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Watcher One


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Ok, so I played a Jedi Knight , and know that Watcher One was kinda a bad ***. Smart sneaky dangerous field operative.


Now I am playing an Imp Agent and got to Kass and they say that watchers are just data analyst people. ***? It is confusing, why was watcher one kicking *** and taking names while the other watchers at dweebs.


Can someone explain this please?

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I think Watchers are simply the ones placed in charge of an intelligence mission....they are kind of like middle-management. They are in charge of making sure things go smoothly and the agents are doing their job properly (and have the tools needed).


They each have their own individual strengths.


Watcher 2, for example, is genetically modified to have a computer-like brain, so she's also good at sifting through data and seeing connections.


Watcher 1 might have been a Cipher Agent before hand (speculation) and is better in the field.


You do meet other Watchers out in the field (I believe there are a few on Balmorra that give you side missions).

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From playing Agent...


The Watchers are all genetically engineered intelligence analysts who "watch" their given field agents. (Hence the name "Watcher". There are also Ciphers, Fixers, and Minders as well as Keeper. Only Ciphers are field agents, the rest play support roles.) In addition, they put together additional information to try to suss out what's really going on. (i.e. they might monitor bank accounts to figure out where a terrorist is operating or a space station's medical records to determine that there's a grand conspiracy afoot)


Watcher One seems to be an exception, as you see him in the field. (In IA, all of the field agents are Cipher agents). But possibly he's monitoring another agent and only appears because he needs to interact with his Cipher agent in some way.


The other Watchers you run into are:


Watcher Two - who is your primary point of contact in intelligence as an imperial agent. She's genetically engineered to be more mentally agile than a normal human, as well as "conditioned" to unquestioningly serve her Sith overlords. (As well as, arguably, to fall in love with you, according to her dossier.) Her conditioning left her unable to perform well in the field or make snap decisions, so possibly there's some interest in having Watchers be able to do field operations. (You do see Watcher Two in one field assignment, supporting you. So this may be why Watcher One is roaming around outside of intelligence.)


Watcher Three - Probably genetically enhanced as well, although not 100% sure. He becomes a point of contact for all agents after

the other Watchers are destroyed by a trap designed to destroy genetically enhanced minds. He's out of the room at the time, so is spared.

And, again, he seems to be purely an intelligence analyst - you never see him outside of intelligence.


Watcher Nine - The "next generation" of analysts, who's even sharper and faster than Watcher Two or Three, but also is very inhuman. (Probably due to the enhancement. Flirting with her is kind of funny as she doesn't even realize that you've done it.) Like Watcher Three, you never see her outside of intelligence...


Not sure if this helps...

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Fixers are frequently in the field as well, Ciphers are the "elite" field operatives whereas Fixers and the occasional Watcher can be found as quest-giving NPCs, and the most common field operatives are simply called "Agents"(There's a few NPCs that are Cipher agents, they're Elite-level enemies in Republic side-quests which is why I suspect a Cipher is supposed to be a title reserved for exceptional field operatives).


Watcher One was probably assigned to Taris to oversee the operation himself in person - analyst or not, you don't make the "One" position by being first, but by being the best.

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Watcher Three - Probably genetically enhanced as well, although not 100% sure. He becomes a point of contact for all agents after.


I don't think he is.



I'm pretty sure the first genetically enhanced ones were Watcher 2 and Watcher X. The next 'batch was the group of Watchers seen in Ch 3.


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Watcher One was probably assigned to Taris to oversee the operation himself in person - analyst or not, you don't make the "One" position by being first, but by being the best.


I'm not sure that the numbers mean much. Watcher Nine is definitely considered brighter than the older batch of Watchers by Keeper, but Nine is reasonably far up there. You're likely considered "better" than Cipher Three (Temple's father). I think they may just be numbers.

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I don't think he is.



I'm pretty sure the first genetically enhanced ones were Watcher 2 and Watcher X. The next 'batch was the group of Watchers seen in Ch 3.


IDK. Watcher Three seems *really* young. And

all of the watchers watching the holovid die, leaving Watcher Three the only one left. It's implied he survives only because he's out of the room. This makes me think that they're all genetically enhanced...(although not sure why there are no other Watchers somewhere else. Seems a little odd to not have a few others in different places)


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But what do minders do?


Minders seem to be low-tier handlers and information gatherers.




Minders provide the information.


Watchers process it and give orders.


Fixers carry out those orders.


Ciphers are backups for when things go bad.

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I remember in the agent story they mention something about Watcher 1 being off somewhere on a mission, I had been wondering who this mysterious agent is and what he was doing....guess I'll have to play the Knight story now and find out. :)
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Watchers, or so I thought, were just high level operatives... You have the analysts, and you have the field operatives. However, I may be wrong. Also, Watcher One may just be an analyst that is well trained, or one that stretches his job title. Either way, he was the coolest Imp ever...
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Watchers, or so I thought, were just high level operatives... You have the analysts, and you have the field operatives. However, I may be wrong. Also, Watcher One may just be an analyst that is well trained, or one that stretches his job title. Either way, he was the coolest Imp ever...


Oh, you haven't met Lord Prevan yet...


(Trust me, there are a lot of cool imperials, esp. in the JK storyline...although I'll admit that I do totally <3 Watcher One.)


I suspect that W1 is stretching is job title a bit. (At least considering that you never see any of the other Watchers in the field other than W2 very briefly, in a very peripheral way.) It seems really plausible that he was sent somewhere with a Cipher Agent to deal with the Jedi, then things get a little out of hand or whatever and he takes over...

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