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Emperor and Yoda Vs Darth Vader and Revan-Who wins?


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Let's imagine for a moment. Revan was at his full peak when he was in dark side mode for some reason he teamed up with Darth Vader(after Vader was suited up in his armor) for some reason. Just pretend.


They had to fight both Yoda and the Emperor at the same time. (Just pretend they are on a team)


Which team would win and why. And who would die, if anyone?


This is how it goes down. Revan and Darth Vader both wielding light sabers one one side and the Emperor and Yoda at the same time fighting them. Give you best estimate what would happen in the fight, who's most likely to win.

Edited by DragonAgeOrgins
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Team yodA because one blast of lighting to vader would probably fry him he couldn't survive sidious lighting in ROTJ. And revan by himself can't stop 2 of them now if vader didn't suffer any injuries and learned to use the dark side to his fullest I might say revan and vader would win.
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Team yodA because one blast of lighting to vader would probably fry him he couldn't survive sidious lighting in ROTJ. And revan by himself can't stop 2 of them now if vader didn't suffer any injuries and learned to use the dark side to his fullest I might say revan and vader would win.


This is taking into account. He's been wearing the suit for a while and is at almost his peak in the dark side of the force. If you can detail how you think the fight would go down. It would be three melee, and one ranged. Dark Vader has amazing power and understanding of the force.


So does Revan (This is taking into account after he walked both the dark and light side) Yoda is one of the best swords man out there and wise past his years. The Emperor well he's just the wild card if he could get in an attack early enough and avoid the melee.

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Yoda and the Emperor (either Palpatine or Vitate would work), easily. What a lot of people fail to realize is that Revan really isn't that strong in the Force compared to the likes of Yoda and the two Emperors, and I don't think Vader would be strong enough to carry him through the fight.
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Yoda and the Emperor (either Palpatine or Vitate would work), easily. What a lot of people fail to realize is that Revan really isn't that strong in the Force compared to the likes of Yoda and the two Emperors, and I don't think Vader would be strong enough to carry him through the fight.


Agreded a lot of people over estimate revans force abilities revan isn't as strong as most with the force but he has a lot of knowledge with it being both jedi and Sith. Revan would be better with a saber basically I see a team of of people skilled with Meele vs a team of force focused users. Though in the end vitiate would be the only one left alive.

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I pictured the fight going something like Darth Vader acting like the Tank and taking on either the Emperor or Yoda. Yoda has the experience but he's not exactly in the best shape. Remember he lost to the Emperor and he was beaten in the clone wars.


Revan has a great understanding of both sith and jedi fighting styles. If he could take Yoda on one on one and out match him or even him up. I think Darth Vadar would struggle against the emperor but suited up in his armor I'm not sure he would die.


I think it would boil down to the Emperor and Revan being left. Who ever out matches the other. Depending on their surroundings though also.

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Well if revan and the emperor were the only ones left is will be like there past 2 encounters all over again in the end revan eventually fails. Revan and vader would have a chance if vader didn't haft to lug around his personal bacta tank life support suit.
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Well if revan and the emperor were the only ones left is will be like there past 2 encounters all over again in the end revan eventually fails. Revan and vader would have a chance if vader didn't haft to lug around his personal bacta tank life support suit.


Isn't his tank sometimes a benefit in a fight? Say someone shoots blasts at him. If he didn't have the suit he would be easily gunned down if he missed deflecting a bolt. With the armor he is slower but it has added protection. Of Course he moves much slower. Which is why I think Vader would fight the Emperor because Yoda's speed would be too much.


Yoda while impressive has never actually beaten a high figure. He's came close and was impressive but he lost or was a draw all the fights he fought.

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Vaders suit has some benefits but he is very vulnerable to force attacks his suit is a machine if he suffers a lighting attack that he dosnt block that may be game over for him his suit can't take that kind of a hit. And the emperor is very reliable on force attacks like lighting. Vader also won't be able to shoot lighting because his hands are mechanical and his suit prevents. He's also more immobile in it. That's how vader died in Episode 6 because palptine electrocuted him to death when he picked him up. Edited by Newyankalt
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Probably Revan as the overall winner, as I think Vader would likely suffer a mortal injury in the battle.

That being said all 'game' heroes have an advantage over 'movie' hero's because game hero's are always OP.


Firstly Darth Vader was never strong enough to beat the Emperor in a fair fight, or he would have done it long before Luke came of age. Secondly Yoda was generally considered the strongest in the force on the Jedi side (movie era). On that basis I think the Emperor and Yoda go into the fight with a distinct advantage over Vader.


However Revan was created as the hero for KOTOR 1 & 2 and pretty much single handedly brought about the end of the Sith Empire. Much like Galen Marek (Starkiller - Force Unleashed) Revan was the typical 7 foot tall and bulletproof hero who could do things that no movie Sith or Jedi could. Its hard to compare apples with oranges. So if you did compare them all, the game hero has an unfair advantage. Thus Revan would beat everyone.


Preferably I think characters should be compared by genre, game hero to game hero and movie hero to movie hero. What about Revan v Starkiller? Seems to me Revan is the 'Ringer' in this scenario.


