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Add a no-xp gain option toggle please


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You've got a ton of quests in a lot of worlds (taris anyone?) and it's simply not possible to do all of them without outleveling the planet and making things trival.


Can you add in a no-xp gain toggle as an option for us? There's quests within quests, quest bonuses, etc. etc. On Ord Mantell it was fine since you'd be around 10-11 after it all, but from corusant on the xp gain is a bit nuts considering there's a lot of stuff to do.


Again, this is a self toggle. No one's being forced into it. It's a self inflicted debuff for those who choose to enable it.

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In WoW you could miss entire zones because of XP gains, especially after they altered the XP gains.


I haven't been paying attention to my levels at all. I've put skill points in when necessary but otherwise I've just been doing every single quest available. There's no reason you can't do that and it doesn't punish you to get the extra XP. Once you over-level a quest it'll stop giving you XP on its own or the XP will be substantially reduced.


When I came into this thread I thought this was going to be about PvP. People tend to like to play at lower level PVP in some games because they can twink and win a bunch. What you're asking for could potentially get you stuck in an area if you accidentally did too much and didn't get the XP to continue on.

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Of course xp is not a punishment. That's why the toggle's there as a choice. As it stands you can outlevel the current world and well on the way to outlevel the next world. That's great for people who want it.


The toggle's just there to refuse the xp reward for me, because I don't want that. It's not wrong, I would just rather refuse it.

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I'm confused as to what the point of this would be? If the quests are trivial, you can still do the quests can't you? Even if the quests are green/grey, you still receive a little XP, I'd rather receive a little XP over NO XP.


"self inflicted debuff that the player can TOGGLE for himself." Again, if you want to get xp, there would be no concern for you. Just play as normal without toggling the no-xp option on.

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I understand that what you're asking is optional, I'm just don't understand why anyone would turn it on unless they're purposely trying to stay at a low level...


but what incentive is there to stay at a low level?


So that I can complete quests I'm in a level range for. There's enough challenge for me at that level range, and I would like to finish all the quests in that world while still having the realistic chance of being killed while trying to stealth/sap/kill elites and soloing champions on heroic quests.

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God yes. XP toggle should be mandatory in every game. The main use isn't even so you don't outlevel content, though it does that too. It also helps you not outlevel your friends on your way to 50. For example, I enjoy pvp, but my friends and I do a lot of flashpoints, and I'm enjoying going through the story for the first time as well. Pvp gives good experience though, and while I approve of that, I can't afford the extra xp gain without outleveling my friends, so pvp is off-limits for me for 50 levels.


Locking xp allows you to have fun (whatever your version of "fun" is) without outleveling either your friends or the content. Every game should have this.

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I like how all the replies are either "you're crazy / just don't do all the quests! / who cares if it's grey to you?"


It's about a no-xp toggle. If you don't like it, it won't affect your gameplay if you leave it alone. Play the game you want and I'll play the game I want, no cause for arguments.

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My understanding is that some people want to experience ALL the content but have it ALL also be challenging and not trivial. The only way to do that without an XP toggle is to skip some quests and do them with alts (undergearing yourself gets you part-way but probably isn't sufficient). While I personally don't care to use such a toggle, I have nothing against it being added for those who want the option. But I've seen this asked for in other games and never added, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.
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My understanding is that some people want to experience ALL the content but have it ALL also be challenging and not trivial. The only way to do that without an XP toggle is to skip some quests and do them with alts (undergearing yourself gets you part-way but probably isn't sufficient). While I personally don't care to use such a toggle, I have nothing against it being added for those who want the option. But I've seen this asked for in other games and never added, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Sadly I agree. One of the few games I've seen with this is Everquest II, and it's wonderful.

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My understanding is that some people want to experience ALL the content but have it ALL also be challenging and not trivial.


Hey, thanks for understanding! There's min maxers and power levelers in this game who want lvl 50 and all the purples they can grab so they'll be uber. For me, this is KOTOR3, and I'd like to play it that way while having grouping options with my guild.

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Hey, thanks for understanding! There's min maxers and power levelers in this game who want lvl 50 and all the purples they can grab so they'll be uber. For me, this is KOTOR3, and I'd like to play it that way while having grouping options with my guild.


you totally took what he said and twisted it for your own gain. quote the whole thing or not at all.

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I agree with the OP in spirit.


XP gains in this game are way too fast.


If you do all missions and heroics you get way overleveled in a hurry. If you do flashpoints even once it makes it worse.


I'd prefer to do content at level, not so far beyond it that it's utterly trivial.


I'm in this to enjoy the ride, not to obliterate everything and race to cap.


The problem is, the people who don't do everything, who never group (don't do heroics, flashpoints, or warzones) will probably barely get by for levels. And to that I say, let them suffer. This is an MMOPRG and if you don't want to group, go away, everybody else shouldn't have to suffer due to fools who want to solo a multiplayer game.

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You've got a ton of quests in a lot of worlds (taris anyone?) and it's simply not possible to do all of them without outleveling the planet and making things trival.


Can you add in a no-xp gain toggle as an option for us? There's quests within quests, quest bonuses, etc. etc. On Ord Mantell it was fine since you'd be around 10-11 after it all, but from corusant on the xp gain is a bit nuts considering there's a lot of stuff to do.


Again, this is a self toggle. No one's being forced into it. It's a self inflicted debuff for those who choose to enable it.


I see no problem with adding the option, though it would be low, low, low on the priority list if I made the call. There are bigger fish to fry IMHO.

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