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Which Romance did you love/hate? *Potential Spoilers*


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While I am sure it has been said before I really liked the way my male Smuggler romance with Risha played out. It fit very much into the way I was playing him and as with other bioware games gave me another reason to root for my character and feel better about my choices as him.
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There are many ways you can interpret that whole thing, but the fact of the matter remains that going off to Get Some with whatsisname gives you like +27 affection.


Personally, I like to think that, at that point in the storyline/romance/whatever, the relationship with him is still considered "open" enough that he finds the notion of the SI going off with someone else perfectly normal and maybe even potentially appealing.



The above is another reason why I like that romance and how it progresses; there's nothing to indicate jealousy or possessiveness -- at least not until it progresses to the point where you know it's long-term and committed. There's very little "skeeze" potential there.




Both of you come here and sit by me. The fangirl couch is pretty empty, there's room :D


I am definitely another Andronikus fangirl. The only two romances that I felt played out right were Jorgan and Andronikus. With Torian, I felt like I was taking advantage of a little boy, the age difference seemed so vast. Could not stand my female Consular's romance with Lt. Iresso.



I mean, come on, he's walking around with Holocron in his head, and you don't go to the council to DO anything about it?



Vector was, well, I did the romance, but I was vaguely disappointed - maybe because of the killik connection. Probably because of that.


And Quinn was just too formal. You got the impression that he wore his uniform to bed.

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In approximate order of enjoyment:





Andronikos: His "less talk, more action" personality didn't always suit my Inquisitor, but I did enjoy his romance. Also, that voice. Rawr.


The voice was half the fun to me, really. :p


Theran: I can't help but like him, despite myself. (I know he's not a full-fledged romance, but still...) Though I really have the urge to reprogram Holiday, just because she gets on my nerves, LOL.




I adored Theran, and really wanted to de-program Holiday. I think Theran made a better match for me than the JC full fledged romance.

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My characters are usually female, because I am, so I am not familiar with all of the romances specific to male characters.


And the romances for my male characters were often extraordinarily disappointing for me, although I did enjoy Akavi Spaar's romance with my male smuggler. I thought they meshed together far better than he tried to with Risha; a future king my smuggler will NEVER be, honestly. He told Risha to marry the dude chasing after her.


Kira Carson is probably my least favorite romance arc. I was playing my male JK as a LS fellow, and the romance ended up feeling, to me, almost dirty. I kept feeling my JK should've been protecting Kira better than that, and his encouragement and flirtation ended up feeling like a real betrayal of what was really best for her. I kept thinking, "If he really cared, he wouldn't say or do that."


I didn't like the Mako romance, either. Maybe because it was rushed. Or maybe because Mako, to me, seems like far more of a little sister. I ultimately rerolled my BH to be a female and absolutely fell in love with Torian. To me, Torian is perfect. He doesn't rush my BH, he respects her utterly, he's strong and honorable, a truly fine example of Mandalorian culture and society, which is what my BH was always hoping to be a part of. Torian remains my favorite romance of the game.


I liked the Corso romance, only because it was cute and engaging. I think the Andronikus romance was better, though, because Andronikus was a better foil for my Sorc. He was strong enough to stand up to her, wasn't any sort of doormat, and he truly adored her for who she was and not what she could do for him.


But my second favorite romance is my warrior's romance with Quinn. Because it was challenging. It forced me to think, to figure out who the guy was and why he would make the choices he did. Which ended up forcing me to consider the entirety of Sith society, what it means to be caught up in a struggle between two battling Sith. It made, for me, some truly outstanding storytelling, even away from the keyboard. I liked it.

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But my second favorite romance is my warrior's romance with Quinn. Because it was challenging. It forced me to think, to figure out who the guy was and why he would make the choices he did.


Who he is?

He is a typical player (as in liar, manipulator and backstabber). As for why, I think it is kind of obvious.


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I'm honestly surprised so many people dislike Torian because he's too young. From what I've seen (mind you, it may be wrong, who knows), he's 29. That doesn't seem all that young to me. I'm wondering, though, are people thinking of him as young because of the "kid" comments?


Anyway, I absolutely adore his romance. Part of this definitely has to do with the fact I lurve me some Mandalorians, culture and all, but part of it is because I adore his character. His speech kinda' slapped me in the face - it was different, and just downright adorable. The romance itself just made me all "Aww..." which is, honestly, something I haven't felt since.. hrm.. well, never. I think DA:O's Alistair is the only one that comes close to me for the "aww" factor.


On the whole, I enjoyed Quinn's until the, erm, incident... It definitely hit me in a bad way - really? Like, really? This is what happens, and these are my FEW choices to deal with it? As said previously, though, he's certainly a well written character. Although the "nasal" quality to his voice did some what annoy me..


Vector, I haven't finished yet. Honestly, I would enjoy it more if the F!IA flirt options weren't so.. horribly forced. Kinda' felt the same way with F!Hawke, same voice actress and all. =/


Andronikus I.. don't remember... SI was my first character, and I kinda'.. rushed through the storyline. Do love Steve Blum's voice though. Love, love, love. Hrm, maybe I'll roll another SI...


