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Bioware Put up or Shut Up New Content 89 Min Gamebreaker Video


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I think this pretty much sums up the Gamebreaker demographic, the hosts of the show don't play or care for the game, the people that watch the show don't care or play any more either. I remember asking people in the chatroom why bother watching a SWTOR show if you don't like the game "I just watch it because I like watching gbtv"


GBTV may fancy themselves as a gaming news site, but their homepage is covered with GW2 worship articles from head to toe, they've been giving away beta keys, and as far as I know Arenanet only gives betakeys to their partners and fansites, so you can decide which one of those is Gamebreaker.


To watch a show to see someone go through the weekly Q&A, maybe the headlines of the week and throw their 2 cents? no thanks, certainly not from a site that seems to have an agenda to promote other games. I'm sure at least half the people on the panel don't play, They're not fans of the game for sure, it gives the impression that they talk about SWTOR because it's their obligation, not because they like the game and want to talk about it. (and yes I know J. Lowe is from DH, but the head honcho there is Gannon)


I think you can find many other podcasts of people that are actively playing the game, are very passionate and very critical and can share their opinions, experiences and ideas from the point of view of someone that actually plays the game and cares about it.


Uh, I am pretty sure they do play the game, if you watch it they even say that the participated in the events and were asking their guilds about things. I don't think Taugrim plays much if at all anymore, but I believe he is still subscribed. They could be lying I guess, but it doesn't seem like it. I know for a fact that people that watch gamebreaker still play the game because I am one of them.


I think what I took from it most was that it is time for BW to actually follow through on their promises and that they have a track record of not following through. They have promised some pretty ambitious stuff and especially regular and frequent CONTENT. They have to deliver now and it has to be quality. If we wait 4-5 more months for Makeb and its full of bugs and especially if they charge for it I am guessing it will be end subs for a lot of people.

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People are hard on tor because they see what other game companies do, like fix things in less than 8 months, add new features that are fully functional or Itemize gear correctly or atleast fix it right away instead of sending out another tier of gear with the same itemization problems..


No they don't.


If you're delusion to think that anywhere in this paragraph is truth, why don't you visit the game's forum? You'll see it is just as vitriolic as this very one.

Edited by RazielHex
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I always thought people who told paying players "If you dont like what they are doing (or not doing) to a game, then leave" were idiots


I belive that if you are are so burned out, so jaded with a game to the point you don't enjoy it, it might be better for you to stop playing for a while, not to mention hand over the show to someone that actually cares about the game, that's what Smm from Torocast and Zack from Mos Eisley Radio did, they moved on to other projects and they handed the podcast down to fans of the game that are still playing.


Thanks for sharing this, still watching but I think its great feedback, BioWare needs to watch this.


Lol, they don't . I remember these guys became so jaded to the point they were just misinforming people, shortly after 1.2 was released Justin Lowe kept saying that Explosive Conflict was already on Farm Mode and that there were players already full War Hero a week after 1.2, I don't raid but I PVP a lot and I know for a fact that what he said about the War Hero gear is total BS, even their fans were pointing out in the chatroom that what he saw were players with orange WH gear, just the shell, but he just kept saying it. Nobody in the panel corrected him because they don't have a clue either, they don't play, Taugrim was just nodding along, it was just Jaw Dropping.


Bioware doesn't need to listen to those guys, and certainly not the fans of this game, but I guess that if you have some retarded vendetta against Bioware, the negative spin from that show must be right up your alley.

Edited by ChazDoit
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He Bioware,


WAKE UP get your butts in gear and fix your problems because your loosing your major support and you have absolutely no idea what your doing. YOU are the ones destroying this game and you have done nothing but lie to us and give us broken promises. another pathetic week.

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I always thought people who told paying players "If you dont like what they are doing (or not doing) to a game, then leave" were idiots, but saying that about a game that has done a faceplant as bad as swtor has brings it to a new level.


At some point people have to realise that a game needs PLAYERS. :(

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