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Guild Members Steal from the Guild Bank and Leave


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So the other day some officers and members of my guild decided to raid the guild bank and leave to make their own guild. Their reasoning was silly, but I won't focus on that. The guild is still running fine and we are doing operations and having a lot of fun!


But we miss the guys that left and are annoyed that they took from the guild bank before leaving the guild. They see no wrong in what they did and say they contributed to the bank and so taking loads of stuff without asking and just waltzing out, again saying nothing, seems like a fine thing to do in their eyes!


So I just pose the question, is it ever right to abuse your power and take from the guild bank without asking anybody if its okay then leave your guild to make your own one because you feel like you contributed enough to own half the guild bank?

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Did they contribute what they took?


Personally I don't take stuff from the bank when I leave a guild. That's because I view something that I give freely as a gift - once it's given it's not mine anymore unless I was just lending it.


But people are different. So my question to you is - did they contribute what they took?

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No more right than giving full guild bank access to officers who are, lets face it, absolute strangers to you. This is why I don't run a public guild, nor will I ever join one. I come here to play a video game, not a drama game. My guild consists of family and friends, all of whom I interact with in real life.


Take it as a lesson learned. Before giving an officer rank to someone, place them/create situations where they must demonstrate trust. I would do so several times, before considering giving an officer rank to someone I don't know IRL. Of course, don't let them know you are testing them for the officer rank until afterwards.


One way would be to give such a person some rare materials to make items for a few of your guildies, ask him/her to make them, then send them to guildies who can use them. Make sure you know how many items these materials will make, then follow up by making sure the guildies got the items, and the right amount of them were handed out.


Never, EVER make someone an officer, when they've been dropping hints they would like to be an officer. Most people who want a position of leadership, don't usually deserve it. Keep an eye on guildies, especially the ones who often go out of their way to help others. Those are the kind that make good, trustworthy officers.


Of course, no one can ever be absolutely sure about other people, especially strangers in an MMO. When you run a public guild, no matter what steps you take, there is always the chance someone might decide their gameplay is more important to them than cooperation or trust.


Don't let it discourage you, though. Your officers have already demonstrated to the members that left with them that they are willing to be a bit underhanded and take from others without asking. What a great way to start a guild. I doubt with such an attitude, their guild will last long.

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Did they contribute what they took?


Personally I don't take stuff from the bank when I leave a guild. That's because I view something that I give freely as a gift - once it's given it's not mine anymore unless I was just lending it.


But people are different. So my question to you is - did they contribute what they took?


They took a lot of crafting mats which we found doing operations together and we agreed that all mats were contributed into the guild bank and if anyone in the guild needed them we all could ask somebody with access to get them so we could craft for each other. Nobody owned these materials, they belonged to the guild completely and we earned them together for the guild. Also armorings, mods and enhancements that people had crafted and we found together doing flashpoints and operations. When people put things in the guild bank they are giving it to the guild and they are well aware of that.


Since when is it ever appropriate for anyone in my guild to take from the guild bank without asking? Its never happened before and so its stupid that they are trying to justify it.


They justified taking mods by saying that they had contributed lots of money to the bank and they couldn't get the money out again so they instead took mods to sell out of the bank instead. Again, if you want your money then don't put it in the guild bank, end of.


Do others agree? Anyone think they were fine doing what they were doing because they were officers even though they were doing it knowing they were about to leave the guild anyway?

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No more right than giving full guild bank access to officers who are, lets face it, absolute strangers to you. This is why I don't run a public guild, nor will I ever join one. I come here to play a video game, not a drama game. My guild consists of family and friends, all of whom I interact with in real life.


Take it as a lesson learned. Before giving an officer rank to someone, place them/create situations where they must demonstrate trust. I would do so several times, before considering giving an officer rank to someone I don't know IRL. Of course, don't let them know you are testing them for the officer rank until afterwards.


One way would be to give such a person some rare materials to make items for a few of your guildies, ask him/her to make them, then send them to guildies who can use them. Make sure you know how many items these materials will make, then follow up by making sure the guildies got the items, and the right amount of them were handed out.


