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They are already discussing milking the subscribers


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What (if anything) will subscribers have to pay for after F2P launches?


I wish I had a solid answer for you on that. We’re still in discussion about some of the larger content updates that we’re planning. Great example is the planet Makeb. We’ve talked about Makeb, we have a lot of plans around Makeb. I wish I could give you more details, but I can tell you that I think the playerbase is going to be really, really pleased. More story content. New and interesting things for the players to do. More systems and interesting functions in the game … I can’t go into a lot of detail, but around things like that … This is a pretty big piece (of content). It is probably all that I can say. It is definitely still for discussion whether we sell that to the subscriber or the subscriber gets that for free because it is a big beefy chunk of content.


I know the fans will come in and say... well its an expansion, of course we should pay extra for it. Sorry but 1 planet and a 5 level increase is not an expansion. Its a way to justify milking more money. This is the type of content that we should have gotten all along.

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They are shooting them self in the foot for even suggesting subs pay for Makeb.


Unless they bring in a whole new sector for us with as much planets as we got now plus another 50 hours of class story. Than its not an expansion.


Its just a content patch our subs help to pay for.

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They have already said this will not be an expansion and you will not be charged for it.


They HAD said that, yes. But there was an interview: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=522592


The transcript is there, where the Executive Producer of SWTOR says that they are still talking about what they will and will not charge for and that Makeb is now up in the air and they won't know until it is closer to being released...


So basically yes they did say that, but now they are taking it back and saying you might have to pay for it...

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They said it won't be an expansion they said nothing about whether they will charge for it. In the end subscribers will end up paying for something. I imagine if you sub and you only spend your monthly allotment of cartel coins than you can use those to buy all the new content updates. However if you don't save it and waste it all on vanity gear you may have to shell out for makeb.


Everything from that interview made me believe they will do whatever is necessary to maximize the cash they can bring in regardless of impact on the game. The fact they will sell blue gear means nothing is off limits. They say they will never sell top level gear but they can still make the game pay to win. I don't put it past them to sell battlemaster or columi gear or open up old tiers of gear for sale as they introduce new ones.


Subscribers are not being viewed as a separate community than the F2P market, they will do whatever it takes to make as much money as possible this means from old and new players alike. Even though they may say the community matters everything in the F2P model is going to be driven on how much cash they can take in.

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The have said repeatedly that subscribers will not have to pay for new content. That transcript says nothing about Makeb that would make me believe differently.


Read the quote man. Its talking specifically about Makeb

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I originally expected to have to pay for it, as it sounded like a mini expansion. Then they told us its a free content patch and all content is free to subscribers.


Tbh if its like 5-10 pounds (10-15$) I don't mind much but I'd still call it a bit of a shady move.


However if its just like 500 cartel coins I wouldn't mind, ill just save all of mine till then to make sure.

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The have said repeatedly that subscribers will not have to pay for new content. That transcript says nothing about Makeb that would make me believe differently.


"What (if anything) will subscribers have to pay for after F2P launches?


Jeff Hickman: I wish I had a solid answer for you on that. We're still in discussion about some of the larger content updates that we're planning. Great example is the planet Makeb. "



They DO NOT KNOW if they will be charging us for Makeb, it went from being "You will not be charged for this," to "We do not know if you will be charged for this..."


That does not sit well with me nor does it foster any trust in them doing the right thing FOR THE PLAYERS.

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"What (if anything) will subscribers have to pay for after F2P launches?


Jeff Hickman: I wish I had a solid answer for you on that. We're still in discussion about some of the larger content updates that we're planning. Great example is the planet Makeb. "



They DO NOT KNOW if they will be charging us for Makeb, it went from being "You will not be charged for this," to "We do not know if you will be charged for this..."


That does not sit well with me nor does it foster any trust in them doing the right thing FOR THE PLAYERS.


I totally agree. They already said that we will not be charged for Makeb.


To change their minds now, is EXTREMELY UNPROFESSIONAL.


To be honest, I don't mind the F2P move, if it helps to make this game work. But to make promises and then to change them, I do not wish to do business with such a company.

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They said it won't be an expansion they said nothing about whether they will charge for it. In the end subscribers will end up paying for something. I imagine if you sub and you only spend your monthly allotment of cartel coins than you can use those to buy all the new content updates. However if you don't save it and waste it all on vanity gear you may have to shell out for makeb.


Everything from that interview made me believe they will do whatever is necessary to maximize the cash they can bring in regardless of impact on the game. The fact they will sell blue gear means nothing is off limits. They say they will never sell top level gear but they can still make the game pay to win. I don't put it past them to sell battlemaster or columi gear or open up old tiers of gear for sale as they introduce new ones.


Subscribers are not being viewed as a separate community than the F2P market, they will do whatever it takes to make as much money as possible this means from old and new players alike. Even though they may say the community matters everything in the F2P model is going to be driven on how much cash they can take in.


i have deafened BW on many occasions but if a subscriber has to pay or even have to use my cartel coins i get for subbing for any content like new planets, missions and group content i'll be unsubbing, thats going to far with there shop

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Perhaps you should read the quote, that I posted in the OP.


