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Rage Marauders???


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Meh... It's for those Maras/Juggs that can't cut it in the other two specs.


This. People use rage case they're bad at carnage/annihilation. Rage is a one trick pony, and only viable when you have a healer on you. Even with one you're still squishy. They're supposed to be team support, but most on my server like to run around 1v1ing people. That doesn't work so well with that spec. :p

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This. People use rage case they're bad at carnage/annihilation. Rage is a one trick pony, and only viable when you have a healer on you. Even with one you're still squishy. They're supposed to be team support, but most on my server like to run around 1v1ing people. That doesn't work so well with that spec. :p


Your Conclusion doesn't follow your Argument. Here is essentially what you just argued:

I saw a bunch of people eating ice cream. All of the ones eating strawberry were using their hands and no cones. Therefore, all people who eat strawberry ice cream are bad at math.

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Your Conclusion doesn't follow your Argument. Here is essentially what you just argued:

I saw a bunch of people eating ice cream. All of the ones eating strawberry were using their hands and no cones. Therefore, all people who eat strawberry ice cream are bad at math.


No. Try again. ;)

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Interesting thread as I am still leveling my Marauder and only have it up to level 43 now, but I have tried all 3 trees now that I can get the full line, and I am sure being able to go further helps, but it seems to me like


Annihilation is the best PvE spec, and still pretty good in PvP

Carnage is the best at PvP IMO, and still pretty good at PvE. Nice and bursty.


Rage sets up some huge damage, but I find it's cool downs clunky for its main abilities. Seemed to dump a ton of damage but not sustain. I also do not like using choke up on a pirority for damage and not having it ready to double as an intterupt and stun utility

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No. Try again. ;)


I kinda agree w/ Philar, what you wrote doesn't make any sort of sense..


You're saying that some bad players use Rage and play ineffectively w/ it because they are bad players, so therefore Rage is a terrible spec for Marauders.


Did I miss something?

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Interesting thread as I am still leveling my Marauder and only have it up to level 43 now, but I have tried all 3 trees now that I can get the full line, and I am sure being able to go further helps, but it seems to me like


Annihilation is the best PvE spec, and still pretty good in PvP

Carnage is the best at PvP IMO, and still pretty good at PvE. Nice and bursty.


Rage sets up some huge damage, but I find it's cool downs clunky for its main abilities. Seemed to dump a ton of damage but not sustain. I also do not like using choke up on a pirority for damage and not having it ready to double as an intterupt and stun utility


Interesting thought with the choke... having it as one of the set ups for smash and screwing myself on an additional interrupt... does not sound appealing now.


I didn't even consider that but choke is far too useful. Especially for things that can't be interrupted with the standard interrupt.

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Interesting thought with the choke... having it as one of the set ups for smash and screwing myself on an additional interrupt... does not sound appealing now.


I didn't even consider that but choke is far too useful. Especially for things that can't be interrupted with the standard interrupt.


Force Crush and Berzerk are how you build Shockwaves. Force Choke should be considered a bonus and used as your interrupt/CC.

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Force Crush and Berzerk are how you build Shockwaves. Force Choke should be considered a bonus and used as your interrupt/CC.


Yeah, like I said, I have only got to level 43. What you say makes sense but it just felt so clunky while the other 2 specs seemed to flow with their priorities (spam). I didn't give it a lot of time as I liked Carnage and Anni enough, and probably will get my Marauder to 50 and finish the story, then move on with my next toon. Although I do like marauder a lot better than I did when I first rolled it.

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I kinda agree w/ Philar, what you wrote doesn't make any sort of sense..


You're saying that some bad players use Rage and play ineffectively w/ it because they are bad players, so therefore Rage is a terrible spec for Marauders.


Did I miss something?


The only people who play rage/focus spec are players who can't manage the other two. How does this not make sense? Rage/focus is a terrible spec, because in order to even be remotely viable you'd need a healer on you 100% of the time, they're extremely easy to kill and due to the lack of survivability don't do much damage without extended playtime ensured upon by a dedicated healer. That being said, even with a healer they're just too easy to kill. It's a worthless spec.

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Force Crush and Berzerk are how you build Shockwaves. Force Choke should be considered a bonus and used as your interrupt/CC.


Choke builds it as well... no?


Are crush and berserk up enough that choke isn't really necessary as a shockwave builder and I can still save it for utility?

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The only people who play rage/focus spec are players who can't manage the other two. How does this not make sense? Rage/focus is a terrible spec, because in order to even be remotely viable you'd need a healer on you 100% of the time, they're extremely easy to kill and due to the lack of survivability don't do much damage without extended playtime ensured upon by a dedicated healer. That being said, even with a healer they're just too easy to kill. It's a worthless spec.


