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Why not more companions like Jaesa Willsaam?


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I always enjoyed that Jaesa could be light or dark depending on which side you went with. It seemed to make the companion and play experience much more customized to the individual player.


I dont expect the devs to come here and say 'yea, we got lazy after we added her to the game', but I do think the game would be so much better if all of the companions were like this, and would like the developers to think about this when adding new companions in the future(cough HK cough)


edit - I guess it could follow her individual story, and not all companions are conflicting to which side they are on. . .but every main class should have at least one of these types of companions if not more(depending on the companion's backstory)

Edited by FourTwent
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I would like to see all characters get at least one companion they can influence in the same way as Jaesa. Maybe not a complete light or dark side attunement but perhaps helping the companion make a decision and then the outcome affecting the outcome of later quests in that companion's line.



Like M1-4X in the Trooper story giving the Trooper a choice of which Sith or Imperial he goes after. Then later the one that was left alive affects 4X or the Trooper in some way.



I just wish our choices could count for more.

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Was so pumped for "how decisions really matter" hype at launch. Got mails from people I helped, or from families I ruined. Kept pluggin through my quest log, waiting and waiting for that pivotal moment where that fella I saved might show up and lend some back up, or help me get a good lead on Skavak.


Sadly though, all I got was the mail, and I'm still waiting for them to show up :( The companion quests and dialogues, while fun to listen to, are merely the same. After my wedding, I got a couple emails with low lvl gifts, and that was that. Was really hoping for some random adventures with her, or anyone I finished the stories with. Guess I can keep my fingers crossed for some updated stories, but with 16 to deal with, I'm not expecting too much anytime soon.

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or they just decided to make her special.


while everyone was complaining about animation issues that really weren't that bad when compared to the other faction. . .this is what made me think the devs preferred the empire over republic.

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Yeah I hated the fact that you couldn't turn Ashara to the dark side and it is really weird to have these conversations with her about these missions to make a peace between the Empire and the Republic and gain allies from the Jedi.. whaaaat? My Sith didn't sign up for that.. he is a dark sided Sith, loyal to the Empire! I wish I could just throw her away from the airlock.. :rak_03: why would my Sith keep her around if she is not willing to go againts her Jedi teachings etc. ?


Edited by Skorz
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One thing I always disliked about companions is the "fade to black" missions that happen so often. You have a companion that says something about they have to go to Planet X to meet Person Y. So you think it's going to be a side mission right? Wrong. Unfortunately, it just fades to black and your companion says "all done!". :(


I do agree that I wish more companions could be influenced by your choices. If your inquisitor wants to marry Ashara, you have to be light side. If you go dark, you should be able to "corrupt" her and still get her to marry you (if that is your choice).

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I think BW really messed up with the companions. They could have added a great many side quests which would have been a lot more interesting than most the later game world quests and as others have said the choices have no affect.


For many companions 1000 affection and doing right by them at ever turn still leads to betrayal. As others have mentioned with Jaesa it was a step in the right direction but then didn't go far enough, she even ends up being a bit crazy in my play through. I was a grey sith (which was said to be a viable option) which she could sence I then get to do the Vader options of strike me down which was great. Only because grey isn't an option I opt for Dark Jaesa and now she is hunting down sith with light tendencies which she knows I am one of yet all her power she can't sence it.... wait a moment she senced it when we first met.

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I'm assuming it was either an experiment, to see how players would react, or it was too difficult/time intensive/not worth the effort to include for all characters, or they just decided to make her special.


Plus the LS/DS SW is one of the few stories the do play very differently in character, if not events, when you play one side or the other.

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So much around the companions felt rushed. And as it was one of the big selling points of the game (and had to win over a lot of people who didn't want a pet following them around everywhere) they really did disappoint.


Dialogue choices with a companion were pointless, you'd still have the same conversation with them. Your alignment doesn't affect them (I mean, how much praise did this get in Kotor 2? Just for it to be not included) and companion gifts reversing the effects of decisions they don't like is hilarious "Hey Vette, I'm sorry I killed that innocent family and lost -1 influence with you, but here's a present"


The only thing they got right is that after you're married, you never talk to each other.

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One thing I always disliked about companions is the "fade to black" missions that happen so often. You have a companion that says something about they have to go to Planet X to meet Person Y. So you think it's going to be a side mission right? Wrong. Unfortunately, it just fades to black and your companion says "all done!". :(


I do agree that I wish more companions could be influenced by your choices. If your inquisitor wants to marry Ashara, you have to be light side. If you go dark, you should be able to "corrupt" her and still get her to marry you (if that is your choice).




I was expecting side missions at times when all of a sudden, it's like you feel like you missed something important. Even if you weren't involved, a cut scene would be cool to show you what happened, which would be cool for DS Jaesa.


