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So... that's it? Really?


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The reason you aren't getting answers yet is because:



The Chevin Conglomorate are trying to curry favour with the Gree race. The Gree are guardians of the waygates of the galaxy, and their fleet has just returned to the galaxy in patch 1.4, where we're getting a new operation with a Gree Prison of sorts.



So that's why you're not getting answers now. The answer is coming with 1.4

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It's a good thing there were guides out there like Dulfy's, and people helping in general chat.


Otherwise, there are a lot of players that wouldn't have even finished the missions that we DID have.


I thought this was a great event. I see that they went for something different than the Rakghoul event, and am impressed with the puzzles, the hunts, and other activities they set up for this one.


Great job, IMHO. Look forward to the next one. :)


BTW: so far I've collected about 475 tokens throughout the event. I've spent a good portion of that, still have 175 tokens left. And still plan on doing more searches for crates for the next few days.


I also like how they're leaving the vendor for an additional week after the event. And I also appreciate how they've made this quest so that people who might only be able to play on one day during the weekend will be able to complete the entire event mission chain without having to do the successive-day unlock procedure from the Rakghoul Plague. Great improvement from last time!

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Ding ding ding! We have a winner. Honest, they were boasting their little hearts out that a NEW and EXCITING event would happen in SWTOR and this is what we got - a mess of an 'event' that, in its current state, shows that they have learned NOTHING from the previous event.


Catering to only 3 Classes in the game, BoP Adaptive gear (sigh. Could've been Legacy, like we wanted with the Containment Officer set) that looks very out of place - as a friend of mine stated "It gives us something to do, but not something we want to do." and I agree. No crystals, no pistols, no vibroswords or techstaves. Poor.


PS. To the people yapping that that Legacy stuff will help you transfer barrels to alts; big deal. It's clearly not intended and if it is, that shouldn't be the main reason to get one of those bloody things. Remove head from rectum immediately.


I'm sorry, but it's peculiar that you decided to place a completely backward statement in BOLD.


First off, they have improved the "unlocking" nature of the missions, by giving them all to us in advance, then adding in the "Check Back Later" routine. This is a marked improvement from having to notice a little datapad on the ground to start a new mission. Just ask the people from the last event who missed entire missions in the chain because they didn't know where to pick the next one up.


Second, instead of armor pieces being part of an unlocking chain reward, they are available in the vendor, for tokens, so that people can put together whatever pieces they want, with however many copies they want, and do it easily.


Third, some of the rewards are Bind to Legacy, which is an improvement over the rewards in the previous event.


Fourth, I think the scattered smuggler's crates are a superior method of collecting tokens than the previous event. You don't have the same complaints from people on the fleet who just want to do their business without people exploding and giving them the same issue. No having to purchase Rakghoul vaccines so that ops and flashpoints and warzones aren't screwed up.


Fifth, they're leaving the event vendor in-game for an additional week after the event ends.


Sixth, they've really given you the means to collect as many tokens as you want via the crate search. No real need to buy tokens from other people. You can just go get your own. And the methods of collection don't force people to stand around a single terminal exploding and gunking up the place.


Seventh, we've been given some puzzles this time that get away from the pew-pew-pew of every mission back during the Rakghoul event.



If you ask me... they learned a hell of a lot from the last one... and made a number of welcome improvements.

Edited by Kubernetic
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PS. To the people yapping that that Legacy stuff will help you transfer barrels to alts; big deal. It's clearly not intended and if it is, that shouldn't be the main reason to get one of those bloody things. Remove head from rectum immediately.


Lol! Sounds like you are the one with something up your rectum. No legacy perk can help you with that.

Edited by Rafaman
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May i ask then, what was the point of "A Questionable Motive" quest chain? Why were we so suspicious, spying on Chevin? What about their fleet, which is supposed to "arrive at any moment"? What about ideograms? What about the blaster battle between spaceport security and shady persons on Dromund Kaas?


Wellll? Doesn't it make ya wonder?

I'm going to go out on an unpopular limb here, namely the "I'm ok with BW not doing zomgEverythingNow" one. This world event was small, and short, and took us all over every sector of 2 planets, and brought a new Conglomerate to our attention and made us wonder what they are up to, and gave us some loot.


Does it need to be more?


And of course, the answer is "yes"...but right now? won't it be nice if they are able to do more of these kinds of things, and more frequently? Won't it be cool if each time the Chevins advance whatever plot they are cooking up, we have another World Event?


Won't it be awesome if this story-driven MMO is actually driven by frequent, dynamic story events? Wouldn't you like fries with that?

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It's a good thing there were guides out there like Dulfy's, and people helping in general chat.


Otherwise, there are a lot of players that wouldn't have even finished the missions that we DID have.


I thought this was a great event. I see that they went for something different than the Rakghoul event, and am impressed with the puzzles, the hunts, and other activities they set up for this one.


Great job, IMHO. Look forward to the next one. :)


BTW: so far I've collected about 475 tokens throughout the event. I've spent a good portion of that, still have 175 tokens left. And still plan on doing more searches for crates for the next few days.