P.S. I was assuming you meant Emperor Palpatine and not the 'game' Emperor, who would beat everyone.

Edited by restlessone
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Darth Vader and Revan lose. Total curb stomp.


Sidious is the most powerful Sith ever, meaning Vader and Revan are both inferior. Yoda is superior to both Revan and Vader as well. Thus Darth Vader and Darth Revan go down hard then Yoda and Palpatine enjoy a victory smoothie.




Sidious could take them both at the same time with ease.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Sidious is the most powerful Sith ever, meaning Vader and Revan are both inferior. Yoda is superior to both Revan and Vader as well. Thus Darth Vader and Darth Revan go down hard then Yoda and Palpatine enjoy a victory smoothie.


While I agree with most of your post, I completely disagree and know for a fact after reading 96+ SW-EU/SW novels/comics including the dictionaries, all of the SW DnD books, and most importantly the "Jedi vs Sith - The essential guide to the force". that PALPATINE IS *NOT* THE MOST POWERFUL SITH EVER. I'd bet life on that as I know it to be a fact from SW cannon.


True Palpatine committed full scale genocide against the light side users of the force and even dark users that were not connected to the empire and or bound to the Emperor (Such as Vader & Mara for instance)


Start reading and learning all of the sith lords starting from the very beginning, trust me Palpy :p is by far not the strongest. Now if we're talking about cunning and or the largest empire than Palpatine would be #1 I don't debate that... What I disagree is that power in the force / lightsaber combat Palpatine factually is not the best. Besides, when you control the entire galaxy (Excluding the unknown regions and some petty unneeded worlds far away from the core) he need not subject himself to the force to maintain complete power.


Remember that I don't deny Palpatine was powerful, especially under Darth Plagueis's tutelage... Just not the *most* powerful.


I could make this into a 50 page explanation but I think I'll stop here, if you're still reading be proud lol.


Look through this list and read up on all of them: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Lord_of_the_Sith


-Thank you for your time and I hope I've helped clear up that.


PS: If anyone ever has a question about the SW Universe send me a message and I will give you the real answer in cannon.

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While I agree with most of your post, I completely disagree and know for a fact after reading 96+ SW-EU/SW novels/comics including the dictionaries, all of the SW DnD books, and most importantly the "Jedi vs Sith - The essential guide to the force". that PALPATINE IS *NOT* THE MOST POWERFUL SITH EVER. I'd bet life on that as I know it to be a fact from SW cannon.


You just contradicted yourself as every level of canon that exists conforms with the pure fact that Darth Sidious is by long and far the most powerful Sith of all time, it is not even a contest.

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Wow. Whoever picks Revan and Vader just don't understand SW Canon. You're pitting the Chosen One and a mediocre character against Yoda, who is the most powerful Jedi to exist at that point, and Sidious( if I understand the match-up correctly), who is THE most powerful Sith to ever exist. Yoda could take both of them simultaneously. Vader wouldn't be able to keep up with him, and Revan would have no idea how to approach him. Sidious would toss Revan aside like a rag doll, seeing him as unworthy to be in the presense of the true face of the Dark Side. Vader could only pose a threat for a very short amount of time.


In my opinion, you're better off pitting Vader and Revan against Mace Windu and Meetra Surik. Revan and Vader are jokes compared to the two powerhouses of the Sith and Jedi.

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PS: If anyone ever has a question about the SW Universe send me a message and I will give you the real answer in cannon.


Except, you know, G-Canon states explicitly that Sidious is the most powerful Sith the Galaxy as ever seen.

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Should probably clarify if its Vitiate or Palpatine.


It wouldn't really matter anyway. Vitate's completely owned Revan twice now, and we don't even know if either of those times he was even in his real body at full power. Either way, Yoda takes out Vader and either Emperor makes Revan his *****.

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It wouldn't really matter anyway. Vitate's completely owned Revan twice now, and we don't even know if either of those times he was even in his real body at full power. Either way, Yoda takes out Vader and either Emperor makes Revan his *****.


Yoda would destroy Revan with ease. I'm not sure about Yoda vs. Vader. I think Yoda would eventually win, mainly from his size and speed advantage.

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Yoda would destroy Revan with ease. I'm not sure about Yoda vs. Vader. I think Yoda would eventually win, mainly from his size and speed advantage.


Well situation would be the Emperor and Yoda would win easily. Vader would probably be taken out by the Emperor or Yoda fairly early. The fact Vader is in body armor hinders movement and Yoda's speed and close in fighting takes out Vader's strength advantage. Palpatine was no slouch with a lightsaber either and one big lightning blast would probably take Vader down.


Revan can't take on Palpatine and Yoda at the same time.

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Well situation would be the Emperor and Yoda would win easily. Vader would probably be taken out by the Emperor or Yoda fairly early. The fact Vader is in body armor hinders movement and Yoda's speed and close in fighting takes out Vader's strength advantage. Palpatine was no slouch with a lightsaber either and one big lightning blast would probably take Vader down.


Revan can't take on Palpatine and Yoda at the same time.


Vader would have to carry Revan's weight and obviously, Yoda and Palpatine would see him as the mian threat and take Vader out easy. Revan would turn tail and run, sensing the power behind these two masters of their trade.

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