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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. The species from Star Wars Galaxies


2.The player housing/crafting/ sandbox feel from Star Wars Galaxies


3. The space combat/ships from Star Wars Galaxies. The ability to go do stuff in space with passengers manning the turrets.





1. Rewards for world pvp


2. The ability to never have to play huttball ever again


3.PVP quests where a team can queue up in a group finder type queue and infiltrate another teams operation type event to disrupt/ slow them down with various mechanics.

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It'd be cool to see armour customization like DCUO had. That was one awesome thing they had. Plus, higher levels seem to be whiny about how the PVP sets look. So just throw a bunch of designs and styles of robes/boots/leggings/gloves/add-ons (such as spikes or jet pack's, shoulder harness) etc. out there and let users create their own style and colors they want. I don't care how you do it. Make it a lvl 50 only thing, make it cost a certain amount of WZ commendations or w/e. Let us make Orange gear that we can create instead of having Bioware design stuff that 80% of the players "hate". I suppose I should speak for myself only there. But I'm just refering to other threads I have read through because of my own disgust...
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1. No gear restriction.


With the addition of adaptive gear, you can no longer tell by a players appearance what class he/she is playing. Heavy armor players have the biggest array of gear available and can mix and match from all classes and social gear. Light armor users have only light armor and social gear to choose from.


How is this fair?


2. Weapons of your own choice.


A long shot but I'll put it in here either way. As a Star Wars fan I find it really disturbing that we're removed the choice to pick the weapons that we wish to use for our class. Assassins being forced to use double bladed lightsabers, mercenaries forced to use 2 pistols. I would love to have the ability so that you can pick the weapon you want within reason for your class. Bounty hunters using lightsabers wont work ofc. But if a bounty hunter wanted to use a rifle then he should be allowed to. Yes this would require a lot of animation work. But it would truly let us live out our Star Wars fantasy.


3. Gear customization


This is not the clone wars. The set color to chestpiece is a start, but it doesn't work. Why not give us a color palette like in SWG for example, where we can choose ourselves what colors our gear should be. This would make a lot of unique and interesting gear choices. Wheres the harm?

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1) Space - I won't bother going into too much detail because so many others have, but space has got to be one of the biggest draws to this game, just as it is to the Star Wars franchise. I loved the space system in SWG, my ship really felt like MY ship because I designed the entire interior look of it. I loved taking a group of friends aboard and getting them to man the turrets whilst I flew, knowing that it would take more than just my own skill to complete missions, and I really enjoyed the space PvP.


2) Appearance - Scrap the mod gear system and just create an appearance tab that allows you to wear whatever armour you want/need to whilst appearing to others to be wearing whatever armour you like. This was one of my favourite updates to both Lotro and SWG and is such a better way of customizing your character and really varying your look than having to constantly pull out mods and pay high amounts of credits, not to mention that there are numerous pieces of green gear in the game that look more stunning than their orange counter-parts. The entire system would be even better if you added dyes for armour (come on this is the space age and you can't change the colour of what you're wearing?) and altered the preview pane to both be able to view things in the colour you'd like them to buy and turn off certain items. I hate trying to decide if I look a new look only to be unable to tell because the when I preview it the colours don't match what it will look like when I unify them and the helmet I have turned off appears. Half the time I can't actually tell if I like something until I buy it, equip it and then unify colours. I'd love to be able to know without having first spent hundreds thousands of credits only to find out that equipping the item and unifying colours turns my trousers a nasty shade of green.


3) Sandbox elements - I've always enjoyed chasing decorative rewards in games so that I can make my space, be it player housing or the interior of my ship, look and feel great. Even better if events and other content have items that can only be gained for a certain amount of time. Take a look through some of the videos of player houses from SWG and you'll see some amazing interiors that players created using the most basic of items. People have such creative minds and more sandbox elements really allow players to show off that creativity.


I know I've referenced SWG a lot in those points but honestly for the multitude of bad things they did they had some great ideas that really worked well. There's nothing wrong in taking good ideas from other games and improving them, it's how games work.

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1. More color options for gear. I'm tired of gold on most BH gear, and orange or green on most Trooper gear.

2. Optional companions available through story arcs and trees. Lady of Pain would be SO much better than Skadge the ******.(and yes he threatens to do this the FIRST time you meet him)

3. Ability to have a Heroic Mission Q and having both it and the current group finder return you to your previous spot.

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1) Better integration of Space into the game (for example mission that have both space combat and ground combat components to them)

2) Improved Gear Color Customization options - being able to dye your armor the color you want, option to match your other pieces of armor to a specific color from chest

3) More Companions, and more Companion Customization options: see this post for examples.

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1. Allow server transfers so that I can have all my characters on the same server.

