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Solo Ranked WZ's (Terrible idea)


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With random googling sources. Look where the most popular American sport is ranked.




Most Frequently Cited Ranked Lists

1) Football (American Soccer): 3.3-3.5 billion fans (Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas, etc.)

2) Cricket: 2-3 billion fans (India, UK, Pakistan, Asia, Australia, etc.)

3) Field hockey: 2-2.2 billion fans (Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia)

4) Tennis: Around 1 billion fans (Europe, Americas, Asia)

5) Volleyball: Around 900 million fans (Asia, Europe, Americas, Australia)

6) Table tennis: Around 900 million fans (Asia, Europe, Africa, Americas)

7) Baseball: Around 500 million fans (US, Japan, Cuba, Dominican Republic)

8) Golf: Around 400 million fans (US, Canada, Europe)

9) Gridiron (American football): 390-410 million fans (US mainly)

10) Basketball: Not more than 400 million fans (US, Canada mainly)



Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_most_popular_sport_in_the_world#ixzz24JkRGuEm


All that tells me, is that there are billions of misinformed people in the world.


Naked twister not even the list is pathetic.

Edited by Pistols
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With random googling sources. Look where the most popular American sport is ranked.


it's not really random if you're looking for something specific (which you were) :p


kidding aside, someone said a full bm minimum for rwz. I firmly disagree. rated is the top level. it's what places you as the best and how far away you are from said center of the pvp universe. I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry: step into the circle ready to fight. this isn't the practice ring.


I'm all for starting regular wz's in bm gear. the recruit is pretty bad. but you break a rated system by going into rated matches undergeared. if you're the grp in wh, your rating can be inflated. if you're actually better than the other guys but just didn't have the raw heal/dps numbers, then your rating becomes skewed too. and yes, gear does matter in this game. is it the most important thing? no. but when you jump into a rated system that's designed - by definition - to rate you, it's disingenuous to go into said match unprepared (aka: undergeared).


edit: guilds on my server have farmed pugs to up their rating and snag their speeders. it obviously goes both ways. imo, it breaks an admittedly very breakable, system.

Edited by foxmob
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You sure live in this 300 Million people country who thinks they are the majority over 7 billion people.


Sorry, but I completely missed your point and what it has to do with me or anything I wrote in this thread. I think you misunderstood what I was loling at...

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Hate to tell you guys, but after GW2 on Friday...there won't be any ranked wz's popping. My suggestion, allow groups of 4 for ranked and come up with some other stats to gauge a ranking. Wins, Losses, Kill Death Ratio etc. Put up leaderboards for each category and have fun.
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Being entitled to live is completely different than being entitled to the best pvp gear in a game that forces players to have pvp gear progression.


There is no such thing as PvP Gear Progression. Progression indicates that somehow you are advancing through a sequence. Progression applies to PvE where you are facing increasingly difficult challenges which requires more powerful gear to beat.


You are delusional by thinking somehow you sitting infront of a computer longer than others give you the right to have the best gear in the game. What have you done to achieve that gear? Did you beat the most powerful mobs in the game? Nope. Did you perform an amazing feat no others can? Nope. You simply pressed more buttons and mouse clicks then the rest. FFS you didn't even have to win a certain percentages of WZs to achieve the best gear. YOU KEPT PLAYING AGAINST SAME PEOPLE OVER AND OVER.


ALL YOU HAD TO DO IS SIMPLY PLAY MORE. Don't think because you play more, you deserve more.

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If by a terrible idea do you mean people won't do it?


If that is the case then I would call ranked warzones a terrible idea, because no one does them.


Personally I think anything that people do and have fun with in an MMO qualifies as a great idea, things that people do not do is a bad idea. It's about making the players happy.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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Be honest, the ONLY reason why peeps want this, is due to gear farming. Period.


RWZ's are for cooridinated groups, I really have NO desire to read endless amounts of QQ on the forums how an 8man group wrecked 8 solo QQ'ers, as well as those carebears who are going to sit at a node and farm medals.


Having solo ranked WZ's completely negates the reason for having regular WZ's, and I simply have not seen ONE valid reason to implement such an awful idea. I wish the carebears would stop asking for this, and miss the PvP types who don't have entitlement issues.



The rewards don't make any sense for normal ranked as it is. People dominating ranked generally have gear. They do it for rating. They should just remove ranked coms altogether.


They should focus on world pvp.

