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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I dare you to retort this argument


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No the initial part of our argument was that a PT and marauder can kill someone quicker then a healer can get off a heal. Then you went on to give an example where you gave a situation of a pt and mara doing damage to someone and the amount of time was a lot longer then a healers longest heal.


Except unless the healer is prescient they won't start casting a heal the instant they start getting focused. By the time they start the damage will all have gone out and the person in question will be dead. Being disingenuous doesn't really help your case, whatever that case may be.

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Except unless the healer is prescient they won't start casting a heal the instant they start getting focused. By the time they start the damage will all have gone out and the person in question will be dead. Being disingenuous doesn't really help your case, whatever that case may be.


Yes i get this but he was saying it was faster then a heal can get off. Which it is in fact not faster.

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Yes i get this but he was saying it was faster then a heal can get off. Which it is in fact not faster.



Except in practice it is since the person in question will literally never have a heal land on them because by the time a healer reacts to what's happening the target is dead. Again, you're being deliberately disingenuous, and that's just a bad argument tactic.

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Yes i get this but he was saying it was faster then a heal can get off. Which it is in fact not faster.


Stop nitpicking. Logically a healer is not going to start casting a heal on themselves the moment that they are targeted. Trying to disprove certain points such as this just shows that you're avoiding the argument at hand.

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Your statement is 100% right on the money. Before 1.2 I was running down the road on my marauder when a guy start to talk to me about why I would play such a ****** useless class as the marauder. I told him the class was really good and you just need to learn how to play it. He laughed at me.


Then 1.2 comes out and later on I see the same guy, he starts ************ to me about how I joined the bandwagon and rolled the overpowered Flavor of the moth class. I ask him if he remembered me from a while back on kas and said nope, never talked to you.

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Sorry, with stim + adrenal and every damge buff my ravage record is 17.5k (in a damage testing duel) :p


Not that it mattered ; if you have trouble shutting down ravage pls l2p ty.


If you think marauders are OP, play a marauder.

Edited by hyuplee
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Here is my argument. The PvP is so good and balanced the game has to go free to play if it hopes to survive. More than 2/3rds of the player base left because PvP is too good. It's so good and balanced that no one wants to play it.


Thanks for the sig. Also why are you making sense? these pvp forums arent supposed to make sense, they are supposed to be troll pits of vile toxicity towards any new player foolish enough to post here.

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On the subject of mara pvp, outside of the stealth and GBTF immunity bit (do they really need both?), they dont seem to me to be that bad. Yes a geared one will wreck you if you let him perform his rotation on you, but thats true of so many classes how is it relevant? They are just as squishy as an operative or sniper if you whale on them. Maybe its me, but when I see a mara/sent performing a master strike/ravage on a team mate in a wz, I taunt or try to stun or knock them back.


Maybe if people spent less time trying to 1v1 in E peen contests and actually, you know, peeled for the healer? healed the tank guy guarding them? cleanse that Imissle?


Have to say from having all 8 classes now, I think class balance is close to fine. Even a gunnery trooper can hold his own if you play someone who doesnt know what hes doing...

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On the subject of mara pvp, outside of the stealth and GBTF immunity bit (do they really need both?), they dont seem to me to be that bad. Yes a geared one will wreck you if you let him perform his rotation on you, but thats true of so many classes how is it relevant? They are just as squishy as an operative or sniper if you whale on them. Maybe its me, but when I see a mara/sent performing a master strike/ravage on a team mate in a wz, I taunt or try to stun or knock them back.


Maybe if people spent less time trying to 1v1 in E peen contests and actually, you know, peeled for the healer? healed the tank guy guarding them? cleanse that Imissle?


Have to say from having all 8 classes now, I think class balance is close to fine. Even a gunnery trooper can hold his own if you play someone who doesnt know what hes doing...


Well ops and snipers both have the bubble absorb bubble thing, dodge thing, flash bang, and the stun. Then one has stealth and a restealth and the other has a cover mechanic where they can't be charged, a ranged root, and a knock back. And that's not getting into talents for each.


So pretty sure both those classes do have some defensive tools.

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ravage buff was really needed. its prob both maras and juggs of any specs hardest hitter(other than smash spec), and it was basically useless before. half the time you would be rooted but doing no damage with the animation. other times it would get interrupted. maras got a slight buff but nothing too major.


no, the real problem is that they nerfed a large amount of other classes to oblivion. thats not to say a skilled player wont do well with them, its just much more work, and they would do better with another class

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