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Horrible Event


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If no event were made:

Bioware don't make events since Rakghoul Plague oh god .


If a Event is launched:

The event sucks oh god.



I had great fun in the event, and it was fun also had to beat hundreds (and be beaten hundred of times) of pubs to get the bounty hunter quest done.


No we would of just prefered an actual content patch. Not an event in place a content patch.


Some of us aren't getting our moneys worth with this game and having to wait 3 more months for a new operation might just make us quit.

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No Dialogue or choices. Why is it our characters just stand there like zombies and are never given the option to ask questions or make lightside or darkside choices?


Doing voice work costs money, takes times, and requires coordination. For example, if Jennifer Hale can't fit TOR in her schedule to get in the studio to record, then the content doesn't get released on time. If David Hayter is sick and can't record at good quality, then the content doesn't get released on time. These are reasons why.


Non Instance based quest objectives. This is horrible considering the amount of players rushing in to get there quests done and even worse considering some players are doing whatever they can to frustrate people.


It's an MMO. I'm glad they finally decided to get other people involved. I do agree about the little green circles, though. They can be quite frustrating to click.


Players disrespecting other players. It's nice to see players get along, form lines too complete objectives and wait there turn. However with these outdoor and in the open clickables any ******* can run up past everyone and spawn objectives frustrating other players. How was this overlooked when making this event? A five year old could do better.


"It's an MMO. I'm glad they finally decided to get other people involved." However, this is the product of ineffective testing.


Your Rewards are a joke.


Yep, they're rubbish. I've seen a decent number of my friends and guildmates choose to not participate in the event because the rewards aren't worth it. I don't want a Sand People outfit; Sand People are ugly. I don't want a bowcaster; I'm not a Wookiee. The sparkle powder is cool and all, but it's not worth the hassle. The pet is nice, of course, but it's just a vanity item. The speeder is the absolute worst. It's a rank 1 speeder and it can't be traded to any other characters within your legacy or anything interesting. That was a brain-damaged addition.


Non implemented missions. I understand the idea of a quest line but why send players items in the mail that start missions that are not even active? How about after players complete all the other missons and you decided to activate the new ones then they get it in the mail. If a player isn't using a quest guide they would waste there time going to locations to find out they can't do anything.


It would've been best to see some kind of indication in the mail that the mission isn't ready or that it will take time until it is ready to be completed. Other than that, it's understandable why BioWare chose the tiered system again.


TLDR: This event is rushed and poorly made.


Overall, I will agree with this statement. It doesn't seem properly thought out or tested. I'm quite disappointed by the event.

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No we would of just prefered an actual content patch. Not an event in place a content patch.


Some of us aren't getting our moneys worth with this game and having to wait 3 more months for a new operation might just make us quit.


I don't particularly care if it's a new operation or not. My problem with the event is that it is totally unimaginative, and the worst kind of base fetch quest you could possibly implement.


A lot of the mechanics are poorly done, making several portions a frustrating experience that just force players to alt tab to find a walkthrough because it makes no sense without one.


Instead of making a scavenger hunt for items that actually relate to each individual planet or area of a particular planet (the inhabitants of the region, or historical events of the area), thereby allowing you to work out logical steps to take to find the object, they make up random garbage that has nothing to do with anything in the game and sprinkle it blindly around Nar Shaddaa and the Capital without any clues as to how to find them without scouring those areas.

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That's all good and well but if the event has nothing to offer to people, then those people don't have to do it...its simple.

Yes, they are paying for service, but, again...if they are unhappy, then unsub. it's a very simple concept. Why would you continue to pay for something that you are unhappy about or complain about? (please don't think I am talking about you. I am just making a generalization with your quote.)


It's like going to a sandwich shop and getting the same sandwich everyday. You know it tastes like crap but you still get it anyway only to complain about it in a different way each day. To make things worse, you have to tell everyone else, who might enjoy the food, how much you actually hate it.


In other words, if you don't like something, don't do it. stop playing, ignore it, whatever...just move on. The rest of the people don't need to know how much you dislike something.


Just because you're unhappy with one aspect of the game doesn't mean you hate the entire game. There are a number of aspects of this game that I've criticized and debated and it's laughable how often I get branded a 'hater.' Saying, "Oh, if you don't like it leave" is easy and fine if they don't like the whole game, but then again 2 million copies of this game were sold and about a half year later subs are down to the 600k-800k mark. I think Bioware would rather people give their feedback on the forums than to just leave as more than half of this game's initial population has done. Now, do some people go overboard. Yes, definitely! But then so do some of the fans who can't seem to tolerate any criticism at all. I will continue to enjoy playing this game and will also continue giving my feedback on these forums, positive or negative.

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Every aspect of this event is horrible...


No Dialogue or choices. Why is it our characters just stand there like zombies and are never given the option to ask questions or make lightside or darkside choices?


TLDR: This event is rushed and poorly made.


