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There is really nothing left for TOR


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I have noticed ever since the "official" (who did not see it coming?) F2P announcement, the majority of the posts have become very superficial.


The on the fencers have become very silent, the critical players have either left or have given up hope for change to the game, and even the "fanboys" have run out of posts that have even the slightest substance. Hell, even the guy who was taking his time to make an unoffical poll and tally of species the community wanted has disappeared- he was obviously into the game, but even he has left or become a silent onlooker.


There is really nothing left to talk about, no verified upcoming content, no hopes for the future content or additions, and the F2P announcement has left us all hanging. What will F2P really bring to the game? Will it be good, bad, ugly even? Speculation as to what sort of content will cost $ and what will be "free" for subs has dried up at this point, for all anyone knows, BW will charge cartel coins for everything here on out.


Lately the mod Allison has returned to at least make "soon" comments, or noncommital responses to threads, which is nice of her- though after the long silence, im not sure how effective it is for calming players and giving them the hope for the future they need to commit to an MMO type game.


I hope that some form of announcement / timeline for F2P and the actual content it will deliver arrives soon. Personally I am growing wary of the game, and logging in has become a chore, not knowing if the game has a viable future for play really stops me (and im sure others) from clicking the LOGIN button.

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There is verified upcoming content - but no details since the guild summit regarding the content I'm thinking of, and we aren't allowed to discuss it outside its own single thread in Story and Lore.


But I think you are doomsaying, and unecessarily. Actually, we know a lot of what will be added - look at the Community Q&A roundup - just not when.

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EA/BioWare is indeed to secretive on their content, but also that is really nothing new. However, they keep failing to see it hurts them. They need to bring back excitement amongst its players, and not telling them anything is not the way to achieve that.
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  • Dev Post
Hello! We appreciate you taking the time to express your concerns. We do have a thread from our Community Manager regarding plans for increased communication here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=517855 (for those that may not have seen it). Though this thread does have some community commentary, which usually generates unconstructive replies, we will be leaving it open. We do ask that everyone please refrain from personal attacks or off-topic posts.
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But I think you are doomsaying, and unecessarily. Actually, we know a lot of what will be added - look at the Community Q&A roundup - just not when.


I don't find OP's post to be unnecessary doom-saying.


At this point in the game (pun, har har) you don't really have verified information on whats coming until it actually is implemented and playable in game...


And the silence on the timeline for what is supposedly going to be added is continuing to actively harm the game itself.

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F2P won't save this game anymore that its saved other games. Changing the cash charge model doesn't make a bad game good. SWTOR had potential, but that was lost way back right after launch. Bioware failed to complete the game. They failed to balance it. They failed to make decent PvP. They failed to create lasting and meaningful end game. They failed to keep us interested by releasing information about upcoming content and events. F2P won't change that. It won't even affect it.
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You are correct. Nothing left..it is finished. They will bomb out the game before years end. By that time we will all be dead to from the Mayans prediction of doom. It's done....there is nothing left for anyone here. It's a complete wasteland. Nothing will ever happen in this game ever again in our lifetime. Forget it :(
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Levels 1-49 is a Great single player MMO experience.... Warzones are fun and are fairly balanced (as balanced as any mmo can get, probably because there's no pvp expertice gear at this point)... Flashpoints are new and fun..... and the Class stories are really well done....


But once you hit 50 it's a Big "Meh"....


1) Static Linear Dailies

2) Static Linear Operation runs (fun the first several times you do them but after that there really boring) doesn't help that the Story Mode, Hard Mode and Nightmare Modes are all the same, even the loot is the same.....

3) The same Warzones you already played to death through levels 10-49, not to mention the how unbalanced pvp gets when pvp gear becomes a factor

4) Static Linear solo only Space Missions

5) End Game PvP was a bust..... RIP Ilum


Bioware just really missed the mark on the end game.... This is why they lost so many subscribers and why the game is struggling.... I don't see how F2P is going to change that....

Edited by Monoth
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F2P won't save this game anymore that its saved other games.


Because everyone knows that F2P has been a huge failure for every game ever. Oh wait...you're wrong.


I don't much care for F2P myself (it drove me from LOTRO after 4 years). But it's not the exception anymore--it's the rule. Pretending F2P isn't the norm for MMOs is a very dated way of thinking. F2P has been a very lucrative model for many games. Why would a game development company want to make $1,000,000 from 100,000 players and incur the expenses that come with supporting that many players when they can eatn $1,000,000 from 20,000 players and pay for fewer servers, customer service people, etc etc?


The days of looking at F2P as an admission of failure are over. Love it or hate it, F2P or hybrid F2P IS the future of MMOs.

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Because everyone knows that F2P has been a huge failure for every game ever. Oh wait...you're wrong.


I don't much care for F2P myself (it drove me from LOTRO after 4 years). But it's not the exception anymore--it's the rule. Pretending F2P isn't the norm for MMOs is a very dated way of thinking. F2P has been a very lucrative model for many games. Why would a game development company want to make $1,000,000 from 100,000 players and incur the expenses that come with supporting that many players when they can eatn $1,000,000 from 20,000 players and pay for fewer servers, customer service people, etc etc?


