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TOR to sell Stated Gear In FTP cash shop here is our new content after 6 monthes of n


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Even if they sold inheritance and birthright pieces in the shop would it really matter? In pvp sub 50, gear doesn't matter so much to an extent because of the buff. If they sold blue gear, which you can earn better just from playing, would it matter that much. It's an alternative to grinding it out, either to earn the cash to buy it from the GTN or to win it. It's not like it's going to give level 50 gear to a level 10, and even if they did, you would only notice in flashpoints and heroics.


As long as the gear in the shop isn't better than the stuff you can either win or buy who cares. What idiot would lay out real cash for blue level gear anyway?

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As has been stated by many others, I feel betrayed as a longtime (December) subscriber if I'm asked to fork over money for Makeb.


Money? Like $15 per month, or in addition to your $15 per month?


Did you mean you want to stop paying, and still get Makeb?

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I know right?! It's almost as if some of them are being paid to post such positive things...I wonder if any are?!


Who knows. :(


From what I saw in Lotro before I stopped playing and uninstalled it (I was a Lifetimer too) I have no doubt that whatever BW/EA choose to put in the store however OTT it is there will still be a section of the forum community quite happy to justify it and cheer them on to further excess. Also in my opinion pretty much all the content released since they went F2P has been pretty awful and grindy from what I saw. I bought RoI with points saved up from when I was working overseas and couldn't play and got my main to 68 before deciding the new content was so tedious I just couldn't face it anymore.


Yeah the content level definately dropped post F2P, not only more grindy, but also nothing much new (until mounted combat).


EA, not BW.


Bioware EA, it's all there is now.

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I watched all interview. What he said was that they might sell blue mid level gear to help players leveling.

No nodded gear was mentioned. No end game gear was mentioned.


No big deal.

Edited by Evensong
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I watched all interview. What he said was that they might sell blue mid level gear to help players leveling.

No nodded gear was mentioned. No end game gear was mentioned.


No big deal.


Nothing is ever mentioned........ until the very moment it IS mentioned. :csw_yoda:

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maybe because you should have to pay for an expansion. if its a content patch, no, subscribers shouldn't have to pay. is it a full blown xpac or not? nobody knows. i don't really see why people are complaining about the game going f2p. uh, there is about to be a level increase. f2p is until level 50. it is irrelevant
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The sky is falling.. The sky is falling.. OMG the sky is falling..


WOW.. Mid level blues.. The same stuff that drops in mid level flash points or heroics.. Yup.. That is pay to win boys!! Now go kill those mid level mobs while you are leveling to 50.. Did you win??


Give me a break people.. Mid level blues is not pay to win.. You can buy mid level greens from the ingame vendors.. Is that pay to win??


I do wish people would take the time to get their facts straight before starting new threads.. It does reduce the amount of misinformation on the forums..

Edited by MajikMyst
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How about waiting for the shop to come to game and then complain - if there is reason for it!!!!!!!.

Right now it's just beating the dead horse.

If you guys don't have anything better to do... go outside and watch the sky... the sky is not falling.

Edited by Evensong
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The sky is falling.. The sky is falling.. OMG the sky is falling..


WOW.. Mid level blues.. The same stuff that drops in mid level flash points or heroics.. Yup.. That is play to win boys!! Now go kill those mid level mobs while you are leveling to 50.. Did you win??


Give me a break people.. Mid level blues is not play to win.. You can buy mid level greens from the ingame vendors.. Is that play to win??


I do wish people would take the time to get their facts straight before starting new threads.. It does the reduce the amount of misinformation on the forums..



You can't buy in game greens for RL cash, you can only buy it for in-game cash which you generate in-game. :cool:


That is the HUGE difference.


Pay too Win is about using RL cash to buy in-game advancement, so it would be very much the defination of "P2W".

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In DDO, you can buy some decent -- not great, but decent -- gear for leveling up. And you know what? It's fine. It doesn't affect or unbalance the game at all. No one cares.


I cannot express what a non-issue a cash shop is in games that have done it.

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How about waiting for the shop to come to game and then complain - if there is reason for it!!!!!!!.

Right now it's just beating the dead horse.

If you guys don't have anything better to do... go outside and watch the sky... the sky is not falling.


It is no use closing the stable door AFTER the horse is bolted. :csw_yoda:


(or indeed trying to catch the sky once it is buried IN the ground)

Edited by Goretzu
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In DDO, you can buy some decent -- not great, but decent -- gear for leveling up. And you know what? It's fine. It doesn't affect or unbalance the game at all. No one cares.


I cannot express what a non-issue a cash shop is in games that have done it.


DDO was always more of a NWN with online play than a traditional MMORPG though.


It was also basically a dead game when it went F2P as well, mostly because it could have been designed for the cashshop rather than subscription payment.

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No top tier gear sets in my eyes isn't gamebreaking pay to win, since you'll always be able to get better stuff by completing the challenges (i,e Ops or Getting highest PvP valor rank etc)


so every new character you make will be stomped by people who bought their lowbie gear. no thanks. This game has always been about the journey to 50 and now that part is P2W.

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For the love of all things Starwarsy, Bioware/Eletronic Arts, will you stop giving interviews. I mean comeon, there are still a few people playing. Are you trying to drive them off as well? Here is how you respond to questions.


