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10k heal ( trying to get one)


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Thats pretty nice, could you post your stats please?

Aim, power, crit, surge.


Don't think alot of people can beat that, personally i have only had 6.5k but my power is at a low point atm.


yeah here they are I think I could get a little more aim if I get some campaign reflex armouring drops


Yeah as you see in the photo I don't have maxed out crit surge because You can easy max out surge % with a adrenal

and you get +11% bonus crit if you spec well as a commando/merc I have had 45% crit in the past but I found it kind of pointless.

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Deliverance / Dark Infusion is the highest-potential heal in the game. So, in theory a Sage should be able to over-top 10k if geared appropriately.


Here's the thing: if you're going for a single, super-powerful heal to screenshot, you don't want to gear the same way you normally would. Basically, you're going to want to swap out every bit of crit you have for power/surge. (emphasis on surge) Main stat is still good, but not as important as power, which is in turn not as important as surge. You would want Campaign activated power and crit/surge relics, as well as the exotech triage adrenal. With all that, the best target to heal will be a sage who has maxed the storyline on a healer companion, giving them an extra 1% healing received above and beyond the 8% talented healing received boost. Finally, you will want to get a commando to drop kolto bomb for the 5% boost to healing received.


Once you've made all that preparation, a single Deliverance should be critting well above 10k, though the RNG variation is likely to be on the order of 1.2-1.5k. You *should* be able to play the same stat tricks with a commando healing a sage and achieve just over 10k, but it would be really hard.


The point is that getting this one single big heal is going to gimp your overall healing by quite a bit, since all you care about is a single crit. So, it makes for some fun screenshots, but don't throw away your old mods just yet! :-)

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To be honest an operative/sawbones should have the highest single heal because of the 30% talented surge, but yes a heal on a sorc speced right will be higher. Also use a marauder/sent with bloodlust over kolto bomb/missile (15%>5%).
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Nice stats, very nice amount of power, i'm assuming thats with a stim on too.


What does your average rapid scan (only heal ability with no CD) heal for and how high does it normally crit if i may ask?

Ive stacked crit to 50 on my merc to see if it would have a improving effect, but it doesnt...half of the time is still only half of the time and to unreliable.

Since i still need to optimize my gear, i'm going for a power build aswell now.


Also, just realized you healed yourself :) with shield on its an extra 20%

Just did that on myself and reached 6.7k, more then i expected.

Edited by Exiled-Phoenix
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Nice stats, very nice amount of power, i'm assuming thats with a stim on too.


What does your average rapid scan (only heal ability with no CD) heal for and how high does it normally crit if i may ask?

Ive stacked crit to 50 on my merc to see if it would have a improving effect, but it doesnt...half of the time is still only half of the time and to unreliable.

Since i still need to optimize my gear, i'm going for a power build aswell now.


Also, just realized you healed yourself :) with shield on its an extra 20%

Just did that on myself and reached 6.7k, more then i expected.

I'll make a mox screen shot of all my average heals with no super buffs and stuff later in the week

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With all that, the best target to heal will be a sage who has maxed the storyline on a healer companion, giving them an extra 1% healing received above and beyond the 8% talented healing received boost. Finally, you will want to get a commando to drop kolto bomb for the 5% boost to healing received.


actually, a combat medic commando would probably be the best choice since they can spec for +4% inc healing and +20% with reactive shield up

(granted this will lead to lots of downtime trying to find the perfect 10k heal if you don't get those crits right away)


also, kolto residue is sadly only 3% (after 1.2)

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@Riggz depends where your crit/surge are at. Since HPS isn't really a good measure of a healers' ability (not like DPS for the dd chars) you do have some leeway to figuring out what's best for you. If you're after a 10k heal you're looking at around 1200+ power with bloodthrist and maybe a merc with his shield to increase healing amount. If you're just looking for good heals with balanced stats around 200-300 crit and 75-78% surge should be about right with the rest of your secondary stats favoring power or alacrity (instead of crit/surge respectively).
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kolto bombs stack.get a couple more commandos and coordinate that they pop them all out at the same time and you should get that bit healno problem


are you absolutely positive? i've tested this (although not extensively), and determined that they don't.

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  • 2 weeks later...
are you absolutely positive? i've tested this (although not extensively), and determined that they don't.


update: i was wrong. this used to be the case, but is not true anymore. must have changed somewhere along the line. was positive about this earlier in the game.

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update: i was wrong. this used to be the case, but is not true anymore. must have changed somewhere along the line. was positive about this earlier in the game.


Same-type buffs used to stack. This was changed in 1.3 for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it trivialized 16 man content. A raid group stacking just 4 mercenaries/commandos could guarantee the boss had 0% armor at all times. A raid group stacking 5 snipers/gunslingers could negate 100% of incoming damage over the entire group for a moderate duration. A group stacking 4 marauders/sentinels (which everyone seems to be doing anyway) could have an on-demand 60% damage buff for the entire raid on a 5 minute cooldown. Need I go on?


Honestly, I'm very glad bioware fixed this. I'm sure it makes balancing content a lot easier, now that certain mechanics cannot be trivialized via composition. The new rule of thumb is that the higher of a same-type buff is going to trump the lower. For example, juggernauts/guardians can (and often do) stack armor debuffs on the boss up to 20%. However, a single mercenary/commando in arsenal/gunnery spec will stack a 25% armor debuff on that same boss. The 25% debuff wins. Similarly, an assassin/shadow tank will apply a 5% accuracy debuff to the boss with essentially 100% uptime. A powertech/vanguard tank can apply a 20% accuracy debuff to the boss with only 30% uptime. This effectively means that the boss will have a (time adjusted) accuracy debuff of 9.5%, since 18 out of every 60 seconds will be spent with a 20% debuff, while the remainder is at 5%. The same rule applies to Kolto Residue. Only one of the stacks on the target will be counted toward healing received.

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For example, juggernauts/guardians can (and often do) stack armor debuffs on the boss up to 20%. However, a single mercenary/commando in arsenal/gunnery spec will stack a 25% armor debuff on that same boss.


No it doesn't.


All the armour debuffs are 20% max


Merc = 20%

Jugg = 20%

Sniper = 20%


Merc is 4% per stack and can be stacked 5 times which takes 3 tracers (2 stacks each) to apply.

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