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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Mini-games such as Pazaak, Swoop/Pod racing, etc. Pazaak has to be done! Please!


2. Cross-faction guilds. I know it makes no sense story-wise but in a game where you are encouraged to play both factions, not being able to chat to "guildies" without the aid of out-of-game software just seems daft.


3. Expand the space experience. I know it would be a major thing and would nearly be considered a game in its own right, but making the space game more than just a novelty thing would be AWESOME!


Picking only three things was difficult btw!

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1. Cross faction interaction. Players have friends in both factions, allow us to interact with them. The first step was taken by combining the GTN's. Now, mail and chat (even if it starts with user created chat channels) need to be made available at a minimum. Personally, I want to be able to be in the same guild no matter the faction. This way if I'm on an imp and a guildie on the republic side needs help, they can easily ask and allow me to switch or whatever is needed to help them.


2. Open world PvP - I'm not talking about limited to specific zones like ilum but for the pvp servers, give us a reason to fight anytime anywhere. What happened to the Merc comms?


3. Improve Advanced Class Balance (i.e. Commando vs. Vanguard)

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1. Chat Bubbles

2. Sitting in chairs

3. Voiced Emotes :p

+1 on these.


But as an own list:


  1. facelift on the republic fleet. Plants, holotrees, kiosk for the tradeskill vendor... etc. Some life!
  2. Use your planets! They are so good, shame that after a few level there's no reason to go back. Daily quests, and scenarios, high level areas on.
  3. Spaceports... the way Coruscant or Dromund Kaas was done right. No elevators and broken up place. Why is it different on Taris or Tatooine?

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]1) Dual Spec - I do hope this is still coming.


2) A reason to run Flash Points more than once even if it means getting just one BH comm per run after the first.


3) A reason to collect all the other social gear. It costs to much to remod and augment them beyond your operation set so why bother getting any of them once you gear up one you like.


Put in 2 paperdolls: One that is your actual character and an alternate one that you can put social gear on to show but not get stats from. Visual only and being able to switch back and forth when you want - Like having 2 appearances. That way you can wear some of the other social gear for looks(and not get any bonus form them) but also wear your actual operation gear.

Edited by Quraswren
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1) More Species. - And not in 5 years time. This is a core game element and needs to be addressed quickly not as add on years from now long after people that wanted to play more alien species are off play Char or whatever they are called.


2) Realistic Graphics - Whoever said stylised graphics would be better for the game was a fool and probably quit to work on a different project. They ruined impersion and have made the game seem cartoonish and child like more JaJar Binks than Empire Strikes back.


3) More Class Stories with real results from actions. At the moment the story is forgotten the second the xp is awarded, if I allow a captain to live that should have an effect with future dealings with members of the Imperial Navy. Not completely forgotten the moment you step off the ship. This was ment to be the 4th Pilar but instead all it has become is more dialogue before you go kill 10 rats.

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1. Continued Story.


2. More flashpoints


3. Improved Space game.


And some kind of interaction with the dev process. Some kind of real timeline and what is actually on the near horizon. Stop telling us about things that are going to be fixed 3 months before they are. The lack of communication is very frustrating.

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1. Allow server transfers so that I can have all my characters on the same server.

2. Better designs for end game gear. This is a Star Wars game, not Cirque Du Soleil

3. Improve crafting. We need more schematics that are actually worth obtaining. ex: If I'm an operative and I get a schematic drop for a tionese marauder ear piece, it's worthless to me because the crafted ear piece is BOP.

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These are my choices in no particular order.


1. RvR world PvP like in Dark Age of Camelot.

2. A seperate resolve system for roots or make some/most roots dispellable. I understand this makes things more complicated for new players, but currently you can be rooted indefinitely by 1-2 players. Not being able to go anywhere for 10-20s while you have a full resolve bar because people keep using their spec's roots and root grenades, to keep you in place until you die. In such a scenario you have no chance of getting away and it is probably the most frustrating thing in PvP right now.

3. The way enemy npcs function when players of the opposing faction are around needs immediate fixing. Currently enemy players can place you in combat just by standing inside a pack of enemy mobs and casting a ranged attack at you. This is flawed and should not occur. No player should be able to force enemy npc mobs to attack another player. How it should function is like in World of Warcraft. Enemy npcs will only aggro onto you if you yourself attack the npcs, or get close enough to gain their aggro. It is unacceptable really, that someone can just get mobs of enemy npcs to swarm you just by standing in the middle of them and throwing one ability at you that forces them to swarm your character. You can run from pack to pack, aggroing tens and tens of mobs onto enemy players without that player ever being near those mobs and without that player ever targeting and attacking those mobs.

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1: I believe more advanced character customization is key, and will bring players closer to their characters. For example, someone mentioned sliders to determine Body Size/Type as well as different Armor Colors etc. Personally, I like the idea of Left/Right Handed Lightsabers/Weapons, as well as the option to wield a Backhand Lightsaber, similar to that in The Force Unleashed.



Class change. For example, I am a Juggernaut and I wish I were a marauder. Boom, now I am. Oh and the training and re-gearing cost is on my shoulders since I chose to change the class



Capture/Defend open world PvP objectives



Edited by Red_Eye_Jedi_
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I'm glad I'm not the only person who really wants to be a special snowflake.


Customisation is so hugely important to the remaining subscribers and I hope Bioware's expectations aren't that we will be pacified by armour sets on the SWTOR Shop.

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1) X-Wing vs Tie Fighter Space combat with PvP. Id love to fly a snub fighter and defend my Guild Ship (If we ever get them that would be such an awesome pvp-esque battle hell these elements could even be used in a raid!)