2. Better designs for end game gear. This is a Star Wars game, not Cirque Du Soleil

3. Improve crafting. We need more schematics that are actually worth obtaining. ex: If I'm an operative and I get a schematic drop for a tionese marauder ear piece, it's worthless to me because the crafted ear piece is BOP.


When I've crafted those they are BOE.

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1) Dual / Triple Spec within Advanced Class including separate interface bars for each spec. (So if I am specced as a dps, and switch to healer, I dont have to move all my buttons around).


2) Improvement to the insane loadtimes of each planet. (it should not take 2 minutes to load Corellia)


3) Full 3D space combat, including exploration and questing within space, *AND* space mission multiplayer grouping / PVP.



*4) A million dollars and huge pectoral muscles.

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1: More story content. (More class quests, world quests and companion quests)

2: More playable species. (like Togruta, Voss and Nautolan for example)

3: More customizable, moddable gear. (You have a system that allows you to look the way you want without sacrificing stats, now let's take advantage of this and release a bajillion new clothing/armor items!)

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Great thread, OP.


I can really only echo what's already been said, but just in case the devs are counting ...


1. Mini-games. Pazaak, swoop racing, sabaac, PvE, PvP, whatever.


2. Expanded space content. Ideally not on rails, and with the possibility of group missions.


3. Control-click search ability on the GTN.

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1) Customization. More orange gear, cheaper costs for removing internal components, set bonuses attached to armoring. Or, the coveted appearance tab.


2) Mini Games Pazzak and Swoop Racing.


3) Companion "hide head slot" and "color matching".

Edited by Rikalonius
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1. Appearance tab. Keeping up the armorings/mods/enhancements in my Marauder's gear is an exercise in futility half the time, but it's the only way to keep her looking the way I want her to as I level. Just give us a tab already. It would be so much simpler to be able to display one thing, and actually wear another. I can't even think of a MMO I've played recently that didn't have this, or add it in. It cannot be that difficult.


2. Legacy XP perks to actually do what I had been under the impression they were supposed to: allow you to level to cap in different ways. Via only space, only PvP (ok you can already do this pretty well :p), only story. As is, at least for story, it isn't even worth spending credits on. A few hundred exp extra early on, a few thousand later.


3. Hide companion headslot. The hats are not pretty, most of them. :/ I would rather see the facial animations on my companions during scenes.


--and 4/5 because this is also very important to me--


4. Bring back role packs for companions. I am sick of having to only see one or two companions' input through the entire game, because if I bring anything other than a healbot (or maybe a tank) as a DPS, it's simply creating more difficulty for myself.


5. Related to 4: Unnerf tank companions. I don't care if someone over there solos a Heroic, no one groups up for them past Tatooine anyway. I would much rather have a reliable tank companion, even if I am not capable of healing it.

Edited by Rhynien
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Going with the rule that I cannot wish for more wishes:


1) Better UI. The customization is minimal. I can't track my debuffs very well with more than one marauder or even physical dot class. Power Auras, Power Auras, Power Auras, Power Auras, Power Auras and Power Auras. #1 thing I miss from WoW. Even if it's their cheezy knock off version. I can live with that. I'm tired of spending most of my fight watching cooldowns and buffs/debuffs instead of the fight.


2) PvE content. Four bosses is just not enough. I didn't mind the fights and enjoyed learning them. But even a few "trash" bosses in there would of helped. A tank/spank one for example with a random gimmick. Nothing huge. Not all of them have to be unique and special. Also better daily areas. I like how you bring out more than just operations. I really do. But don't make us suffer.


3) A world to explore. A reason to go back. As said in that online show, a randomly daily or world event. Perhaps a battle breaks out on a planet. Randomly changing every week. This game could be so much. Yet it feels like they're trying to do "good enough".

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Hi Folks,


I took the time to compile all the "votes" to see what are the things the players want to see the most. Some of the most specific suggestions had to fall into more general categories but I guess you guys will get the idea.


Note: This is only valid up to page 19


Number 1


More Character customization and recustomization, 59 Votes: this has to do with all the people that want to see more options not only at the time to create their characters but also after the fact, people suggested Dye system, Appearance tabs and of course, Barber Shops.


Number 2


3D space combat, 40 votes: I am shocked to see how many people want to see X-Win vs Tie Fighter space combat, I always though it was a niche activity.


Number 3


Open World PVP, 32 votes: I am a BIG supporter of this and I am glad I'm not the only one, there were a lot of different suggestions like reviving Ilum or do it in a new area, do it GW2/DaoC Style, many people want to see RvR back on the MMO genre.


