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Worst Star Wars MOVIE moment of all time


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Apart from the Jar Jar moments I think that episodes 1-3 are far too focused on the origins of Vader who is, if you think about it, just the henchman bad guy in episodes 4-6 (albeit one of the best in cinema history). He's not pivotal or integral...he arguably not even second in command after the emperor since Grand Moff Tarkin orders him around and the other officers don't respect him that much (eg sad devotion to the old religion scene).


I don't think we really ever needed a full background on Vader, Obi Wan tells us everything we need to know about him in episode 3. He was a Jedi, a friend, got seduced by the dark side and is evil now. Oh ok...thats interesting


After the 3 prequels (1-3) I just did not care about him anymore. They just do not build it sufficiently and it happens way too fast. In revenge of the sith Palpatine spends most of the film implying that he knows how to cheat death and offering to teach Anakin....and when Anakin finally accepts, becomes his apprentice...Palpatine actually says 'Oh well that cheat death thing? Yeah I don't actually know how to do it...but if we work together...we might do it...


Now if I was Anakin....I would be preeeeetty annoyed that I had been lied to right there!


But the winner by far is Palpatine in the senate at the end of Revenge of the Sith, telling them that the Jedi (who have been the guardians of PEACE and JUSTICE for thousands of years) for some reason tried to overthrow the senate and he had to kill them all, even the children, burn their temple and no there was no time for trials or to hear their side...trust me......oh and he is also creating a galactic empire which he controls...and a personal army.....and he looks pure evil....in a robe....and hood....and the thousands of Senators accept all of this...and even applaud and not one stands up and says 'Er...this actually makes no sense at all....'

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Now, Yoda stated when he met Luke that he had "watched this one a long time." That's how he knew he was impatient. Doubtless he was doing the same with Leia. He knew what she looked like.


Yoda wasn't referring to Luke when he said that. He was talking about Obi Wan.


Yoda: This one.....a long time have I watched, all his life as he looked away, to the future on the horizon. Never his mind on where he was, hmmmm? What he was doing? Adventure, heh.....Excitement...a Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.


When he looked into the future of Luke's friends (which included Leia) he stated that the future was cloudy.

But he surely would have recognized that Leia was one of the ones Luke wanted to save.

He even told Luke that he "could" save them, but he would destroy everything they had worked for.

So he admitted there was the possiblity Leia was in mortal danger. That she needed "saving".


He told him that because the Dark Side was clouding their visions, just as it has since around TPM as the Sith have returned. They were in the midst of training Luke in the ways of the Jedi. He was the equivalent of an experienced Padawan by the time he went to Bespin to save his friends. They didn't want him going because there was a real chance that Luke might fall to the Dark Side during his confrontation with Vader. Worse yet would have been the realization by the Sith that there were Jedi still running loose in the galaxy. How else would Luke be getting trained? If Leia, Han and Chewie were killed by the Empire, it would have been a sacrifice that a true Jedi would have to be willing to make to protect the greater good. Yes, they were Luke's friends, and that's how Luke was seeing the situation; as a friend. Not as a Jedi. A Jedi would have understood that patience sometimes involves sacrifice. The real reason Yoda didn't want Luke going was that they knew that Vader was Anakin Skywalker, and that if this secret reached Luke, they could not be certain what the result would have been.


Yoda tells Luke(and admonishes him) about this during ROTJ:


Luke: Is Darth Vader my father?


Yoda attempts to ignore the question.


Yoda: Rest I need. Rest.....


Luke: Yoda, I must know.


Yoda: Your father, he is. Told you, did he? Unexpected this is, and unfortunate.


Luke: Unfortunate that I know the truth?


Yoda: No. Unfortunate that you rush to face him, that you complete with your training. That not ready for the burden, were you.


Luke: I'm sorry.


Did he not think that this was important???

How did he expect them to utilize this "other hope" if Luke failed, which could have ended with one or both of them dying? Or possibly Luke turning to the dark side and now Leia has to fight Luke and Vaderand Palpatine (assuming Luke and Vader hadn't already killed Palpy).


Even if the Skywalkers didnt survive, there would have been other Jedi to stand in Vader and Sidious' way. Kyle Katarn, anyone? Qu Rahn is alive during this time period, so it just stands to reason that it could have happened differently.


