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Will there be more companion Conversations coming soon?


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sadly I don't think we will get much companion content in the future


that said if bioware is listening I would pay $59.99 for a companion expansion pack if it turned the companions into actual "bioware quality" companions,



- quest lines for all companions

- full dialog stories like kotor, dragon age, and mass effect where at any time I can just click them and choose between 2 or 3 different stories or get some cinematic interaction

- more interaction from companions while questing and in combat

- individual crating professions for each companion


the extra mile would be

- all companions romance [including same sex and romance with droids/aliens]

- new companions



- making companions bound to legacy [so a max level character could quest with any unlocked maxed affection companion] - don't know if that is possible

- a companion flashpoint where you can use a kotor team with 2 companions or where you have to use a different companion to complete different parts of the flashpoint


that much content would be worth a expansion price to me witth just the first 4 but sadly I think I am the only one who would pay for this

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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i want to know too.


might as well have been married to my companions for decades now. they never talk to me. never acknowledge our love any more. nothing.


LOL, this, for sure. I feel exactly the same way, and considering that in real life, I've been married to the same dude for 22 years, is it so much to want our mmo's fantasy spouses to stay interested and talking to us?


I miss them so much, I just click them to hear their voices. Malavai is to afraid I might go Sith mode on him, so he's nothing but respectful...and I think Vector is just afraid I'll shoot him.


Doc..well...he just says..."Everything is copecetic, no need for chit chat." Andronikos is trying to be tactful (again I cite sith mode temper) "I like you, you like me, let's not spoil this with alot of talking'.


And Scourge, well...I can't romance him, but still love him, and he keeps telling me..."There is nothing left to say."


Please Bioware, remedy this! :D

Edited by Lunafox
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sadly I don't think we will get much companion content in the future


that said if bioware is listening I would pay $59.99 for a companion expansion pack if it turned the companions into actual "bioware quality" companions,



- quest lines for all companions

- full dialog stories like kotor, dragon age, and mass effect where at any time I can just click them and choose between 2 or 3 different stories or get some cinematic interaction

- more interaction from companions while questing and in combat

- individual crating professions for each companion


the extra mile would be

- all companions romance [including same sex and romance with droids/aliens]

- new companions



- making companions bound to legacy [so a max level character could quest with any unlocked maxed affection companion] - don't know if that is possible

- a companion flashpoint where you can use a kotor team with 2 companions or where you have to use a different companion to complete different parts of the flashpoint


that much content would be worth a expansion price to me witth just the first 4 but sadly I think I am the only one who would pay for this


No you're not! I'd pay for this in a heartbeat too!!:)

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I was just wondering with new patches, and expansions coming soon. Will there be more companion Converstions?


SWTOR is in maintenance and make money back mode. I doubt they'll be footing the bill for voice actors any time soon! :p

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sadly I don't think we will get much companion content in the future


that said if bioware is listening I would pay $59.99 for a companion expansion pack if it turned the companions into actual "bioware quality" companions,



- quest lines for all companions

- full dialog stories like kotor, dragon age, and mass effect where at any time I can just click them and choose between 2 or 3 different stories or get some cinematic interaction

- more interaction from companions while questing and in combat

- individual crating professions for each companion


the extra mile would be

- all companions romance [including same sex and romance with droids/aliens]

- new companions



- making companions bound to legacy [so a max level character could quest with any unlocked maxed affection companion] - don't know if that is possible

- a companion flashpoint where you can use a kotor team with 2 companions or where you have to use a different companion to complete different parts of the flashpoint


that much content would be worth a expansion price to me witth just the first 4 but sadly I think I am the only one who would pay for this


OMG I would pay for this SO fast it's not even funny!

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Extended companion stories and extended class stories are both things I would love (I'd fangirl squeal) to have, but I highly doubt we're ever going to see them. With the slowing of developer/community team responses in the last week (they last about a fortnight, maybe) it really feels like nothing much is going to happen at all :(
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I'm pretty convinced there will be new conversations within the next few months.


Of course, they will be limited to Mako and Vette pestering me to buy them new shoes from the cartel shop, but that's really just to make things more realistic :rolleyes:

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i want to know too.


might as well have been married to my companions for decades now. they never talk to me. never acknowledge our love any more. nothing.


When Ericsson was interviewed about Makeb/HK etc.. he said that was over a year away.


You will obviously have conversations with HK but nothing new or likely ever now for the others.

