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Keep Bolster, Add in Cross-Server Queues, and Seperate Warzones into brackets.


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The bloster system does many things, 1 makes pvp fun for all levels (if you get "destroyed" by someone, rethink how you're playing) and I say that because a level 10 sniper is one of the MOST dangerous people on the battlefield, lord do they hit hard. I digress.


2nd it makes it so you can group with you guild mates/friends. I could be level 50 they could be 14 we can still pvp together.


3rd Cuts down on que times, if the system was in brackets odds are I wouldn't even pvp until 50.


The system should stay as is, because there are FAR more Pro's then Con's.


This! So much this!


I think the problem is that Warzones are setup right now to be fun, as the above shows. A lot of people (including me) want competitive ones, and some people think the key to this is making brackets. It's not. BioWare, if they want to support competitive instanced PvP, just needs to open "ranked" Warzones for level 50 pre-mades.

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I think your also forgetting that there is this aspect in many other MMO's, even the fan-favorite WoW. think about Alteric Valley, the bracket when I played was 61-70. Although there where a few people not 70, majority (probably 38/40) where 70. Thats what this will be like when people have hit the max level. Even since last ngiht I've noticed that the average level seems to be going from 15-20 to 30+, and even saw a couple of 40+. Give it time, and it'll be fine. then when your 50, you can kill the lowbies that you so muched complained about.
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You're wrong. Warzones in their current form always favor the person with the most talent points in their talent tree to maximize their damage/healing and total power contribution in the field of battle. They decimate people so quickly that recovery is impossible.


This is why things need to be bracketed in warzones.


How is it that I'm able to kill red cons 10-20 levels higher than me and you aren't?

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PVP will never be balanced. Too many bads in the world.


First it will be "ZOMG brackets".

Then it will be "Nerf aoe heals".

Then it will be "Stealth too OP"




People will always lose, and they will rally the rest of the losers into finding a way to blame their shortcomings on game mechanics.


All you say is ZOMG EVERYONE KILLS ME. Provide details. What kind of gear are you wearing? How are you zpecced? What abilities are you using? What is your team compsition? What classes are you targeting first?




I've been PvPing since level 11 without any significant shortcomings -- been either no 1 or no 2 on heals for 100% of my matches. If you're having problems, its because you need to learn your class better and learn to deploy tactics, its that simple.


On a side note, bolster is the best PvP feature thats come around in a long time. I can finally do an activity with the entire guild regardless of level and have everyone gain tangible rewards for the experience.

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I'm torn on this issue. One the one hand, it's obvious that higher level players, despite the bolster system, are at a definite advantage, as is the team with the highest level players. Not only will they have more skills at their disposal, but low level players simply do not know their class as well, on average, when compared to a higher level player. A level 10 is still just learning about PvP, not only how to use their character effectively, but also learning the terrain and tricks to each map. A level 50 has likely been PvPing for quite some time, the advantages of both knowledge of the PvP sytems as well as the overall power of the class are both in favor of the higher level. However, as others have pointed out, it's nice to be able to do something with your lower level friends and guildmates, when you are a higher level, for which you all benefit and enjoy.


On the other hand, to implement brackets would very likely mean implementing cross-faction queues. I've always said BioWare needs to avoid those until there is absolutely no other choice, as cross-faction queues for either PvE or PvP destroys server communities, and is the reason I no longer play a variety of MMOs including, but not limited to, WoW and Rift. But, brackets do present a much fairer PvP system to the players involved. Rift struck a nice balance with a bracket every 10 levels, and a bolster within those brackets. Unfortunately, the server population couldn't support the system, and cross-faction queues were implemented.


Overall, I'm willing to give the current system more time, though I don't foresee the issues surrounding instanced PvP correcting themselves. IMO, the situation can only get worse as more and more players hit end-game and start to farm rare gear at that level, as well as acquiring high level PvP specific gear.



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I agree, I would perfer bracketed warzones that were cross server queues. WoW when they went to that system was my favorite PvP system ever, I could care less about if Im fighting vs my server or others. As far as Bolster, I understand the gear and level thing but it cannot and will never make up for abilities and the polish another higher level will have.. The abilities are just not unlocked yet for a lower level character to be competitive, BioWare gave a nice try with this PvP system and they have made an awsome all around game but for the first time in the many MMO's Ive played Im not enjoying PvP.
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Cross server queues is probably the worst thing that could possibly happen. It completely destroys any semblance of community.


