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What you'd love to pay Cartel Coins for


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What would you love to pay Cartel Coins for? I'm not talking, "Yeah, I guess I'll burn my stipend on that hat, why not?"


I'm talking, "Shut up and take my Monopoly money!"



-Character transfers.

-A Legacy Bank, including money. No more scavenging and mailing and all that relogging. Bam, all characters can craft out of the same bank and try on all that bound-to-legacy adaptive gear in one place.

-A window of several minutes to change as many gear mods as I can. This is the next best thing to an appearance tab.

-Dual-spec. To be worth it, it would also have to remember all your UI settings from one spec to the next.

-Real vanity mounts. Taun tauns, Dewbacks, etc. Silly stuff that's fun but not all that useful. :D

Edited by ManiacalShen
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You aren't. We get Cartel Coins included in our sub, so it's not extra.


It wont even be close to what you need to buy something. At first yes, because of all the back coins they will give. After that you will get 150 a month. Base item will probably be 400 or something. Believe me, you will either pay partial cash or save for multiple months for 1 thing.

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It wont even be close to what you need to buy something. At first yes, because of all the back coins they will give. After that you will get 150 a month. Base item will probably be 400 or something. Believe me, you will either pay partial cash or save for multiple months for 1 thing.


Not... really seeing a problem with that, if the thing is high-quality. Just because something exists doesn't mean I need immediate access to it. I'd rather have a larger breadth of cool stuff available than I can practically use and afford at once rather than have auto-access to some crappier stuff.


Like, if my workplace has a free store-brand cookie at lunchtime every day, whoo. If I can instead get a slice of cheesecake once a week, Whoo!


Again, this only applies if the items are good, stuff like I mentioned in my original post and like some other (non-Debbie-Downer) commenters have mentioned. Like, I don't need every vanity set available pronto; that's silly. But I'm unwilling to wait and budget for basic game content.

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Not... really seeing a problem with that, if the thing is high-quality. Just because something exists doesn't mean I need immediate access to it. I'd rather have a larger breadth of cool stuff available than I can practically use and afford at once rather than have auto-access to some crappier stuff.


Like, if my workplace has a free store-brand cookie at lunchtime every day, whoo. If I can instead get a slice of cheesecake once a week, Whoo!


Again, this only applies if the items are good, stuff like I mentioned in my original post and like some other (non-Debbie-Downer) commenters have mentioned. Like, I don't need every vanity set available pronto; that's silly. But I'm unwilling to wait and budget for basic game content.


fair enough

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What would you love to pay Cartel Coins for? I'm not talking, "Yeah, I guess I'll burn my stipend on that hat, why not?"


I'm talking, "Shut up and take my Monopoly money!"



-Character transfers.

-A Legacy Bank, including money. No more scavenging and mailing and all that relogging. Bam, all characters can craft out of the same bank and try on all that bound-to-legacy adaptive gear in one place.

-A window of several minutes to change as many gear mods as I can. This is the next best thing to an appearance tab.

-Dual-spec. To be worth it, it would also have to remember all your UI settings from one spec to the next.

-Real vanity mounts. Taun tauns, Dewbacks, etc. Silly stuff that's fun but not all that useful. :D


A bank? We already have one on our ship and our personal one.


I want a BOOST in EXPERIENCE POINTS. How many people are bored to death of side quests. I know I am. I would pay for an extra boost in experience that goes past legacy 8 percent, to 20 or more. I don't want to have to do a single side quest again.


I done mostly all the classes. I should be rewarded by focusing just on class quest. I'm tired of spending countless hours grinding doing the same missions. I know all the outcomes. I want a boost in EXP when I'm leveling in WARzones

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I admit, there are some things I'd love to see in the cash shop and would probably buy if the price was right:


- Exclusive character customization options: a few faces, cosmetics, hairstyles, and hair colors

- Sexy* yet classy modable gear for my Operative (who is male)

- Pretty** modable gear for my (female) Smuggler.

- Live mounts

- Extra emotes, especially a new /sit and /dance


*No, clothing that covers 85% of my character instead of the usual 90% does not qualify for this.

**gear in orange, grey, beige, dull teal/green, bright fuschia, and any neon shades does not qualify (particularly when multiples of these are found on one garment). Any headgear that includes membership to the Silly Hat Brigade is also disqualified.

Edited by Gwena
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A bank? We already have one on our ship and our personal one.


I want a BOOST in EXPERIENCE POINTS. How many people are bored to death of side quests. I know I am. I would pay for an extra boost in experience that goes past legacy 8 percent, to 20 or more. I don't want to have to do a single side quest again.


I done mostly all the classes. I should be rewarded by focusing just on class quest. I'm tired of spending countless hours grinding doing the same missions. I know all the outcomes. I want a boost in EXP when I'm leveling in WARzones


I understand this urge, as does just about anyone who has more than about two toons on one faction, but I think there'd be too much shouting about Pay2Win. :-\ I do find it helps to RP dramatically different personalities for each character. Though for some reason, all of my Force users are really smug...

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I'd pay a seriously huge amount for player housing like Rift is offering. http://www.riftjunkies.com/2012/08/16/gamescom-2012-housing-in-rift/


I mean 'Mortgage payments+Daughter's college fund+Family Vacation savings' amounts :w_cool:


Yeah, Im going back to that game. Thats some amazing stuff there. I thought Lotro and EQ2 housing was cool but thats just light years beyond simple housing.

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That is some pretty cool housing mechanics they have going in Rift, at least from what you can see in that video. It's a shame it isn't contained in a game I want to play, though.


I'd pay some Cartel Coins for:


-- Luke's landspeeder from Star Wars.

-- Different ship designs.

-- Customizations and customized interiors for ships.

-- An expanded set of facial types and hairstyles, facial hair, etc. I don't want "pay per style", but a set chunk for opening up a huge range of choices.

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Vanity gear sets without any mods but with set bonuses definitely worth a couple of hundred bucks per pop. This game seriously needs a qualified fashion designer.


This. I dont do ops only fps so I would love it if they added blank orange gear that had pve or pvp set bonuses so my shadow can look like a Jedi and not a bridemaid.


Also id pay for new starship interior themes. Especially a trophy cabinate which could also open up quests to find and kill certain mobs.


Id also like a legacy bank that also combines tokens so that if I have a few world tokens on my main left over my alt can use them. Including black hole.

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It wont even be close to what you need to buy something. At first yes, because of all the back coins they will give. After that you will get 150 a month. Base item will probably be 400 or something. Believe me, you will either pay partial cash or save for multiple months for 1 thing.


Exactly, the amount they give subscribers per month is laughable. Given the lack of content also I'm starting to wonder what the point in staying subscribed is. You could go half a year before you see that new content added, meanwhile you're paying per month to play the same old content the f2p will have. Unless the cost to buy the content for cartel coins is the same amount as afew months of playtime then it won't be worth the 15/month.

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- Legacy-bank! Ohh my that would make me dance :D If one has the habit of making new alts all the time it's so much easier when one doesn't have to mail stuff back and forth. This would really make my day


- Vanity Orange Gear. I would be very happy for a few more orange gear for trooper that doesn't have the microwave on the back. It causes a major clipp-fest for my little twilek-trooper.


- Taun taun- mount. Would do anything for something like that :p love taun tauns.

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