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Why does BIOWare support cowards ?


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Growing tired of the lack of support for those players whom queue for a WZ only to leave. Worse is the lame effect of players getting brought into a WZ where the match is so overloaded one side or the other they will receive nothing for the effort to even play the WZ [ only worth while End of Game BTW ].


I suggest a 1 hour ban on every coward out the - NO PVP - account wide too, get this to stop

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I will support this when I stop getting grouped with 2-3 fresh 50s in a pug that are too thick to wear their recruit gear at least. Until that utopian day arrives... No. I am not gpnna suffer for 10+ mins cuz bob the vanguard tank, and his buddy Johnny the gunslinger have 12k health each and zero expertise.
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So what your saying is I should have to go sit on the one nod we control and wait 10 minutes with everyone else because the team sucks so bad they shouldn't even be Qing to start with? No thank you, when you guys keep running back in solo or attacking the tank while the healer I have marked is standing off to the side healing with only me chasing him around I'll quit every time. I don't have the time to waste on idiots, I can be Qing up and hoping to get on a team with atleast half a brain. Edited by Lastot
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Growing tired of the lack of support for those players whom queue for a WZ only to leave. Worse is the lame effect of players getting brought into a WZ where the match is so overloaded one side or the other they will receive nothing for the effort to even play the WZ [ only worth while End of Game BTW ].


I suggest a 1 hour ban on every coward out the - NO PVP - account wide too, get this to stop


Growing tired of the lack of support for those players whom queue for a WZ only to lose.

Instead of working on their play skill they just continue popping and losing.

Instead of learn tactics, reading manuals, getting premades they just queueing for play, not for win.

Im leaving warzones cus im not paying to carry bunch of noobs. Its my right, im paying same price for game. and bioware respect it.

cus im pro and you are not.

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So what your saying is I should have to go sit on the one nod we control and wait 10 minutes with everyone else because the team sucks so bad they shouldn't even be Qing to start with? No thank you, when you guys keep running back in solo or attacking the tank while the healer I have marked is standing off to the side healing with only me chasing him around I'll quit every time. I don't have the time to waste on idiots, I can be Qing up and hoping to get on a team with atleast half a brain.


This the best comment i've seen in the pvp forum so far. Well said my friend.

Oh fyi the last part of the comment here is so true i play a healer and if the other team is not smart enough to kill me off or destract methen my team wins 95% of the time. So if you're trying to play the "Hero" by trying to win a match solo then you better stay out of the pvp queues.

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I will support this when I stop getting grouped with 2-3 fresh 50s in a pug that are too thick to wear their recruit gear at least. Until that utopian day arrives... No. I am not gpnna suffer for 10+ mins cuz bob the vanguard tank, and his buddy Johnny the gunslinger have 12k health each and zero expertise.


Im not as strict as you


All I require is for my team to at least be trying and to understand basic teamwork like concepts


But sorry, if team and I discuss our defence ideas and come to agreement of minimum number at a door/turret/what ever as defenders and then some idiot who thinks hes all that leaves you standing solo because hes not getting enough damage done as a defender.


Im leaving after giving a warning.


I hate quiter and will never quit because we losing. People that do that are ... well we all know what they are


But glaring stupidity from players will cause me to quit a war zone as its just not worth getting worked up over.


For me, I will leave when:


1) Team refuses to defend nodes when we own 2 of 3 and constantly leaves to few defenders to hold or defend the node


2) When someone on my team is exploiting. Ill fight through an opponent exploiting and just report them after the match. But if one of my own team is exploiting, I dont want to win that way and will leave match and report player. But ill announce to team why Im leaving in that situation so any who care understand.


3) Memory leak locks me up and I have no choice but to exit out and reboot computer


4) Huttaball pops if Im playing my Sage as a solo queue


3 of those 4 (#2, #3, #4) are all fixable and avoidable on EA side of things. But long as #1 remains a issue, you cant really punish people for quiting. This is suppose to be a game first and the people in #1 ruin the enjoyment for others. I certainly will not pay a sub to be forced to stay and play with people Im not enjoying my time around.


Course non of this would be a issue if they added DAoC RVR in the PVP areas like Ilum and Outlaws Den

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This post is not to question your elite status nor to make some assumption of skill play.


Dropping from a WZ is wasting the time of other players.


Without either a reward for getting dropped into a WZ that is lost due to the elite abandoning OR consequences to prevent that action - this WZ action will persist

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This post is not to question your elite status nor to make some assumption of skill play.


Dropping from a WZ is wasting the time of other players.