Never, EVER make someone an officer, when they've been dropping hints they would like to be an officer. Most people who want a position of leadership, don't usually deserve it. Keep an eye on guildies, especially the ones who often go out of their way to help others. Those are the kind that make good, trustworthy officers.


Of course, no one can ever be absolutely sure about other people, especially strangers in an MMO. When you run a public guild, no matter what steps you take, there is always the chance someone might decide their gameplay is more important to them than cooperation or trust.


Don't let it discourage you, though. Your officers have already demonstrated to the members that left with them that they are willing to be a bit underhanded and take from others without asking. What a great way to start a guild. I doubt with such an attitude, their guild will last long.


These were people who we trusted, people who we'd known for quite a while and had built relationship with, but I guess its never enough! Officer rank was handed out too willy nilly and I'll make sure the leaders of the guild acknowledge this.

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That's why I don't do guilds. I'll be more than happy to have a friends list, but I WILL NOT depend on someone else to decide when I play or what I have access to in the bank. Being guild-less (is that even a word?) has worked fine for me. And thank you BioWare for the auto decline feature for guilds in the options. I get tired of telling people no all the time. I know not all guilds are bad, but they aren't for me. Edited by Takin_A_Sith
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No more right than giving full guild bank access to officers who are, lets face it, absolute strangers to you.


Absolutely. And unlike Eve: Online (am I seriously saying something positive about this game?) you can just leave your Guild. In Eve, if you were an officer you had to resign (giving up all privileges), and then 24 hours later you could leave. Giving the CEO (Guildmaster) some time to determine what to do with shares, etc. Same applied to kicking people out, it took 24-hours which meant they had time to talk to the other officers and members about you.


Also, as you held shares in the corporations, you didn't really want the corporations you left to fail (so you could make money off of the shares by selling them or through dividends).


Seriously, it was like having a job as a trader playing EVE:Online. Terrible game.


- Arcada

Edited by Nydus
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Nope, not justified, no matter what they took.


But I don't do guilds, either.


I am not going to spend my time helping to build up some guild any more only to be kicked to the curb later on.


If I am not the guild leader, then I am subject to the whims of whoever is and whichever other people have that person's ear.


Not interested.

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So the other day some officers and members of my guild decided to raid the guild bank and leave to make their own guild. Their reasoning was silly, but I won't focus on that. The guild is still running fine and we are doing operations and having a lot of fun!


But we miss the guys that left and are annoyed that they took from the guild bank before leaving the guild. They see no wrong in what they did and say they contributed to the bank and so taking loads of stuff without asking and just waltzing out, again saying nothing, seems like a fine thing to do in their eyes!


So I just pose the question, is it ever right to abuse your power and take from the guild bank without asking anybody if its okay then leave your guild to make your own one because you feel like you contributed enough to own half the guild bank?

Can't trust people on the interwebz, plain and simple. I ran a guild of a few hundred for almost three years and watched it all fall apart over the course of a week because of one item drop. It happens. Ya move on and keep playing the games you enjoy with or without those people.
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Anyone stealing from inside a game is a bad thing, no excuses. All items in a guild bank are the property of the guild.


Guild Bank - pay game currency for storing game currency, allowing a guild bank to pay for repairs, item storage for guild members.


Why have it in the first place?


I am in a guild where freedom is key, do what you want when you want, play with people who are on if you want, leave and join the guild as you like. This guild had near 500 members in the main guild before culling started, and also had to make another sub-guild for 4th and more alts.

Money has never been an issue - need more then do more dailies, sharing has never been an issue - if some one has something spare then it is offered and mailed.


Big rule - dont make anything of value available to anyone. This removes any opportunity for some one to break your trust and steal from the guild, especially when a guild bank is as useless as it is in SWTOR.

