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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please fix or change Resolve


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Too many times my resolve is full and I'm still CC'd. Fix resolve so that:


1. It works

2. As soon as you're max resolve, all CC and movement imparing abilities are removed and you can only be CC'd again once resolve is empty.

3. Increase the rate resolve bar grows

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As I stated in my original post, there are many times that my resolve bar is full and I'm whirlwinded or someother CC (not talking slows). It's either an issue of resolve not working properly or lag issues between client and server. Either way, it's very frustrating.
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As I stated in my original post, there are many times that my resolve bar is full and I'm whirlwinded or someother CC (not talking slows). It's either an issue of resolve not working properly or lag issues between client and server. Either way, it's very frustrating.


This claim has been made before but has yet to be proven with a video.


We know how Resolve is intended to work, and we know how it does work. If you want us to believe that it is not working then you need to provide proof. Of course, you could also file an in game ticket reporting the alleged bug and stop spreading misinformation on the forums...

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As I stated in my original post, there are many times that my resolve bar is full and I'm whirlwinded or someother CC (not talking slows). It's either an issue of resolve not working properly or lag issues between client and server. Either way, it's very frustrating.


Did you even read my post?

Just because your resolve got full of that whirlwind doesnt mean, youre immune to it because it filled your resolve.

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If someone uses a cc on you AND fills your resolve with it, theres no wonder youre still cc'ed, keep in mind that snares and roots can still be used on you


And if you are running with full white resolve bar and suddenly you are find yourself whirling in the air stunned by Whirlwind?


Lol.. I just love the mindless purists.. When someone claims Resolve is broken they start crying about L2P. When someone explains the situation they start crying «give us snapshot or video or it never happen!». When someone gives them video they shut their mouthes up and put their tongues where their brains are.. till the next thread about broken Resolve.. And all repeating again.. lol..

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And if you are running with full white resolve bar and suddenly you are find yourself whirling in the air stunned by Whirlwind?


Lol.. I just love the mindless purists.. When someone claims Resolve is broken they start crying about L2P. When someone explains the situation they start crying «give us snapshot or video or it never happen!». When someone gives them video they shut their mouthes up and put their tongues where their brains are.. till the next thread about broken Resolve.. And all repeating again.. lol..


No one has ever given a video, so you are actually just outright lying now.

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I will attempt to document these occurrences by FRAPSing my PVP adventures to make sure my perceived observations are indeed true and not perhaps due to being a sliver away from a full resolve bar or lag.


That's the attitude!!! If it's indeed something wrong with resolve we "the purist" :rolleyes: would like to know about it and to ask BW to fix that. As it stands know, after eight months of playing and PvPing consistently, the fact that I've never encounter any of the problems reported turned me skeptical towards the people that report them w/o any kind of evidence besides their perceived observations. Sorry!!!

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That's the attitude!!! If it's indeed something wrong with resolve we "the purist" :rolleyes: would like to know about it and to ask BW to fix that. As it stands know, after eight months of playing and PvPing consistently, the fact that I've never encounter any of the problems reported turned me skeptical towards the people that report them w/o any kind of evidence besides their perceived observations. Sorry!!!


+1 kudos to OP for taking up the gauntlet. We don't ask for video because we think there are no bugs, we ask for video because we can't tell who does not understand resolve (false bug report) and who does (accurate bug report). A video eliminates the ambiguity.


Yes, there are resolve bugs. I've had days where I saw the same bug multiple times (e.g. force-push perma knockdown/root). I've also gone weeks without noticing a resolve bug. I got perma-stunned in huttball just this last weekend but all in all I don't see a high occurrence of resolve bugs. YMMV.


The good thing about a video is OP can give BW a link to the video and that will help them diagnose the issue more easily.

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+1 kudos to OP for taking up the gauntlet. We don't ask for video because we think there are no bugs, we ask for video because we can't tell who does not understand resolve (false bug report) and who does (accurate bug report). A video eliminates the ambiguity.


Yes, there are resolve bugs. I've had days where I saw the same bug multiple times (e.g. force-push perma knockdown/root). I've also gone weeks without noticing a resolve bug. I got perma-stunned in huttball just this last weekend but all in all I don't see a high occurrence of resolve bugs. YMMV.


The good thing about a video is OP can give BW a link to the video and that will help them diagnose the issue more easily.


The bugs you are talking about they are not related to resolve. Yes they are, let's say, CC related bugs but they have nothing to do with resolve. In fact active resolve prevents them from happening. I've been perma stunned once by an electro-dart that got me kicked from the game (persisted after death and i was AFK booted). And by all means I want those bugs addressed as much as the next person. We still have some annoying bugs around but they shouldn't be used as arguments in a debate about the effectiveness of the resolve system.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Or stop telling lies and L2P.


Works fine for me.


Yes it does work fine. What doesn't work about it, is that jumping classes like juggernaut/guardian can still freeze/root you while you have full resolve. That should NOT be the case. That is beyond lame.


They should still be able to jump to you, but they should not be able to root you with full resolve.


It may be working as intended, but THAT is what needs to be changed.

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Or just lower the cooldown of the stunbreaker to 30 seconds, would fix so many issues ....


Yeah that would be a more fun method, I would say 45 seconds or minute at the most. The only other option is that the higher the resolve bar then a portion of damage would break you out of a stun or immobilize. Snares would be left unchanged.


Problem is the fact the same 4 sec stun can be applied twice or you just being mashed with CC without any punishment from the other side. If I blew my stunbreaker to get out with full resolve bar before the 1:30 CD ticking clock certainly pisses me off.

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I would prefer a DR on stuns to the resolve system. I think it punishes ppl who abuse their stuns in every encounter and rewards those who use them more judiciously - not that resolve doesn't do this. I just think it doesn't do it enough.


as for the actual resolve, the only thing that *really* bothers me about it is that you can be stunned to full resolve, and the immunity starts ticking asap. well...you can still be stunned for more than half of the "immunity" period. so within ~2 seconds of coming out of the stun, you're stunned again. kudos to the guy(s) smart enough to manipulate/coordinate/time their stuns in such a fashion, but I doubt BW intended the resolve system to work that way - or I really hope they didn't, at any rate.


my suggestion: don't increase the immunity period, but don't start the countdown until the stun ends or is broken/cleansed.

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I would prefer a DR on stuns to the resolve system. I think it punishes ppl who abuse their stuns in every encounter and rewards those who use them more judiciously - not that resolve doesn't do this. I just think it doesn't do it enough.


as for the actual resolve, the only thing that *really* bothers me about it is that you can be stunned to full resolve, and the immunity starts ticking asap. well...you can still be stunned for more than half of the "immunity" period. so within ~2 seconds of coming out of the stun, you're stunned again. kudos to the guy(s) smart enough to manipulate/coordinate/time their stuns in such a fashion, but I doubt BW intended the resolve system to work that way - or I really hope they didn't, at any rate.


my suggestion: don't increase the immunity period, but don't start the countdown until the stun ends or is broken/cleansed.


Again, Resolve is fine, it is PvP damage that is broken (way too high) which causes people to perceive a problem with Resolve since they die before it has an effect.


My suggestion is to add a buff to hard stuns (i.e. ones that you can activate from your ability bar) so that the target of the stun takes 75% less damage while under the effect of the stun.

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Now, Darth, what would that do to Operatives/Scoundrels? Again? But in all honesty I would like for TTK to be longer.

I think that Force and Tech attacks are too prevalent in some classes damage potential while those type of attacks are not mitigated by anything. But that is really an empirical observation and I don't have any other arguments to base it on.

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