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Master strike not working:



Why is it that as a combat spec sentinel, when my burst revolves around my precision master strike, that it so often shows the animation of master strike, but does not put it on cooldown, do damage, show the cast bar, or just plain even execute the ability? this is EXTREMELY annoying in a boss fight considering the precision buff only lasts about long enough to use master strike.

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I thought of another papercut - the travel routes:

- they are mapped inefficiently, almost always taking the longest possible route or unnecessarily passing through other travel points

- the above but also the weird turns and twists of the speeder/shuttle/cab makes the whole experience annoying at times

- also at times the hight and/or speed at which the vehicles fly (e.g. shuttles passing under low tree tops) are totally divorced from "reality"


I'd think this is something that should be easily fixable although I've seen how devs of other games ignored it alltogether as well for years. It's either too small an annoyance to bother with or for some reason very hard to fix (why?).

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It would be interesting to have a swtor version of your own face so that it is actually you who is playing


This might be way to difficult to even consider. Especially if you look back on games like Mass Effect...or L.A. Noir by Team Bondi, their character models were based off real people, but it took them a lot of time to map their faces etc.



Just seems way to difficult. You'd probably have to go to Texas to do it. Pay thousands of dollars etc.


:D Just drop it lol. I don't see it happening.

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When I have a quest on a planet, there is a note about it on the galactic map. When I have a quest for a space combat, there is no note and I often have to hunt through several zones to find where the specific one I need is. I'd like something similar for space combat quests as I have for planet quests when I'm looking at the galactic map.
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***Note, I must first apologize, I did post this in the suggestion box. I am new to the forums and had not yet found the "paper cuts"

The lack of ability to control my characters look to any real degree coming from game like EQ and Aion does make this one of my stronger annoyances. Some Ideas below.


PLEASE give us some ability to change the color of the armor. Maybe add a line to the bio-chem for armor dyes. that could be applied like the MK kits.




Let us Image the armor to a piece we have that we like the look or using a mod station (fee could be involved just like adding a slot).


Since there is NOT very many ways to personalize our own characters this would be a great and fun way to do so; without a drastic change to the game. I personally feel VERY limited and frustrated by my the gear appearance choices; which have only slightly improved with the NEW "adaptive gear". We are still stuck with the design and color choice it is made as.


Note, IF nothing else...OR just on the mean time allow us to unify color to any piece we choose not just to the Chest. As and Example: Maybe your chest piece is the offensive color and you would like to use that COOL red from your boots...ECT.


Thank you for your time

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Here are two of mine:



  • Improve the crafting interface so that its easier to filter out crap schematics or let me unlearn schematics. I will never craft another level 8 resolve stim and I don't need that stuff clogging my crafting screen.
  • I don't need to see the stomachs of all my female toons on robes that skin nicely for male toons


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A fourth skill slot PLEASE; brief summary below.


With the addition of augments you need a fourth sometimes fifth skill usually "Slicing" to obtain all your own components and since the patterns and missions have all come from slicing since that update; it is difficult to manage without it even if you are not doing Cybertech or any other skill that actually CALLS for slicing.


I have had to make farming characters to compensate for the difference which has taken time away from my playing and enjoyment of the game.

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I thought of another papercut - the travel routes:

- they are mapped inefficiently, almost always taking the longest possible route or unnecessarily passing through other travel points

- the above but also the weird turns and twists of the speeder/shuttle/cab makes the whole experience annoying at times

- also at times the hight and/or speed at which the vehicles fly (e.g. shuttles passing under low tree tops) are totally divorced from "reality"


I'd think this is something that should be easily fixable although I've seen how devs of other games ignored it alltogether as well for years. It's either too small an annoyance to bother with or for some reason very hard to fix (why?).


Add to this the "flickering" of the taxi on some worlds, like Coruscant and Nar Shadda. Sometimes I look like I'm flying around with merely a pair of engine trails behind me... no car.


It'd also be nice, at least on the worlds where the taxi is a two-seater, to see my companion in the passenger seat.

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Not sure if this was mentioned before, but I always thought it was dumb that only humans can be Cyborgs. All the playable races should be able to be a cyborg. Also Why are the cybernetics only restricted to the head and face of our characters? Can a new slide bar be added that lets us select cybernetics that appear around/on our character's body?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Fix Dismiss Companion. :)


Let me start by saying I love the fact that I can dismiss my companion. Sometimes I just do not want them around. In particular, I like to play through the planetary and class missions with a friend, and this “single-player” content becomes tediously easy with companions along as well.


