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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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I hope I'm not considered a "hater" for this but it really does confound me somewhat that a Star Wars game (particularly one of this magnitude) did not launch with Wookie as a playable race....


I'm still here and still playing and will continue for the forseeable future but it's a fair criticism to level, I think.



Wookie(e) consistantly comes up in the top 3 of most wanted races, so yes, it is pretty strange.

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I hope I'm not considered a "hater" for this but it really does confound me somewhat that a Star Wars game (particularly one of this magnitude) did not launch with Wookie as a playable race.....


Do you know the lore the game is based upon?


Wookiees have been slaves up to about 300 years before the game, and the vast majority of them haven't left the planet and see no real reason to. Why would you overthrow your oppressors to gain control of your own planet and... leave? Does it make any sense that you'd have a Wookiee Soldier? Kashyyk isn't even part of the republic. What about a Wookiee agent? The Empire isn't terribly happy about using Chiss, but a Wookiee would be okay?


And a Sith or Jedi Wookiee... yeah, those are explicitly prohibited. Never gonna happen.


Yes, I know that logic and lore don't play a part in this argument, it's simply: I want (a Wookiee). Many people would be happy to shred lore and ignore any sort of story consistency so long as they got what they want.


I for one am happy that Bioware doesn't give in to such demands (or at least, they haven't yet).

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Many people would be happy to shred lore and ignore any sort of story consistency so long as they got what they want.


I for one am happy that Bioware doesn't give in to such demands (or at least, they haven't yet).



If you can have pure blood Sith Jedi (that are refered to as "human" in the dialogue), you can certainly have Wookie(e)s as a playable race. :csw_yoda:

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Really *not* looking forward to the invasion of furries ERPing at the fleet. Cathar were the last race I wanted to see added. I think I'd rather have Gungans or Ewoks than Cathar.


There's really no reason to not have any companion race as a PC race. They already have the armor and weapon models to fit those races for the most part....what's the hold up? I'll be more than slightly pissed if all those races magically appear in the cash shop within a few months.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Do you know the lore the game is based upon?


Wookiees have been slaves up to about 300 years before the game, and the vast majority of them haven't left the planet and see no real reason to. Why would you overthrow your oppressors to gain control of your own planet and... leave? Does it make any sense that you'd have a Wookiee Soldier? Kashyyk isn't even part of the republic. What about a Wookiee agent? The Empire isn't terribly happy about using Chiss, but a Wookiee would be okay?


And a Sith or Jedi Wookiee... yeah, those are explicitly prohibited. Never gonna happen.


Yes, I know that logic and lore don't play a part in this argument, it's simply: I want (a Wookiee). Many people would be happy to shred lore and ignore any sort of story consistency so long as they got what they want.


I for one am happy that Bioware doesn't give in to such demands (or at least, they haven't yet).


Well I'm not sure I'd call it a "demand" but I would certainly think it a good thing if we had them. Given the context of the current gameworld and that I can have a Sith Jedi I'm not certain your argument holds water.


I suppose Wookie's would certainly be a Republic race in any event and would probably have to go hand-in-hand with a new Empire race.


You mention that they have been slaves up to 300 years prior to the current setting, do you mean that they stopped being slaves approximately 300 years ago?, If so, then surely within 300 years they would have done some travelling, equally if they only recently stopped being slaves (I might be making up some new lore here) then some of them would perhaps celebrate that freedom and engage with the rest of the Galaxy (excercising their newfound rights)


Either way I think my initial point still stands which is that certain things make an environment feel more Star Warsy, like light sabers, space dogfights, the force, Robot companions and Wookies...


definitely an unfortunate oversight.

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Without even thinking, Togruta and Nautolan. I want them yesterday.


There are plenty of species to choose from but I think that we have to remember the fact that BioWare has imposed restrictions on what they deem acceptable as far as the playable species go. So even though the Jawa, the Wookiees, the Rodians and the Trandoshans are both iconic and popular, we will never play as one of them in this game.


Whatever species we look into, they have to be humanoid enough to fit the mold. It's much more likely that they give us Zeltrons or Nagai (just for example) than Wookiies or Toydarians.


Still, even though I don't see the appeal of the Cathar in particular, I maintain that their inclusion is a step in the right direction. The only thing I want is for BioWare to continue adding new species. I don't expect any outlandish ones, but even if they're humanoids like Togruta, it will still be a breath of fresh air and I'll be happy.

