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Everything posted by rastabuds

  1. I have a solution, ..... now grab a pen and paper and right down everything i tell you to do. Make friends with 3 other people form a group, try to get like, i don't know.... 2 good dps and a tank and healer. Then get some type of voice communication software. Then que up and enjoy yourself. If you don't my guild and our 2 premades that are queing at the same time will just keep rolling you over and over. Hope this helps ^^
  2. Yep its a wonderful thing too till bioware figures it out and stops us. But ill exploit that to the fullest till then.
  3. I would like to put forth a proposal to the pvp community, as well as the fine people from swtors pvp developer team. I would like to see a annually or a semi annual pvp competition between us the players and the developer team. I feel this will give the developer team a very interesting and unique incite into how things are really working in pvp. Its one thing to look at the metrics and figures, its another to actually see how things work in a real world environment. Plus I think it would not only be a really fun event, i also think it would be something interesting and unique for this game. So I challenge every dev on the team with any testicular fortitude to man or women up and face us the players. Now I will allow the forum community the customary troll session. Thank you Hary Voncarr Juggernaut DE-BUFFER GM Huttballin The Fatman
  4. I was wondering where everybody that I was face rolling in huttball went to whine and qq. Look i have little trouble going against any leapers or runners in huttball. Just focus them down, control them with cc its not hard. So l2p and stop whining . And yes i am a Jugg on fatman so feel free to que up and ill leap all over you and laugh at ya when ya stand in the end-zone so i can score.
  5. A friend of mine is a huge software geek and makes a great living doing it. I asked him if it was just a matter of hardware or software to allow for cross server queuing. From what he told me and he has worked on other mmos before is that its more a programming matter than a hardware one. When WOW implemented it was after they reworked there whole game in one of the last updates. So i would not hold my breath for this he went into more detail but most of the conversation that followed was admittedly over my head. It just sounds a lot harder then anyone i have heard talk about really realizes. It took wow years to implement just hope the people that programed this game allowed for it ..... wait its bio-ware were screwed.
  6. Please if ya dont like huttball and more so if ya have no clue *** ya doing do us all a solid just leave i wont ever yell at ya.
  7. No i do it so it lessens the amount of idiots i am forced to play with ... like you
  8. Yeah sounds nice, and i am sure it may be a great strategy. Until while ya peddling around in your supposed "dead zone" and my force push comes off cd and ya stumble just in 10m range and i chuck you leap on ya and melt ya face but yeah sounds nice.
  9. Hate to admit it but i do this in huttball all the time. I score and i am in their endzone and they grab the ball mid ill let them kill me laugh at them right before i die then come out of spawn force push their ball carrier who runs right to me into the fire grab the ball and score again rinse repeat. So yeah i always laugh at them right before they kill me so to piss them off and ensure they do it over and over. You keep killing me ill keep scoring and winning. Ty for the free ride in front of your ball carrier.
  10. rastabuds

    Republic PvP

    Yeah i have to really disagree i have 50s on both sides on this server and without a doubt the pubs suck something fierce. I am in the guild huttballin and there is only 4 of us at the moment and we run premades all the time. We usually get in about 10-15 games a night and most nights we dont lose not a one. Now sometimes we get stuck with some really stupid pugs who mange to lose the game for us but normally we can compensate and pull out the win. Now when we were running on pub side with the same people we were loosing 25-30% of the games. So from what i have experienced both sides have bad players but the pubs are just god awful. If you disagree with me we are on every night 10-11 est on wards feel free to que up so we can roll you as well. Now i will make mention there is a few players in fight not all of them but some of them that are amazing dont get me wrong. But besides thouse 3 or 4 players most of the pubs side is just a joke. But hey rolling fanboys is fun too just wish they were actually good players.
  11. Well hate to say this but its really your own fault. You should of been keeping up with your valor level while you were lvling so you could of turned your comms into ranked ones when ya hit 40. I have done so with all 4 of my 50 toons it is just good planning. Now for why we cant buy the 50 pvp gear at 30 is simple bioware didnt want fresh 50s in full bm gear thats why they give ya recruit gear. End game pvp is a gear grind like most other games and the grind wouldnt be there if ya rolling into fresh 50 pvp with full bm and maybe 1 or 2 wh pieces. In the end you should of planned it better, the most fun i have pvping is the 10-49 games and if you want to do end game pvp ya need to keep ya valor maxed for your level it isnt hard to do at all. So stop ya qqing man up learn from your mistakes and enjoy the game.
  12. I am the guild leader of Huttballin on the fatman and i love this idea. I would enjoy watching sts and some of the other top guilds play huttball. It be great for me aswell to try and show people how to actually play huttball correctly. It really is a win,win. But this is bioware we are talking about so i doubt it would happen.
  13. 1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes? 2. How do you perceive your own spec? 1. I mainly pvp with my With my jugg i am running the typical immortal veng hybrid since it is simply better damage then full immortal spec and does a little better with damage reduction than the full tank spec does. The fact that this point is true is proof that the kind folks at bioware really need to rework the immortal tree. I dont care how people view my class i do not dps with it because if i want t melee dps ill use my marauder, it is way better at that anyways. I use my jugg as a body guard for my sorc healer on the fatman server. The people who play with me know that when it comes to body guarding the healer i am the alpha and omega simple as that. Now in fps and ops i am simply not best suited for large group aggro control like a pt or sin tank is. 2. I love my class i can keep my sorc healer and my self alive and guarding a node almost indefinitely. I just force leap then intercede back to her all while healing myself and adding to her damage mitigation, long as i manage my cds right i have held 6 dps on a voidstar for 3 mins while they just beat on us and our team finally got enough of a window to pop the door and then i just force slow them in the hallway and we normally just roll them the rest of the way.. I bring utility and great protection to any group i am with. If the opposing team is to stupid to go after my healer i just toss my guard on the nearest mara or pt and let them go to town while my sorc just sits back and heals. If you know what you are doing there is no tank better at keeping a healer alive. I have played with many pt tanks and sin tanks and yes the sin tanks out dps both me and the pt tanks and the pts out dps me but as body guard goes my healer always has more healing done and about 1/2 the deaths. Plus i also always seem to have the highest prot no matter what and i am the only tank i have seen that when i have all my cds up i can stop any dps train in its tracks. So in the end i am a speed bump in pvp that can really hold up several targets and if my sorc healer is playing well then we just dont die less she goes oof and then i slow hit the aoe peel and run like hell. ^^
  14. rastabuds

