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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dear God....what happened?


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Hi there guys,


I was not playing the game for three months because I was away and even had a hard time finding my security key. Today I finally found it and logged in... I couldnt belive my eyes...the server I am on : Dxun battle circle...almost empty. I was the ONLY person on the republic fleet even on sith fleet. No one was there. I am shaking even as I write this message. What happened? I mean I heard rumors that its bad...but this bad? No one was there...horrible feeling.


Then I went to server section and only a few servers in Europe were online others were locked. Does it mean they are completely empty?


I am thinking of character server transfer but is this even possible? Sorry I was out of the loop for a long time. Does server transfer affect my characters somehow?


Thank you and I am really sorry this happened.

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It's not you - Bioware did soft server merges a couple months ago. You can still transfer your character to any of their pre-selected servers. They will "force" merge you sometime this summer, though.



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Hi there guys,


I was not playing the game for three months because I was away and even had a hard time finding my security key. Today I finally found it and logged in... I couldnt belive my eyes...the server I am on : Dxun battle circle...almost empty. I was the ONLY person on the republic fleet even on sith fleet. No one was there. I am shaking even as I write this message. What happened? I mean I heard rumors that its bad...but this bad? No one was there...horrible feeling.


Then I went to server section and only a few servers in Europe were online others were locked. Does it mean they are completely empty?


I am thinking of character server transfer but is this even possible? Sorry I was out of the loop for a long time. Does server transfer affect my characters somehow?


Thank you and I am really sorry this happened.


Check the character transfer FAQ. And then log into your account (where you pay for example) and move your characters.

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I wouldn't worry about transferring right now. The destination servers are already losing their population.


Lol no, my server's numbers have increased and my guild get five new members a day due to the influx and increasing population, we almost always have two full instances of fleet.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Lol no, my server's numbers have increased and my guild get five new members a day due to the influx and increasing population, we almost always have two full instances of fleet.


At peak, ya. I play on the Bastion and we used to have 3 instances on fleet pretty much all the time. Now we have about 170 (at most, hovers around 120 a lot) on fleet during non peak hours and maybe 2 instances during peak.

Edited by TheRealCandyMan
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I wouldn't worry about transferring right now. The destination servers are already losing their population.


That's comforting... Though the last time I checked out TORStatus, I wouldnt doubt it. The overall change was like -2.something. With most servers being like -0.20 to -0.40...

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Hi there guys,


I was not playing the game for three months because I was away and even had a hard time finding my security key. Today I finally found it and logged in... I couldnt belive my eyes...the server I am on : Dxun battle circle...almost empty. I was the ONLY person on the republic fleet even on sith fleet. No one was there. I am shaking even as I write this message. What happened? I mean I heard rumors that its bad...but this bad? No one was there...horrible feeling.


Then I went to server section and only a few servers in Europe were online others were locked. Does it mean they are completely empty?


I am thinking of character server transfer but is this even possible? Sorry I was out of the loop for a long time. Does server transfer affect my characters somehow?


Thank you and I am really sorry this happened.


MMOs are constantly changing. The first rule when returning to one is to read up on the news and FAQs since you last played. Takes about 30 minutes, saves lots of confusion. Maybe scan the major patch notes as well, unless you are fine with being surprised.

Edited by Andryah
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I never said a lot weren't playing. :rolleyes:


I said they were going down from what they were 1-2 weeks after server transfers.


I agree.


Before the transfers, I never bothered putting green items on the GTN, because they never sold. I stuck to blue and purple items. Then, after the transfers, most of my blue stuff sold within hours, so I started putting green stuff on again. It all sold too. Over the past few weeks, my green items started selling less and less frequently. Now it doesn't sell at all. And, btw, I sell everything at the recommended price.

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Lol no, my server's numbers have increased and my guild get five new members a day due to the influx and increasing population, we almost always have two full instances of fleet.


Ever think why you are getting 5 new members a day? It couldnt be because those people guilds have all quit so they are trying to find another one could it. :eek:.


The only reason the population seems better is because they took all the people on all the servers and pushed them into 23 servers (not counting Australian servers since they didnt get a merge). So server populations did increase but the total players did not. Even the destination servers are getting lower and lower.


You almost always have 2 full fleets :eek:. Let me ask you this, a month ago I bet you always had 2 full fleets :cool:

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The real question is What Dident happen?


and the answer, Bioware did not create a unique game that people want to stick around for, and then they went silent to only feed our distrust and place a bag of anvils on their own game.

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You think people will leave the game depending on what someone says on this forum rather than experiencing it for themselves? :rolleyes:



Sadly, yes. This forum and the newbie forum are filled with quotes like "Should I keep playing?" and "Should I come back?" You'd think you could answer those sorts of questions yourself.

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Sadly, yes. This forum and the newbie forum are filled with quotes like "Should I keep playing?" and "Should I come back?" You'd think you could answer those sorts of questions yourself.


The great majority can and do. You sometimes have a few who seem to be too dependent on what other's think and feel about a game. But the amount of negative posts on these forums have had very, very little impact at all in why so many have unsubbed.


I mean..you can go to WoW's forums and read all kinds of negative posts about that game, yet WoW is doing fine. Sure they lost 1.1 million subs the last quarter..which is only 10% of thier sub base. Which Blizzard did most of that to themselves with the release of D3. :p Lets see what it is after thier next expansion is released. :cool: And on thier forums for years they had a lot of negative posts , even while they were gaining subs. :rolleyes:

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