The problem is, dialogue cinematics automatically recall your companion, and you cannot dismiss them in combat. As a result, ALL of the boss fights in planetary and class missions are reduced to four-second zerg-fests in which our companions demolish the “boss” before they can even react. It is extremely anti-climatic and actually quite immersion-breaking. Given that this is a multi-player game, I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue!


Please change it so that companions stay away until recalled (I can think of no reason why it should be otherwise). When I tell my companion to get lost until I say it’s okay to return, I mean it!

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I know it has been said but a Legacy bank tab for crafting mats would be so great as well as being able to access money from other toons just so we don't have to keep loging in and out countless times to transfer money and mats this could even help some of the server lag. :)


other ideas that have probably been said or addressed but here they are.

- Flying mounts such as jet packs :) and or flying cars things of that nature would be way cool

- Custom UI's the ability for developers to make our ui look how we like it through an API

- Armor dies are coming but how about an appearance tab so the armor that people see is not necessarily the armor that we are wearing. As seen in EQ2

- maybe the ability to style our own armor. Appearance armor that has slots in it that we can change different pieces into and a main piece such as chest slot then the armor is truly custom and more one of a kind crafters could even make the pieces. this could be a way of giving back to the crafters after 2.0 it would let them have something else to do players like myself do little other than craft and work the market this could be yet another way of doing that.

- A type of summoning while in a Flash Point (or in general). Being able to summon someone to you when you are half way through would be fantastic when they are on another planet or just zoned in to the planet.

- Customizing your Ship interior. Since we have ships that we basically live in let us customize them to our liking. Much the way of Eq2 Player housing we could put armor suits trophies or many other things that we have earned throughout our experiences as a way of looking back on what we have done there could be player crafted items also. to give back to crafters :)

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a repost of a thread I'd made but i feel it may receive more attention and discussion here:


a few key points would make help the GTN experiance greatly:




  • Price Per Unit Column - Allow stacks of items to be listed by Credits per unit, allowing players to find the best prices quicker without having to hover over the price to see the CPU
  • Ctrl + Click Search - Just like we can Ctrl+Click to list an item in chat, why not allow us this feature in the GTN, would help significantly for those longer names, and on a side note it would make access much easier for players with dyslexia and other learning difficulties by eliminating typos
  • Recipe Levels - Give recipes "level" attribute the Crafter level requirement (so currently all recipes are level 1 this could be listed from 1-450)




  • Remember value - when listing the same crafted item multiple times you have to type in your price every single time, implement a system where the GTN remembers the last price I listed item X for and automatically fills the sale price with that item
  • Faster Payment - I can get a real world cash transfer quicker than I can get my credits for a purchase, I'm not expecting this should be instant I can understand a small delay but an hour seems unreasonable for a GTN sale, this is a minor point but a valid one all the same.
  • Sale Screen Enhancements - would be nice to have but not essential - a column that tells you the current lowest price (or price per unit if a stack) for the item on sale, as most for stacks either match the lowest listed price or undercut by, this would allow you at a glance to see the lowest price and make your decision from there, This could also be implemented as a column on the list of items currently up for purchase, allowing you to see at a glance if your selling for the lowest price or if someone is undercutting you (thus stimulating the market slightly ?)
  • Stack Spliting Having the ability to split stacks in the GTN window would be a great support to sellers who sell crewskill/other stacked items instead of having to laboriously split them one by one - Credit to Tatile


These are all opinion's and I'd be happy to hear other players thoughts and ideas I'd be glad to add them (and of course list credit) to this list and keep it up to date !


Roll on Quality of Game Life Improvements !



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I'm surprised it took me this long to find this thread. I've been thinking for quite a while that it would be a brilliant idea if somebody put together a thread for civil discussion about small things that could be changed about the game. I also appreciate the safe environment to express our "papercuts" as most other threads will devolve into "Deal with it the way it is! It doesn't need to be changed!" posts.


Onto my list. Some of these may be in other threads but collecting them together into one thread can only make things easier I hope.


UI Colors

I recently swapped factions and I'm now playing as Empire. I feel a little awkward when playing because I feel like the coloring of the UI is Republic focused. Republic is colored blue and Empire is red. Yet our UI elements are colored blue and so is the beam that shows on mobs that have loot for us to pick up (if there's only trash items on it). I would like an option to, at the least, change these colors to red. Color themes for each class would be nice though. I would love to have purple UI and loot beams for my Sorcerer but that may be getting too picky. I'd be happy with just having red as an option so I don't feel like a Republic spy so much.