Smile, look truly interested and say "Spoilers!" and turn away.


All sarcasm aside, they are testing the waters. "What if we do this?" Most would test ideas on a focus group, BW/EA uses paying customers.

Edited by SikrouDeco
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Does anyone really care if someone buys an outfit at lvl25 with cash when they'll out level it in a day or 2? I don't. Who cares at that level. He did say there won't be any purchasable high end gear, which is what's important. But of course everyone just glosses over that part, you know the important part.


Because that means they are willing to go that route, and IF it is profitable, mark my words top end gear will be on that shop.


Thanks EAWare for Ruining a Star Wars MMO!


So who is unsubbing after hearing this tid bit?

O and one other thing... why are we buying gear that was suppose to be what the legacy perk gear was for??

Edited by Kashley
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It reads like they're possibly going to create a middle tier of gear that can be purchased. It won't be the best gear (which they've said all along they won't sell in the shop), but it will potentially be a tremendous help to the people who want to grind out the best gear. It's an almost cunning way of setting up not quite to pay-to-win. They can argue that the gear isn't required, and no one is forcing anyone to purchase it for their new characters, but at the same time the way it could simplify things will set it up so that players in the game will mandate that new gear grinders already have it.

All of the above is pure speculation, since the comments in the interview are so vague, but this seems like what he is implying.

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I'd really like to see this game turn around and succeed.


As quoted above, however, I don't see how that's possible, given that most of the people that made TOR aren't at BW working on TOR any longer. You can say what you will about the endgame or that TOR was released prematurely, but most people who leveled a character to 50 I think thought the process was really well made.


And now the people at BW responsible for making that happen are primarily no longer there.


This makes me believe what we are left with is EA's desire to make up for as much its TOR losses as much as possible. Take what was already released and great, add to that some things that were already basically finished and were not released (new OP, FP, WZ, planet, HK, etc), and leverage it to entice people to get things in the cash shop. In the meantime, release "content" every 2 months like what we just experienced with the recent event, i.e. something very armature and small in scope that adds little to nothing to TOR.


It's really sad that the MMO environment today isn't one that allows a game to grow, when it has a sloppy start. A BW employee interview I saw recently asked if there were any regrets he had about TOR, and his only one was that he would have preferred they had the time to implement more basic systems into the game before launch. EA rushed the product for Christmas sales. And, now, I think we are going to see them getting whatever is possible out of it, without actually growing the game into what it could be.


I hope I'm wrong, and will check back in about six months to see what's what. This could have been a fantastic MMO, and something Star Wars fans could appreciate long into the future, if they'd just given it some more time and resources.


George Lucas, you're our only hope! (if he has any sway with EA execs on this).

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As soon as you put items like gear with stats in a cash shop is the moment you start to make it so that you don't have to play, you just have to pay. It will probably make them money but it will also make this a really bad RPG where you can "cheat" by throwing money at it. Edited by MorgonKara
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I'lll even add this disclaimer: I don't wanna play WoW again. I really dont wanna dump all this time and effort put into gearing and leveling alts but its coming to the point where im considering cutting my losses. I want this game to be awesome, but Bioware and EA have to want this game to be awesome too and im just not getting that feedback from them. Actually, the only feedback we are getting is constant empty promises with "soon", "being tested", "something we're looking at." After eating 8 months of it, it just doesn't work for me anymore. They were getting us all hyped up over a gosh darn companion....then just stopped talking about it. Where is he? Where's this new warzone you showed a few months ago? New operation? New flashpoints? Remove the voiceovers, i spacebar through them anyways and start dumping out quality content every 2 months with events like the Rakghoul (NOT THE GRAND RACE OF CRAP) in between to hold us over. If that's something you can't accomplish, rehire all those people that you laid off through those 2 waves of lay-offs.



i decided to cut my losses. it is so hard. at first i was actually considering paying for makeb if it actually came down to it. reading the boards and realizing this is something they should give to us, i am pulling stakes. i have been here since feb. not quite as long but long enough to really hesitate leaving. i just ordered that b2p and hope it will pass my time till something better comes along. i just cant go back to wow


=( so disappointed

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It's an MMO, so how can you "win?"


Now, if the only realistic way to get the gear needed for end-game progression was through a cash shop, then yes, it would be pay to win. If a cash shop offers stuff for sell that you could normally obtain in game through normal play (not months and months of grinding, for example), then it's not pay to win. It's simply selling stuff to people too lazy to work for it. I'd hardly call those people winners.


They had to get the money to buy it-someone 'worked' for it. More likely raiders will throw a tantrum because the gear they had to work so hard to get (i.e. watch the video and hope for no major bugs in the fights) will somehow be devalued if someone can work in the real world and simply avoid the drama of raiding.

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There was another thread on this yesterday, and as was made clear in that thread (and still applies here) no decision to treat Makeb as a paid expansion has been made by the company.


So the fact that it's even a thought in their mind doesn't bother you at all? I admit I've never heard of an MMO with DLC nickel-and-dime tactics before for subscribers-silly Blizzard, offering new raids for free. I wonder if Bobby Kotick is watching to see how this pans out for Bioware..

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