Why didn't Yoda insist on going?

Surely he was small enough to sit on Luke's lap until they at least got to a station and could transfer to a bigger ship?


Yoda just was not the dynamo we see in AOTC and ROTS anymore. His use of the Force has diminished greatly in the 20 years since he had his duel against Sidious in the Senate Chambers, and his age was catching up with him as well. He also no longer carried a lightsaber. He would not have been much help to Luke if he went along.


Hope this clears things up for you.

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Yoda wasn't referring to Luke when he said that. He was talking about Obi Wan.


Yoda: This one.....a long time have I watched, all his life as he looked away, to the future on the horizon. Never his mind on where he was, hmmmm? What he was doing? Adventure, heh.....Excitement...a Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.


Wrong. Yoda was speaking about Luke. Obi-Wan even told him that if Yoda remembered, he was the same way once.

Yoda was even poking Luke with his gimmerstick as he said those things.


He told him that because the Dark Side was clouding their visions, just as it has since around TPM as the Sith have returned. They were in the midst of training Luke in the ways of the Jedi. He was the equivalent of an experienced Padawan by the time he went to Bespin to save his friends. They didn't want him going because there was a real chance that Luke might fall to the Dark Side during his confrontation with Vader. Worse yet would have been the realization by the Sith that there were Jedi still running loose in the galaxy. How else would Luke be getting trained? If Leia, Han and Chewie were killed by the Empire, it would have been a sacrifice that a true Jedi would have to be willing to make to protect the greater good. Yes, they were Luke's friends, and that's how Luke was seeing the situation; as a friend. Not as a Jedi. A Jedi would have understood that patience sometimes involves sacrifice. The real reason Yoda didn't want Luke going was that they knew that Vader was Anakin Skywalker, and that if this secret reached Luke, they could not be certain what the result would have been.


Yoda tells Luke(and admonishes him) about this during ROTJ:


Luke: Is Darth Vader my father?


Yoda attempts to ignore the question.


Yoda: Rest I need. Rest.....


Luke: Yoda, I must know.


Yoda: Your father, he is. Told you, did he? Unexpected this is, and unfortunate.


Luke: Unfortunate that I know the truth?


Yoda: No. Unfortunate that you rush to face him, that you complete with your training. That not ready for the burden, were you.


Luke: I'm sorry.




Even if the Skywalkers didnt survive, there would have been other Jedi to stand in Vader and Sidious' way. Kyle Katarn, anyone? Qu Rahn is alive during this time period, so it just stands to reason that it could have happened differently.




Yoda just was not the dynamo we see in AOTC and ROTS anymore. His use of the Force has diminished greatly in the 20 years since he had his duel against Sidious in the Senate Chambers, and his age was catching up with him as well. He also no longer carried a lightsaber. He would not have been much help to Luke if he went along.


Hope this clears things up for you.


Again, wrong.

If you remember, in RoTJ, Yoda specifically tells Luke that "when gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be."

When the movie came out, there was no Kyle Katarn, no other Jedi at all.

Luke was it.

Which is why it was so imperative that he not fail.

That's why when Luke told Obi-Wan that he couldn't kill his father, Obi-Wan said that the Emperor had already won.

There was no one else to stand against them.



GL allowed the EU to throw in "surviving hidden jedi" at some point, but it was not the original plan.


I know that Yoda was worried about Luke's training being incomplete. That they were worried he wasn't ready to face Vader. He obviously wasn't because Vader toyed with him, only holding back from killing him because he hoped that Luke would join him against the Emperor.

I am old enough to have seen all three in the theatre.

Originally, the understood reason for Yoda not being able to see the future clearly is because it is always in motion. Little decisions changing events continually.

I also know he was fairly old and frail, but remember that they weren't going to face the Emperor who had fought him to a standstill, they were going to face Vader.

Vader was crippled and had lost much of his speed and fluidity as well. Look at his fight with Obi-Wan, it is obviously the duel of two men way past their peak.

Doubtless Obi-Wan would have given that information to Yoda.

Remember that the main reason Obi-Wan died is because he sacrificied himself so the Falcon could escape, and to keep Luke from running over to try and help him fight Vader.

It would have endangered both Luke and Leia, the Death Star plans could have been recovered and Vader may have sensed the force in Luke.