Without either a reward for getting dropped into a WZ that is lost due to the elite abandoning OR consequences to prevent that action - this WZ action will persist


Keep playing wz with noobs is my time wasting.

my time>>>time of random noobs.

i played enough to fill my practise, now i ust need fun. i cant get it in noob team.

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You do realize that you are posting this in the forums where the people who quit spend all their time.

They blame Bioware and all seven members of the team for their cowardice.

They do not comprehend that in a random queue it is possible to be on lesser geared/skilled/knowledgable team.


They define random as getting the WZ they want with people they want and playing against people they want. Otherwise they use their abilities to determine in 60 seconds the team is bad and quit on them.


The solution to the quitter epidemic can be found here.


some of us have lives and may have to go do something irl

Amazing how your life only pops up when you are losing and when you are winning life can wait 10 minutes.

Edited by richardya
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Cowards pay the same amount per month that you do. What do you think is going to be done about them?


If your answer was "Nothing", Congratulations! You have completed this exam and can proceed to the next level.


If your answer was anything other than "Nothing", please report to your nearest remedial reeducation facility for an indoctrination update.

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Growing tired of the lack of support for those players whom queue for a WZ only to leave. Worse is the lame effect of players getting brought into a WZ where the match is so overloaded one side or the other they will receive nothing for the effort to even play the WZ [ only worth while End of Game BTW ].


I suggest a 1 hour ban on every coward out the - NO PVP - account wide too, get this to stop


I grow tired of them allowing people with under 800 expertise to even queue for a warzone. I quit one right at the start because three geniuses from the same guild decided they would go out to 'pwn' in their PvE gear.


Don't even let them queue. Get your recruit gear, or get out.

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Also, something else folks shoudl realize.


If you get into a group of baddies, and you stick it out the entire match, then insta-queue right away then the odds that you'll get most of those same baddies is very high.


This puts you into a vicious cycle of being brought down by bads. At some point, you have to quit them. If not the first zone, then the second. It's the only way you can be reasonably sure not to get most of them in your next zone (because they are still playing)

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I will support this when I stop getting grouped with 2-3 fresh 50s in a pug that are too thick to wear their recruit gear at least. Until that utopian day arrives... No. I am not gpnna suffer for 10+ mins cuz bob the vanguard tank, and his buddy Johnny the gunslinger have 12k health each and zero expertise.


It's funny had a guy enter a sub-40 the other day with much the same attitude. The party was 7 agents and a merc. We were laughing about it in party chat when he shouts out, "What a joke no one with over xxK hp. I'm out of here this is fail." We won at; one point we three capped them. So, I laugh every time I see one of these Nostradamus's in a WZ.

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ef·fi·cien·cy   [ih-fish-uhn-see]

noun, plural ef·fi·cien·cies.

1. the state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance.

2. accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort


Goal: winning.

DAILY PvP missions: completing 6 matches (wins count as two).

WEEKLY PvP missions: winning 9 matches.


Most players don't want to waste their time on what is perceived to be a losing effort. Perception varies, so some will quit before a match even begins, based on their team's class make-up or gear. Some quit at the first sign of a 2 cap, or being down 3-0 in Huttball. Others quit simply because they're outmatched. Regardless of the reason, it all boils down to efficiency and getting those wins.


Until 8-man queues are implemented in regular PvP, there should be no penalty for leaving a match. In any other group effort in this game, you can control who you're grouped with. If your group recruits a DPS for Karagga's Palace HM, and he shows up in L47 green gear, he's going to be removed from the group. No amount of "skill" can make up for that gear deficit. On the same token if he's geared, but a horrible player, he's going to be removed from the group. That option doesn't exist in PvP. If your group sucks, you must be the one to leave.


Working as intended.

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This post is not to question your elite status nor to make some assumption of skill play.


Dropping from a WZ is wasting the time of other players.


Without either a reward for getting dropped into a WZ that is lost due to the elite abandoning OR consequences to prevent that action - this WZ action will persist


I thought like you did.


Before I spent countless wzs with people who took the cash instead of the recruit gear and join wzs with 20-40 leveling gear.

Before I spent countless wzs with people who start defending our single node after 2 minutes in the game.

Before I spent countless wzs with people who can neither type incomings nor read basic tactics in the chat.

Before I spent countless wzs with people who don't pass the hb, stand to be charged by every single ballcarrier, get an amazing 30k damage with 12 deaths and 0 objective points, who run brainafk after every single red thing on their screen etc etc.

Nowaydays I shrug and know its not worth my time or nerves to play with such people.


Like Theron said, as long as I can not influence the complete setup of my team you should not punish me if I quit because I know from looking at the setup of classes/names/gear how the game will end 20 seconds in the wz starting room already.

Edited by Twor
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