Rage is a sturdier spec than Carnage, so you are wrong about it being "extremely easy to kill" and "lack of survivability", etc. Not only is Rage sturdier defensively thanks to Defensive Forms Shii-Cho and Undying, but it is also a lot more mobile via Force Leap / Intercept.


Considering that is the "meat" of your reasoning that Rage is worse than both of the other specs, I can't really take what you're saying here seriously.


Why would you need a healer to be viable "100% of the time" as Rage, but not as Carnage?


I can wait, but I'm inclined to think you just don't know what you're talking about and are here spouting something you heard somewhere like so many other lemmings before you.


I don't even play Rage, but anyone who has half a clue can see that what you're saying doesn't actually add up.

Edited by Varicite
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I never said carnage Defensives were better. Theyre about the same, but what carnage has over rage is that they can take down targets before they even know whats going on, whereas rage has lolsmash, run away, then lolsmash again. Carnage survivability is better than rage in regards to the fact that they can kill targets much more efficiently than rage. The only spec with better Defensives is annihilation. I guess you figure omg 6k crits how awesome! But in reality, they aren't worth much. Pit a rage marauder vs any other marauder, or jugg, and they'll lose unless the opposing player simply sucks. I don't believe you have half a clue as to what you're talking about, but you're welcome I try again.
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I never said carnage Defensives were better. Theyre about the same, but what carnage has over rage is that they can take down targets before they even know whats going on, whereas rage has lolsmash, run away, then lolsmash again. Carnage survivability is better than rage in regards to the fact that they can kill targets much more efficiently than rage. The only spec with better Defensives is annihilation. I guess you figure omg 6k crits how awesome! But in reality, they aren't worth much. Pit a rage marauder vs any other marauder, or jugg, and they'll lose unless the opposing player simply sucks. I don't believe you have half a clue as to what you're talking about, but you're welcome I try again.


PoliteAssassin, You have polluted the last thread about Rage vs Vengeance with your bad arguments and now I believe you are doing so again in this thread. Seeing how you are completely against Rage, whether as a Jugg or Mara, this leads me to believe you fear the Rage warriors. You must be someone I've smash for ridiculous amounts in the past.


I've seen the best Mara play Rage in ranks. He finished 2nd in the dueling contest on my server. He was the only non stealth class in the top 10. In our last thread you kept arguing that Vengeance beats Rage hands down. Now you are saying Rage is crap in this thread. I don't know about you, but for Maras to abandon Carnage and Annihilation over Rage (Carnage and Annihilation are both MUCH BETTER specs than Jugg vengeances) this might be because Rage does have some value. And if that is true then everything you have said is complete crap thus you should stop posting. You are definitely the failed player ingame and I am seriously tired of having to read your bad arguments.


Since I don't finish posts without a good recommendation, here is my pointer to you mister:


Please visit the following websites:


http://www.stopposting.com or http://www.st-fu.com if you speak as you type

Edited by TheSolidPat
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Choke builds it as well... no?


Are crush and berserk up enough that choke isn't really necessary as a shockwave builder and I can still save it for utility?


Choke builds it as well, but you don't want to use Choke just for the shockwaves. Crush has an 18 second CD, which causes it to line up nicely with Smash's 12 second CD for most of your "rotation". Berserk should then be used whenever it is available and Crush still isn't.


Here is my baseline build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#1000cZGZRrRrzfRrdz.2


Your two remaining points can go into:

Short Fuse for better Fury building

Defensive Forms or Defensive Roll survivability

Stagger for more uptime

Dark Resonance for bigger Smashes


As some others have alluded to, you are going to want to vary your tactics quite a bit because most Rage Marauders are very predicable and therefore easy to counter.


Your four primary skills for a "rotation" are going to be:


Force Charge/Obliterate - Puts you in position and gives auto-crit buff. Charge's root and Rage building make it superior. Both are on a 15 second CD.


Force Crush/Berserk - Build your stacks of Shockwave. Berserk is all 4 stacks immediately and costs no Rage so if you have the Fury to use it you should before you Charge/Obliterate. Crush has an 18 second CD and will deplete your Rage from Charging, plus it takes a few seconds to build up your Shockwaves. On the upside it snares the target.


Battering Assault/Assault - You will be a bit Fury Starved when you attempt your first cycle so be sure to get this in immediately after you gain both your auto-crit and shockwave buffs. Assault has no CD and Battering Assault has a 15 sec CD.


