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Bioware Put up or Shut Up New Content 89 Min Gamebreaker Video


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I really wish there would be a "Silver TIer" for f2p for people that paid for the game and subbed at least a month. Throw these people a bone. BW, you could at least get rid of the credit cap and inventory/storage caps for these people. There are a lot of mmo's that have done this. You guys need some good will toward the people that supported you financially for this whole time. I just unsubbed and won't be paying a cent more into the game until I see what the actual f2p specs are. I just don't feel I am getting $15 a month worth of content anymore. With the lack of announcement regarding HK-51 as well as to whether he is free or going to cost something it also leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'll be back when you start letting us know what is actually going on in the future with your actions. I am tired of empty words.
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I really agree with you there. Gamebreaker TV is pretty much paid by Arenat net or something.

Not to mention they have everyone from Massively who has to be paid by Arenat net aswell to worskip GW2.

GW2 is over hyped bigtime btw,i'm in beta.Cant wait to see other understand this aswell.


But the Republic is a fun show sometimes, Larry, Justin and Gary is alot of fun, Ed Park dont have a clue anymore.

His MMO hopping guild have left SWTOR,guess they were not good enough for ranked.Why he is still on the show is beyond me,dont get me wrong i really like Taugrim, he is right on most things when it comes to swtor pvp but

after he only started talking about GW2 a game that require little skills to play i stopped caring.Only reason he got some many following him on twitter etc was because of swtor.Easy to forget were your friends are i guess.


When i want a awesome SWTOR podcast i listen to http://torwars.com/ or http://www.darthhater.com/


GBTV is going to focus on what game gets them the most viewers, before swtor released and totaly tanked gbtv was swtor all day all the time. Im surprised they havent dumped the swtor show like they did the rift show but i guess theyre just waiting to see what f2p does.


And for all of you people saying theyre all negative about swtor. What do they have to be positive about? what has bioware done since 1.3 to show us they are doing anything at all to improve this game besides inventing ways to get people to spend more money?


Ive always had hope for the game, ive always dreamed that bioware devs would see their mistakes and fix them. Even after the f2p announcement i could immagine the game improving but we have seen nothing and my hope is fading fast. 1.4 was supposed to be in august and here we are at the end of august with nothing on the pts.


These shows are not to blame for the negativity that swtor has/is receiving, bioware is.

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I think this pretty much sums up the Gamebreaker demographic, the hosts of the show don't play or care for the game, the people that watch the show don't care or play any more either. I remember asking people in the chatroom why bother watching a SWTOR show if you don't like the game "I just watch it because I like watching gbtv"


GBTV may fancy themselves as a gaming news site, but their homepage is covered with GW2 worship articles from head to toe, they've been giving away beta keys, and as far as I know Arenanet only gives betakeys to their partners and fansites, so you can decide which one of those is Gamebreaker.


To watch a show to see someone go through the weekly Q&A, maybe the headlines of the week and throw their 2 cents? no thanks, certainly not from a site that seems to have an agenda to promote other games. I'm sure at least half the people on the panel don't play, They're not fans of the game for sure, it gives the impression that they talk about SWTOR because it's their obligation, not because they like the game and want to talk about it. (and yes I know J. Lowe is from DH, but the head honcho there is Gannon)


I think you can find many other podcasts of people that are actively playing the game, are very passionate and very critical and can share their opinions, experiences and ideas from the point of view of someone that actually plays the game and cares about it.


All of this ^


All of it.


And for all of you people saying theyre all negative about swtor. What do they have to be positive about?


The game still works, the servers are still up, and TOR is till here to be enjoyed.


Content will come in time, isn't it enough just to play the game?

Edited by JediElf
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All of this ^


All of it.




The game still works, the servers are still up, and TOR is till here to be enjoyed.


Content will come in time, isn't it enough just to play the game?


So everyone should be positive because the game still works? lol.


Sorry but thats not enough, and the sub numbers of this game shows that. bioware needs to quit saying and start doing. nd i dont mean content, i mean start fixing what is broken, and what they left out at release.

Edited by Mallorik
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So everyone should be positive because the game still works? lol.


It's still here right? That's a reason to remain positive.


Sorry but thats not enough, and the sub numbers of this game shows that. bioware needs to quit saying and start doing. nd i dont mean content, i mean start fixing what is broken, and what they left out at release.


I never let sub numbers determine my enjoyment of an MMO, and I play some MMOs with very small sub numbers. Sure that means that some content is hard to manage (like raids) but it's fun to play an MMO with a loyal player base, who genuinely love the game.


Let me try and make something perfectly clear.


Just because some players do not like a game, and they decide to un-sub, it does not mean that the game has failed. TOR is not a 'fail' just because some folks don't care for it, or were disappointing with it.