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What most of the people who cry about race choices and the Cathar announcement somehow fail to realize is that every character is Voice acted. If a race lacks the ability to speak galactic basic, then throw it out the window. There is no possible way devs can justify flushing the entire voice over of each class down the toilet and replace it with rwwwwwwwrwaoaowwowowrrworowr or the crazy Rodese i can't even begin to type out. Having said that, I do agree that there are much more interesting races than the Cathar, such as the ballin' out of control Mon Cal, the race I wanted to play from the beginning.
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What most of the people who cry about race choices and the Cathar announcement somehow fail to realize is that every character is Voice acted. If a race lacks the ability to speak galactic basic, then throw it out the window. There is no possible way devs can justify flushing the entire voice over of each class down the toilet and replace it with rwwwwwwwrwaoaowwowowrrworowr or the crazy Rodese i can't even begin to type out. Having said that, I do agree that there are much more interesting races than the Cathar, such as the ballin' out of control Mon Cal, the race I wanted to play from the beginning.



What people who continually bring this up fail to realize, is that it is an IDIOTIC argument. There are already alien races in the game, which do not speak basic, and have subtitles. If it blows your tiny mind too much to concieve of such a thing as 'playable' versus 'unplayable' then well I guess that's your problem.


The voice acting would not be flushed down the toilet. It would still be there for all the recolored reskinned humans in the game.


All of this boils down to "IF IT REQUIRES ANY WORK AT ALL ABOVE THE BARE MINIMUM, IT WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE GAME, EVER." Which is a completely different argument than "it's impossible to conceive of having cool and unique alien races in a Star Wars universe."


I'd say the choice of Cathar fits well with their other decisions, because it is terrible. And terrible fights right in with their walled-in, on-rails, LitterBox single-player game they've created. Really the Star Wars huge fanbase huge franchise MMO going free to play within a year? Cathar BS fights right in with that.

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Do you know the lore the game is based upon?


Wookiees have been slaves up to about 300 years before the game, and the vast majority of them haven't left the planet and see no real reason to. Why would you overthrow your oppressors to gain control of your own planet and... leave? Does it make any sense that you'd have a Wookiee Soldier? Kashyyk isn't even part of the republic. What about a Wookiee agent? The Empire isn't terribly happy about using Chiss, but a Wookiee would be okay?


And a Sith or Jedi Wookiee... yeah, those are explicitly prohibited. Never gonna happen.


Yes, I know that logic and lore don't play a part in this argument, it's simply: I want (a Wookiee). Many people would be happy to shred lore and ignore any sort of story consistency so long as they got what they want.


I for one am happy that Bioware doesn't give in to such demands (or at least, they haven't yet).


But it DOES make sense, lore-wise, to have Pureblood Sith Jedi running around all over the place? Hardly. Lore has nothing to do with it.


More like: "We are too lazy to add any race that does not use current body-types with a different colored face," and Wookies don't fit that description. Neither do Trandoshans, Selkath, whatever race those original bounty hunters Hammerhead and Snaggletooth were, Nogrhi, and so on and so on through the hundreds or thousands of conceivable races in the Star Wars universe.


As for Droids, well yeah they can speak basic, but they can't be forced into body types 1-4. Player abilities that effect droids, could be modified to be usable against "NPC droids" but not "player droids" ie. just code player-droids to not be treated as "droids" but all of that is pointless since they can't be body types 1-4 so they will -never- be in the game.


Bioware: "We're going to add a race that sucks, and if you don't like it, we won't add more races."

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This list is tempered by what I think the Devs actually could (more like would) do. I actually do like the Cathar, I just think it's far too little. New races should come in pairs minimum IMO, though I have no idea why my brain has decided upon that.


1) Togruta

2) Nautolan

3) Rodian

4) Kel Dor

5) Bothan

6) Mon Calamari

7) Nikto

8) Weequay

9) Chagrian

10) Vultan

11) Iktochi


Would love to see Trandoshan and Wookiee as well though - Wookiees will never happen because lightsabers are out for good per GL, and the language barrier, Trandoshans have their funky language and both races would require new models (definitely not impossible, but with the corner cutting we've seen I'll say right now it ain't going to happen)

Edited by AstralProjection
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I don't care about the Cathar, and certainly won't be deleting one of my existing characters to make one.


I would absolutely delete and reroll a character slot if I could make a droid, especially an HK series (an HK Bounty Hunter FTW!)


Devs have already stated,multiple times, that character slots will be added; it's just unclear on how many or how soon this is happening. You wouldn't have to delete any characters anyways.

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What most of the people who cry about race choices and the Cathar announcement somehow fail to realize is that every character is Voice acted. If a race lacks the ability to speak galactic basic, then throw it out the window. There is no possible way devs can justify flushing the entire voice over of each class down the toilet and replace it with rwwwwwwwrwaoaowwowowrrworowr or the crazy Rodese i can't even begin to type out. Having said that, I do agree that there are much more interesting races than the Cathar, such as the ballin' out of control Mon Cal, the race I wanted to play from the beginning.


While I don't agree with the total diatribe below your post, I do agree with part of it- I don't get why so many people fail to see why a bunch of canned Huttese/Rodese/Whatever with subtitles wouldn't work?