Quoted for truth, I love seeing names and guilds I recognize in PVP, it adds a sense of rivalry and is great for the community.

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Cause i had no problem destroying a lvl 26 Jedi Shadow on my level 15 Imperial Agent.


Wierd that.


This. And much more. Please stop asking for more WoW features. The current system is working. Don't ask them to break it. We don't need brackets and its too early to call for cross server anything at this point.

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Most of the people in this forum seem to understand how the "bracket" system is completely unnecessary. let me explain to the OP and the others here that don't understand it why you will still be crying that you want brackets when your the high level person...


When you crybabies hit say... 47... you will go into a warzone and your the top person and the highest guy besides you is say.. 18.. and the rest are below that even. YOU WILL STILL GET STOMPED ON BY THEM because you currently don't understand now why you are getting killed....


in this game "twinks" are going to do easily as much damage as a level 50 because they can have all the top items for their level (just like the level50) and having relative gear to your level will give you the same stats as having the best gear at 50. Therefore your "power slash" (example ability) will do just as much damage as that level 18's "power slash" and he will have just as much hit points as you will.


yes. higher levels have more talents. yes they have more buttons to push.


no they don't have more stats. no their abilities don't do more damage than yours. no they don't beat you because of the game mechanics. THEY BEAT YOU BECAUSE YOUR GEAR SUCKS FOR YOUR LEVEL OR YOUR A TOTAL BADDIE. so instead of crying on the forums, go learn how to better your character and/or skill at playing mmo's


ps: if your so ignorant that after reading this you still think higher levels are better because they are a higher level, then go get some more levels. if your still losing then your not good at pvp and you should just stop pvping. either way, leave the system as it is for the large portion of the community who enjoys it as is.

Edited by bombshock
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Please don't add cross server warzones. It destroys any semblance of a local pvp community and was for me (and im sure many others), the beginning of the end for wow pvp.


Cannot emphasize this enough.


One of the most important aspects that keep people playing an MMO is the community- in terms of PvP, whether it be in warzones or world PvP, going out and recognizing your opponents, making rivalries, fighting against each other, bragging rights, etc are extremely important. PvP is largely about competition and having that element of player recognition adds so much more than simply killing Faceless Jedi Sage No. 234902 who you'll never see again because of he is from some random server.


The only thing that should be done about this in the future is separating levels into two brackets; levels 10-49 (keeping the bolster system obviously) and a bracket of only level 50s. This can't be done yet as there aren't enough level 50s.


This keeps the end game pvp competitive by evening things out and making it about fighting others of similar level/gear/talent points. The 10-49 bracket should be positively affected by this because the largest disparity between players occurs once you hit 50, so this means fully specced level 50s decked out in pvp gear won't go around 3 shotting level 10s.

Edited by destijl
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OP is clearly bad at the game. My friends and I have been dominating warzones since we entered at level 10. It's all about communication. Your damage has not changed inside the WZ since you were level ten barely at all. That is the beauty of the system. The reason there is a medal for 2.5K in one hit is because the damage is normalized so well that no one will do over 2K with one hit without a crit. This is possibly the most flawless balance of damage I have ever seen in an MMO pvp system. Stop making excuses and blaming the system because you are bad at the game. I could 1v1 lvl 30+ inside WZ when I was level 11. The damage and HP is almost identical.
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Problems will be addressed and issues resolved with the bolster system over time. Having more skills and talents certainly makes a difference, yes, but that doesn't somehow mean they have as dramatic as an advantage as you bracketeers think they do.


Comparing a video of level 50 sniper PVP to my sniper at level 19, yes, there is SOME difference, there are some noticeable increases in damage and survivability, but that's a level 50 fighting sub 20s compared to being a sub 20. PVP gear likely makes more of a difference than talents do.


Brackets are a bad idea. Cross-server is a bad idea. Bolster is already in place. Keep it, it works, it can be improved, it makes balancing easier, and it makes playing with friends and guildmates convenient and easy. It was SO stupid having a guildmate outlevel your bracket in Rift, or the same happen to you. I don't want that. Bolster is awesome, so either figure out what you're doing wrong, level up to get some helpful talents, and run with friends/guildies.