I completely agree; me and my wife gave up on this event shortly after hearing that the communication encryption was only one-sided, LOL, good excuse for being lazy

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The Reward for completing the event is a repallated Akk Dog like the one every got for transferring. Way to go bioware!


The Darkside Reward title is "Capable Sentient" And the Lightside one is "Imperial Loyalist" For the imperials.


The only reason this is known by Imperials is the event is glitched for them and they can go through a 3 step process that takes 15 minutes to complete the scavanger hunt list

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The only reason this is known by Imperials is the event is glitched for them and they can go through a 3 step process that takes 15 minutes to complete the scavanger hunt list


Just another example of why its a poorly implemented, unpolished, untested, rushed event.

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The Great Wall of QQ


I had fun with it. It's a race not a step by step slow and easy turtle feeding contest. I can see why this event can be inconvenient, and I do say Rakghoul Event was more enjoyable for me. What do you expect when they lost so many DEV's and workers? Hope they add to the Token vendor...

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Weeelll, I wouldn't call this event horrible, but I do think it is rather, um, unimpressive. Especially in comparison to the Rakghoul event.


The lack of dialogue for your character is really noticeable in a game where every little random side quest (outside of terminals) has at least a line or two for your character.


And call me antisocial or slow, but I do not want to have to compete/coordinate with a bunch of other random players for clicky things and spawns in this event. Of course, if everyone was polite and played nice and was reasonable, it would be another issue. But let us be realistic here! xD


Most of the rewards (so far?) don't really grab me either. They are interesting, but I think it would be far better if you could get at least a rank 2 speeder and if the social gear wasn't very similar to something we already have (which isn't even one of the most popular social gear sets).


I try to look on the bright side though. The Bowcasters look awesome, and with some time and effort I can easily get enough tokens to set a couple aside for my future Cathar Agent. So event = unique new weapons for my alt. :)

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The OP makes some good points.


Personally I tried the event on my main, couldn't bear the congestion and loot stealing so logged on another char still on original server where I was the only person on the planet (yay for not transferring yet). Even then, I got about 10 minutes in to it before I wondered what I was bothering for - the rewards to date are terrible, I am not doing any more alts so you can keep your bind on legacy items and the rest of it might as well be the very definition of "fluff we already had kicking around".


There is some awesome armor from beta and also some great armor that NPCs are wearing not available to players and we need another sand people outfit? I won't go in to the pets and speeders because they have already been well covered in this thread. This is what F2P does to games, the stuff we might actually want (better armor sets, new color crystals, better looking speeders) all end up in the cash shop.


Quite sad really, the Rakghoul event was quite possibly one of the best in game events I've ever seen. It was creative, divisive, fun, annoying and ultimately rewarding.

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The rewards for me are useless, all of them.

But the perks of the event are great.

-World PVP. So much ganking scrapping and murder around the rakata utensils.

-People are off the fleet. Good to see people doing something instead of afking while their queues pop.

-Communicating with other people on master D. Havent really said alot to people now communication is handy.

-Its a break from dailies. I can autopilt 4 sets of dailies or i can scavenge around, not a hard decision.


Its a ncie change to actually do somethign that requries a modicum of brainpower.The only object that gave me alot of grief was the code one and that was because I applied flawed logic to where the terminals were. If i had of thought about it abit more i wouldnt have done laps of the nikto sector for 90 mins looking for something that wasn't there.

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While i don't think it's a horrible event i am finding it disappointing and well below the quality of the Rakghoul event. I have to agree with most of the common complaints, the rewards aren't very good for the majority of the classes, buggy or poorly conceived quests (Fallaxen mechanics strange/buggy, smuggler crates with rng can be horrible and laser puzzle being the notable ones), lots of travelling back and forth in zones and planets, and the check back later stuff on the "leads" quests.


There were a couple of entertaining things but even those were either short or have some problems, i liked the vents but that lasts only lasts a few seconds, i liked the canon as you don't get to use it much outside of Kaon but the setup and "waves" of enemies were rather meh, i actually like the speeder reward quite a bit, but at 90% speed it's never going to get used.


So while there's a bit of fun to be had, the majority of the event feels rather tedious to me and with lack of good awards doesn't feel worth it. I went through at least some of the Rakghoul event with all my alts, going through all of it with my main, i won't be doing the same with this one unless there's a pretty big change in style of the event in the next couple of days.

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This is very true. Atleast in the last even the crystal could be used by all classes. Another fun oversight.


Oversight? You sure? Are you completely positive that there wont be anything available for other classes as the week goes on? Eh?

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YO OP only thing i agree on is the rewards nothing else. My guess is your on a PvE server and you just wanna be alone.You want instances and choices even players have been asking for more freedom and sandbox elements.

Yesterday i had atleast 10 fights over objectives against the other faction, was forced to group up to survive,alot of fun.

And you complain about players farming lol it's a MMO dude what do you expect.Stop complaining about things that should be fun.

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An event like this isn't totally horrible. It's the first day so far, and I believe gated content is waiting to be unlocked for it. As other posters says, it's actually making people do things other than the monotony of getting on just for raid nights or afking when in PVP queues.


