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Solo Ranked WZ's (Terrible idea)


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Are you kidding me? Having the superior gear over majority and taking every bit out of this advantage in every WZ you are playing is not enough?


Some people I swear...


The fact of the matter is...it really doesn't take all that long to get the war hero gear even if you a casual player. Yes, gear differences are unfair I guess but welcome to MMO's that have been coming out in the last 10 years. If people did less QQing on the forums and actually played the game they would have their set by now. If your not winning ever and can't get any comms maybe the problem is you. Find a team and win some games this is an MMO after all.

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Be honest, the ONLY reason why peeps want this, is due to gear farming. Period.


RWZ's are for cooridinated groups, I really have NO desire to read endless amounts of QQ on the forums how an 8man group wrecked 8 solo QQ'ers, as well as those carebears who are going to sit at a node and farm medals.


Having solo ranked WZ's completely negates the reason for having regular WZ's, and I simply have not seen ONE valid reason to implement such an awful idea. I wish the carebears would stop asking for this, and miss the PvP types who don't have entitlement issues.




And that endless amount of QQ is different from the normal ******** we read on a daily basis how? Just sayin.

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I would like to see a solo queueing for ranked warzones. But BioWare has to make sure that solos never ever play against premades, not even premades of two, three or four. Never! So, you have only the option to queue as an eight man team or solo, nothing in between.


Agree. OP reasoning and that of many others are flawed in not understanding solo ranking matchmaking would be different from normal WZ matchmaking, solo rank would be different from team rank, and people acquiring gear for pvp should not bother a pvp-er, rather the contrary. Many guilders have the false perception team rank marks them as the best players, but it just marks them as belonging to the best teams. Among how many? 4?

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The fact of the matter is...it really doesn't take all that long to get the war hero gear even if you a casual player. Yes, gear differences are unfair I guess but welcome to MMO's that have been coming out in the last 10 years. If people did less QQing on the forums and actually played the game they would have their set by now. If your not winning ever and can't get any comms maybe the problem is you. Find a team and win some games this is an MMO after all.


Bro, you are not getting this so let me lay it out to you again.


I have already stated that I have WH gear. All my toons are 18k+ HP... I HAVE THE FRIKIN GEAR.


What I am telling you is that, it is not my problem, it is our problem collectively. The less people play this game due to gear disparity and grind there is, the least we all benefit. It is obvious now, or should be, based on the trend of MMOs, they are going more casual by day. You are not going to survive, or if you do only to be mediocre with 250k players by having this type of grind. Even WoW doesn't have this for their latest arena gear and getting it is much faster.


AND NOW, you have a game like GW2 coming which pretty much will destroy every bit of PvP that is left in SWTOR by realizing, finally, that PvP is about SKILL, FUN, and CREATIVITY rather then the hamster wheel that is gear grinding.


So, there was a time for Gear Grind, but that time has long past. The genre is moving out of it. Are we the players? Or are we keep thinking and talking about EQ constantly and living in the past?

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Bro, you are not getting this so let me lay it out to you again.


I have already stated that I have WH gear. All my toons are 18k+ HP... I HAVE THE FRIKIN GEAR.


What I am telling you is that, it is not my problem, it is our problem collectively. The less people play this game due to gear disparity and grind there is, the least we all benefit. It is obvious now, or should be, based on the trend of MMOs, they are going more casual by day. You are not going to survive, or if you do only to be mediocre with 250k players by having this type of grind. Even WoW doesn't have this for their latest arena gear and getting it is much faster.


AND NOW, you have a game like GW2 coming which pretty much will destroy every bit of PvP that is left in SWTOR by realizing, finally, that PvP is about SKILL, FUN, and CREATIVITY rather then the hamster wheel that is gear grinding.


So, there was a time for Gear Grind, but that time has long past. The genre is moving out of it. Are we the players? Or are we keep thinking and talking about EQ constantly and living in the past?


Was more talking to the people complaining about getting the gear. I didn't think it was so bad each piece was a bit of an upgrade and I could notice it. That's what I had to look forward to and it made it alright. Yeah, it sucks and what not that's why I along with a lot of people are going to gw2 even no QQ pvp. Overall the pvp system here is flawed and this game will never be what it once was or could have been. Hopefully gw2 is as promising as it looks.

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Was more talking to the people complaining about getting the gear. I didn't think it was so bad each piece was a bit of an upgrade and I could notice it. That's what I had to look forward to and it made it alright. Yeah, it sucks and what not that's why I along with a lot of people are going to gw2 even no QQ pvp. Overall the pvp system here is flawed and this game will never be what it once was or could have been. Hopefully gw2 is as promising as it looks.


I am downloading it as we speak and can not wait for the 25th.

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As that will punish premades (since PUG groups will not form anymore and only guilds who have 8 people willing and forming a competitive team are logged in at the SAME time) by premade groups having much longer que times. MMOs should not punish people who communicate better, coordinate better and simply, want to play together.


So, I don't see any chance of solo-que having its own que, if it is ever implemented.


By that same token, why are you punishing the players of smaller guilds and not allowing us to have ranked/competitive pvp? People who communicate just as good and coordinate just as good.....