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There is no such thing as PvP Gear Progression. Progression indicates that somehow you are advancing through a sequence. Progression applies to PvE where you are facing increasingly difficult challenges which requires more powerful gear to beat.


You are delusional by thinking somehow you sitting infront of a computer longer than others give you the right to have the best gear in the game. What have you done to achieve that gear? Did you beat the most powerful mobs in the game? Nope. Did you perform an amazing feat no others can? Nope. You simply pressed more buttons and mouse clicks then the rest. FFS you didn't even have to win a certain percentages of WZs to achieve the best gear. YOU KEPT PLAYING AGAINST SAME PEOPLE OVER AND OVER.


ALL YOU HAD TO DO IS SIMPLY PLAY MORE. Don't think because you play more, you deserve more.


Unfortunately that's how this game works. Yes, because I played more I do deserve better gear. I put more time into my character doing warzone after warzone, and learning how to win and master a class. I'm all for equal pvp gear from the start, but just because you don't want to spend to time farming gear in this game doesn't mean you deserve it for free. It's because of the way they set it up from the start that you don't deserve it for free. What do I get in return for all the long grind for the gear when they hand it out like candy?

Edited by KhalifaHaze
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to be fair, the better you are, the less you have to play to get the gear. you maximize comms by winning, accomplishing objectives and to a very limited extent, getting mvp votes.


but yes, anyone *can* get wh. all it takes is...like...commitment.

Edited by foxmob
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There is no such thing as PvP Gear Progression. Progression indicates that somehow you are advancing through a sequence. Progression applies to PvE where you are facing increasingly difficult challenges which requires more powerful gear to beat.


You are delusional by thinking somehow you sitting infront of a computer longer than others give you the right to have the best gear in the game. What have you done to achieve that gear? Did you beat the most powerful mobs in the game? Nope. Did you perform an amazing feat no others can? Nope. You simply pressed more buttons and mouse clicks then the rest. FFS you didn't even have to win a certain percentages of WZs to achieve the best gear. YOU KEPT PLAYING AGAINST SAME PEOPLE OVER AND OVER.


ALL YOU HAD TO DO IS SIMPLY PLAY MORE. Don't think because you play more, you deserve more.


^ Is this dude for real lol?

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to be fair, the better you are, the less you have to play to get the gear. you maximize comms by winning, accomplishing objectives and to a very limited extent, getting mvp votes.


but yes, anyone *can* get wh. all it takes is...like...commitment.


Exactly my team won ALL the time, so I got war hero very fast. So yeah I deserve better gear because I was winning game after game.

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Yep, it only requires time not skill.


I bet the team of 8 with skill, will finish their WH grind faster (and have tripled their rating) against the team who thinks it's just about time. BTW, how high is your midichlorian count?

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I would like to see a solo queueing for ranked warzones. But BioWare has to make sure that solos never ever play against premades, not even premades of two, three or four. Never! So, you have only the option to queue as an eight man team or solo, nothing in between.
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I would like to see a solo queueing for ranked warzones. But BioWare has to make sure that solos never ever play against premades, not even premades of two, three or four. Never! So, you have only the option to queue as an eight man team or solo, nothing in between.


As that will punish premades (since PUG groups will not form anymore and only guilds who have 8 people willing and forming a competitive team are logged in at the SAME time) by premade groups having much longer que times. MMOs should not punish people who communicate better, coordinate better and simply, want to play together.


So, I don't see any chance of solo-que having its own que, if it is ever implemented.

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I bet the team of 8 with skill, will finish their WH grind faster (and have tripled their rating) against the team who thinks it's just about time. BTW, how high is your midichlorian count?


This would be true if all the skilled players had the SAME EQUAL TIME to grind out. All things equal, as in Player A have the same skill as player B, player B simply would get gear much faster because he PLAYS MORE.


At the end TIME>SKILL.


Eat your 9000 crit in the face.

Edited by coerCez
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Unfortunately that's how this game works. Yes, because I played more I do deserve better gear. I put more time into my character doing warzone after warzone, and learning how to win and master a class. I'm all for equal pvp gear from the start, but just because you don't want to spend to time farming gear in this game doesn't mean you deserve it for free. It's because of the way they set it up from the start that you don't deserve it for free. What do I get in return for all the long grind for the gear when they hand it out like candy?


Are you kidding me? Having the superior gear over majority and taking every bit out of this advantage in every WZ you are playing is not enough?


Some people I swear...

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