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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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Ya lazy. Record more voices.


The funny thing is they dont even have to record more voices to add alot of species. For Duro for example all they have to do is add a slight reverb effect to the voice over.


I have been producing music for nearly 15 years and i can say that altering sounds or voices to make them sound a bit more alien or different woudl not be that hard.


As far as Cathar, its odd that voice over wont be changed. The Cathar Jedi on Tyhon had a pretty strong accent and honsetly if he had the typical jedi knight voice we get it would sound out of place.

Edited by kirorx
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As far as Cathar, its odd that voice over wont be changed. The Cathar Jedi on Tyhon had a pretty strong accent and honsetly if he had the typical jedi knight voice we get it would sound out of place.


I've heard three other Cathar voices (one was part of a quest on Ord Mantell, the second is on Republic Taris near/in Olaris spaceport) where they didn't have an accent like the Cathar Jedi Master on Tython.

Of course, there's Aric Jorgan the first Trooper companion. Doesn't have an accent like that Jedi Master either.

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I've heard three other Cathar voices (one was part of a quest on Ord Mantell, the second is on Republic Taris near/in Olaris spaceport) where they didn't have an accent like the Cathar Jedi Master on Tython.

Of course, there's Aric Jorgan the first Trooper companion. Doesn't have an accent like that Jedi Master either.


Very true, i just think the available jedi knight voice sounds, i think that about using a sith pureblood with jedi knight voice as well though, but that one is an unlock.


Not really a big deal or anything, just sounds weird. On the flip side of unlocks i think twi'lek agents sound awesome.

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What about the most famous of Wookies, Chewbucca, he had a Jedi nephew.


Lowbacca was a Force using Wookiee. George Lucas quickly moved in and said no more Force moving Wookiees in Star Wars.Ever.Period.


I've heard people make the argument that since our character's names,species,sex aren't canon only their deeds are that technically playing as a Wookiee or Yoda's species wouldn't break Luca's ban on them. This might be true but I don't see Lucas Arts allowing BW to use that loophole.

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Yes it is... and its 3000 years in the future for SWTOR.


Remember: This game is set fully in the EU. This was done to completely detach it from any of the events in the movies. Furthermore, it doesn't use the somewhat restricted atmosphere of the movies (extremely polar, everyone on a side agrees, pure democracy vs. authoritarianism), but the more realistic style used by EU books and the Clone Wars series.


If the game is going to look for inspiration on things to add, the movies aren't where its going to go. It's going to look first and foremost at other EU stories set in the 3000BBY area.


ok what about the various renegade droids u encounter throught the game?

Also its set 3000 years before so they could be more free to take whatever direction they wanted, they even added there own version of yoda.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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Wookiee: lame.

Droid: What? No. Lame.

Mon Calamari: I agree!

Jawa: What?? Really? God, no.

Rodian: Eh.

Sullustan: I approve.

Trandoshan: Eh.

Quarren: Cool :)

Duros: Yes!


1. Selkath: bloody awesome, extremely original

2. Ithorian: exotic, exciting, a classic.

3. Nautolan: popular, exotic, interesting

4. Duros: slick, pretty awesome

5. Togruta: beautiful, exotic, interesting

6. Mon Calamari: exotic, a classic

7. Bith: classic, exotic, exciting

8. Kel Dor: stylish, exotic

9: Vurk: what's cooler? Exotic, interesting

10: Nikto: classic, exotic


That was an example of how to overuse the word "exotic"

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actually it was said a lot before launch. the top three races in every pole that was put up on the web site were Togruta, Nautolan, Cathar. the position in the top three changed from pole to pole but it was always the same three at the top. i remember 1 pole that had about 20 races listed and those same three went straight to the top every time it was restarted.


Mostly because the people who want something truly exotic split their votes between mon cal, trandoshans, wookies, rodians, ithorians, etc. Add up the total of the exotics to get a better picture of what people want other than cathar. I guarantee they's lose in a runoff of cathar vs a single iconic SW race from the original trilogy.