Edited by Brool
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Dead ranked warzones (Terrible idea).


Reserved for a small handful of prima donnas that think a business model that features 20 players per server is viable.


Let me clue some folks in. If a major feature, a game addition that took money and time to develop, a feature that was publicized and marketed as a selling point, gets less than 1% of the server population involved, it is going to get "fixed".


live with it.

Edited by Sungas
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isnt the whole idea of ranked that those with good groups and communication go higher and meet others with similar skill/gear/whatever. how can it hurt anyone if there lower ranked people pugging and meeting other lower ranked people.

Imo it can only improve everyones gameplay, puggers "learn" to play better and some get higher rating

create more teams etc. People learn to know who are good who are bad and perhaps create more 8 mans


only problem is midground and those whod "play the system" by creating 2-3-4mans just to get to roll over "pure puggers" and there always will be those. So perhaps pure 8 man or pug only queus, which would cause its own qq but everything causes qq. Personally i "fear" once i learn to play gw2 i wont look back to tor, remains to be seen. More of a large fight fan myself, 8v8 is so small scale

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Dead ranked warzones (Terrible idea).


Reserved for a small handful of prima donnas that think a business model that features 20 players per server is viable.


Let me clue some folks in. If a major feature, a game addition that took money and time to develop, a feature that was publicized and marketed as a selling point, gets less than 1% of the server population involved, it is going to get "fixed".


live with it.


Must be rough not having 7 friends IG. I'm sorry.

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Must be rough not having 7 friends IG. I'm sorry.


why would it suck not having 7 friends in a game. I got plenty of friends in my everyday life. I play video games online to be a dick and kill other people (and not go to jail). I just saw you said you made a character on imp side of Canderous Ordo. I really hope you werent planning on doing much rateds there. Very few get done. And guilds are begging people to form pug groups to do rateds against. No difference in solo queuing or pugging a group from chat. well except one about 45 minutes less time spamming chat if solo queues were added. I could careless either way (tho i would do more rateds if they added solo queue) But its not for gear (I'm already geared) I just like playing against those who are way more organized and play better as a group. It makes me a better player. Hell I was pissed when they removed 50's too their own brackett. Cause then my level 45 Trooper got false hope she was improving. But when I got to 50 again I was able to play better geared people and improve each day as a player.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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Just had an idea, not really related to ranked queues.


What if, based on your gear score (gear rating, whatever its called), your rewards change.


As a recruit in 120 (or whatever, just throwing number out here) you get the standard amount of rewards from reg warzones. But once you're in full bm (gear rating 130, or whatever) you only get 90% of the rewards. Thus incentivizing ranked warzones even more than they already are.


Finally, when you are in full WH (rating 140 or whatever), you only get 50% of the rewards from regular warzones.


That way it gets people in WH to group up and queue for ranked. It allows War Heros that want to PvP for fun to PvP for fun (they dont need the comms as much).

A group finder function would make this easier, but just wanted to throw my idea out there

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Using your same logic then, geared-out 4-man premades should also be prevented from entering the normal queue as well. The only reason they're doing it is to farm comms off players in recruit gear.


No i do it so it lessens the amount of idiots i am forced to play with ... like you

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By that same token, why are you punishing the players of smaller guilds and not allowing us to have ranked/competitive pvp? People who communicate just as good and coordinate just as good.....


You are right on that aspect. But instead, I would rather have WZs with smaller versions and 4 v 4 teams instead of solo-Q. I don't think solo-Q will be improvement, but if the developers implement it, meh. It won't change anything for me most likely, since I don't see myself taking it anytime.


But dude, if you want to participate in it and lacking people, why don't you announce on general chat on your fleet? You can form your own group and be picky about it too.

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I am for solo queues.


I have not q'd for rwz in probably two months. Here's why:


1. Don't have enough 50s in my guild with gear for rwz.

2. When we do form a rwz, 1/5 times we end up a man down.

3. It takes too long to get a match. I only do the daily on my toons. I can get medals faster via single man regular q than trying to q for rwz.


About me, I do 3-6 matches each day on 5 50s and 1-2 matches on 3 sub 50s. As it is now, I don't have time to do this everyday but its all I do. When we get another toon slot, I will start playing a jedi sentinel so I can learn the class. Its the only one I am unfamiliar with.

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Just had an idea, not really related to ranked queues.


What if, based on your gear score (gear rating, whatever its called), your rewards change.


As a recruit in 120 (or whatever, just throwing number out here) you get the standard amount of rewards from reg warzones. But once you're in full bm (gear rating 130, or whatever) you only get 90% of the rewards. Thus incentivizing ranked warzones even more than they already are.


Finally, when you are in full WH (rating 140 or whatever), you only get 50% of the rewards from regular warzones.


That way it gets people in WH to group up and queue for ranked. It allows War Heros that want to PvP for fun to PvP for fun (they dont need the comms as much).

A group finder function would make this easier, but just wanted to throw my idea out there

So, basically you want to keep players playing as long as possible with the lowest gear, because that is then what happens, people won't use the gear until they have a complete set of the best gear. I don't know, but maybe you have seen quite a few threads here on the forums about people who complain that team members in recruit gear suck, now your idea would that make just worse!

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