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over the years of playing several mmos i have learned to have guild banks set up with at least two holds, vaults or what ever the term may be. one is for all of the members to access and one is limited to the guild leader only. what is valuable is put in the guild leader only one. this way only you, the guild leader, controls it and members must ask no matter their rank for a item to be removed.


accounts get hacked, players get toes stepped on, etc and etc is reason enough to have one person in control only for the expensive stuff. sadly you have learned this lesson rather painfully.


personally the players who took the guilds items are thieves and nothing more. stating they took items for compensation for credits spent is only them rationalizing to them selves and each other morally questionable behavior. i believe they took them to finance their new guild. sooner or later one of them will get upset, leave and steal everything left from them too.


you should be glad they are no longer in your guild. however you might want to watch out as they may steal away players from your ops group to make or fine tune their new guild ops. this has happened many of times when a officer leaves and these people already demonstrated their lack of morals.


there is very little, if anything, you can do now.

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Seriously, it was like having a job as a trader playing EVE:Online. Terrible game.


EVE has a superior system in my opinion. There's nothing so terrible that it can't wait 24 hours, and at least it gives officers a chance to react to someone who decides to up and vanish in the wee hours of the morning without saying a word. That said, the corporation setup in EVE is vastly more in-depth than TOR could ever hope to be.


I kind of miss EVE from time to time. Great game, but it really was like having a second job.

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So I just pose the question, is it ever right to abuse your power and take from the guild bank without asking anybody if its okay then leave your guild to make your own one because you feel like you contributed enough to own half the guild bank?


The fact that they think it's alright is actually disgusting to me. I do guilds but the people I've played with have not been like this, thankfully. Sadly MMO's these days dont really seem to be based off of community. FFXI was my first MMO, and for that you actually had to make a group. And people spread word about others that were ******es and stole from people.


I would say your best bet would be to spread the word on the server so others dont end up taking those people into their guilds, and getting screwed like you did. In the game to other guild masters you may know. Not in general or here on forums. Forums would attract hate, and general would seem more like rumor spreading/trolling. Oh, and add them to ignore while destroying them in PVP every chance you get. :)


Edit to add:

If you are so upset, wait for the F2P, then you will see this, but simply more, much much more :)


Hate F2P.





Yeah, people with disposable accounts, that probably wont even care if they get banned, much less if they steal from someone. Yeah, I would expect this kind of mindset to increase once F2P hits. :(

Edited by Katsuragisama
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No way they should have taken it.

No way someone with that mentality should have been an officer (I find it hard believe they haven't shown signs of this immaturity previously).

No way the guild bank should be set up to allow someone to clean it out.

No way you should store stuff in the guild bank that you can't freely do without.



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So the other day some officers and members of my guild decided to raid the guild bank and leave to make their own guild. Their reasoning was silly, but I won't focus on that. The guild is still running fine and we are doing operations and having a lot of fun!


But we miss the guys that left and are annoyed that they took from the guild bank before leaving the guild. They see no wrong in what they did and say they contributed to the bank and so taking loads of stuff without asking and just waltzing out, again saying nothing, seems like a fine thing to do in their eyes!


So I just pose the question, is it ever right to abuse your power and take from the guild bank without asking anybody if its okay then leave your guild to make your own one because you feel like you contributed enough to own half the guild bank?


In my opinion guilds are useless and I have no use for them because there is always drama and I want to enjoy the game not deal with drama queens.


I have toons in my friends guild but I only play this game with them and other nice people in the game.

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Did they contribute what they took?


Personally I don't take stuff from the bank when I leave a guild. That's because I view something that I give freely as a gift - once it's given it's not mine anymore unless I was just lending it.


But people are different. So my question to you is - did they contribute what they took?

Heck, sometimes when I have left a guild, I dump stuff into the bank. Mostly crafting rares, but still. Good way to clean out my bank space!

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Officers from one of my old guilds took stuff from the guild bank to outfit/equip their empire alts. I knew it would become a problem when I noticed that 75% of the guildies were officer rank or higher (too many officers, not enough followers and such). The two perpetrators eventually left the guild due to overall drama (could not be kicked since the GM had not logged on in weeks).


This RL girl/guy team started a long-distance/internet 'relationship' right before this happened. Looks like the relationship fell apart roughly 1 month later.


I hate drama, keep that crap on TV where it belongs. :mad:

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