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Star Wars: The Clone Wars Celebration VI trailer


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Ya, that ticked me off too, but it’s more of a mischaracterization than a retcon, which is why I didn't rant about that or Quinlan Vos (I’ve already ranted about Grievous).






I suppose so, but to me that vast of a mischaracterization PO's me as bad as a retcon does. That was a complete 180 on what Fett was about, I was thinking the whole time that Fett was going to vaporize or trick the person that wanted the kid, nope.

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Was mostly asking about if anything important was retconned.


Even Piell's death was an important retcon in my opinion because it affected a whole series of books, now it is just some other Lannik Jedi Master that trained Pavon.

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I suppose so, but to me that vast of a mischaracterization PO's me as bad as a retcon does. That was a complete 180 on what Fett was about, I was thinking the whole time that Fett was going to vaporize or trick the person that wanted the kid, nope.


I'll agree with that. But it was retcons that were in question so a gave him some retcons.

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the Slave I was damaged, and boba fett where's a different helmet anyway, not his fathers. This is Star Wars, i think boba is capable of repairing his ship (which he did)


Explosions and Boba using Bossk's ship made myself and others lean towards destroyed. Until TCW shows the Slave I it might as well be part of Praxus. Episode II and Episode VI. Boba has the historic dent in his helm...guess he just smacks his head there a lot.

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Ok probably should have clarified, meaning to say important as in. If anything to the main characters and all that was retconned. (Movies wise and all that.)


A couple of pages back I limited my criticisms just to the movies, but here goes.


One, the time line. We assume for a variety of reasons that the cartoon animated 22 part Clone Wars series that preceded ROTS is valid. Anakin begins as a Knight in the current TCW, which happens in the second to last episode. At the end of that episode he acquires a scar during a montage of battles scenes, which we assume are supposed to be the time frame for the current TCW. The last episode is the siege on Coruscant and the battle of Nelvan. During the siege of Coruscant, Grievous captures Palpatine, which we see in the beginning of ROTS. Anakin and Obi Wan return from the battle in their starfighters, thus begining ROTS.


So, the entirety of the TCW takes place in six months. In that time, Anakin takes a Padawan. He and Obi Wan fight Dooku many times. It seems in ROTS that they hadn't encountered him before. The novelization actually states that they hadn't met since the hanger on Geonosis. It is clear that Anakin and Obi Wan have their first encounter with Grievous on board his ship, yet in the TCW they've had many run-ins with him. Grievous even explains to Obi Wan on Utapau that he has been trained in "your Jedi arts". Yes, well, I think he would have known that at this point.


Ahsoka's existence is problematic enough, but with every episode she's in, the lunacy quotient of her not being mentioned goes up exponentially. She's fought with Grievous, Dooku, and Ventress, and she's aided Amidala countless times. It is clear she was a complete afterthought, and was added to gain the prepubescent gurl power demographic when they were writing the series.


Chewbacca. Not only was his addition to ROTS endemic of the "blue blood" mentality of Star Wars' creator (everybody has to be related to everybody else) He had to shoehorn Chewbacca in there to act as some fan bait, or something, to interact with Ahsoka. From a strictly movie perspective, there is no indication that Chewbacca was ever anything but a first mate on Han Solo's ship. Not a slave, not royalty, and there also no indicated that Han Solo was ever an Imperial Officer. That is all EU speculation. You'd think Chewbacca would step in and correct Han on his ignorance of Force Users, being that he personally knew Yoda, and watched Jedi fight on his world, and worked with Anakin's padawan, and other padawans, to defeat Trandoshan slavers.


Maul's Death. To me, this is the most egregious one. Yes, I've heard all the EU stories about how many force users reassembled themselves. It is stupid and those stories and it is stupid in this one. Even if I were to grant you, which I don't, that Maul didn't die while cut into two pieces, and instead found a way to escape. The Jedi Council seemed pretty surprised that the Sith had returned. You'd think they'd send representatives to the bottom of the shaft to collect his remains for verification and study. And, if Palpatine had secretly removed the body, then there would be a serious manhunt, and likely the subject of his disappearance would have come up.

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A couple of pages back I limited my criticisms just to the movies, but here goes.


One, the time line. We assume for a variety of reasons that the cartoon animated 22 part Clone Wars series that preceded ROTS is valid. Anakin begins as a Knight in the current TCW, which happens in the second to last episode. At the end of that episode he acquires a scar during a montage of battles scenes, which we assume are supposed to be the time frame for the current TCW. The last episode is the siege on Coruscant and the battle of Nelvan. During the siege of Coruscant, Grievous captures Palpatine, which we see in the beginning of ROTS. Anakin and Obi Wan return from the battle in their starfighters, thus begining ROTS.