The MMO industry is saturated with choice now a days, and their is room for many different types of games, and for many types of players. it's a tough business now, but variety is what's helping this industry to grow and change.


Is TOR perfect? Of coarse not, no MMO is perfect and to assume so is to set ones self up for constant disappointment. yes it needs some things added, and some fixing, but to me and many others, it's fun and I don't know about you but I spend money on things that I find fun, and if something isn't fun then I don't bother with it anymore.


TOR didn't fail, just like many other MMOs who get the same unfortunate label. As long as someone is subbing and having fun, then it's not a fail.

Edited by JediElf
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Honestly, I just can't wait for F2P to come out so this ship can fully sink.


Hateful, selfish and childish. Just because YOU are not having fun, you want the game to fail and take away the fun that others are still having. You are envious that others can have fun and you can not. I remember another who felt as you did when he wouldn't serve.

Edited by Urael
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It's still here right? That's a reason to remain positive.




I never let sub numbers determine my enjoyment of an MMO, and I play some MMOs with very small sub numbers. Sure that means that some content is hard to manage (like raids) but it's fun to play an MMO with a loyal player base, who genuinely love the game.


Let me try and make something perfectly clear.


Just because some players do not like a game, and they decide to un-sub, it does not mean that the game has failed. TOR is not a 'fail' just because some folks don't care for it, or were disappointing with it.


The MMO industry is saturated with choice now a days, and their is room for many different types of games, and for many types of players. it's a tough business now, but variety is what's helping this industry to grow and change.


Is TOR perfect? Of coarse not, no MMO is perfect and to assume so is to set ones self up for constant disappointment. yes it needs some things added, and some fixing, but to me and many others, it's fun and I don't know about you but I spend money on things that I find fun, and if something isn't fun then I don't bother with it anymore.


TOR didn't fail, just like many other MMOs who get the same unfortunate label. As long as someone is subbing and having fun, then it's not a fail.


This person gets it ^


It good to see people that really get the idea of playing mmo's, what a rare breed.

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See, right now it's the hot thing to trash on TOR because someone's butthurt that the Dev Team won't drop everything to fix what they think is broken. As a programmer myself, fixes do take time people. Even with a full team, there is a whole process that is involved to make sure a fix won't break another part of the game. Testing, retesting, recoding, test again, fix issues, and retest then release. And guess what, it can still have errors that they don't find on their machines because the world of PC's is a world of variety and no two systems are exactly the same.


As for GBTV, right now they like every other bandwagon jumper are making a big deal about Guild Wars 2 coming out. I predict that within a few months of GW2 dropping, they will be thrashing it just as hard as they are SWTOR because it's not the second coming they have been claiming it would be.


Guess what guys, they did it when SWTOR was about to drop by calling it a WoW killer. They're doing it to GW2 by calling it the second coming of MMO's. It's retarded sensationalism at its best and people need to drop the Entitlement act and just play the friggin game...



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See, right now it's the hot thing to trash on TOR because someone's butthurt that the Dev Team won't drop everything to fix what they think is broken. As a programmer myself, fixes do take time people. Even with a full team, there is a whole process that is involved to make sure a fix won't break another part of the game. Testing, retesting, recoding, test again, fix issues, and retest then release. And guess what, it can still have errors that they don't find on their machines because the world of PC's is a world of variety and no two systems are exactly the same. (Don't forget the Gremlins!!)


As for GBTV, right now they like every other bandwagon jumper are making a big deal about Guild Wars 2 coming out. I predict that within a few months of GW2 dropping, they will be thrashing it just as hard as they are SWTOR because it's not the second coming they have been claiming it would be.


Guess what guys, they did it when SWTOR was about to drop by calling it a WoW killer. They're doing it to GW2 by calling it the second coming of MMO's. It's retarded sensationalism at its best and people need to drop the Entitlement act and just play the friggin game...




Agreed 100%.

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See, right now it's the hot thing to trash on TOR because someone's butthurt that the Dev Team won't drop everything to fix what they think is broken. As a programmer myself, fixes do take time people. Even with a full team, there is a whole process that is involved to make sure a fix won't break another part of the game. Testing, retesting, recoding, test again, fix issues, and retest then release. And guess what, it can still have errors that they don't find on their machines because the world of PC's is a world of variety and no two systems are exactly the same.


As for GBTV, right now they like every other bandwagon jumper are making a big deal about Guild Wars 2 coming out. I predict that within a few months of GW2 dropping, they will be thrashing it just as hard as they are SWTOR because it's not the second coming they have been claiming it would be.


Guess what guys, they did it when SWTOR was about to drop by calling it a WoW killer. They're doing it to GW2 by calling it the second coming of MMO's. It's retarded sensationalism at its best and people need to drop the Entitlement act and just play the friggin game...