All bracketing will accomplish is creating the same problem over multiple level ranges. You'd go from dominating at bracket cap to being stomped when you level to the next one. A normalizing system like this is a FAR superior system.

Edited by Dannicus
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The only place higher levels being being in PVP could even possibly be considered broken is Hutt Ball. Lower levels do not have the CC needed to be effected at that game.


At least, my Vanguard couldn't do squat until he got harpoon. Until that point, he was just being flung around by force users.

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Someone who is a higher level should be better, with bolster you can compete in a warzone which is awesome but why shouldn't someone who is more advanced in the game have an advantage over you? I could see something like those who que solo make the teams even level wise but honestly I killed level 30s when I was level 15 and I kill 50s now that I am 38 and any decent sorcerer or agent around level 14 can kill me no problem.


Bolster is a gift, accept it and stop trying to return it for a bigger present.


Someone mentioned in a WZ the other day that stuns and knockbacks need to be nerfed because it prevented him from winning at huttball. People will never cease to stop asking for changes until they are the best player on the server.


cross server ques is just stupid. People play on certain servers for the community, type of server PvP, RP-PVP and the people on it, keep the servers contained and if you want to fight someone from another server make a new toon they have plenty of slots you can occupy.




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I'd just like to throw my expieriance in here, just in-case any devs read this.


I firstly want to say that PvP in this game has been the most fun I've had with my friends in an MMO for a while, I was level 14, we had a level 12, a 17 and got in the Q. It didn't matter that some of our enemies were 20's and 30's, it didn't matter that we didn't know much about our classes and we definitely didn't care about competitive balance, what we experienced was just fun, we forgot about levels and balance and played the objectives, we won most games and had some close losses but it was just fun.


I believe this was because we felt on a relatively equal level and could just concentrate on playing the game, going for the hut ball, defending the doors etc. it's about the game and not the levels, not the gear.


We had a blast playing together and I REALLY hope you keep the bolster system in, it's something that will keep me and my friends playing this game for a while as we level at different speeds.


Love the game, stick to your guns devs, the system is fun and that's all that matters.

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Im not sure i would want a bracket system.. but the current way bolster works certainly does have flaws. At the very least i would like for them to do some sort of "balence" with the way teams are matched.. much like the system that Fps and moba games use.


For instance if Empire has a lvl 50, 40.. then a bunch of 20s, Republic to should have a single lvl 50,40 then a few 20s.. maybe it already works like this?

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I agree with the OP to some extent. However, I disagree that we need brackets of 10 levels. The only bracket we need is a level 50 competitive bracket with no bolstering. This bracket would allow premades of 8 as well. They can leave the current system as is as a beginners pvp mode. But, when I hit max and start getting serious about pvp, I simply do not want to see lower level players on my team. It is simply not possible to be as effective playing your class unless you have put the time in to hit max level and recieved all of your skills. Edited by Nostredamus
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I'd just like to throw my expieriance in here, just in-case any devs read this.


I firstly want to say that PvP in this game has been the most fun I've had with my friends in an MMO for a while, I was level 14, we had a level 12, a 17 and got in the Q. It didn't matter that some of our enemies were 20's and 30's, it didn't matter that we didn't know much about our classes and we definitely didn't care about competitive balance, what we experienced was just fun, we forgot about levels and balance and played the objectives, we won most games and had some close losses but it was just fun.


I believe this was because we felt on a relatively equal level and could just concentrate on playing the game, going for the hut ball, defending the doors etc. it's about the game and not the levels, not the gear.


We had a blast playing together and I REALLY hope you keep the bolster system in, it's something that will keep me and my friends playing this game for a while as we level at different speeds.


Love the game, stick to your guns devs, the system is fun and that's all that matters.


This ^


Me and my fiancee love mmos, and we love pvp. In the past it always was a bummer when I wanted to play one of my higher level characters and her, a lower because we could never play together. So me being the best guy I can be, always end up re-rolling with her, or playing a character that is lower (even if I didnt want to) just to play with her. Now my higher levels can still play with her lower levels and I think the system is fair. The Bolster works, and works great. The only thing I think could possibly be a "problem" is the lower levels 10-20 or so. Without some CC they may not be able to hold their own. So IF and only IF it comes to brackets, I think 10-15 should have a bracket. Other than that, I think it works great. :D

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