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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Grand Acquisitions Race World Event walkthrough from dulfy


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There were 3 emails each with an attachemt. Once you put the attachements in your inventory, clicking on each one gave the 3 missions Dulfy mentioned. :)


I had just GTN expire maybe I accepted them in mass and just missed them. I will double check tonight.

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Edited: Due to feedback from the previous event, the items are actually on a global unlock. I've fixed the writing below to reflect this. Also fixed some other wording.


Hi folks,


We wanted to inform you all that there is currently an issue with the missions A Lead, A New Lead, and Another Lead. The way the Chevin Event works is that players can find the first six items of the mission The Grand Acquisitions Race whenever at their leisure. The next three items will unlock on a daily basis for everyone, regardless of what step players are on in the main event quest. (item #7 unlocks today, item #8 tomorrow, and item #9 unlocks on Friday).


Players are currently running into an issue that when they complete the mission, A Lead (item #7), the UI marks Another Lead (item #9) as complete with no item given to the player.


DO NOT WORRY. These three missions are merely hints. You DO NOT need this mission to appear in your Mission Log in order to activate it. It will unlock on a daily basis as I outlined earlier.


To be clear, you can STILL play these missions even if they are marked as complete. You just have to wait for their specific daily unlock.


For your convenience, I have posted the text for each mission below:

A Lead (Item #7 - Akar Kesh Meditation mask): A Sniffer droid is available to aid you in your search for the Akar Kesh Meditation mask, but is still undergoing programming. [unlocks today]


A New Lead (Item #8 - Black-and-Orange Sphere): Sapaaga the Hutt is refusing to speak to anyone at this time. Check back with the Hutt observation droid at the Lower Promenade on Nar Shaddaa later, when the Hutt's string of losses may have made him more inclined to negotiate. [unlocks tomorrow]


Another Lead (Item #9 - Plasma-Sealed Jar): A Republic Slicing Droid is tapping into the Transportation Network Terminal in Shadowtown in Nar Shaddaa to locate information leading the Plasma-Sealed Jar. [unlocks Friday]


Thank you so much for the clarification!

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Why would a group without access to the Force make items for Force-sensitives? HOW would they make items for those Force-sensitives? How would they be tested? Testing sabers could be very tragic. At least with ranged weapons you are likely ok as long as you point the business end away from yourself.


Who said it had to be lightsabers maybe They could have vibroswords, colour crystals, helmets and masks or legacy bound mods like in the bowcasters.

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You do have to watch out for other players, though. I had someone who had taken the quest before me repair my droid, which meant I couldn't do it to move on and I failed the quest. I ran back and someone was nice enough to group with me but then he didn't get credit when we completed the quest, though he did when the crate respawned and he clicked it again (thinking he had to do the quest over). The first group I had been in with another character went smooth as ice so I was surprised when this person told me he didn't get credit. Seems to be several bugs with this event.


I had this happen to me too, except without the 'someone else grouped with me to help me out' part. Not my idea of a good time. I play on a PvE server for a reason: my fun shouldn't come at the expense of someone else's, and VICE VERSA.


*eye twitch*

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I had this happen to me too, except without the 'someone else grouped with me to help me out' part. Not my idea of a good time. I play on a PvE server for a reason: my fun shouldn't come at the expense of someone else's, and VICE VERSA.


*eye twitch*


So it's a form of event griefing? BW ... oh BW why is griefing always part of your events ....







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I think there are aim weapons as well. :)


Oh, and in case anyone is wondering: the bowcasters (well, the "Light" one at least) sit on the character's back so that the "bow" part is facing down and is near the lower back. Haven't tried one on Zenith (as I won't be buying a Sniper Rifle version) but it looks like it will be more of a clip fest than the average rifle is on Twi'lek, but not as bad as it would have been if the wide end was at the top while on the character.

Edited by Gwena
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A New Lead can now be completed, have fun racing other players to click the control the fastest though :(


Yeah that seems to be a bit of a recurring issue for this event.


Thank the force for this guide though, without it, I'd never have realised it was other people messing up the event and just given up. :)

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Migt missed it if it was mentioned but any idea when this event ends? I been kinda slow at doing ths stuff for it but hate to miss out on half what want to do or even not get enough tokens and it just end. Knowing a time frame would help me know how much 'taking my time" I should be doing and how much I should maybe push myself to do a little more :p
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Migt missed it if it was mentioned but any idea when this event ends? I been kinda slow at doing ths stuff for it but hate to miss out on half what want to do or even not get enough tokens and it just end. Knowing a time frame would help me know how much 'taking my time" I should be doing and how much I should maybe push myself to do a little more :p



From JovethGonzalez:


The Chevin Conglomerate has decreed that you will have until next Tuesday (August 21st) at 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8 AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) to finish up the Grand Acquisitions Race. They've also decreed that the Shady Dealer will remain for an additional week after the race ends, citing "feedback" as the primary reason.
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Yeah that seems to be a bit of a recurring issue for this event.


Thank the force for this guide though, without it, I'd never have realised it was other people messing up the event and just given up. :)


^QFT. I support this. :)

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To be clear, you can STILL play these missions even if they are marked as complete. You just have to wait for their specific daily unlock.


And what is unlock time for "A lead"? My quest seems bugged, I waited for a 24 hours, and anyway can't use that droid crate.

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Another Lead can now be completed today! Which side did you pick at the end? :D


I only did the full line on one character each faction, the republic one went sis, imperial went chevrin. That final "leap of faith" was an interesting little twist when you get to it before the process is common knowledge heh

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And what is unlock time for "A lead"? My quest seems bugged, I waited for a 24 hours, and anyway can't use that droid crate.


I have the same problem. I've submited a ticket but 24 hrs later I've yet to get a response and still cannot click the crate.


The Droid despawned on me before I could repair it and I haven't been able to restart the quest since...

Edited by Jadza
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