Companion Preview Window

I would love to have the preview window fixed when it comes to previewing things on our companions. Currently it buggs out if a player has a Companion Customization item (changes the appearance of the companion) equipped. Currently the workaround is to unequip the item and preview will then work. I've heard this broke during patch 1.5 (I was on a break from the game at that point) and it would be nice to get it fixed now that we're on 2.0.


UI QOL Items

The ability to adjust our UI is a great step in the right direction. Compared to launch, what we have now is just awesome. There is always room for improvement though. Most of these are probably for the OCD crowd.


  • A built in grid option while editing our UI would greatly help with alignment.
  • A "Snap To" function would be awesome as well.
  • I have approximately 10 saved UI profiles, an option/ability to change their order in the menu would be awesome.
  • Coordinates that are editable for each UI element in the edit window would help more precisely adjust the location of elements on our screen.
  • Ability to copy and paste color profiles for the chat window from one character to another would be nice.
  • A setting to toggle the use the same keybinds (global keybinds) for all characters who have the option enabled. Wouldn't have to re-bind everything each and every time we make a new character. My auto-run key is always the same.
  • Option to turn off player portraits and add the option for a square shape portrait if desired while displaying it.
  • Square minimap option for those of us who like to stick to a uniform grid style in UI design.


I'm sure there's more and most of those are just things that I wish were in the game.


Edit: Also, being able to change our character select screen would be nice too. The order of my characters and the fact that they aren't auto sorted by faction drives my OCD nuts. Leave it default for those who opt for it, but adding the option to move characters up or down in the list without changing the order after logging in would be awesome. Having the option of two panes showing at once (one for each faction and color coding them) would be really nice too. This "page two" thing really doesn't feel right to me for some reason. An option to scale down the list and put up two panes and it'll be golden.


Character Create Unlocks for Species

When you unlock a Twi'lek for the Republic side, you get the Empire colors and tattoos along with the Republic options in one character create window. For some reason this is not done with Zabraks, Humans, and Cyborgs are kind of 50/50 in that area. I haven't really looked at the other species past that but these are the three I'm familiar with most. Humans were my first "papercut." When Species Unlock first was in the works and we were hearing about how it would work, I thought that my Republic Scoundrel would be able to get the facial tattoos that the humans on the Imperial side had. I wanted her to be a red-head with blue eyes and the red tattoo over her left eye like a patch. Her name was to be Patches and be Sawbones spec. Apparently this tattoo somehow has a class restriction (Sith Warrior) and not a faction one. As a result, I never got to make Patches. As back then, I still wish we could get ALL of these options unlocked when we unlock the species. We can have a blood red Twi'lek with Republic tattoos, why can't we have a Human with Imperial tattoos? Elara Dorn (Imperial defector) comes to mind as an example as to why Republic should be able to have access to all Imperial customizations and vice versa. There are defectors and so it still fits in with lore as to why the other faction would have the same features.


Profession Interface

Dragging a crafting profession and/or gathering profession icon from the crew skills window onto a bar for quick access causes an error when attempting to access the profession through that button. Sometimes I can pull up my crafting profession through the icon on the bar, but never the gathering professions.


Also, sorting things in the crafting profession's window is still buggy. Lets use Synthweaving for an example. When sorting by weight (say, light armor), then type (orange gear maybe), bugs out the list. Words overlap in the list pane, can't select anything, the whole thing just goes haywire. Would be nice to finally have a fix to that.


I saw that this thread has something like 72 pages so it kind of goes without saying that I haven't read through the entire thing. I hope my post isn't too long or out of bounds with requests. Kudos to the OP for starting it!


Edit 2: Forgot these.


More Face Options

Would be nice to have more face shape options for some species. Twi'lek females and Cyborg females are atrocious. I like the human female faces 18 and 19 but neither are used in the Twi'lek or Cyborg lineup. The current nose and lip options just don't appeal to me enough so I haven't really rolled any of these though they look awesome otherwise.


Appearance Gear Tab

This may be too far out there but it would be nice to have an appearance tab for gear skins that show up and a normal armor sheet for the gear with the stats. I forget what game has it (my boyfriend played it but I didn't) but something like Runes of Magic or something had two separate sheets for battle gear and appearance skins in the character sheet. This would cut back on needing to spend a chunk of credits ripping mods out (I'd love to change my look a lot more often). Essentially you have two sets of armor equipped but one shows on your toon in the world and the other gives your toon stats. It's not like we can spend credits for cartel coins so we don't really need the credit sink imo.