So, the entirety of the TCW takes place in six months. In that time, Anakin takes a Padawan. He and Obi Wan fight Dooku many times. It seems in ROTS that they hadn't encountered him before. The novelization actually states that they hadn't met since the hanger on Geonosis. It is clear that Anakin and Obi Wan have their first encounter with Grievous on board his ship, yet in the TCW they've had many run-ins with him. Grievous even explains to Obi Wan on Utapau that he has been trained in "your Jedi arts". Yes, well, I think he would have known that at this point.


Ahsoka's existence is problematic enough, but with every episode she's in, the lunacy quotient of her not being mentioned goes up exponentially. She's fought with Grievous, Dooku, and Ventress, and she's aided Amidala countless times. It is clear she was a complete afterthought, and was added to gain the prepubescent gurl power demographic when they were writing the series.


Chewbacca. Not only was his addition to ROTS endemic of the "blue blood" mentality of Star Wars' creator (everybody has to be related to everybody else) He had to shoehorn Chewbacca in there to act as some fan bait, or something, to interact with Ahsoka. From a strictly movie perspective, there is no indication that Chewbacca was ever anything but a first mate on Han Solo's ship. Not a slave, not royalty, and there also no indicated that Han Solo was ever an Imperial Officer. That is all EU speculation. You'd think Chewbacca would step in and correct Han on his ignorance of Force Users, being that he personally knew Yoda, and watched Jedi fight on his world, and worked with Anakin's padawan, and other padawans, to defeat Trandoshan slavers.


Maul's Death. To me, this is the most egregious one. Yes, I've heard all the EU stories about how many force users reassembled themselves. It is stupid and those stories and it is stupid in this one. Even if I were to grant you, which I don't, that Maul didn't die while cut into two pieces, and instead found a way to escape. The Jedi Council seemed pretty surprised that the Sith had returned. You'd think they'd send representatives to the bottom of the shaft to collect his remains for verification and study. And, if Palpatine had secretly removed the body, then there would be a serious manhunt, and likely the subject of his disappearance would have come up.


I'm not sure that we can at all assume that the old series of TCW is entirely valid (at least not completely), as the new clone wars is effectively a remake of the old series. Its inevitable they are going to clash and when they do we should assume that the new series is correct - meaning the TCW happens over 3 years not 6 months.


And yes of course their are many encounters that don't exactly fit with ROTS, as characters act like they've never met before etc. But their is no way to fix this other than erasing all encounters with Grevious and Dooku etc. which would make for a very dull series. (and I doubt Lucas is gonna make any changes to the films again after the previous reaction)


And the return of Maul was always inevitable - he didn't get enough screen time in the Phantom Menace and he's a very interesting character. I doubt the Jedi would have bothered checking the shaft for his remains, they wouldn't have any reason to expect he could survive. I think what they've done with him in TCW is really interesting - especially the ties with Savage Oppress, i don't see any real negatives at all to him returning whatsoever.

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I'm not sure that we can at all assume that the old series of TCW is entirely valid (at least not completely), as the new clone wars is effectively a remake of the old series. Its inevitable they are going to clash and when they do we should assume that the new series is correct - meaning the TCW happens over 3 years not 6 months.


And yes of course their are many encounters that don't exactly fit with ROTS, as characters act like they've never met before etc. But their is no way to fix this other than erasing all encounters with Grevious and Dooku etc. which would make for a very dull series. (and I doubt Lucas is gonna make any changes to the films again after the previous reaction)


And the return of Maul was always inevitable - he didn't get enough screen time in the Phantom Menace and he's a very interesting character. I doubt the Jedi would have bothered checking the shaft for his remains, they wouldn't have any reason to expect he could survive. I think what they've done with him in TCW is really interesting - especially the ties with Savage Oppress, i don't see any real negatives at all to him returning whatsoever.


How about making Ep I pointless? What did Qui-gon die for exactly?


TCW has been rewriting Star Wars history is the worst possible ways.

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How about making Ep I pointless? What did Qui-gon die for exactly?


TCW has been rewriting Star Wars history is the worst possible ways.


Your making it sound like Qui-Gon Jinn sacrificed himself to kill Maul, or his death helped to kill Maul. That didn't happen, Qui-Gon was just beaten by him - Kenobi defeated Maul. Qui-Gon Jinn just died, nothing special.

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How about making Ep I pointless? What did Qui-gon die for exactly?



Qui-Gon's death paved the way for a poorly-trained Anakin.


On top of it, would Obi-Wan train Anakin if it weren't Qui-Gon's dying wish?


Also, Episode 1 is far from pointless, despite what the RLM reviews and other fans of Star Wars, say. It showed Palpatine's rise to Supreme Chancellor with Valorum stepping down and the Naboo Crisis is one of the big reasons Seperatism escalated in the Republic. It also introduced key characters of the Prequels.

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Also, not sure if this has been posted before, but there's an interesting chalk mural that seems to put several characters' fates in the series in question. You can watch it



Asajj Ventress - could die.


Pre Vizsla - could die.


Rex - could die.


Hondo Ohnaka - could die.


