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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Improvements to the Legacy system (legacy wide datacrons, legacy wide cargo hold, stuff for high level legacy, etc)

2. True Achievement system

3. Some new exclusive, difficult to get items/titles that are ONLY available through a difficult in-game method and never become easier to attain, sell-able on the GTN, or in the CM

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Hmm, only three?


1) Better and more pvp. Meaning more Warzones and a revamping Ilum (or even another area) with better objectives.


2) A more dynamic world. Day/Night cycle, weather, moving NPCs, and anything else to make the world feel alive.


3) More legacy bonuses, I'm not sure what though.

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1. Speeders removed from Fleet, maybe make our "sprint" faster on fleet, but the speeders help create too much loss of frames.

2. A launch button, so you can go to your ship without having to go out into space, maybe just to see your holo terminal, put stuff in cargo and such and then leave again. Like being able to go to your car in a parking lot and drop off some things and go back into the store.

3. keep fixing bugs..... :-)

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1) minor appearance changes in-game. things like hair style and colour or altering of cybernetics or those tiara things twilik's wear, but not major changes like eye colour, face type and body type. keep it realistic.


2) legacy-wide storage, accessable by all legacy characters.


3) ability to friend/block by account, its horrible to have to re-friend everyone on new characters or be subjected to something you found bad enough to block someone for simply because you make a new character or head on to another one.

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You never said i entitled to only one post so 3 more (simpler) things :


- A way to identify the repeatable i've already done (change the color of the triangle reverse it, anything that makes it different from the quests i haven't dine yet)


- a way to know if i still have to make research on the schematics i have directly from the craft window (i.e. before producing the item)


- a way to know if someone is in the right spe for the stance they have, to know if the tank i have from group finder is really a tank, the healer is really a healer and the like.

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1) x-server gf and wzs - or - server transfer option (only need one or the other)

2) hood toggle

3) space - something like what Star Trek Online has would be great

4) flying mounts

5) character/legacy renames

6) barber shop

Edited by WaywardOne
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- A way to direct loot message out of my group/ops chat window (it just kills communication)


- A way to decide at what range i see players and mobs (my computer isn't a pocket calculator i'm sure it can handle it)


- A way to invis the name above my head for real PVP where i can hide and sneak behind vegetation and things like that.


What it wasn't 3 post by player oups sorry ...

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1) "Relic Weapons" - Items that take a lengthy time to get. Like 6 months or so for the hardcore players through the collection of items that are used to pop a boss type mob that requires guild involvement to kill that will in turn drop more items to then will open up various quests or other boss type mobs to gain certain weapons and off-hands. The stats on the weapon would be equivalent or maybe slightly higher stats than a BiS end game weapon, but when combined with the corresponding off-hand from the same questing series would give the user a special Relic Weapon set bonus.


2) More WZ maps - Not new game modes. Take the existing game modes like Hutball or King of the Hill, etc, and just build new maps around that game mode. Similar to how one might be able to play CTF on a variety of maps in a FPS.


3) More end game crystal crafting for artifice.

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1.) UI window to track Alt status. Items like Have mail, crafting progress and skills (longest shown?), Inventory link, credits etc.


2.) Armor coloring/dyes


3.) Ship skins - Similar in concept to Companion appearance items. Would re-skin the outside of the ship. Interior would remain the same (although would love totally new ships in the future).

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Change restriction of crafting items that are restricted at some point like :

- Rakata bracers (bound on pick-up)

- Endless stims (Require Biochem)

- Endless grenades (Require Cybertech)

and turn them all into "bound to legacy".


With this, these items will still be specific to players that worked enough on their crafting skills, but as they are not restricted to only one character but to the legacy, some crafting skills like Biochem and Cybertech will not be a "must have" anymore for PvP toons (for exemple).

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