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Extended companion stories and extended class stories are both things I would love (I'd fangirl squeal) to have, but I highly doubt we're ever going to see them. With the slowing of developer/community team responses in the last week (they last about a fortnight, maybe) it really feels like nothing much is going to happen at all :(


These are the only things that separated TOR from any other MMO, they are the selling point that brought the Starwars fans and KOTOR fans to TOR, they have no real choice to be honest without these being added those 2 types of player will not hang around much longer than completing all of the 8 class stories.

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Ashara: Hello Master, I like talking with you.

Darth Ord'os: I really am the best.

Ashara: Say, there is this nice pair of shoes on fleet.

Darth Ord'os: What do you want me to do?

Ashara: Well, can you lend me 100 cyber tokens?

Darth Ord'os: My good deed for the decade.

Quest: Buy Ashara Nice Shoes.


- Arcada

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I would like to know this as well. Are companion missions/conversations still coming or have they been scraped? Do we get further options in terms of OGRAs and SGRAs? Is that canned dialogue ever going to change?


And along with "is this ever coming" if there's a timeline of sorts available (in a month, a quarter, a year, etc.) that would be helpful.

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sadly I don't think we will get much companion content in the future


that said if bioware is listening I would pay $59.99 for a companion expansion pack if it turned the companions into actual "bioware quality" companions,



- quest lines for all companions

- full dialog stories like kotor, dragon age, and mass effect where at any time I can just click them and choose between 2 or 3 different stories or get some cinematic interaction

- more interaction from companions while questing and in combat

- individual crating professions for each companion


the extra mile would be

- all companions romance [including same sex and romance with droids/aliens]

- new companions



- making companions bound to legacy [so a max level character could quest with any unlocked maxed affection companion] - don't know if that is possible

- a companion flashpoint where you can use a kotor team with 2 companions or where you have to use a different companion to complete different parts of the flashpoint


that much content would be worth a expansion price to me witth just the first 4 but sadly I think I am the only one who would pay for this


You speak my mind. I'd pay for that, too!

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Expanded class stories, s/s romances etc. Was supposed to be in a promised *May* update. What happened? I have been gone awhile. This is very dispappointing if nothing storywise ever gets expanded. It's what I was interested in most. In fact without this...not much holding me here, I don't raid or pvp and other games do that better anyhow.
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I was just wondering with new patches, and expansions coming soon. Will there be more companion Converstions?


I'm thinking no. They didn't produce much after launch with a full crew and I don't see that getting any better with a huge amount of the staff gone now. I could be wrong though.

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along with more conversations / quests, I think it would be awesome to see some new abilities [preferably unlocked through quests], and being able to pin your companion to a point on screen [maybe some combat options]


and the more I think about it I would pay $5-7.99 just for the companion heavy solo flashpoint like I said in another post either using a companion team of 3 or 4 or where I need to have diffrent companions to complete diffrent parts


every bioware game since baldurs gate has had great companions and so does swtor, I just hope "bioware" austin is aware of this and how much companions mean to bioware fans. hopefully there are plans to provide updates and content for companions but who knows...


also I say "bioware" austin only because I do not know what the new management sees as a bioware game and what a bioware companion means, I have full faith in james and daniel I just dont know how important mathew bromberg or jeff hickman feel companions are to the game experiance - p.s. its really important to bioware fans

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I would love to have more quests, interaction and conversations with the companions. I mean, come on, my Sith Warrior is married to Vette and she hasn't said a word to me for ages :( So, it's kind of like a real marriage but come on :p


Once you hit 50, max out their affection and complete the conversations you're done with a companion, and that kind of sucks. The only solution is to roll alts but their companions will also be done with you one day.


However, we have to remember that for this to happen, the dialogues and the quests have to be written, then they need to have all the voice actors (including those that voice our toons) do their thing, then they have to put the animations and the conversations in the game... this takes time and money. Yeah, sure, the game has been out for many months now but they were/are working on a lot of things.

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I'd love this, but I'm really getting the thought and especially with Blomberg(?)'s recent interview, that story is way at the back and group content, the weakest point of the game where it can't compete with other titles in the genre, is being put at the fore-front, as long as BioWare dismisses story as third-rate priority and puts group content on the fore-front, this game is going to keep nose-diving, because as hard as they may try, they are trying to appeal to an audience they never won over and can't win from games like Guild Wars 2, their OP-PVP will always trash anything BiOWare can put out, yet they seem insistent on trying to attract this crowd in a futile attempt to win them over, whilst ignoring the one playerbase they can easily hold onto and grow, the crowd that aren't die-hard MMOers, but RPG fans, Star Wars fans, BioWare fans, the story crowd. Edited by Rayla_Felana
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