minus .25%. for myself this would be far too small to make any generalizations from as the sample base demographics are not known. in other words are they mostly kids who just went back to school or college. if so then the results will be inaccurate to as the state of the game.


this is the problem with such information and polls. if you get the right demographic in any polling set you can show or prove the opposite of what is really occurring. ( or at best inaccurate information) politicians and the media use this all the time to show what isn't is and what will be wont.


i am not saying what they are doing is purposely showing false information or is even wrong but without knowing more about the people in their sample base, the information they are providing cant be taken too seriously.

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Please do not use XFire to determine anything or use XFire as a means to comfirm anything. WoW have 8+ million people actively subscribed to it but Guild Wars 2 has more activity on XFire despite them stopping digital sales and selling a little more than a million copies. Flawed data is flawed.
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