I listened to the same interview and I GOT that they don't know if they're going to make Makeb something subs have to pay for. Listen to the interview because the transcript has typos. They may, and it sounds like they may be leaning towards it, BUT, he did not say that's what they were going to do. He said it was in discussion.

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I know the fans will come in and say... well its an expansion, of course we should pay extra for it. Sorry but 1 planet and a 5 level increase is not an expansion. Its a way to justify milking more money. This is the type of content that we should have gotten all along.




Anything that EXPANDS on what was given to you at launch is an EXPANSION!


Learn not to expect everything for free.

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Anything that EXPANDS on what was given to you at launch is an EXPANSION!


Learn not to expect everything for free.


Thats funny because other MMOs have released content, on a regular basis, and didnt charge extra for it. If you think any content is an expansion then you are the type of sucker this company wants. You are also the type of person that allows companies to rip off the rest of us. Please tell me what you are paying a sub for if expanded content is considered an extra cost.

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You guys are just running wild in here lol! This can be taken so many ways it isn't even funny. Maybe he means, it will cost you cartel coins, something as subscribers we are building up now as we speak. And just maybe some of you will blow all your cartel coins on other things. Now what? You either will have to buy more cartel coins to get it, or wait till next month when your next hatch of coins comes from your subscription. They can't guarantee how each and everyone of you is going to allocate your coins. Maybe this is the (if anything/ possibility)


You guys all need to chill out lol!

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Anything that EXPANDS on what was given to you at launch is an EXPANSION!


Learn not to expect everything for free.


theres a big diffrence between a pay for xpac and monthly content relese


lets use good old faithful as an example


the burning crusade gave you


2 new races


a whole new planet with 6 zones (dont say makeb is the same its far from it. those 6 zones had the same content as 4-5 planets in the game now if not more)


10 more levels


new crafting professions


new battlegrounds


flying mounts


thats a xpac worth £35


now the sunwell platu had a raid a daily hub and a dungeon


thats a content patch worth the subs we have been paying


see the difference

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Know would be a good time for AllisonBerrymen to drop in hint hint....


Nothing against the CSR personally, but would they really help here? Here's what it would look like:


We understand you concerns but we currently have no more information on the subject act this time. But all of your questions will be answered soon™. Meanwhile, while you're waiting on an answer between now, next week, next month, next year, or perhaps the end of time, please continue to give us your subscription monies. We may use it to buy some lubricant for you to use in the future! Maybe... Probably not. Err, just send your money.


-CSR Robotic/Lifeless/CopyPasta Response

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I know the fans will come in and say... well its an expansion, of course we should pay extra for it. Sorry but 1 planet and a 5 level increase is not an expansion. Its a way to justify milking more money. This is the type of content that we should have gotten all along.


Its a interesting problem they will have.


For me its simple


You go the hybred F2P route where you say you can subscribe and get all the content or do F2P and buy the content packages and thats that!


You get ALL THE CONTENT with a subscription, period, end of story.


By going F2P they have lost the right to have paid for expansions because if we have to subscribe and then pay, why subscribe?


I know its pretty open and shut with me on content issues. My subscription gets me all the content. end of story.


I have no issue paying extra (one time fees) for more character slots on a server as thats outside the "CONTENT" parameters.


But content wise (and this new planet definately falls under CONTENT), you pay your monthly sub and you get the content. If you ever cancel your monthly sub and go F2P option, I could see them revokeing access to that content unless you buy it like other F2P players.


But long as you paying that monthly sub, you get ALL CONTENT micro transaction free.


No if, ands, or buts!


And yes, if they try to charge me a sub fee and then a cost on top of that, account will be cancelled for good.


I dont do Buy to Win and I dont do double dipping.


EA, either you are a subscription only product where you DO get to charge for expansions or you are hybred F2P where you lose the right to charge your subscribers expansion costs as you try to sell to players who didnt pay what we did for game and DONT pay a monthly fee.


You might want the best of both worlds but your not going to get it.

Pick one and run with it.

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To be honest I will hold my judgement on this and wait to see the direction BW takes with this. If they make it free awesome. If they charge for it but throw in a bunch of stuff with it ( lvl raise, new ops, new pvp modes and maps, new weapons, maybe some new color crystals, new armor looks, at least 1 new cross faction race, and of course the PVE content that comes with the planet) and call it an expansion I'll be ok with that. If they charge for just the planet then I will not be ok with that.
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I know the fans will come in and say... well its an expansion, of course we should pay extra for it. Sorry but 1 planet and a 5 level increase is not an expansion. Its a way to justify milking more money. This is the type of content that we should have gotten all along.


I'm a big fan and I'm not going to say that. I pay a subscription to play the game. The content, including Makeb is part of that subscription. Unless Makeb is an expansion the size of Burning Crusade, then its not something that I'd be interested in paying for. An expansion is an expansion, a planet is a planet.

Edited by Blackardin
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