The days of looking at F2P as an admission of failure are over. Love it or hate it, F2P or hybrid F2P IS the future of MMOs.


Well until people wake up and realize there spending more money on F2P then they did with a subscription, then you will see a F2P backlash...... This will be expedited when greedy Developers keep pushing the boundaries on how much they can charge for items in the cash shop and how many Pay to Win items they can sell....

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F2P worked for Lotro because it had a strong core game and tons of stuff to do (monster play, music, crafting, cooking, housing, skirmishes, events, horse racing and so on....) and was generally positively received. Lotro's problem was that elves and wizards was already covered by WoW and that many people did not want to buy another fantasy mmo.


F2P did away with that hurdle, and many of those who tried Lotro stuck with it.


Swtor is a different matter - it does not have the amount of variety Lotro has and the community feedback is also horrible. And by now most people have realized that Bioware Austin does not stand for Bioware quality but for EA's money making schemes. Also there is no strong core game, except for the class stories and no amount of variety.

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Well until people wake up and realize there spending more money on F2P then they did with a subscription, then you will see a F2P backlash...... This will be expedited when greedy Developers keep pushing the boundaries on how much they can charge for items in the cash shop and how many Pay to Win items they can sell....


Oh, I didn't mean it to sound like I like F2P. I really don't like what it did to LoTRO: after the introduction of the cash shop they dramatically increased the amount of grind in the game then used the cash shop as a way to limit the grind.


But I do disagree with you on one point: there will never be an F2P backlash. MMO devs will continue to nickel and dime their players into paying more. Because when you think about it, MMOs have ALWAYS been way, waaaaay to cheap for the amount of time that many players invest in them. If I go to the movies with my wife it costs me $22 for tickets for 2 hours of entertainment. MMOs are steal compared to that, and nowadays MMOs cost as much to produce as movies (even relatively "cheap" ones go into the tens of millions). The demand for MMOs is less than the demand for movies, but the demand itself is much less flexible for a large section of consumers. For many of them, they don't mind paying more for something they spend 10 hours+ a week doing. And if they pay more, BW can make the same amount of money from 10,000 people as they did from 20,000, they've increased their revenue because their expenses have gone down.

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I will gladly pay a subscription fee any day for challenging and progressive game content with a communicative developer base. What I will not do is play a F2P game with static and tedious content with little to no developer communication. Honestly, anyone that has played a sub-based game that went F2P will tell you what kind of player F2P brings to the table. BW is going to the F2P community because the game is failing to keep skillful adult players looking for a challenge. There must be a lot more money in marketing to the young unskilled players that have no concept of how game reputations used to actually count for something in a game where social relationships were a necessity to accomplish goals that took more than a couple weeks to complete. IMO, and it's just my opinion, having 'beat' this game within months after release tells me somethings wrong. An MMO where you can go from 0 to max level and never have to interact with other players? Come on now.


Disclosure: I cancelled my sub today. I'm not saying there is a better game out there as I think the gaming industry is missing something about MMO's that a large player base is looking for, but I am among the disappointed MMO fans with SWToR.

Edited by pinkfuzzykoala
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Well until people wake up and realize there spending more money on F2P then they did with a subscription, then you will see a F2P backlash...... This will be expedited when greedy Developers keep pushing the boundaries on how much they can charge for items in the cash shop and how many Pay to Win items they can sell....


This is how I also feel that the F2P will be implemented. First, simple things like armors that are mostly cosmetic. Hopefully it is just cosmetic, who is to say that they will not make some of the cartel coin armor have extra set bonuses?


And then there are the announced "helper buffs". What are they? It sounds like purchasable stat increases. If they are temporary like an adrenal, then that seems fine- but how would a permanent stat increase effect the game "balance"?


Then lastly the new announced "space" missions. More uninspired rail shooting. Will this cost cartel coins to unlock? Will the purchasable space missions also yeild some sort of crafting material, rare drop or other incentive to purchase that gives players an advantage?


I just find myself wondering how far they will go with the cash shop. It seems like a nightmare waiting to happen.


Of course, it is all speculation. But that is what is left in regards to the state of the game. I believe both the unconditional supporters, and the critical eye players are really growing exhausted of not knowing what is to come and not knowing what to think of the future of the game.

Edited by Insomnio
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I for one am looking forward to the F2P model ( although i'm paid through to january) I can now play this game as intended, as a SPRPG, i'll play through what i can, when i can and take my money and spend it somewhere else.
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Because everyone knows that F2P has been a huge failure for every game ever. Oh wait...you're wrong.


I don't much care for F2P myself (it drove me from LOTRO after 4 years). But it's not the exception anymore--it's the rule. Pretending F2P isn't the norm for MMOs is a very dated way of thinking. F2P has been a very lucrative model for many games. Why would a game development company want to make $1,000,000 from 100,000 players and incur the expenses that come with supporting that many players when they can eatn $1,000,000 from 20,000 players and pay for fewer servers, customer service people, etc etc?