People are hard on tor because they see what other game companies do, like fix things in less than 8 months, add new features that are fully functional or Itemize gear correctly or atleast fix it right away instead of sending out another tier of gear with the same itemization problems.


Bioware needs to vastly improve its ability to work with this game and f2p will not fix that problem.

Edited by Mallorik
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People are hard on tor because they see what other game companies do, like fix things in less than 8 months, add new features that are fully functional or Itemize gear correctly or atleast fix it right away instead of sending out another tier of gear with the same itemization problems.


Bioware needs to vastly improve its ability to work with this game and f2p will not fix that problem.




The new content/events since release have been relatively light compared to other MMO's, especially when an MMO is first released and wants to keep its newly acquired subscription base.


Communication from Bioware has been dismal. I never want to hear "soon" again.


Bugs and hundreds of "little things" just never get fixed.


The time has long passed for Bioware to improve on these things, and they know it. I can't believe there are still people here trying to defend how slow they are by saying "but programming takes time!". Yep, it does, but when it takes as long as Bioware has been taking, the game starts to die. Case in point.

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Hateful, selfish and childish. Just because YOU are not having fun, you want the game to fail and take away the fun that others are still having. You are envious that others can have fun and you can not. I remember another who felt as you did when he wouldn't serve.


I told you. That's the gamebreaker demographic. And that show It's like me putting a show about baseball when I don't really play it and don't care much for it, sure I may have played other sports in the past but I don't think any self-respecting baseball fan should listen to my show. And I don't think any self-respecting swtor fan should listen to theirs when there a are bunch of other Fan Shows from people that are actually involved and playing the game currently.


The time has long passed for Bioware to improve on these things, and they know it. I can't believe there are still people here trying to defend how slow they are by saying "but programming takes time!". Yep, it does, but when it takes as long as Bioware has been taking, the game starts to die. Case in point.


Is this another "the game has bugs so it's a failure? post?


And let's not forget about what I said before:

the reality is that many people on the gaming media are often paid to promote games, that doesn't mean it has to be dishonest, some people try to be transparent about it. Totalbiscuit said he was paid to to bring coverage of Planetside 2 and promote it, yes, paid. But he also said that he accepted as long as he was allowed to be honest on his opinions


To me GBTV doesn't seem to be transparent and seem to be very biased, and I don't think they wrote a bazillion GW2 worship articles out of the goodness of their hearts. I know they are supposed to bring news but they overhyped GW2 wayyyy beyond the praise the game deserves, an Arenanet Dev farts and they write 5 articles about it.

Edited by ChazDoit
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Is this another "the game has bugs so it's a failure? post?


The problems go far past just bugs.


I also never said the game was a failure. But it has some serious issues and has been losing a lot of subs. If it doesn't turn around soon, it will be a failure (as in dead, game shutdown), I'd guess, within a year.


But there still is hope. I am pretty bummed out on the game as it stands now, but maybe Bioware will pull a rabbit out of their hat and turn things around. Time will tell of course.

Edited by SpazCats
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The problems go far past just bugs.


I also never said the game was a failure. But it has some serious issues and has been losing a lot of subs. If it doesn't turn around soon, it will be a failure (as in dead, game shutdown), I'd guess, within a year.


But there still is hope. I am pretty bummed out on the game as it stands now, but maybe Bioware will pull a rabbit out of their hat and turn things around. Time will tell of course.


Of course there are problems that go way beyond bugs. In fact I think players can be forgiving of bugs at first and I don't think they are the main reason to turn people off. Everyone has their own reasons but many players just ran out of content and didn't like the lack of features. I think they are addressing that in the patches and they say that their focus now is multiplayer content sothey have their plan, I'm not sure if it'll work or not.


But anyway, what I was really talking about is GBTV I think it's very phony, very two-face and not very transparent at all, I mean they've been called Arenanet shills many times, weather it's true or not you already get the idea tha tthey are pretty biased.


When you listen to othe Fan shows, the hosts talk about the game from personal experience, and they make comments of what they've been doing with their character, problems they had with the game and ideas on how to fix it, you never heard that on gbtv because I'm sure half of these guys don't play, What's gannon gonna say? Bioware is not the one that needs to shut up.

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The problems go far past just bugs.


I also never said the game was a failure. But it has some serious issues and has been losing a lot of subs. If it doesn't turn around soon, it will be a failure (as in dead, game shutdown), I'd guess, within a year.


But there still is hope. I am pretty bummed out on the game as it stands now, but maybe Bioware will pull a rabbit out of their hat and turn things around. Time will tell of course.


I will say the game is a failure, i think its easily the biggest mmo failure to date. That doesnt mean i think it cant be fixed, i just dont see it being fixed, i see alot of talk, i see a company switching to f2p before they even try to fix the things that caused the game to fail but the one thing i dont see is any improvements or effort to bring the functionality of this game up to current mmo standards.


