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Animation Stutter Out Of Control


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Animation Stutter


Does anybody else get really bad animation stutter when you try to use your abilities by pressing the key multiple times? Sometimes the ability wont even go off. I dont notice this as much on other classes, but with jedi knight it seems like the game keeps running checks to see if you are in melee range and have enough focus, and the end result is stuttering animations, or move that dont even go off!

Edited by sabresandiego
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Never got animation stutter but have had abilities not go off but this effects every class there is no such thing as ability queues everything is animation based so if you button mash you have problems. If you want light saber sparks and the ability to visually block blaster fire this is your trade off


The best way to avoid this is to pay attention to your characters combat animations and your gcd

Edited by Siochanai
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This is what you have OP : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQmhYjkUqOU


And yes I guess many of us have this (not sure thou). I have checked tens of youtube videos for JK and these issues are there in all recent gameplay videos. Wierd that august beta did not have any of these problems. It has nothing to do with button mashing btw. See the video. It's a single click, out of combat example.

Edited by Rendekar
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I watched the video and can say I never had that happen to me yet.


I am not saying it does not exist just that it has never happened to me.


Well, It's interesting then. I really don't know but I am pretty sure that there are many others who have these stutters. This is no latency issue btw. I have 70-80 ms which is more than ok.

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What video card do you have and what CPU do you have. Not saying it is not a bug it probably is but it might only occur under certain hardware circumstances because now adays animation is done with gpu shader computations.

If ther is a commonality amongst the people with the issue it could help BW fix it.

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What video card do you have and what CPU do you have. Not saying it is not a bug it probably is but it might only occur under certain hardware circumstances because now adays animation is done with gpu shader computations.

If ther is a commonality amongst the people with the issue it could help BW fix it.


I have an i5-2500k and a AMD HD 6950. I do not believe its hardware related but who knows.

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By the looks of your hardware I would say no but then again Ati cards often have weird issues with games just look at all the problems Ati had with rift at launch. So who knows if it is an Ati problem BW would tell them and then Ati can make the adjustments for the next driver update.
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By the looks of your hardware I would say no but then again Ati cards often have weird issues with games just look at all the problems Ati had with rift at launch. So who knows if it is an Ati problem BW would tell them and then Ati can make the adjustments for the next driver update.


Checking various streams over internet and so far I was only able to find a single sith warrior without these issues. At least, he didnt have any problems for 15 mins. All others have the described problem. Whether its a connection or hardware issue is really not known atm I guess. We will see.

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I've had this issue or something similar, but I belive it happens when I mash the button. There is an ability queue and even the option to set how long this should be in the preferences. When I did however have it on (at 0.25 seconds) I had problems with instacasting the non GCD cooldowns such as riposte. Turning this to 0.0 fixed this though. At this setting you do however need to mash the button to get the ability of as soon as the GCD finnishes.


For reference I have a i5 2500k and a GTX470

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Just bumping/chiming in with a +1. I have even had Master Strike do this and it will play it's entire animation if you dont notice and stop it. People talking about there being no ability queue and button mashing is a waste are incorrect also, there IS a queue, and it isnt all animation based. They did lock animations so you dont get a lot of wierdness there, but when you hit the button, the damage is dealt just like any other mmo. This is easy enough to see in game. An example is when something is dead, but doesn't fall down and "die" till some animation finishes.
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Just bumping/chiming in with a +1. I have even had Master Strike do this and it will play it's entire animation if you dont notice and stop it. People talking about there being no ability queue and button mashing is a waste are incorrect also, there IS a queue, and it isnt all animation based. They did lock animations so you dont get a lot of wierdness there, but when you hit the button, the damage is dealt just like any other mmo. This is easy enough to see in game. An example is when something is dead, but doesn't fall down and "die" till some animation finishes.


You are right. It has nothing to do with ability queue and button mashing. I have tried everything and it still persists. Just check the video in my first post. It is out of combat and a single click. It might still happen. Cauterize and Force Sweep are the worst.


