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Taunting healers


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Yeah right. We already have a 30% debuff in pvp, lets add the mara's healing debuff to that. But that is not enough, what about adding t a healing debuff with taunt too !

Healers are far from being op on SWTOR, just learn to focus and interrupt.

Edited by Kaddie
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Would be nice if some classes had a trauma AOE taunt.... everyone hit effected with trauma decreasing healing by 30% for 12 seconds or something.


Hell, give it to mercs and sorcs since people don't think they're viable in rated. THAT would do it. :D

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I like the idea, being a short term thing it is more about getting them prepped for a coordinated burst, if you don't coordinate the burst properly then they are still alive with the debuff gone and the healer back on par, thus it would make a significant impact at the rated level of play, but not filter too heavily into unranked-pug play.


It is a difficult path to walk because you can easily get both sides of the equation finding it imbalanced as it stands right now. Guard + Taunt + Crosshealing and they can feel nearly unkillable by all but the most well-coordinated dps.


But when a healer is left on an island they go pop incredibly fast unless they specifically build for survivability over healing output .



That is why my healer can be both the most rewarding and most frustrating class to play-- no other role has their execution more heavily tied to those around you.

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