The days of looking at F2P as an admission of failure are over. Love it or hate it, F2P or hybrid F2P IS the future of MMOs.


Lucrative does not denote quality though.

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Hello! We appreciate you taking the time to express your concerns. We do have a thread from our Community Manager regarding plans for increased communication here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=517855 (for those that may not have seen it). Though this thread does have some community commentary, which usually generates unconstructive replies, we will be leaving it open. We do ask that everyone please refrain from personal attacks or off-topic posts.


Thank you for being present and not locking the topic, I hope to see this more in the future. I really appreciate this (I am not being sarcastic).

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This is general chat, nothing of significance is ever posted here.


. What will F2P really bring to the game? Will it be good, bad, ugly even? Speculation as to what sort of content will cost $ and what will be "free" for subs has dried up at this point, for all anyone knows, BW will charge cartel coins for everything here on out..

it will bring a lot of people back to the game to potentially resub. Some will some wont. Also way to wildly speculate on what you will be able to buy with cartel coins. The FAQ would indicate a far shade away from "everything".



Well until people wake up and realize there spending more money on F2P then they did with a subscription, then you will see a F2P backlash...... This will be expedited when greedy Developers keep pushing the boundaries on how much they can charge for items in the cash shop and how many Pay to Win items they can sell....

Well I guess it's a good thing that we will still have the option to get everything by subbing then.


I swear people look for problems.



. An MMO where you can go from 0 to max level and never have to interact with other players? Come on now.

Pretty sure this is possible in all MMOs since WoW, how is this a problem? People who want to be social will be, people who don't wont. Options for everyone exist. Stop trying to force your style of play on others and you might start having a better time yourself.

Edited by Jnight
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Oh, I didn't mean it to sound like I like F2P. I really don't like what it did to LoTRO: after the introduction of the cash shop they dramatically increased the amount of grind in the game then used the cash shop as a way to limit the grind.


But I do disagree with you on one point: there will never be an F2P backlash. MMO devs will continue to nickel and dime their players into paying more. Because when you think about it, MMOs have ALWAYS been way, waaaaay to cheap for the amount of time that many players invest in them. If I go to the movies with my wife it costs me $22 for tickets for 2 hours of entertainment. MMOs are steal compared to that, and nowadays MMOs cost as much to produce as movies (even relatively "cheap" ones go into the tens of millions). The demand for MMOs is less than the demand for movies, but the demand itself is much less flexible for a large section of consumers. For many of them, they don't mind paying more for something they spend 10 hours+ a week doing. And if they pay more, BW can make the same amount of money from 10,000 people as they did from 20,000, they've increased their revenue because their expenses have gone down.


I've been playing The Secret World and their cash shop is so unbelievably enticing. Self discipline is very impossible for me lol. I've spent $35 in one week just on the cash shop in TSW. It does work, I will admit that but dammit I do kinda feel like i'm throwing money out the window so easy.


Plus to add to that I'm paying $15 a month over there... Funcom gots me my the balls guys. :(

Edited by DuckKing
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lol with this canceling going on and with gw2 and wow's kung fu panda expansion coming out so soon maybe they should of made this failed game f2p even sooner. By the time those games com out there will be maybe 10 people playing, lol. ;) Have fun to the ones that say the game is "still doing amazingly well".
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this is general chat, nothing of significance is ever posted here.



It will bring a lot of people back to the game to potentially resub. Some will some wont. Also way to wildly speculate on what you will be able to buy with cartel coins. The faq would indicate a far shade away from "everything".




Well i guess it's a good thing that we will still have the option to get everything by subbing then.


I swear people look for problems.




Pretty sure this is possible in all mmos since wow, how is this a problem? People who want to be social will be, people who don't wont. Options for everyone exist. Stop trying to force your style of play on others and you might start having a better time yourself.



all of this ^^^^

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F2P won't save this game anymore that its saved other games. Changing the cash charge model doesn't make a bad game good. SWTOR had potential, but that was lost way back right after launch. Bioware failed to complete the game. They failed to balance it. They failed to make decent PvP. They failed to create lasting and meaningful end game. They failed to keep us interested by releasing information about upcoming content and events. F2P won't change that. It won't even affect it.


Sounds like every single MMO ever made made at launch......and everyone ever to be made. This "perfect MMO" fantasy will never happen same way automobiles are never perfect and we've been producing them for over 100 years. Some noobs live in fantasy land TBQH.

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Sounds like every single MMO ever made made at launch......and everyone ever to be made. This "perfect MMO" fantasy will never happen same way automobiles are never perfect and we've been producing them for over 100 years. Some noobs live in fantasy land TBQH.


Some automobiles we drive and love, and always fondly remember because it drove fast, handled well and to our eyes looked amazing- Even an "outdated" automobile can have qualities and characteristics that make it superior to other new and modern cars.


Too bad this car is going to be remembered as the one that looked good on the showroom, though after driving it for a few months, we realized that it was actually a clunker.

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