P.S : Sith Warriors have the same problem with same animations.

Edited by Rendekar
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This is what you have OP : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQmhYjkUqOU


And yes I guess everyone has this (not sure thou) but they are not observant. I have checked tens of youtube videos for JK and these issues are there in all recent gameplay videos. Wierd that august beta did not have any of these problems. It has nothing to do with button mashing btw. See the video. It's a single click, out of combat example.


P.S : While some ppl will say the same, others will refuse to see or believe this. We have had the same thing in beta :) Truth is : Yes animations are sort of broken atm. Whether its a server-side lag issue or not is unknown.


Not had this issue in beta (only last few weeks admittedly) or since EGA started.


No, its not that I "don't notice it" or "deny it exists" (thanks for the thinly veiled insults btw - next time keep that type of comment to yourself, its totally unnecessary).


My timer is set at 0.5 seconds, precisely so I don't have to worry about button mashing - so I do wonder if the two are related as others have mentioned.

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Not had this issue in beta (only last few weeks admittedly) or since EGA started.


No, its not that I "don't notice it" or "deny it exists" (thanks for the thinly veiled insults btw - next time keep that type of comment to yourself, its totally unnecessary).


My timer is set at 0.5 seconds, precisely so I don't have to worry about button mashing - so I do wonder if the two are related as others have mentioned.


I did not mean to insult anyone. If you felt that way, I am sorry. I will change the first post but I am tired of fanboys not even letting people report issues properly. You report something and in 5 mins the post is full of "Your problem. My game is superb perfect smooth" sort of responses.

Edited by Rendekar
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Never had this problem in Beta but now it drives me insane, i tend to push my buttons pretty quick and this stuttering looks dumb. Needs to be fixed :/


I have tried different servers from both US and EU. Still having the issue. I am trying to understand what causes this but no luck so far.

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I did not mean to insult anyone. If you felt that way, I am sorry. I will change the first post but I am tired of fanboys not even letting people report issues properly. You report something and in 5 mins the post is full of "Your problem. My game is superb perfect smooth" sort of responses.


Appreciate the comment, and the edit. And yeah, that can get very tiring, I agree.


In the interest of research (and cuz I'm sick as a dog atm and can't play worth talking about) I've spent a couple of hours looking through YouTubes and trying to recreate this bug myself. I couldn't recreate it, with mashing or not, changing the timer or anything else I could think of BUT I did see it in a number of posted videos, sometimes so subtle that I doubt the player noticed.


So, it exists for sure although clearly not everyone has it by a long way, and from on-screen evidence its not related to button mashing or lag. Its also everyone that has it be sure to create a ticket in-game, as well as commenting on forum. I suspect its going to be one of those things that is based on a certain combination of video card, driver and/or sound driver (seen sound bugs cause animation wierdness before) type deals.


Hope it gets fixed soon, can see it would be annoying!

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I really doubt this is a hardware problem, it seems too widespread.


This happens almost 100% of time for me with Strike. I assumed it was happening because I was pressing the key twice quickly in rapid succession, since I tend to spam that ability.


There's an option to enable attacks on Key Press or Key Release, I wonder if changing this would help?

Edited by Crowingzero
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I really doubt this is a hardware problem, it seems too widespread.


This happens almost 100% of time for me with Strike. I assumed it was happening because I was pressing the key twice quickly in rapid succession, since I tend to spam that ability.


There's an option to enable attacks on Key Press or Key Release, I wonder if changing this would help?


I tried the Key release setting in beta with no success. I am trying all options to understand the cause of the issue. When I get home, I will try to disable my soundcard or use a different graphics card etc. I dont think its hardware related as you said but just to be sure. I agree that it's widespread (what I see from streams and youtubes).

Edited by Rendekar
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I've had the same problem. I think Force Sweep in particular is really prone to it, but I've had other abilities kind of double-clutch in the same manner. Blade Storm is another frequent and frustrating offender. It almost feels like pushback on a channeled ability, but that's clearly not the case given that a lot of these abilities are instant use.
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