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Most epic heroic Huttball moment ever?


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Okay, so I'm a LV 49 farmer on a viggy guardian. we're losing 1-0, and this guy complains about us losing huttball and how we're so close. I dismiss him and tell him how if I wanted to I could carry the team to victory.


About 1 min. left, I decide it's time. I burst down ball carrier, grab ball, leap to catwalk, then 15 seconds later leap up to around the highest middle platform, push the guy right to the edge of the EZ, leap again, and literally no more than 4 seconds left, I score.


Someone on our team grabs the ball xD

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I join a huttball, imps are loosing 5:1, one person disconnected, another quit so i got his spot, two clowns of the so called best pvp guild on red eclipse standing on our goal line with the ball, rubbing it in, so i leap in get my 2.5k crit medal and push said clown over the goal line so they score and it ends. Made me smile I didn't give them the satisfaction.
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I join a huttball, imps are loosing 5:1, one person disconnected, another quit so i got his spot, two clowns of the so called best pvp guild on red eclipse standing on our goal line with the ball, rubbing it in, so i leap in get my 2.5k crit medal and push said clown over the goal line so they score and it ends. Made me smile I didn't give them the satisfaction.


Ive had people do this to me before, except with grapple. Im not sure if they meant to or they were just oblivious to the fact that i had the ball.

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We were down 1-0 basically the entire match... with about 1 minute left, they were threatening to score again. We just managed to kill the ball holder on the side... I hit trans, and took off down the field with about 20s left. (A teammate had the ball.)


I got to the top ramp, teammate passed to me. Basically no enemy at all on their side of the field, it all happened so fast. Someone was coming out of spawn, I jumped right to him... scored with 1s left, tying the game at 1-1. But the system still registered me as "holding" the ball, so we ended up with the win.


That was pretty epic.

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We were down 1-0 basically the entire match... with about 1 minute left, they were threatening to score again. We just managed to kill the ball holder on the side... I hit trans, and took off down the field with about 20s left. (A teammate had the ball.)


I got to the top ramp, teammate passed to me. Basically no enemy at all on their side of the field, it all happened so fast. Someone was coming out of spawn, I jumped right to him... scored with 1s left, tying the game at 1-1. But the system still registered me as "holding" the ball, so we ended up with the win.


That was pretty epic.


In the event of a tie the last team that scored wins, unless its 0-0 then the team holding the ball wins.

Edited by Kraegore
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In the event of a tie the last team that scored wins, unless its 0-0 then the team holding the ball wins.


Sorry you're wrong, in any tie the team holding the ball wins. Its just in these cases they were the last team holding the ball.

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Enemy was very close to our line. I jumped on him, killed and got the ball. But what was that rest of the opponent team was running towards me. There were no team mates around. Behind the horde running towards me I saw another single opponent running. I threw the ball towards him, then leaped on him and stepped on his head then catched the ball on air. Time was running out, still no team mates around, i kicked the ball and it passed the opponent line. But it wasn't count, hutts don't have feet!
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I usually never post on the forums unless it's a technical issue, but I had to post on this thread because the most epic moment in huttball for me happened last night. Here's how it went down. We were down 0-1, I think there was about 4 minutes left. I blamed myself for us being down, because the guy that had scored on us, (I think he was a sith marauder), had been coming down the ramp just as I was respawning.


He only had about 1/4 hp left, and I stunned him but he broke the stun and scored. I blamed myself because I had made the mistake of stunning him instead of shooting him with my scattergun, as I think a crit hit would have one-shot killed him as his hp was only about 25% as I said. Anyway, I was looking to redeem myself and later in the game, we started setting up some good passing chains. I got the ball passed to me on the upper tier ramp in the enemy territory. I started running with it, while my commando teammate got in front of me and was shooting at the enemies that were chasing me. I reach the final ramp, and the line is there in front of me, when at that particular moment, 4 enemies were respawning.


They immediately converged on me, and one of them stunned me. I noticed my escape was on cooldown, so I used it to break free. At this point I was only about 4m away from the line. Suddenly, a sniper used cover pulse, knocking me back several meters and paralyzing me. Meanwhile, I noticed my trooper teammate was standing behind the enemy goal line. It appeared that the enemy had noticed this, as they shifted their attention from me to him, frantically trying to kill him before I could pass to him.


At the last second, I made a picture perfect pass to him, which was very difficult since there were at least 3 enemies in front of him that could have intercepted. The pass went right to him, we scored, tying the game. We ended up holding the ball at the end and winning the game. It was great. May not sound exciting enough in this post, but if you had been there and seen the actual scenario, then you would see it was epic.

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