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PVP BIS Scrapper Stats


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Hi i'm building up my scrapper and have been looking to see how much critt i should stack for a full min/max. I've seen some very great guides and gear setups from multiple different websites, but near all of them are from before WH and the ability to Augment everything. I've heard mixed things regarding this class and the different critt that people run with. I've seen builds that run with 40% critt and builds that run with 32%.


So assuming that i use PVP enforcer 2 set and PVE enforcer 2 set. What critt do you guys run with?


My current concern is that running with 40% critt would cause my bonus DMG to be very low. A lot of the guides i have seen so far seem to go strait power and keep critt very minimal. However from experience, this class seems to be 100% dependent on critt.


Thanks in advance!

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Even though a Guild Wars 2 Thief is far and away more fun to play than a Scrapper, you want to farm War Hero Field Tech Boots and Field Tech Leggings for your mods and enhancements. I believe Field Medic weapons are the way to go as well, pretty sure they have the Power on them.


Put all +18 Cunning augments (purple Skill Augment 21 if you can find them are the best deal and use Mk-5 slots) for the extra crit. From what I can remember my Cunning was at ~1870 and Power was at ~850 with a crit of pretty much exactly 30% and 78.6%-ish Surge. I was BiS for most of my stuff, cherry-picked the Cunning datacrons to offset the couple Augments that were blue Skill Augment 22s instead of Purple, because 10k for +16 > 150k for +18.


But that's beside the point, use WH Crit/Surge ears and Implants, orange bracer and belt with PvE level 61 armoring and WH +Power mod, WH +Power Relic, WH Field Tech Boots Enhancement and WH Field Tech Leggings Mod with purple Skill Augment 21 or 22s. Boom, best DPS gear at the cost of lots of Ranked comms. And no you can't have my stuff =P


Come to Guild Wars 2, you don't have to worry about grinding then!

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