    Pvp a joke

    yeah i can set my premade up to roll huttball all day everyday only problem is we can play 10 WZs and not one is a huttball match. That is why u cant choose which wz you do so people cant stack for certain wz and just rule them. Composition does play a part if you have 2 good healers and at-least 1 good tank defending one of the healers then your chances for winning any wz is greater. But again if ya have 2 idiot healers and a moron for a tank then that wont help at all. So really it comes down to skill of the players and there ability to plan and organize which most premades do and is why they normally beat pugs and vent or teamspeak helps to accomplish that. So if y tierd of being rolled over and over do what my guild does. We get 2 teams of 4 and que at the same instant then hope we get a que to pop at the same time and the vast majority of the time we get a full 8 man premade and roll.
  15. Yeah i went lighting 10-49 my first 50 match and yes i had only recruit gear on but i was interrupted almost every time and i was always the first one the other team went for less the healer was around then i was second. My dps were terrible and i felt like i could not kill anything 1 vs 1. I respected into the hybrid Lightning Madness and things started to change now that i have full BM gear i am no longer afraid of sent/mara tearing me up. I am mobile enough now to kite and burn them down much easier than i ever thought i could. I still use lighting when i am running ops with my guild but as far as pvp goes its the hybrid all the way.
  16. I am sure this has been said before in the many pages and post about mara/sents but ill say it again from my pov. I have a 50 marauder and just finished lvling my sorc to 50 and now have almost full BM gear for it i have full Bm gear and 2 wh sabers for my mara so i do know something of what i am talking about. Marauder is fine the way it is, IT DOES NOT NEED A NERF. I have played against many a counselor that knew *** they were doing and they kited my butt all over the wz and there wasn't much i could do. The reason for this is they knew everything i was going to do and could simply counter it. This is why i started playing a sorcerer since i wanted to know how come they could contain me so well. Now i am doing to mara and sents what was done to me. Now granted if my cds are down and my shield as well i am screwed. But the same is true vice versa. I used to hate when i read people say that i needed to l2p and that others did as well. The sad thing is those people were right if you know *** you are doing and the mara or sent is geared the same as you i feel you have a 50/50 shot every-time least i know i do now. This is not a reply saying u suck i am great but if you really have that much problem with mara/sents you need to role one and learn it after that u will know how to deal with it. Hell i have even won a few fights against some pub sents that i know for a fact were better geared they just were not rdy for the fact i knew there class as good or better then they did. If you are sucking or losing more than you feel you should u need to look inside yourself and ask am i doing all i can before you start qqing on a forum no wonder why BW doesn't listen to most of us.
  17. Look I rarely post anything just lurk, but this is the 100000000 post i have seen on this topic and i am tired. Look i play a marauder mainly pvp with him as well. Look if you dont know what the F u are doing i will face roll you every freaken time. On the other hand i have faced many pt/vanguards sins/shadows varies tanks and snipers that know how to deal with me and it normally turns out to be a good fight. Look if u pvp then u know what i will do things get ruff ill camo run and come back and kill you. If you get the better of me ill pop my 99% reduction and use a wz medpack and so on. If u pvp you 2 should know this and YOU need to learn how to counter it, others do and do it well so it can be done. I am sick of hearing so many so-so pvps who dont know *** they are doing qq over me and sents. If u want to complain do so about the fact ops and there pug equals can seem to tank 3 dps and still heal there own people at the same time that is what op is and even then once i learned how to deal with them i still find it a challenge to bring em down quickly. Just once i like to see some of the good pvpers on here explain how to deal and quell a mara/sent the right way. But i guess there to busy rolling in pvp and getting there WH gear rdy for ranked preseaon. Ps if u can come over to fatman so i can find ya in pvp and kill you as well since u dont know *** you are doing i like free medals
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