Smash - Big-bada-boom. A 12 second CD means that you can use any combination of the above 3 categories to use this on CD every time (you don't have to wait the full 18 seconds required for Crush if Berserk is up, for example). Be aware that it is delayed from the time you activate until the time you land it, so you need to be mindful of enemy CCs (especially knockbacks). Your Smash can be put on CD if it is "interrupted" but your buffs will not be consumed allowing you to use it without ramping up as soon as the CD is done.


As far as tactics go, if you aren't running with a team you need to know that you are going to be a "bomb". You should hit as many players as possible with your Smash, then switch targets and go again, getting out of the fray if possible. If you are in the heat of a battle, it is a good idea to save the auto-crit buff for last. Use Charge/Obliterate and immediately follow it with a Smash. This will throw off players who are going to assume that you needed time to build up Rage and Shockwaves.


The worst thing you can do is the same thing every time. Your buffs last a decent length of time so vary the order in which you build them to throw off your opponents. Good players will detect your pattern (if you use one) which will make you ridiculously easy to counter.

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I never said carnage Defensives were better. Theyre about the same, but what carnage has over rage is that they can take down targets before they even know whats going on, whereas rage has lolsmash, run away, then lolsmash again. Carnage survivability is better than rage in regards to the fact that they can kill targets much more efficiently than rage. The only spec with better Defensives is annihilation. I guess you figure omg 6k crits how awesome! But in reality, they aren't worth much. Pit a rage marauder vs any other marauder, or jugg, and they'll lose unless the opposing player simply sucks. I don't believe you have half a clue as to what you're talking about, but you're welcome I try again.


Carnage's burst is tied to Ravage and Berserked Massacre spam.


Ravage is easily avoided by most players, and even when it isn't, it's tied to a channel time. "Lolmash" (as you refer to it.. very original, like everything else you've written, btw) is instant cast and does very comparable damage on a shorter cooldown.


Massacre spam is awesome when Berserk is up, but Rage brings 0 cost Vicious Slash spam to the table which hits for just as much as Massacre thanks to the crit bonus in the Rage tree. It is faster dps, thanks to the lowered GCD during Carnage's Berserk, but the overall difference is going to be pretty negligible.


Carnage does not have "better survivability", and it does not "kill faster". Please stop talking out of your derriere, because you are really just patently wrong.


Next time, just say: "I THINK that Rage is a worse spec, but I really nave no logical reasons to support my argument." Or bring something better to the table than what you've written here, because it's just .... bad. /shrug

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PoliteAssassin, You have polluted the last thread about Rage vs Vengeance with your bad arguments and now I believe you are doing so again in this thread. Seeing how you are completely against Rage, whether as a Jugg or Mara, this leads me to believe you fear the Rage warriors. You must be someone I've smash for ridiculous amounts in the past.


I've seen the best Mara play Rage in ranks. He finished 2nd in the dueling contest on my server. He was the only non stealth class in the top 10. In our last thread you kept arguing that Vengeance beats Rage hands down. Now you are saying Rage is crap in this thread. I don't know about you, but for Maras to abandon Carnage and Annihilation over Rage (Carnage and Annihilation are both MUCH BETTER specs than Jugg vengeances) this might be because Rage does have some value. And if that is true then everything you have said is complete crap thus you should stop posting. You are definitely the failed player ingame and I am seriously tired of having to read your bad arguments.


Since I don't finish posts without a good recommendation, here is my pointer to you mister:


Please visit the following websites:


http://www.stopposting.com or http://www.st-fu.com if you speak as you type


Haha, did I touch a nerve there? I highly doubt you've ever killed me, especially in rage. If you seriously doubt that, then come to beregren colony and look me up on the pub fleet. I'd be happy to destroy your lolsmash Mara/jugg. You're unrelenting defense of this spec is laughable. That a rage spec came in second place doesn't speak anything for the spec, it says something about the skill of your peers on that server. But I'll let you continue in your delusions abou lolsmash. Whatever helps you feel better I suppose. Oh, and FYI oh knowledgeable one - maras have stealth. Once again the ignorance is bleeding throughout your post. ;)

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Haha, did I touch a nerve there? I highly doubt you've ever killed me, especially in rage. If you seriously doubt that, then come to beregren colony and look me up on the pub fleet. I'd be happy to destroy your lolsmash Mara/jugg. You're unrelenting defense of this spec is laughable. That a rage spec came in second place doesn't speak anything for the spec, it says something about the skill of your peers on that server. But I'll let you continue in your delusions abou lolsmash. Whatever helps you feel better I suppose. Oh, and FYI oh knowledgeable one - maras have stealth. Once again the ignorance is bleeding throughout your post. ;)


It's not stealth, it's camo. Just saying

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