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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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This thread's been around awhile, here's my current list. :)


1. Server transfers. Hopefully both a "per character" service, for those that have characters spread out on different servers, and a "package deals" that include a transfer of your legacy and a set number of characters in the base price, for those that want to change servers altogether.


2. Same gender romance with Companions.


3. Character recustomization service (I know this is coming, at least) that includes additional customization options such as new hairstyles, complexions, tattoos, etc. Preferably ones that are in good taste and are well designed. :p


I like all 3 of your!! :D

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This is a really interesting feedback thread! Thanks to those of you posting your top 3's - keep them coming!


1). New Class story quests / New classes (proper full expansion [HK-47 needs to be integrated into story if unlocked])

2). A New hutt-ball map

3). Pod Racing


prior feed back can be found in these threads...as was requested from EA/ Bioware almost a year ago....





Edited by Lecto
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Sooooo many things.


1) In game voice


2) Remove the commendation limits, and share everything but warzone coms across your legacy


3) Mail system that recognizes your own characters on your account when you press the first letter of their names.


That's the three I am thinking about right now. I would really like new tops that don't have a tail, but have bear arms, but aren't just bras. These guys have never seen a t-shirt, and some skirts as well, not full length robes or skirts with leggings (like Handmaiden).

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1: Weapon restrictions (reasonably) removed. e.g: blasters can be used by any blaster class (except, perhaps, assault cannon. maybe continue to keep that commando exclusive.) same with lightsabers. Light saber can be used by any class, etc.


2: Add more races (Preferably: Kel Dor, Togruta, Rodian, Bothan, etc.)


3: More 55 hm flashpoints. The only 4 right now are going to get old very, very fast, especially them being re-hashed low level fps. (Already kinda sick of them.)

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1) Cross server warzones.

2) Removal of Expertise, Valor, and PVP gear. (just make it like GW2)

3) Openworld, objective based PVP w/rewards/exp.



1) Cross server FP/Op queues.

2) More alive worlds. Even the old everquest felt more alive. Random mobs, roaming super mobs, etc. SWTOR feels like mobs are just placed there to die, and lifeless. Improved AI would help.

3) Open space combat!!!



1) More stat boosting gear, mods, items. The 31 stat armor sets are nice, add 41, 51, and 54 suits! Some of us have more money than time, and would like this.

2) More cool mounts (at more reasonable prices), and less of the gambling nonsense.

3) Lots more color crystals, add in weapons you can buy, and more masks.



1) Customizable ships, where you can actually decorate the inside. Placing manequins with old armor suits, new stuff all around. It should be like player housing.

2) Premade vs Premade WZ matching! There is NO point in premades vs pugs, it turns out bad. If you are in a premade, you should be carefully matched to other premades. Let the pugs pug.. Ok? Rift, and World of Tanks did this and it worked, premades add to massive dissatisfaction in Warzones.

3) Class Role Switches! Like Rift.. I shouldn't have to respec everytime I DPS or Heal, I should have my specs saved, and be allowed to switch 'roles' out of combat. SWTOR is poor in this regard.

Edited by Brannicus
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1. More species: Voss Togruta Natoluans Nikto Weequay Cereans and more

2. More alive planets: mobs fighting other mobs, npcs walking buy from vendors, soldiers saluting you as you pass.

3. Much cheaper GTN items, and more Coins for subs. It would take me 3 months on sub coins to buy 1 piece of full set of oranges from the GTN.


Honorable mention. More lore: I want to know what happened to the Lost Jedi after KoTORII, I wanna run into Zalbaar and Vogga the Hutt, i wanna go to Citadel Station, or that village in Kashkky, the Datanoonie enclave.

Edited by Kellorion
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1. I've said this before, but a "design-your-own-orange-gear" Kiosk would be great, and I'd definitely pay CCs for it.

2. Decorations and Dyes for our Starships, plus a few more rooms. Jedi needs trophy room badly!

3. More styles of Lightsabers could be a nice addition, i.e those ones Maris Brood used in Force Unleashed (forgot their name). There could be different animations for attacks with each type.


Also, a few things for content as supposed to quality of life.

1. Some new, harder-but-soloable dailies that give endgame comms (rank varies depending on location/difficulty).

2. Replayable, Hardmode Class Quests that serve the same purpose as the dailies I suggested above.

3. Force Push for Sentinels/Marauders.

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1) Give non-force sensitive classes (bounty hunter, trooper, etc.) some sort of edge to level the playing field against sith and jedi players.

2) Introduce krayt dragons (both canyon and greater krayt varieties) into the game.

3) Introduce armor designs for Republic classes that are not sterotypical (like hoods have been for jedi) and adds variety in cosmetic appeal. Perhaps model the bounty hunter and sith classes (plenty of variety of armor designs there).

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More PVP like RvR or mass group PVP with NPC end boss defeats.


Crafting intertwined together for a bigger economic boom.


Cool Armor for sub only players that you can't use if you unsubscribe even if you have artifact.


I want too see this game thrive:D

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1. More CM discounts for subscribers/Vendors who sell CM goods to subscribers for in game credits

2. All codex bugs fixed

3. More...well any incentive for Open World PvP


PS - love 2.1, finally have a look I could be happy with for a long time

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I'd like a time machine to be added so we can teleport back to launch with promising endgame content. That's why this game failed, not because of the cartel market, not color dyes or barber shops but because the endgame content wasn't appealing for either pve or pvp. Raids were buggy and easy, the PvP gear unlock system was asinine and Ilum was a disaster.


Those complaining about character customizations are like angry customers at the Barely Satisfying ice cream parlor enraged about the color of the sprinkles on their "mediocre medley" sundae.

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NUMBER ONE: MORE CLASS STORY! I don't play this game to run around doing filler crap and amuse myself by giggling " Dude, I'm like, a Jedi (or Sith)". I play this game because its an mmo-rpg that has REAL RPG elements in it! SWtOR is all about ME! MY journey! MY story! I'm tired of toys and tidbits to keep me paying to play. Get a CLUE! EA/Bioware, you have ALOT of competition, do what nobody else does and what you do BEST! Give us the class story adventure where our toons are the center of the galaxy again!


NUMBER TWO: HOOD/NO HOOD OPTION! Its just bitterly disappointing that you haven't addressed this issue since launch. I'm NOT talking about making entirely new armor models to accommodate the Hood Up/ Hood Down crowd. Just use existing technology to use the TWILEK armor models for all gear with a hood, then add a new button on the appearance UI so you can toggle the hood on or off. It really is that simple. Color matching to chest was harder for you guys than this would be.


Number Three: Make reverse engineering more rewarding, and less dependent on 'luck'. Add a counter that gives a cumulative +10% chance with every RE attempt on the same crafted item . This wouldn't really affect 'lucky' people (except to make them angry that they aren't the only ones to be able to make great items anymore), but would definitely make up for the abysmal performance of the RNG where RE is concerned.

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No order :

- Being able to actually sit down in chairs. At least in the fleet and EVERYWHERE within the own ship.

- More rewarding exploration - with the ability to actually find something out in an wilderness with is devoid of enemies (too much hack & slay here for my taste).

- Traps & puzzles. SWTOR is totally devoid of that.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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1. Devs actually LISTENING to subs


2. Change the Cartel Market to BENEFIT subs


3. Change the RE/crafting system to something that gives you info on what can be RE'd for schematics BEFORE you make it, so you don't eat through your mats stores.

Edited by DoctorBeckett
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