2) REAL Classic and Iconic races from the SW Galaxy. I love Twi'leks but theres so many good races in the game we dont see and were getting Cathar. Im extremely disappointed. They are the norm. Lets get some Nautolan, Kaleesh, Mon Cal, etc.


3) TONS more Character customization options. This is one of my biggest problems with this game. It is incredibly laking in the detail of what we can make with our chosen toons. A barbershop of types should come with this as well and just a note for the future put race changes in. (Cash shop whatever I dont care but we need that option. At least those of us that like being unique do)


I know the thread says 3 but this also ties into my third ARMOR! WE NEED MORE STYLES. The Republic specifically needs more "Jedi" things with armor and ******ery and less "Dune" royalty with fan shapped idiot hats and fluffy ball gowns. Terrible art design.

Edited by Kazaganthis
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1) Fix Crew Skills.

I know that for each tier, there are like 4 Underworld Metal missions. Yet, each time I go to send my companions out, there aren't any listed. Or there's only 1 listed. I'm constantly sending out companions on Tier 1 UT missions to try to reset the list and get a few more. This is incredibly time consuming and annoying.


2) Legacy Bank

It'd be nice if there were an simple place for me to store items and credits to transfer between my characters. I picked up two bowcasters for my Sniper and future Vanguard, but they're stuck in one of my character's banks. Hopefully, when I get around to playing those characters, I'll be able to remember which one has them.


3) Gear Customization

I tend to hate it when my characters reach level 50. Why? Because I have to switch into a gear set that doesn't match my view of the character. My Sorcerer went from wearing a simple black robe to a blood red and bone mess. It's happened on my other characters, too. I could go out and PvP for battlemaster gear and slot it into my modifiable gear, but that's expensive and causes me to lose out on set bonuses.

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With Guild Wars 2 and Planetside 2 already installed, it'll take more than three specific features to keep me playing TOR much longer.


1) Frequent, high quality updates

2) Restore confidence in dev team

3) Refocus on story - that's what this game does better than any other MMO.

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1. Faction vs. Faction combat with consequences

2. Ability for guilds to hold objectives and fortify them (for a price)

3. Dye pots to allow you to change the colour of your armour


All of these were in WarHammer

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1) Real 3d space combat, hopefully with guild capital ships

2) Multispec (along with outfitter + custom appearance tab)

3) Fix on bugs, especially lag


4) complete redo of resolve system as there are too many abilitiies not on in (aka I can be stunned then flash grenaded then force stasised all in a row) and adding full stop roots to the resolve bar.

5) more character slots per server

6) fix the camera - let "forward" be the way my camera is facing not the (undeterminable) way my toon might be facing, keep my view on what is in front of me (not the #$!#@! leaf behind my head, c'mon SWG did it a decade ago), and keep my camera at max (my max not your default) distance.

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My three...??

1. Please add a sort button for bank and bag spaces. This should be a minor fix I think. I could be wrong so correct me if I am.

2. Barber style npc to change appearance , almost every game out there has this option. Don't be the last one!!

3. Can we get a fix on med packs please ?? Why is it one time per battle only?? Did pvp break this ? If so limit pvp fights to pvp stims only..across the board. I think med packs have a long cool down as it is.

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1: Make the world ALIVE! Add NPC's, droids, animals what ever it takes, to make the world feel like it's an actual world, not just a shooting range with hostile mobs. There are so many areas, which are huge, like several cantinas, and there is just 1 NPC standing there. It's just obvious that those areas are not completed. Making the world alive, would go a long way of keeping the players in the game.


Hear, hear.


That's a big one for me. The world feels very static. Even the various spaceports feel like a massive VIP parking spot for the PCs. Something akin to what City of Heroes presents would be nice (minus the weirdness of the NPCs walking in a nice line along the sidewalk for hundreds of meters, if you please).




While I'm on the subject, might as well say that additional little details (hyperbole alert) such as speeder bikes made by someone other than Aratech would be nice.

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#1) More Character Slots


#2) Ready Check for Groups/Ops


#3) Give Republic some better clothing options. Why does the Imperial side get all the midriff bearing gear, the face masks, the colors black, grey, and blue? What does Republic get? Brown and more Brown. Oh there's Green too.


Bonus) Fix the clipping problem you introduced to my favorite robe style in the 8/21 patch T.T http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=524119

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1. The Hero Engine.


This is, in my honest opinion, the number one underlying cause that has and will continue to hold back this game's true potential. It doesn't matter what they add to the game, if it's foundation is unstable, it will never amount to much.


2. More sandbox elements.


This is a Star Wars game. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have little things that make the world feel more alive. The game could use alot more ambiance and global changing across the planets. A night and day cycle would be a great first step.


3. Better social hubs.


The Fleets make sense and I can understand why they exist, but making them the main hub through which everything else is accessed feels very limiting and the scenery gets boring pretty fast. When I first stepped into Coruscant and Kaas City during the beta test weekends, I tried to imagine how they would look with hunderds of players standing around socializing, showing off their awsome gear, playing games in the Cantinas or dueling each other in the streets.


I was extremely disappointed to find out that those two places would become nothing more than somewhere you pass through while leveling, never to return to again.


Everything that has to do with endgame should originate in the faction cities. Make the Fleet become the area where you go to train skills or make frequent stops to while leveling. It would have been much cooler to speak to Master Satele and Darth Malgus in person on one of the city capitols or to see them walking around every now and then instead of just talking to them from the Holo.


There was a lot of potential to bring life into this game with the Star Wars theme. The only problem I have ever had was a complete lack of such things outside of the amazing cut-scenes and voice-over dialog.

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