Number 4


More Class and Companion story, 26 votes: This is one of my favorite ones and it's kind of a shame because Bioware said in several that they will focus on multiplayer content in the immediate future. People also mentioned they want to contiue their story with their companions and to have SGRA, personally I'd like to see the option to talk with your companioins whenever you want, like in Dragon Age: Origins.


Number 5


AC respec and Dual spec, 22 votes: While they are not the same thing I folded them into a single category because they are closely related, It's about flexibility it's about more options and not stand around and wait for a healer and it's also about replay value, people will be more interested in playing their classes if they have the ability to try a lot of specs.


Number 6


More Species, 19 votes : This topic has be brough a thousand times on the forums, you can check Cel Cadrow poll for the most desired species, the most mentioned ones are Togruta, Neutolan and Kel Dor.


Number 7


Cross-server capabilities, 16 votes: People want to see cross server, specially when it comes to Warzones and Ops but also for stuff like having account wide fiendlist.


Number 8



Expanded Legacy System 13 votes: There were a lot of suggestion regarding the legacy system but many of them were slightly different, the most common one is the Legacy Bank, so managing items among your alts is easier, also people keep asking for rewards for Higher Legacy levels



Number 9


Player Housing or Fully Modifiable Ships, 13 votes: Some players prefer their houses to be on the ground while others are ok with the idea of living on their ship, the point is that many players are interested in player housing.



Number 10


MINI GAMES, 13 votes: People keep asking for mini games, the most popular one is Pazaak of course, also Pod racing on tatooine, etc



My Personal Favorites: these ideas didn't get many "votes" meaning the they were only mentioned a few times or only once, but they were very smart ideas.


Single-Player Queuing for Ranked WZs (and I'd like to see Duo que, like in League of Legends)


"A semi-regular (say, once a month?) log-out survey, much like beta. Perhaps always have the option to fill one out. The reason that I even bother to suggest this is that the forums are a place for the vocal minority- NOT the silent majority"


"Being able to replay your class story at level 50 to be able to experience the story in a more cohesive manner as well as not having to start a new character to replay your story" (YES, Hard Mode class story would bring a lot of replay value to the game!)


Reduce Money Sinks!!!!

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1) Character / Image / Armor Customization: A system like DCUO or COH, to be able to change to appearance of characters after creation. Also to be able to customize the look of armor with a selectable color palette for each piece, and the ability to color match to any piece (not just the theme match to chest there is now).


2)Remove the costs of pulling mods: A level 50 character in fully augmented level 61 (campaign/blackhole) gear (that duel wields) would have to pay close to 1 million credits to remove all their armoring/mods/enhancements/augments and change to a new set of armor/weapons.


3)More content for level 50 characters: With either a grind of doing daily missions at level 50, or operations that have a weekly lock out, the amount of content available to do at level 50 is very limited. Current content could be expanded so you could repeat an operation more then once per week (but be locked out of receiving any loot after the 1st run). Class story missions could be made replayable (with no rewards from it, just for the story replay). Or being able to run flashpoints using 3 companions. Or allow cross faction grouping for operations.

Edited by Flying-Brian
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Hi Folks,


I took the time to compile all the "votes" to see what are the things the players want to see the most. Some of the most specific suggestions had to fall into more general categories but I guess you guys will get the idea.



A good compilation, thank you for tallying these up so far. They've shown that there is some attention being paid to this thread, hopefully it will turn into something.

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I've sent several very large emails to feedback at swtor, illustrating in detail concerning changes and fixes, even adding different things for certain aspects of the game. I've pointed out from a designers point of view of what works and what doesn't and why. Visually, the game looks unpolished in many areas, however I don't know if that is just the limitation of the engine or not. Same goes for sounds, that includes music or lack of, effects etc. Just doesn't sound enough like it came from something out of the Star Wars universe. Plus the npc droids chirp a tune now and again that sounds like "go, go, power rangers". Drives me up the wall! Anyway, 3 big ones for me:


1. Character customization - This includes everything starting from the character creator options to the gear throughout the game. I really wish gear looked more traditional and visually appealing for a Star Wars setting, also not something that resembles what you would see in WoW. Character creator is lazy in every aspect of design. I'm sorry but it really is true. This is the first thing someone new sees, and it should blow them away by some of today's standards and features available.


2. Removing Expertise - Grinding two sets of gear takes far too long for the average player and generally becomes turned off by the attempt at level 50. Forcing some players to choose one, either PvE or PvP with the time they have.


3. Light, shadows and reflections - Adding a true representation of light and shadows (lightsabers included). Not the false illusion that is displayed in game at the moment. Many areas are very noticeable where they were painted to give an appearance of light, shadows or reflections. Lightsabers do emit a small amount of light. However it looks very unpolished and cheap.

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