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How are Guardians in PvP?

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I was wanting to roll a guardian because trying out tanking eventually is my goal, but my question is, how do they do in pvp? Like, not as a tank, but as a dps? I know they probably aren't as good as Sentinels, but can they do decently at least?

Help appreciated :D


they are bad, its very hard to break 800k dmg in WZ after patches : P

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mrekxxx get back on our forums :p


Me and mrekxxx both play Rage Juggs (same as Focus guardians) in PVP, and it is currently one of the most wanted spec in a ranked team. The burst damage of this spec is the biggest threat in the game. So yes in PVP as DPS, it is a beast

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I was wanting to roll a guardian because trying out tanking eventually is my goal, but my question is, how do they do in pvp? Like, not as a tank, but as a dps? I know they probably aren't as good as Sentinels, but can they do decently at least?

Help appreciated :D


Never played one, but they're definitely scarier than sentinels. And they're obviously better than any non-melee DPS class.

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they are bad, its very hard to break 800k dmg in WZ after patches : P


If your breaking 800K in WZ's against full WH imps...please post pics.


To answer the ? though, if you are full WH and have your rotation down you will do just fine. I run Focus spec and will typically be one of the top DPS in the WZ.

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agree with them above DO NOT ROLL A TANK IN PVP WITH GUARDAIN, i hve one and they re pretty usless cant last more then 5-6secs when you got 3-4 imps on you.


Don't listen to this guy. While Guardian DPS are a lot of fun (I was Vig spec back in the day), Guardian Tanks are quite useful and fun in PvP as well. It just takes a while, I think, to get used to the switch. DPS was certainly easier for me to play.



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If your breaking 800K in WZ's against full WH imps...please post pics.


To answer the ? though, if you are full WH and have your rotation down you will do just fine. I run Focus spec and will typically be one of the top DPS in the WZ.


no never did it, max is 730 , i play btw on empire side :) but its mirror


and tanks? yes they have also position in team, i cannot imagine sorcerer healer without tank ... question is why take so squishy class? because not every guild has optimal setup and ppl have fun and wanna play every class, so tanks are good... but i would take warleader gear + immortal /smash and crushing blow= 5 stacks of sunder/ ... to max my defence, i know shield is against white dmg but thats still 20-25% bonus in the fight so thats great and healer can survive ... and if my healer survives all the time i dont mind have 0 dmg in the table ...


and now i go back to juggernaut forum :))

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I ran a tank specc'd Guardian (level 50) for about a month or so and did well. Not high damage output by any means but I was good with guarding and my survivability was not bad at all. I did want to do more damage so I switched to Vigilance and my damage is A LOT more than when I was tanking. I'm still riding it out in Tank gear tho so I imagine I will only begin to improve once my gear changes. So far I am loving it.
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Be carefull of who / what you read here. The gear is everything in this game. I can not recommend you get the Tank / defence absorb gear .... I have it all WH except 1 implant. You will still be 4 shotted and no more survivable than a Guardian in the DPS set. Except you will do 1/2 or 1/3 the damage and no more protection.


It is unbelievable thay have designed the game like this. That the Tank Gear is USELESS in PVP. But believe it. It is true, I know I have 6 months grinding it. If you want to PVP as a guardian choose the DPS gear and build a hybrid Defence / Vig spec. I am too tired to contemplate re-gearing to the DPS suit but if you are just starting I suggest that.

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Guadrians are ok and fun in pvp, at least for me. That is if you like protecting the squishies and beeing a general pain in the *** for the opposing team.

But as the others said before me, don't count on topping the dps meter or slaughtering everyone. You'll be support and a good one if played right

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Guardians tanks are arguably the best for rated groups cos of the double leaps and cc, great for huttball and peeling, plus their defensive cooldowns are also the best of the 3 tanks for pvp.


Guardian dps is better than most of the ACs, however there is little reason to take one over a sentinel. Some might feel they perform as well, or have slightly more burst as focus, but the simple fact is that sents have predation/transcendence, which is very important for rateds (anyone who argues otherwise hasn't played enough rateds). In any case, in my experience, it is VERY difficult to keep up with dps from similar geared vanguards and sents, its rare for me to come out tops in my group. Its in the same ballpark most of the time, but i feel the times when i do equal them, its when we cream the opposition anyway.


Also note that sents can do focus almost as well as guardians. The difference is the 10% bonus to damage for 4 secs after a leap for a guardian. Sents are much easier to keep alive though, cos they have 2 abilities which essentially give them a second life if they have a dedicated healer.


With all that being said, if you're not gonna do rateds hardcore, then guardian is a fine choice for pug pvping or just playing with friends. Its not gimped like merc dps and much easier to excel with than ops or sorcs. Vigilance is excellent for 1v1s once you get geared and focus is always fun, just run around smash bombing everything you see.

Edited by Soapland
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