...Apparently, as I've now noticed, I put a lot of stock on voice acting.. O_o;

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I'm honestly surprised so many people dislike Torian because he's too young. From what I've seen (mind you, it may be wrong, who knows), he's 29. That doesn't seem all that young to me. I'm wondering, though, are people thinking of him as young because of the "kid" comments?


Anyway, I absolutely adore his romance. Part of this definitely has to do with the fact I lurve me some Mandalorians, culture and all, but part of it is because I adore his character. His speech kinda' slapped me in the face - it was different, and just downright adorable. The romance itself just made me all "Aww..." which is, honestly, something I haven't felt since.. hrm.. well, never. I think DA:O's Alistair is the only one that comes close to me for the "aww" factor.


On the whole, I enjoyed Quinn's until the, erm, incident... It definitely hit me in a bad way - really? Like, really? This is what happens, and these are my FEW choices to deal with it? As said previously, though, he's certainly a well written character. Although the "nasal" quality to his voice did some what annoy me..


Vector, I haven't finished yet. Honestly, I would enjoy it more if the F!IA flirt options weren't so.. horribly forced. Kinda' felt the same way with F!Hawke, same voice actress and all. =/


Andronikus I.. don't remember... SI was my first character, and I kinda'.. rushed through the storyline. Do love Steve Blum's voice though. Love, love, love. Hrm, maybe I'll roll another SI...


...Apparently, as I've now noticed, I put a lot of stock on voice acting.. O_o;


Well personally I don't think he sounds like a kid but rather looks like a 17 years old to me.

Edited by Skorz
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I hated the romances on:


Tharan Cedrax, Lieutenant Iresso, Doc, Corso Riggs, Aric Jorgan, Torian Cadera, Vector, Andronikos Revel, Malavai Quinn, Lieutenant Pierce.


I also have to admit to hating Corso, Aric, Torian, Andronkos, Malavai and Pierce with a passion.

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Torian came off way more 19 than 29 to me. Oh, he's fairly mature for a 19 year old, a man in Mandalorian culture, I'm sure. My girl's just not into the young ones. That said, i will sit around as many campfires as he wants, bbq some meat, drink a couple beers, and tell war stories, cause the kid is a good brother in arms.
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Lawwwl. Yeah, I can definitely see the Justin Bieber thing.. *shudders* But it's interesting, until someone had pointed it out to me, I was happily blind to it. XD Same with how young some people say he looks. I don't see 19 at all, I honestly don't. =O Although it is very, -very- interesting to see other people's views on it.


Same with all romances, really. I'm trying to decide what Republic class I should roll first, and the varying opinions on the romances are all over the place. Honestly, seeing that, (although the bulk of the [Flirts] are so very, very bad) I'm kinda' learning towards saying Bioware did a good job on romances.

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Only done one, which was Kira. BUT I loved the way you had to be a bit flirty and non Jedi, and even a bit dirty. Get the raunch on!!!:D


If I was a female Jedi I'd definately go for Doc. Full of himself, womaniser, and a little sleezy, but he is a great character and ultimately a good sort. He wants to save lives and likes basic good morals. In short; Hes a laugh

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I've only completed one Romance, but hey, I have Opinions!


Doc (f!Knight) - I completed it going mostly Light Side (Flirts as long as they weren't Dark Side up until he popped the question), and because of that I really enjoyed the 'reformed rake' arc (as someone else put it), but looking back at it, I felt like it was shallow and vapid. I didn't really feel like there was anything there for my Jedi to connect to, it was just 'here is this skeevy, self-absorbed character wanna get married?' Er, what?




For the "in progress":

- Risha/Akaavi (m!Smuggler) - Enjoyed the hell out of Risha through Chapter 1, but

the whole reveal that she's secretly a King's daughter and expected to be a Queen someday, to settle down and have 2.5 heirs...okay, so it's very Princess Leia/Han Solo (if you squint), but it doesn't fit with my Smuggler.



I have a friend who did it and it sounded like it fit him well. I'm still not sure about Akaavi, though, either.


- Jorgan (f!Trooper) - Not sure about this one, either. The dynamic if it reminds me a lot of FemShep/[insert Mass Effect character here] and the idea of once again hitting on a subordinate in the military is becoming passe to me.


- Malavai (f!Warrior)- I'm still early in this (on Alderaan) but I am completely digging the dynamic. The femDom path I've heard about, I'm shying away from hard. But I'm not looking forward to whatever the Quinncident is. o.O


- Felix (f!Consular) - Surprised the hell out of me (so far) because I wasn't expecting to Romance anyone as my Consular. Tharan grates on me horribly. I know people bag on the Consular's voice acting, but in the case of my character interacting with him in the Flirts, it set up a wonderful "I'm being nice and earnest" and the way he's being completely indirect about his interest is a refreshing difference to the repetitive aggressive sexual tension of the other Romances.

I wasn't expecting him to try to kiss my character at only 2500-3000 Affection though, which I managed to get right after recruiting him and getting into Chapter 3. I had to bail out of that conversation to pick it up at a more appropriate time!



Looking forward to completing those and exploring the Vector, Ashara, and Torian Romances. :)

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