Luke probably would have said something stupid like "I'm Luke Skywalker, you killed my father, prepare to die!" and we know how that would have turned out.


At any rate, Yoda and Luke could have easily handled Vader together.

Which is another niggling point I will bring up in a different post, about Yoda and Obi-Wan.....


But I appreciate your thought on the matter.

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This is true. It's common knowledge that they weren't originally brother and sister. Hence the kiss.


Well, yes it is common knowledge now, but at the time it wasn't.

When ESB came out, my friends and I had several lively discussion over who the "other" would be, and the agreed consensus was that it had to be Han.

Lots of holes in that theory, but then again, we were 10.


At any rate, the kiss can be explained off since they didn't know at the time. This has happened in real life countless times.

And I know GL hadn't decided they were siblings until he was making RoTJ.

Actually most of the other conflicts between the three movies can be explained away.

Especially using Obi-Wan's "certain point of view" reasoning.


However there is no way to explain this one away.

It is, in my mind, a detail that should have been paid more attention to.

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Something that bugs me from RotS:


So Palpatine has just dispatched 4 members of the Jedi council (with a little help from Anakin.)


Yoda and Obi-Wan sneak onto Coruscant, fight their way past the 501st into the Jedi Temple, to discover via the security tapes exactly what had happened.

Now, they know there are two sith and that they are very strong in the force.

Yet, Yoda, knowing Palpatine bested 4 of the best Jedi in the galaxy singlehandedly, decides they should split up and take them one on one.

Why split up to fight them?


If they had both faced Anakin, they could have beaten him.

Sure, that left Palpatine in power, but they could have dealt with him later.


If they had both gone to the Senate Chamber, they could have probably killed the Palpatine.

Remember Yoda had fought him to a draw as it was, only deciding to retreat because he lost his lightsaber, his footing and the advantage. He probably sensed the Senate Guards en route to find out what the fracas was all about.

He was about to be seriously outnumbered.


Obi-Wan beat Anakin handily, but instead of hanging around to make sure he didn't survive, he made the mistake of just taking off.

Which also seems a bit off to me.

I know the jedi only kill when necessary, but he had killed countless troopers from the 501st just to get into the Jedi Temple.

Wouldn't running his lightsaber through Anakin have been a mercy killing?

Instead, he left his best friend to die an agonizing death.

Burning to death, lying on steaming lava rock, on fire and possibly asphyxiating.

Does that seem like the kind of thing a Jedi would do?

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Obi-Wan beat Anakin handily, but instead of hanging around to make sure he didn't survive, he made the mistake of just taking off.

Which also seems a bit off to me.

I know the jedi only kill when necessary, but he had killed countless troopers from the 501st just to get into the Jedi Temple.

Wouldn't running his lightsaber through Anakin have been a mercy killing?

Instead, he left his best friend to die an agonizing death.

Burning to death, lying on steaming lava rock, on fire and possibly asphyxiating.

Does that seem like the kind of thing a Jedi would do?


I think that Obi-Wan simply couldn't bring himself to kill his friend, his "brother". Obi-Wan also might have been afraid of a darkside shift, I don't know.

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I think that Obi-Wan simply couldn't bring himself to kill his friend, his "brother". Obi-Wan also might have been afraid of a darkside shift, I don't know.


According to the end of Dark Lord: Rise fo Darth Vader, he firmly believed he had killed Vader until Vader began to get popularity for killing Jedi..

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According to the end of Dark Lord: Rise fo Darth Vader, he firmly believed he had killed Vader until Vader began to get popularity for killing Jedi..


I meant that he couldn't bring himself to kill his old friend when he thought the lava was going to do the job for him. I think he was just sick of all the killing.

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Wrong. Yoda was speaking about Luke. Obi-Wan even told him that if Yoda remembered, he was the same way once. Yoda was even poking Luke with his gimer stick as he said those things.


I hate to say it, but look at the scene again. When Yoda says:


This one, a long time have I watched, all his life as he looked away.....


When he mentions, "This one..." , Yoda's head is looking over his shoulder and above him, as if to indicate someone above and beyond him. Obi Wan IS who he was referring to. Why else would he gesture in that direction, especially with Luke directly in front of him? Check it out here. Frank Oz was very articulate with all of his puppets and Yoda was no exception. There was a reason for that look behind himself, and there you have it.