I also like how they're leaving the vendor for an additional week after the event. And I also appreciate how they've made this quest so that people who might only be able to play on one day during the weekend will be able to complete the entire event mission chain without having to do the successive-day unlock procedure from the Rakghoul Plague. Great improvement from last time!



i have enjoyed it...my lvl 25 sent got a new speeder and some new gear. My Snipe now uses a bowcaster. and my Merc can now spam the Operations group with Red (RED!) sparkle dust instead of blue :)


Thanks Bioware.

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what did they think, that players were just going to stand in an orderly line, sipping tea and listening to the theme from Masterpiece Theatre, politely waiting their turn? Absolutely not! Pretty much 99% of the players I've seen participating in this world event are behaving like dogs in heat.


Okay, this made me laugh aloud :D if I ever saw this happen on Corellian Run- on any of the current superservers for that matter- I might go into irrecoverable shock.


You're 100% right about the 99%.


Big to-do about nothing, really, if you (general 'you') were around for the rakghoul event- that, at least, was well-written, well-deployed, well-considered. People had fun. I've seen very few people having fun during the GAR; they're too busy calling each other names and cursing each other out for clicking too much on this or not clicking at all on that...


...though eh, I don't know, maybe that's fun for some folks :rolleyes:


Thankfully I've also encountered the 1%. The only thing positive I'll get from this event: more reassurance that even after server merges there are still some decent people playing.

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The planet Makeb=Gree homeworld


The Rakghoul event was promotional for the Lost Island and Kaon Under Siege flashpoint.


This Grand Acquisitions Race is promotional for Makeb. We'll probably get the full story when Makeb releases or a follow up event.


I have found a weasely one here.. it's a forum user with the ability of deduction.


Stand by while I tag your ear.

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Just finished the event and I must agree. Very disappointed. It's obvious that this event was going somewhere much further than how it ended, and as much as I'd like to see a Chevin fleet show-up on Tuesday when this part ends, I have no real hope that that is gonna happen.


I'm viewing this along with the others who believe that it was a partially finished event that the rushed out the door so they can bolster their "new content each 6 weeks" promise.


Problem is, I know they will indeed call this a part of that "new content", and so they've bought themselves another six weeks of borrowed time to come up with the next.


Here's to another six weeks of absolutely nothing.


Very disappointed.



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I guess this means we won't see any additional questlines and/or event rewards.


May i ask then, what was the point of "A Questionable Motive" quest chain? Why were we so suspicious, spying on Chevin? What about their fleet, which is supposed to "arrive at any moment"? What about ideograms? What about the blaster battle between spaceport security and shady persons on Dromund Kaas?


This is one thing.


Another thing is, let's imagine a person who would really like to collect all the rewards on his character. The Sand People set alone costs 140 tokens. If we add a pet, a mount and a bowcaster to the list, the number of tokens will be 570. Now let's think of the sources of tokens. A non-repeatable main quest and a quest chain. My character has completed everything but the 2 remaining "Lead" quests, and he's sitting at 80 tokens. Of course, there is also an endless supply of smuggler's crates, but they are pretty rare and contain 1-2 tokens each. Not to mention the competition for them.


I was really hoping for continuation of the event story - additional quest chain, maybe even dailies and rewards with the Chevin fleet and ideograms involved. But considering there are just 4 (3) days left, it's very unlikely that something like this will happen.

Honestly, i'd love to be wrong about everything i said, but so far nothing gives me any reason for doubt.



You know... a thought just came to my mind. It really looks like event was still in works when it was forcibly launched, being completed by 30-50% at best. Explains why it ends so abruptly, as well as all those ridiculous bugs, poorly thought out quest design and rewards. A fact that they wrote "Scattered across all parts of the galaxy,...", when in reality we have just 2 planets for each faction, also supports this.


You didn't read your codex entry for the event.

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Ding ding ding! We have a winner. Honest, they were boasting their little hearts out that a NEW and EXCITING event would happen in SWTOR and this is what we got - a mess of an 'event' that, in its current state, shows that they have learned NOTHING from the previous event.


Not true at all. I've noticed that quite a few things have improved due to knowledge gained due to the previous event. The new event is now doable in one day and the tier system no longer exists after it has run its course, which is a huge improvement. I'm now able to do the event with multiple characters without having to run them all through the gambit every day.


BioWare also added better rewards in terms of usability for this event. Granted they exclude 13/16 classes, but the legacy weapons are very, very useful when used appropriately.


The entire event also does not take place in a PvP area, which is helpful for my low level characters. As a bit of a Republic enthusiast, I haven't have a high level Imperial character until just recently (hit 37 last night), so I wasn't able to take part in the rakghoul event because I couldn't get to Tatooine. This new event has most of it taking place in areas where my lower level characters can go without fear of being crushed by a high level player.

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You know... a thought just came to my mind. It really looks like event was still in works when it was forcibly launched, being completed by 30-50% at best. Explains why it ends so abruptly, as well as all those ridiculous bugs, poorly thought out quest design and rewards. A fact that they wrote "Scattered across all parts of the galaxy,...", when in reality we have just 2 planets for each faction, also supports this.


Might I be so brave as to ask where you're getting that the event looks like it was 30-50% completed?

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Do you know what caused this? YOU GUYS. Wanting 5 billion hours of content in a week. They put this in so you guys would stop the F***ING COMPLAINING. MMO content releases are commonly delayed, and almost no mmo adds tons of content in the first months. Just wait for quality content. If you keep making 50 some threads about no content, its going to be rushed and you will complain about it being crappy!
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