We've already broken immersion with Sith Pureblood Jedi, etc...this isn't even immersion breaking. I would gladly have a subtitled character I didn't understand to get a chance to play the wealth of awesome races in the Star Wars Universe. The character creation process' deficiencies are a huge letdown for a lot of big Star Wars fans playing this game.


As you mentioned - there are lots of races, like the ones I listed, that can speak basic, and could easily be added to the game. Just make the head slot hidden until they can re-do helm graphics. I'm sure nobody would complain. In fact, they'd probably prefer getting to look unique over a ton of characters all wearing the same helm and not even being able to tell they're aliens, e.g. the current state of the game.

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What people who continually bring this up fail to realize, is that it is an IDIOTIC argument. There are already alien races in the game, which do not speak basic, and have subtitles. If it blows your tiny mind too much to concieve of such a thing as 'playable' versus 'unplayable' then well I guess that's your problem.


The voice acting would not be flushed down the toilet. It would still be there for all the recolored reskinned humans in the game.


All of this boils down to "IF IT REQUIRES ANY WORK AT ALL ABOVE THE BARE MINIMUM, IT WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE GAME, EVER." Which is a completely different argument than "it's impossible to conceive of having cool and unique alien races in a Star Wars universe."


I'd say the choice of Cathar fits well with their other decisions, because it is terrible. And terrible fights right in with their walled-in, on-rails, LitterBox single-player game they've created. Really the Star Wars huge fanbase huge franchise MMO going free to play within a year? Cathar BS fights right in with that.


That and how is the voice thing it an excuse at all? Is anyone else confused, didnt bioware have a hand in making 4 pc games wherein your created main character had a number of different voice sets u could choose from upon creation, baldurs gate 1 and 2 and icewind dale 1 and 2 and those were made 10 years ago what happened with that? I loved that idea.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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To have the option for races like wookiees, trandoshans, sullustans, and selkath. Id b willing the make the sacrifice for the repeated series of language noises with subtitles npcs get, if people find it annoying, they dont have to play them, but i think enuf still would, its never really bothered me. I think buddy up there could b right tho, the real issue may b they dont wana put the work into a body form that doesnt fit there current 4 body type format.


I also dont care about getting a helmet that shows up as a headband, or even doesnt show up at all, as long as i get the stats. Or even no helmet at all n diffferent species stats to even it out, im not gonna whine over a stupid helmet, its a helmet. Besides if ur picking an exotic looking race why would u wanna cover its face with a helmet anyways?

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1. Kel Dor: I'm not making a Jedi Knight until I can play as Plo Koon!

2.Wookiee: It's a Wookiee!!!

3. Selkath: KoToR Manaan=nostalgia

4.Trandoshan: It's a walking shooting lizard. Nuff said

5. Kaleesh: They look sweet

6. Mon Calamari: I'd love to play a fish man!

7. Nautolan: Kinda a fish man but the head tails are a little bit of a turn off

8.Togruta: They'd be cool especially if you wanted to romance Ashara

9. Jawa: I love Blizz

10: Joiner: Time to see the world from Vector's perspective

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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.

This whole game surrounds the idea of a story each class speaks english wookies cant do tht neither can jawas some of the races are plauseable like mon calamari and naulotan because you see tht they can speak english

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This whole game surrounds the idea of a story each class speaks english wookies cant do tht neither can jawas some of the races are plauseable like mon calamari and naulotan because you see tht they can speak english


The other problem with some of the races is the romance aspect. I know the romance of a companion is render all but superfluous and has no real bearing on the story or character development at all (unlike say the romance options in Mass Effect or Dragon Age, even KOTOR did more with romance than TOR). But can you Imagine a Jawa or Selkath trying to romance Kira or Doc, yuck :eek: oh that was a mental imagine I did not need :p

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You do realize that adding "Droid" as a race would involve a ton of reworking for PvP, right?

Disable Droid now becomes useful in PvP, giving Sentinels a mez. It also negates the In-Stealth Mez moves of Scoundrel and Shadow. One of the great things about this game is that race is purely aesthetic. Adding Droid as a playable race would change that.


EDIT: I will say, I would like to see Kaleesh playable at some point.


I can see Droids being playable but not just as a race but a separate class! The NPC's of SWTOR would act differently around a droid than any other race! So they would need to have different voice actors for the droids! As we know the voices are class specific. The droid class in my head would work a bit like the imperial agent class. with the advanced classes "Support Droid" (Operative) and "Assassin Droid" (Sniper).


My top 10 list is not just the races that i would like to see in the game but the ones that would work as well:


1. Arkanian

2. Bothan

3. Devaronian

4. Falleen

5. Khommite

6. Mon Calamari

7. Nikto

8. Rodian

9. Weequay

10. Zeltron

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