Trion released rift without an lfg tool and a few other standard mmo functions too, and that game started to die just like tor did. But instead of just going f2p they kept up their frequent updates, fixed their gear itemization, and upgraded the the games functionality with FULLY FUNCTIONAL tools most of it before the gme was 6months old. If a little rinky dink company like trion can pull that off why on earth cant a game making power house like bioware/ea even come close to pulling those things off?

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I usually take the guys at gamebreaker tv with a grain of salt, but I feel like they really hit the nail on the head when talking about swtor in this episode. The lackluster event, the confusion over 1.4, and not following through with promises. I just hope bioware gets it together, gets organized, and starts living up to their promises and the players high expectations.
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Of course there are problems that go way beyond bugs. In fact I think players can be forgiving of bugs at first and I don't think they are the main reason to turn people off. Everyone has their own reasons but many players just ran out of content and didn't like the lack of features. I think they are addressing that in the patches and they say that their focus now is multiplayer content sothey have their plan, I'm not sure if it'll work or not.


But anyway, what I was really talking about is GBTV I think it's very phony, very two-face and not very transparent at all, I mean they've been called Arenanet shills many times, weather it's true or not you already get the idea tha tthey are pretty biased.


When you listen to othe Fan shows, the hosts talk about the game from personal experience, and they make comments of what they've been doing with their character, problems they had with the game and ideas on how to fix it, you never heard that on gbtv because I'm sure half of these guys don't play, What's gannon gonna say? Bioware is not the one that needs to shut up.


I dont like gw2 either but dont let your blind rage cloud your sense of reality, if you watched that whole video they said some good things about swtor, for example they really like the new wz. They also had alot of good advice for bw. I think if anything the panel is actualy scewed in favor of swtor considering it is probably impossible to find 3 sane people who would sing the praises of biowares handling of swtor, in the past and currently.


They are all over gw2 its obvious, just like they were all over swtor when it was new, just like they will be all over teso when it gets close to release.

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Having a website that has been "Under Maintenance" for about two weeks now sure doesn't help in drawing any new people in. I'd call it a deterrent. 8 months after the games release and you can't even keep the main website up? I guess working on the website is more important that fixing the (for example) glitched codex entries? Or, other things that have been glitched or broken since the game came out. Yeah...website is MUCH more important....


Yet another thing Bioware is doing to screw this game up.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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I will say the game is a failure, i think its easily the biggest mmo failure to date. That doesnt mean i think it cant be fixed, i just dont see it being fixed, i see alot of talk, i see a company switching to f2p before they even try to fix the things that caused the game to fail but the one thing i dont see is any improvements or effort to bring the functionality of this game up to current mmo standards.


Trion released rift without an lfg tool and a few other standard mmo functions too, and that game started to die just like tor did. But instead of just going f2p they kept up their frequent updates, fixed their gear itemization, and upgraded the the games functionality with FULLY FUNCTIONAL tools most of it before the gme was 6months old. If a little rinky dink company like trion can pull that off why on earth cant a game making power house like bioware/ea even come close to pulling those things off?

Thing is Trion hired the bests.


For example during game developer's conventions they were giving away ipods as "business cards" to talented developers...


Seems to me it worked ;)

Edited by Deewe
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Having a website that has been "Under Maintenance" for about two weeks now sure doesn't help in drawing any new people in. I'd call it a deterrent. 8 months after the games release and you can't even keep the main website up? I guess working on the website is more important that fixing the (for example) glitched codex entries? Or, other things that have been glitched or broken since the game came out. Yeah...website is MUCH more important....


Yet another thing Bioware is doing to screw this game up.


The website hasnt been down.......................

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I thinik the only people that need to put up or shut up is this community..


I find it sad that all we can do is make wild criticisms, and demand changes as if we are the CEO or something..


We demanded F2P.. So we go it.. But now whine and moan when F2P comes with restrictions.. DOH!! How are they supposed to pay the salaries of the people that work on the game?? You do realize that people work on this game..


We demanded a LFG system to help finding a group.. Despite countless people telling you that it would do very little, you whined and demanded it anyway.. Guess what.. Now we have countless threads whining about long queue times.. DOH!! Looks like the people against the LFG were right.. Imagine that..


Bioware is doing just fine and so is the game.. It isn't even a year old and it is moving along just fine.. Bugs are being fixed pretty steadily.. (See threads that complain about maintenance.)


People complain about wanting more content.. Yet, I have yet to see a single person wearing a full set of campaign gear on my server.. Sure, I would like some more content as well.. But I see no point in complaining about it.. They have given us videos about what is comming.. It takes time to make those things.. Not to mention add F2P that you all begged for because you thought you were going to get a free ride..


We the community need to put up or shut up.. If we can't give Bioware constructive criticism with some ideas to fix the issue.. The why even bother to post??

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