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Do u like Jaesa better ls or ds


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The first thing I did with my jugg at lvl 10 was run bt to social ii so I could get slave outfit.

My goal was to marry vette and corrupt Jaesa and throw her in the outfit as my sith concubine.


But from what I seen she looks kinda gross darkside, and sounds dumb in videos. My warrior is darkside only in alignment but all the Convo choices I make are good and supportive, except alignment choices, heh.


So do y'all like her better ds or ls? I can't make up my mind

Edited by Cathest
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Does your warrior want to



change the Empire from within towards the light side?



If no, LS Jaesa isn't right for you. (As far as I know, if you aren't neutral you can't even decide her allignment.)



Btw. Vette doesn't accept other partners besides her.

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Does your warrior want to

If no, LS Jaesa isn't right for you. (As far as I know, if you aren't neutral you can't even decide her allignment.)


Btw. Vette doesn't accept other partners besides her.


Jaesa LS/DS version is decided by the choice you did on Tatooine and Alderaan. If you mixed up Light Side and Dark Side you have the choice to either convert her to the dark side or let her stay light side even if you are Dark side align like me.



Kill the old Jedi Master (DS Tatooine), Send her parent to Dromund Kaas (LS Alderaan) and torturing her master (DS Hutta)





I prefer DS Jaesa since I play my SW as a Neutral/Dark sided character.

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If no, LS Jaesa isn't right for you. (As far as I know, if you aren't neutral you can't even decide her allignment.)


You can decide it in the fashion that she will mirror your own alignment..


Or maybe I don't know what Im talking about..


ps darkside Jaesa is awesome.

Edited by Karkais
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DS Jaesa is boring too, at least if you don't have a romance with her. They are like two sides of the same coin, really: DS is a psycho who wants to destroy her homeworld and expirience all the ways to gain power; LS is a naive (some people would even say 'stupid') sweet girl, who believes you are going to change the Empire from inside. Which can be a good thing, if you are going to :)
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I haven't experienced the LS version of Jaesa. What I do know is that my Marauder is a psychotic DS Sith who wants to kill and destroy everything on his path to power and dominance. He can't stand LS Sith and would see them all dead. Therefore, DS Jaesa fits perfectly. He is loyal to the Empire and his comrades though so there is a sense of honour there.


Once Vette pledged herself to staying with my Marauder he removed the shock collar seeing it as the best way to gain her trust in order to manipulate and use her. Then she rejected my Marauder when he wanted both Vette and Jaesa as his partners. At least he still has Jaesa and in time believes he can work on Vette to change her mind, especially since she's committed to staying by his side.


So, I like DS JAesa because the personality fits the personality of my Marauder.

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Want Light Side Jaesa? go play Si and get Ashara Zavros, basically the same companion, DS Jaesa is much more fun.

Why u say this

Ur lightside according to ur sig and u think ds is fun?

Im lightside irl but I have a ds char, though I always say good choices i just make alignment choices dark but say sorry and encourage people

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Good to know. I guess it would be worrisome if you went into the office or classroom one day and started shooting Force Lightning at veryone.


I sometimes wish I could come in to the office and do that, especially to the managers. Would be a nice way to vent and maybe teach them a thing or two about how to treat their employees or face the consequences......

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