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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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thanks, i woudnt play a sullstan either, but i kno there are those out there that would for sure love to, thats y i put em on, i tried to make every selection in my 10 like that. Mainly cuz i couldnt see why anyone would want Cathar, but now that ive been reminded of the cutesy romance aspect of the game, i can see how some players could find them appealing. Its just not for me.
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You do realize that adding "Droid" as a race would involve a ton of reworking for PvP, right?

Disable Droid now becomes useful in PvP, giving Sentinels a mez. It also negates the In-Stealth Mez moves of Scoundrel and Shadow. One of the great things about this game is that race is purely aesthetic. Adding Droid as a playable race would change that.


EDIT: I will say, I would like to see Kaleesh playable at some point.


or they could just make it not usable on player characters, the same way WoW did with the Paladins Turn Undead ability, you were not able to fear undead players with it but you could fear undead npc's all day.


edit: also just remember there are already abilitys like that in this game, my jugg for example has 2 dps abilitys that cant be used on player characters.

Edited by GooseGrims
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I am sooo excited for the Cathar :D have been wanting to play one since the first one I met in Tython. It's a wonderful species, so very excited to see what kind of different markings and colors they have. Cathar and Togruta are the two new species that I am really would like start a new alt with.


Happy that I'm getting the Cathar, now I'm hoping for the Togruta.

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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi




Bith would also be awesome. Here's A Sith Bith http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rugess_Nome

Edited by kirorx
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Thats y im not mad anymore, to each there own. When i 1st saw them on Tython I hoped like crazy theyd never b a playable race. Im not opposed so long as people will play it. Plus the ladies seem to like em n that cant be all bad.


I mean Cathar not Sullustan. See weird downs comment guy, i knew ppl wanted sullustans.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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1. Selkath: bloody awesome, extremely original

2. Ithorian: exotic, exciting, a classic.

3. Nautolan: popular, exotic, interesting

4. Duros: slick, pretty awesome

5. Togruta: beautiful, exotic, interesting

6. Mon Calamari: exotic, a classic

7. Bith: classic, exotic, exciting

8. Kel Dor: stylish, exotic

9: Vurk: what's cooler? Exotic, interesting

10: Nikto: classic, exotic


I agree with this gentleman with the exception of Bith and Ithorian. Bith are cool and all, but they don't fight. That's why they make cantina music. Ithorians just don't really fit the part of anything that's not a Jedi and I can't really see an Ithorian Force Leaping into anything. I'll substitute Gormak and Kaleesh instead. I definitely support Selkath as #1, though.

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That said, from the preview, the Cathar smuggler didn't even LOOK Cathar, as those I've seen before have wide, flat noses. His nose just looked... human. And the hair was the same recycled haircut... what about the kind of "mane" hair I've seen on Cathar NPC's? Pretty disappointing there. They should at LEAST work with what they have (face design).


The Cathar have at least 2 sub species to them that physically vary from the mainline Cathar species overall,both are named after iconic Cathar characters(Juhani and Myr Rho). The Cathar in SWTOR appear to be the Juhani subspecies type.


Remember in the one empire quest on tattoine it was revealed Jawa's were force sensitive.


That was one Jawa and aside from that one there has only been one other Force using Jawa in canon and he was from a tabletop RPG game.

Edited by Temeluchus
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That was one Jawa and aside from that one there has only been one other Force using Jawa in canon and he was from a tabletop RPG game.


I know, but c'mon can't you just see a double saber wielding little Jawa forcing jumping a Jedi and womping on them! or just hitting them with force lightning laughing maniacly........:jawa_biggrin:

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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


In your opinion.

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I agree with this gentleman with the exception of Bith and Ithorian. Bith are cool and all, but they don't fight. That's why they make cantina music. Ithorians just don't really fit the part of anything that's not a Jedi and I can't really see an Ithorian Force Leaping into anything. I'll substitute Gormak and Kaleesh instead. I definitely support Selkath as #1, though.


I totally agree with your substitutions and they would probably be more fun/cool to play.


Apparently in the lore there was a Bith Sith (heh). Check it here...

Edited by Tomb-Stone
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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


Jawas should have been number 1, but other than that, I agree we need all those races. We're getting Cathar though, all we can do is hope for later.

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Well, cathar may not be the most popular choice but it's one that's easily implementable.

First off, another humanoid that will use the standard body types.

Their heads won't have severe clipping issues with hoods and such like Togruta would, for example.

They have ties back to KoTOR 1, which is a plus, and there's already a couple NPC cathars

up and about in the world, including a companion character.


And as they said they want to test the market for new playable species, it wouldn't make much

sense to go the overly complicated route and pour lots of resources into it,

just for in the end not be an as popular addition to the game as expected.


Personally, I want to see Mon Cals, Nautolans, Togruta, Kel Dor happen,

but they can't go the easy route with those. Hoods without disappearing Lekku,

bare webbed hands and feet for the fishies, etc.

They'll need new tech for that or EVERYONE will be disappointed in one way or another.


They'll start with the cathar, so I will do my part and make them popular as a new playable species.

Just because I want all those other cool ones done right.

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