Some of us have the maximum amount of toons (16) and taking the time to get all the datacrons on each toon is more than a little daunting. For the most part after the 4th character, it seems most people stop bothering with them. A Legacy unlock or a cartel item to make all datacrons from one character spread to others in the Legacy would be an awesome QOL thing for alt-o-holics.

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A couple of minor transit matters:


Taxi graphical glitch:

I love the taxis; it is a clever and innovative way to both streamline travel and show off the amazing locales. However, the stuttering taxi glitch can really spoil this, especially on Coruscant and Nar Shadaar. There is only so long I can pretend to be Wonder Woman in my invisible plane!


Speeder sound FX glitch:

Sometimes my speeders are accompanied by a faint hum sound as I ride around the environment. Other times, hitting the speeder hotkey can be like pressing mute; all becomes eerily silent. It would be great to have a consistent sound effect. Even better, if there a few different sound effects (including some gruntier ones) to vary the sound of different types of speeders, it would make all that commuting much more enjoyable!

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I am sick to death of seeing changes wanted to our ui in posts through out the community so the most simplistic way to satisfy them is give us some type of Simple API would allow us to make changes to our ui market window crafting window or any UI element we would like to change with as many revisions as are needed to suit the multitudes of wants i have seen on this and many other threads


You cant Change your name or transfer servers these should be added to the cartel market in my opinion

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Fix Dismiss Companion. :)


Let me start by saying I love the fact that I can dismiss my companion. Sometimes I just do not want them around. In particular, I like to play through the planetary and class missions with a friend, and this “single-player” content becomes tediously easy with companions along as well.


The problem is, dialogue cinematics automatically recall your companion, and you cannot dismiss them in combat. As a result, ALL of the boss fights in planetary and class missions are reduced to four-second zerg-fests in which our companions demolish the “boss” before they can even react. It is extremely anti-climatic and actually quite immersion-breaking. Given that this is a multi-player game, I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue!


Please change it so that companions stay away until recalled (I can think of no reason why it should be otherwise). When I tell my companion to get lost until I say it’s okay to return, I mean it!


While I wouldn't have a problem this, I'd just like to mention that you can always put your companions on passive mode if you don't want them to fight.

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Now that grade 9 crew skill missions exist shouldn't grade 6 have something better to offer than abundant rewards?


Please add bountiful and rich rewards to grade 6 crew skill missions.

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When I first noticed Corso staring at my female sugglers rear end I thought it was kinda neat. Corso got caught sneaking a peek.


It's not so neat when Khem Val does it.

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I noticed that it takes the same amount of time to switch instances as the itital load.


Its almost as if we are reloading all information. Seems pointless when we already have the geographic data.


Perhaps you can tweek this for quicker instance changes.

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I realize that the fashion in the game is influenced by the movies which were originally influced by the 1970's.


However, the games takes place a long time before the movies. No one would fault you for updating the fashion.

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I think a little more thought needs to be applied to armor designs.


Some of the bounty hunter armor has hoses running from the chest to the back. Some of the trooper armor has what appears to be handle bars for shoulder pads.


No self repecting warrior would give their enemy such an easy way to restrain them.


Even the jedi robes don't seem right. But I suppose that is why they took them off before combat in Episode 1.

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As a PVPer, here are my suggestions:


I don't know if it has been said already or not, but I would love to see either cross-server warzone queues or all players consolidated on to one, giant server. This would dramatically increase the pool of players/teams we play with/against in warzones.


Also, it would be nice if the Ranked Warzone team/players with the highest rating at the end of a certain time period got something really cool, like a unique title or mount. I understand this is a carbon copy of what WoW does, but it is a really cool feature over there.


Finally, some minor class rebalancing is in order:


Merc healers need a buff that improves healing output and reduces their reliance on cast heals.


Concealment operatives need a fix to their energy management system. Also, for a class that is defined by its ability to burst, it does less reliable, less frequent burst than lightning sorcs, mercs and snipers and smash spec maras/jugs at the moment, making them totally inferior to all other dps options. Solution? Give them an execute or something that can proc hidden strike w/o energy cost, outside of stealth, with an internal Cooldown of 10-15 seconds. Also, increase hidden strike damage by 10-20% when you use as you are coming out of stealth.


Powertechs got nerfed too hard. They now need a better gap closer. I suggest allowing all specs of powertech to charge (as opposed to just tank spec)


Overall, I like where the 'FOTM' classes are right now in terms of time to kill and class balance. Instead of nerfing the strong classes, just improve the non-FOTM classes to make them competative and viable.

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