Darth Maul - could die.


Adi Gallia - could die.


Ahsoka Tano - could die.


Embo - could die.


Savage Opress - could die.


Satine Kryze - could die.




Hmm, according to the Season 5 leaks, five out of ten of the characters on the chalk mural do indeed die.

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How about making Ep I pointless? What did Qui-gon die for exactly?


TCW has been rewriting Star Wars history is the worst possible ways.


You do know, this isnt the first resurrection of Maul right?



Qui-gon died for nothing, his death in no way really helped Kenobi fight Maul. In fact, Kenobi would have lost if it was not for Maul's "Anakin" overconfidence moment..

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Also, not sure if this has been posted before, but there's an interesting chalk mural that seems to put several characters' fates in the series in question. You can watch it


Asajj Ventress - could die.


Pre Vizsla - could die.


Rex - could die.


Hondo Ohnaka - could die.


Darth Maul - could die.


Adi Gallia - could die.


Ahsoka Tano - could die.


Embo - could die.


Savage Opress - could die.


Satine Kryze - could die.




Hmm, according to the Season 5 leaks, five out of ten of the characters on the chalk mural do indeed die.


There is a comic depicting Grievous utterly crushing Adi Gallia by plunging three lightsabers into her chest. If she dies by other means, it would be another retcon brought to you by TCW.

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There is a comic depicting Grievous utterly crushing Adi Gallia by plunging three lightsabers into her chest. If she dies by other means, it would be another retcon brought to you by TCW.


There's a person who went to Comic-Con and saw the premiere to Season 5:



She is killed by Savage on Florrum. Otherwise, he was very pleased with the episode and said that it was one of the best ones yet.


The other characters that appear to die(according to the episode leaks) are Satine, Maul, Savage, and Pre Vizsla.


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There's a person who went to Comic-Con and saw the premiere to Season 5:



She is killed by Savage on Florrum. Otherwise, he was very pleased with the episode and said that it was one of the best ones yet.


The other characters that appear to die(according to the episode leaks) are Satine, Maul, Savage, and Pre Vizsla.


Interesting. Can't say I'm surprised. While I love the fact that the show is expanding the clone wars, I dislike it because it retcons a ton of stuff.

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Wow, sweet trailer. It makes things look pretty grim.


Looks like Ahsoka gets in some tough spots... I hope she doesn't die.

I will be shocked if both Maul and Savage escape Palpatine.

Also, Satine might just bite it, as well as a couple important clones.


Looks to be a thriller, anyway.

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Wow, sweet trailer. It makes things look pretty grim.


Looks like Ahsoka gets in some tough spots... I hope she doesn't die.

I will be shocked if both Maul and Savage escape Palpatine.

Also, Satine might just bite it, as well as a couple important clones.


Looks to be a thriller, anyway.


At the very least one of them should die fighting Palpatine so the other can escape. Palpatine is too powerful to escape from for anyone in my opinion.

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At the very least one of them should die fighting Palpatine so the other can escape. Palpatine is too powerful to escape from for anyone in my opinion.


Well Yoda got away, but that was because Yoda's beast. I think they were pretty evenly matched until Palpatine started to dig into the Dark Side, pulling out all the stops to take out Yoda. The fact that Yoda survived an engagement with the most powerful Sith Lord ever says alot about Yoda's power.


I do think one of the Zabrak brothers should fall to him. It would hurt Sidious' rep a bit if they both got away.

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Well Yoda got away, but that was because Yoda's beast. I think they were pretty evenly matched until Palpatine started to dig into the Dark Side, pulling out all the stops to take out Yoda. The fact that Yoda survived an engagement with the most powerful Sith Lord ever says alot about Yoda's power.


I do think one of the Zabrak brothers should fall to him. It would hurt Sidious' rep a bit if they both got away.


Considering they've acknowledged Sidious as the most powerful Sith ever, it means their not going to bypass Sidious's and make him look weak.



In my opinion, I think either one of the brother's dies or Sidious recruits them for some scheme..

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IGN just released a Rewind Theater for the TCW trailer..


And I never realized how helpful the theatre's are.





They showed people dying and before they released a list of people that might die this season.


Looks like its going to be a very very boring season*sarcasm*.


Only problem I have right now, is the move to Saturday mornings..

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Considering they've acknowledged Sidious as the most powerful Sith ever, it means their not going to bypass Sidious's and make him look weak.



In my opinion, I think either one of the brother's dies or Sidious recruits them for some scheme..


I like the recruiting idea, but I don't see Maul going for it. Although Sid could manipulate them into something, but I would rather see Sid kick their hindparts.

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I like the recruiting idea, but I don't see Maul going for it. Although Sid could manipulate them into something, but I would rather see Sid kick their hindparts.


Well, Mauls line, "I was once apprenticed to the Most Powerful Sith Lord of all time" could mean that he would like to get back with him because of Palp's power.

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