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I've played a Wookie for years, melee tank; automatic language translation was a basic skill for all, armor set was very limited but awesome looking, and you could switch combat full gear to cool day to day clothes with one button push.

Combat moves were styled to look right for wookies handling scythes blades or sabers.


Yeah Wookies I want, and no Gungans please, the Pandas equivalents :csw_jabbapet:

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Here is my 10 race list.


1) Sullustan

2) Bith

3) Togruta

4) Iktochi

5) Devaronian

6) Cerean

7) Duros

8) Rodian

9) Nikto

10) Kel-dor

11) Kaleesh

12) Chagrian (i thought these would be here at at launch since there are pics of them floating around solo in game)



Whoops I went to far....there are just so many options. .

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Here is my 10 race list.


1) Sullustan

2) Bith

3) Togruta

4) Iktochi

5) Devaronian

6) Cerean

7) Duros

8) Rodian

9) Nikto

10) Kel-dor

11) Kaleesh

12) Chagrian



Whoops I went to far....there are just so many options. .


Well I am an Idiot, I forgot my beloved Chagrian on my list.

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I've read some opinions about droids... but how do you do for Jedi ans Sith ?


Droid aren't "living things", they're just "things", and the Force is something that resides in and be used by living creatures.

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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


At the end of the day if they were going to give us a species that is feline they should have gone Bothan.


I agree with this thread though. Since beta i was dissapointed with the pathetic racial choices of psudo-humans. This is Star Wars! It is supposed to be freaking chocked full of wierd non human species. It's NOT wow, we dont want half a dozen or so races. Bioware you can't treat the Star Wars fanchise like just another mmo, the fans you have left playing the game and paying for it are the hard core starwars fans who are loyal to the IP, if you are not in turn staying true to the IP then you WILL LOOSE THEM as they become disenfranchised.


Wake up to yourselves Bioware! Cathar? seriously what a joke... I sure am NOT going to re-roll any toons just to make a lame cathar.

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I've read some opinions about droids... but how do you do for Jedi ans Sith ?


Droid aren't "living things", they're just "things", and the Force is something that resides in and be used by living creatures.


Proxy was able to use some sort of technology to replicate force push, there you go. The droid could have some sort of electric weapon built into its hands to replicate force lightning.

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Proxy was able to use some sort of technology to replicate force push, there you go. The droid could have some sort of electric weapon built into its hands to replicate force lightning.


Proxy was also 3000+ years in the future, that technology might not exist yet in the TOR era. We're really starting to push the limits of canon with some of these.

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You do realize that adding "Droid" as a race would involve a ton of reworking for PvP, right?

Disable Droid now becomes useful in PvP, giving Sentinels a mez. It also negates the In-Stealth Mez moves of Scoundrel and Shadow. One of the great things about this game is that race is purely aesthetic. Adding Droid as a playable race would change that.



Er..... it would just be like all the other abilities that work in PvE (on Mobs) and not in PvP (on players), I can't see how it would be a problem at all.






1. Wookie(e)

2. Droid

3. Gammorean.

4. Jawa

5. Trandoshan

6. Ugnaut.

7. ithorian

8. Kel Dor

9. Gand

10. rodian

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Proxy was also 3000+ years in the future, that technology might not exist yet in the TOR era. We're really starting to push the limits of canon with some of these.


It could be an ancient droid "race" from times when everything was bigger and better (and in the JK story-line there's a bit about force using droids [or the potential to be so]).


Really in the expanded universe of SW "non-canon" only means someone hasn't wrote a comic about it yet. :)

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I hope I'm not considered a "hater" for this but it really does confound me somewhat that a Star Wars game (particularly one of this magnitude) did not launch with Wookie as a playable race....


I'm still here and still playing and will continue for the forseeable future but it's a fair criticism to level, I think.

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