As for all companions being affected by your choices, I completely agree. It shouldn't be a case of "Oh, their personality is this and you have to deal with it." As part of my personal story I want to be able to influence all of my companions. If I'm playing LS and have DS companions then I'd like to have more discussions with them about DS/LS matters and get them to see things from my character perspective. Same the other way around. Why? Because they're my companions, they hang around with me all the time out of choice yet they never want to listen to me. I can make Ashara kill many people out and about but back on ship it's like it never happened. It just feels wrong. I actually wanted my Assassin to corrupt Ashara and marry her but that didn't happen. I want to see my character influencing things around them. Hopefully this will improve in future.

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So much around the companions felt rushed. And as it was one of the big selling points of the game (and had to win over a lot of people who didn't want a pet following them around everywhere) they really did disappoint.


Dialogue choices with a companion were pointless, you'd still have the same conversation with them. Your alignment doesn't affect them (I mean, how much praise did this get in Kotor 2? Just for it to be not included) and companion gifts reversing the effects of decisions they don't like is hilarious "Hey Vette, I'm sorry I killed that innocent family and lost -1 influence with you, but here's a present"


The only thing they got right is that after you're married, you never talk to each other.


Not pointless at all doc knows kaliyo, Risha was the pirate Vette worked for. Want me to go on...Is all about listening to they're story.

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Yeah I hated the fact that you couldn't turn Ashara to the dark side and it is really weird to have these conversations with her about these missions to make a peace between the Empire and the Republic and gain allies from the Jedi.. whaaaat? My Sith didn't sign up for that.. he is a dark sided Sith, loyal to the Empire! I wish I could just throw her away from the airlock.. :rak_03: why would my Sith keep her around if she is not willing to go againts her Jedi teachings etc. ?



I was going to bring this up,


Perhaps some future content for companion quest will see something like this as an option. I feel like there is set up for this to occur.

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Was so pumped for "how decisions really matter" hype at launch. Got mails from people I helped, or from families I ruined. Kept pluggin through my quest log, waiting and waiting for that pivotal moment where that fella I saved might show up and lend some back up, or help me get a good lead on Skavak.


Sadly though, all I got was the mail, and I'm still waiting for them to show up :( The companion quests and dialogues, while fun to listen to, are merely the same. After my wedding, I got a couple emails with low lvl gifts, and that was that. Was really hoping for some random adventures with her, or anyone I finished the stories with. Guess I can keep my fingers crossed for some updated stories, but with 16 to deal with, I'm not expecting too much anytime soon.


I think beta testers whined about that because they accidentally killed their companion. So blame the people who whined.

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Not pointless at all doc knows kaliyo, Risha was the pirate Vette worked for. Want me to go on...Is all about listening to they're story.


They're still pointless in the fact that apart from romance arcs, every conversation you have at each affection threshold will be on the same subject, or that most of the time when you're given 3 choices, you'll still get the same response and get the same dialogue choices for the next question. You dialogue choices, your alignment, your actions account for nothing.


You may as well just get a codex entry after you've given them 20 gifts that gives you a chunk of backstory. As that's how it works.

Edited by Hessen
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Yeah I hated the fact that you couldn't turn Ashara to the dark side and it is really weird to have these conversations with her about these missions to make a peace between the Empire and the Republic and gain allies from the Jedi.. whaaaat? My Sith didn't sign up for that.. he is a dark sided Sith, loyal to the Empire! I wish I could just throw her away from the airlock.. :rak_03: why would my Sith keep her around if she is not willing to go againts her Jedi teachings etc. ?



Because otherwise you have to romance ... no one... if you are a male Inquisitor...lol

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I would like to see all characters get at least one companion they can influence in the same way as Jaesa. Maybe not a complete light or dark side attunement but perhaps helping the companion make a decision and then the outcome affecting the outcome of later quests in that companion's line.



Like M1-4X in the Trooper story giving the Trooper a choice of which Sith or Imperial he goes after. Then later the one that was left alive affects 4X or the Trooper in some way.



I just wish our choices could count for more.

Male smuggler has a romance possibility that can affect the companion character in a major way.

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the jaesa story is actually the only meaningful in the game because everything else is reversible or does not have as great impact, that was how metrics demanded it (now we dont want to have lil' timmy crying over a choice he made, don't we ?)
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originally we were going to have companions with ds/ls meters just like us. we would be able to sway them one way or the other. then the devs stopped talking about it. and it never got activated.


hasn't been one word on that mechanic since shortly before beta ended. which is unfortunate, as that was a really cool thing a lot of us were waiting and pining to test out. would have added another layer of depth to the game that i'm sure quite a few people would have enjoyed.

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