As far as Luke being poked, that had more to do with him stressing that Luke cease looking for adventure and challenges and concentrate on why he was there. Obi Wan only said, "So was I, if you'll remember...." to answer Yoda saying, that Luke was "reckless" and because the Jedi Master was trying to establish a reason why NOT to train Luke.

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I hate to say it, but look at the scene again. When Yoda says:


This one, a long time have I watched, all his life as he looked away.....


When he mentions, "This one..." , Yoda's head is looking over his shoulder and above him, as if to indicate someone above and beyond him. Obi Wan IS who he was referring to. Why else would he gesture in that direction, especially with Luke directly in front of him? Check it out here. Frank Oz was very articulate with all of his puppets and Yoda was no exception. There was a reason for that look behind himself, and there you have it.


As far as Luke being poked, that had more to do with him stressing that Luke cease looking for adventure and challenges and concentrate on why he was there. Obi Wan only said, "So was I, if you'll remember...." to answer Yoda saying, that Luke was "reckless" and because the Jedi Master was trying to establish a reason why NOT to train Luke.


He was looking over but he was still speaking of Luke.

Yoda states that he was always looking to the future, that his mind was never on "where he was, what he was doing".

What sense does it make to tell Luke those things about Obi-Wan?

None at all.

Yoda is speaking of Luke, but looking where he perceives Obi-Wan to be at, addressing his comments about having watched Luke to Obi-Wan and then to them both.

Why would he watch Obi-Wan a long time?

Why would he say that Obi-Wan's mind was never on where he was or what he was doing?

Again, that makes no sense, especially if you watch the clip.

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the man she loves has just killed about 30 ten year olds, practically wiped out the republic which shes spent her whole life trying to save, wiped out the jedi order, fell to the darkside and just for good measure he last memory of him is getting choked out by him


yeah i kinda get how she feels


Oh yeah, I totally empathize with the woman who looks at her twins, smiles, and goes "welcome to the world. It sucks. I think I'm gonna go die now. Good luck!"

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Just so people know, the truly canon reason for Padme dying was a partially crushed throat from Vader's earlier Force Choke.


Dark Lord tells us about this.


Once again, it falls to a ExU author to fill in one of George's plotholes. We might as well start calling them the "Star Wars Road Repair Crew". :D

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I dont know if this is the worst, but its definitely one of the biggest mistakes Lucas made between prequel and original.


In RotJ, Luke asks Leia what she remembers of her mother. She says that she doesnt remember much about her because she died when she was very young, but that she was sad. How would she remember Padme if she died minutes after Leia was born? She also couldnt be talking about Breha Organa, her adoptive mother, because she didnt die until the destruction of Alderaan.


Just something I've always found strange

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listen to the first thing that is said in the video




the EU writers should watch the films before trying to fix plot holes


*Sigh* the medical droid clearly didn't have time to figure out what had happened to her as it obviously started working on saving the children first, in Dark Lord: Rise of Darth Vader, Padme's chief bodyguard goes on a mission to find out what actually happened and finds out she died of numerous injuries to the neck and throat, which is the autopsy report.

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I dont know if this is the worst, but its definitely one of the biggest mistakes Lucas made between prequel and original.


In RotJ, Luke asks Leia what she remembers of her mother. She says that she doesnt remember much about her because she died when she was very young, but that she was sad. How would she remember Padme if she died minutes after Leia was born? She also couldnt be talking about Breha Organa, her adoptive mother, because she didnt die until the destruction of Alderaan.


Just something I've always found strange


You know the Force Ghosts and visions that those strong in the force sometimes see? I don't see any reason to suggest that she couldn't have appeared to Leia when she appeared to Vader during the invasion of Atoa and the 'rescue' of Garoche Tarkin.

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they should have kept the original screening where Lando was killed. That portion of the ewok dance scene that they had to add him in looked so out of place, not to mention Han's foreshadowing line about never seeing his ship again.


and a few things that always made me chuckle: why did the storm troopers wear armor when one shot from ablaster would kill them (and a rock from an ewok for that matter). and for god sakes, these clones were suppose to be the pick of the litter, the elite of the elite. And not one of them could hit the the broadside of a ship with their blaster fire. While farm boy luke and even leia killed one with every shot. R2D2 had more accuracy than these stormtroopers..

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