However, the event is poorly designed in several aspects. The wait lines for objectives on DK is ridiculous. The Smugglers Crate (a time sink during peak times just to find one) has a chance to not give an apparatus piece. Rewards are lackluster at the moment. The storyline isn't fully realized at the moment. Plus, there's the fact you get missions that can't be completed through mail when the mail should come out when the content is available.


Also, there's the biggest problem with this event: sequence breaking. I feel like I just ruined myself out of the entire event for at least one character by doing the autocompletion exploit just to see if it was legit. It was. I'm finished with the scavenger hunt even if 3 items can't be retrieved legitimately at the moment and I've recieved one of two titles available and a new pet. Hopefully, tomorrow unlocks something interesting to give me a reason to log back in. Otherwise, I'm done with the event other than to get a weapon for my Vanguard.

Edited by ImmortalAlien
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I didn't expect to get any class specific items out of it so I'm happy for the neutral stuff. That said, it's kind of weird if not all classes get the option when some do.


I haven't had any issues with clearing the missions either. I switched instances when I could and people were nice and invited when possible, to speed things up, such as on the laser.


My only problem with this, and this applies to the previous event too, is that I doubt that I had been able to follow all the missions if it had not been for sites such as dulfy. This is my first MMO so it's possible that this is the standard but I still find it a bit weird that I should have to explore two planets to be able to come across everything without a guide.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Sense this pertains to the event, and I am not really agreeing with the op on most of it ill put my gripes out there. FIrst and foremost some of us Bioware do not get to sit on our arse at an office and make content, we actually do something called work for a living. On that note this whole thing seems to be about timing, sorry when I come home from work, the last thing I want to do is a giant puzzle thats timed. I went to two of the droids and got the same message come back later. My guess at a certain point you can use them but only in a very specific time frame. Point two running around like a chicken with my head cut off not fun. Searching for items not fun lol. I pick my classes the way I do because I went to destroy things lol. This was my main problem with the last event, too many quests chains from that event were hidden. When I thought I was done I heard about another hidden quest line on tatooine, eventually I said to hell with it. This is exactly what I am going to do with this event. It would be nice if I could go say to my boss, Oh i need the next couple days off for an event to hunt things down, but RL does not work that way.


In case anyone has not picked up on this already I am pretty sure at the end of it they are going to give people one of the free to play items that they are going to put in the free to play store, but I could be wrong. Just call it a hunch.


One last note the swg devs had low resources to work with yet they put out star wars events, that felt like star wars all the time. Remembrance day you celebrated your faction at two given locations, also good pickings of star wars music. They also added some cool items. I mean you had a ride that was the at-st and the at-rt. Of course you couldn't use them to blow things up, but talk about character immersion for your faction hehehe. Then you had the ewok festival, that one was cool to, up to the point of adding angel wings lol. After that it was mostly boycotted. Once when their event guy left swg, he had mass amounts of imperial npcs from at-ats to the Emperor, attack certain guilds and their cities. All very star wars like. This stuff reminds of someone having too much time on his/her hands, and decides ah yes lets do another puzzle event.


Giving something simple like go invade Korriban for a week, or defend Tython for a week, and hell ill be there in a split second lol.

Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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Well I hope sandboxers are happy now. Empirical evidence that people hate that sort of stuff is right here. :p


Chill it OP. Still early days of the event. Granted it hasn't started as epically as the RP one but how about we wait to get past the first day before we start ripping it a new one.

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I enjoyed the event parts I did today. I am going to finish it again on 2 more characters tomorrow. I plan to get 2 rifle bows and 1 sniper bow. I will put the sniper bow on Gault until I have a sniper and one of the rifles on my OP healer and the other I am saving for HK-51 ... oh yeah .. you guys remember that a ranged dps droid that most of us are excited about is coming out and he can use the bow right? As far as the speeder, its slow because its garbage. I mean that literally, the thing smokes and debris is left in its wake. It looks awesome in a dingy kind of way.
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You know what?


Forget the prizes, the quests, the long lines, and check-in-tomorrow nonsense, I just want the Chevin to actually DO SOMETHING. Both sides think they're sinister and so far they're doing...uh...sinister, shadowy things like whispering about money and deals...I guess?

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You know what?


Forget the prizes, the quests, the long lines, and check-in-tomorrow nonsense, I just want the Chevin to actually DO SOMETHING. Both sides think they're sinister and so far they're doing...uh...sinister, shadowy things like whispering about money and deals...I guess?



ex·po·si·tion (n)

1. A setting forth of meaning or intent.


a. A statement or rhetorical discourse intended to give information about or an explanation of difficult material.

b. The art or technique of composing such discourses.

3. Music

a. The first part of a composition in sonata form that introduces the themes.

b. The opening section of a fugue.

4. The part of a play that provides the background information needed to understand the characters and the action.

5. An act or example of exposing.

6. A public exhibition or show, as of artistic or industrial developments.


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